Analysis of Weather Factors on Aircraft Cancellation using a Multilayer Complex Network
:1. Introduction
2. Methods and Materials
2.1. Aircraft Cancellation Criteria
2.2. Complex Network
- Determine the threshold value for a time series of nodes, which represents the standard at which the target event occurs.
- At two different nodes A and B, calculate the occurrence time of the target events for each point, and then estimate the time intervals between the events. Select the shortest interval () as the time interval of the target events for calculating event synchronization.
- Identify the events in node B that occur within of the events at node A. If the events occur simultaneously at nodes A and B, they are assigned a weight of 0.5.
- Calculate the event synchronization value between nodes A and B:
2.3. Multilayer Complex Network Analysis
2.4. Network Analysis
2.4.1. Degree Distribution
2.4.2. Rich-Club Coefficient
2.4.3. Clustering Coefficient
2.4.4. Network Assortativity Coefficient
2.4.5. Centrality Analysis
- Calculate an adjacency degree (). The adjacency degree considers the nearest neighbor nodes.
- Calculate a selection probability (). From the viewpoint of information theory, a certain node in a network takes charge of the information source point, and its neighboring nodes are taken as the target points. In the process of information transmission, the source point will select a target point among its neighboring nodes for transmission. The probability that the target nodes are selected is the selection probability. It considers the importance of the selected nodes.
- Calculate an adjacency information entropy (). The adjacency information entropy shows how much importance each node has in the network.
2.5. Study Area and Data Collection
3. Results
3.1. Construction of the Multilayer Complex Network
3.2. Network Analysis of the Multilayer Complex Network
3.2.1. Degree and Strength Distribution
3.2.2. Rich-Club Coefficient
3.2.3. Clustering Coefficient
3.2.4. Network Assortativity Coefficient
3.3. Centrality Analysis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Type | Criteria |
Tropical cyclone | Strong winds or heavy rainfall due to tropical cyclones are expected to reach warning levels. |
Thunder and lighting | Thunder and lightning occur or are expected at the airport. |
Heavy snowfall | Snowfall occurs or is expected to be more than 3 cm/24 h. |
Gust | Gale (10 min mean surface wind speed with 25 kt or more, or gusts with 35 kt or more) occurs or is expected. |
Ceiling | A ceiling occurs or is expected to be at a level below a criterion agreed upon by the local meteorological authority, air traffic services authority, and aircraft operations at the aerodrome. |
Heavy rainfall | Rainfall occurs or is expected to be at 30 mm/h or more, or 50 mm/3 h or more. |
Yellow dust | Yellow dust (1 h mean concentration of fine dust () with more than 400 μg/m3 or visibility less than 5000 m) occurs or is expected. |
When the following phenomena are observed or predicted: (1) Hoar frost or rime, (2) freezing precipitation, (3) frost, (4) blowing sand or dust, (5) dust or sand storm, (6) squall, (7) volcanic ash, (8) hail, (9) volcanic ash deposit, and (10) toxic chemicals. |
Airport | Rainfall (>30 mm/h) | Wind Speed (>25 kt) |
KWJ | 158 | 3 |
KUC | 141 | 25 |
TAE | 121 | 0 |
MWX | 144 | 120 |
PUS | 231 | 76 |
GMP | 160 | 2 |
YNY | 167 | 2 |
RSU | 196 | 338 |
USN | 146 | 2 |
WJU | 140 | 0 |
CJU | 169 | 50 |
HIN | 214 | 0 |
CJJ | 149 | 0 |
KPO | 137 | 4 |
Rainfall | Wind Speed | Aircraft | ||||||
Node | Adjacency Information Entropy | Rank | Node | Adjacency Information Entropy | Rank | Node | Adjacency Information Entropy | Rank |
KWJ | 3.605 | 5 | KWJ | 2.664 | 6 | KWJ | 1.083 | 4 |
KUV | 3.626 | 1 | KUV | 3.094 | 1 | KUV | 0.000 | 12 |
TAE | 3.607 | 4 | TAE | 0.000 | 11 | TAE | 0.148 | 11 |
MWX | 3.584 | 9 | MWX | 3.012 | 4 | MWX | 0.766 | 7 |
PUS | 3.591 | 7 | PUS | 3.068 | 2 | PUS | 1.059 | 5 |
GMP | 3.557 | 12 | GMP | 2.455 | 7 | GMP | 1.587 | 3 |
YNY | 3.615 | 2 | YNY | 2.282 | 10 | YNY | 1.660 | 2 |
RSU | 3.581 | 11 | RSU | 2.853 | 5 | RSU | 0.728 | 8 |
USN | 3.583 | 10 | USN | 2.389 | 9 | USN | 0.594 | 10 |
WJU | 3.546 | 14 | WJU | 0.000 | 11 | WJU | 0.000 | 12 |
CJU | 3.552 | 13 | CJU | 3.048 | 3 | CJU | 2.002 | 1 |
HIN | 3.604 | 6 | HIN | 0.000 | 11 | HIN | 1.036 | 6 |
CJJ | 3.614 | 3 | CJJ | 0.000 | 11 | CJJ | 0.000 | 12 |
KPO | 3.586 | 8 | KPO | 2.439 | 8 | KPO | 0.7226 | 9 |
Layer | Node | Adjacency Information Entropy | Rank |
Rainfall | KWJ | 3.701 | 9 |
KUV | 1.872 | 26 | |
TAE | 2.766 | 20 | |
MWX | 3.728 | 7 | |
PUS | 3.274 | 12 | |
GMP | 3.696 | 10 | |
YNY | 2.879 | 18 | |
RSU | 3.062 | 16 | |
USN | 3.969 | 5 | |
WJU | 4.544 | 3 | |
CJU | 2.853 | 19 | |
HIN | 2.357 | 25 | |
CJJ | 2.475 | 23 | |
KPO | 2.735 | 21 | |
Wind speed | KWJ | 3.115 | 14 |
KUV | 0.074 | 42 | |
TAE | 0.527 | 35 | |
MWX | 4.152 | 4 | |
PUS | 3.708 | 8 | |
GMP | 3.070 | 15 | |
YNY | 2.970 | 17 | |
RSU | 3.641 | 11 | |
USN | 2.359 | 24 | |
WJU | 0.377 | 38 | |
CJU | 3.876 | 6 | |
HIN | 0.514 | 36 | |
CJJ | 0.413 | 37 | |
KPO | 2.511 | 22 | |
Aircraft | KWJ | 1.561 | 27 |
KUV | 0.285 | 39 | |
TAE | 1.033 | 33 | |
MWX | 1.533 | 29 | |
PUS | 1.033 | 34 | |
GMP | 4.842 | 2 | |
YNY | 3.173 | 13 | |
RSU | 1.145 | 30 | |
USN | 1.533 | 28 | |
WJU | 0.285 | 40 | |
CJU | 4.890 | 1 | |
HIN | 1.145 | 31 | |
CJJ | 0.285 | 41 | |
KPO | 1.145 | 32 |
Node | Correlation |
KWJ | 0.078 |
KUV | 0.001 |
MWX | 0.129 |
PUS | 0.150 |
GMP | 0.024 |
YNY | −0.003 |
RSU | 0.191 |
USN | 0.007 |
CJU | 0.357 |
KPO | 0.317 |
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Share and Cite
Kim, K.; Lee, H.; Lee, M.; Bae, Y.H.; Kim, H.S.; Kim, S. Analysis of Weather Factors on Aircraft Cancellation using a Multilayer Complex Network. Entropy 2023, 25, 1209.
Kim K, Lee H, Lee M, Bae YH, Kim HS, Kim S. Analysis of Weather Factors on Aircraft Cancellation using a Multilayer Complex Network. Entropy. 2023; 25(8):1209.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKim, Kyunghun, Hoyong Lee, Myungjin Lee, Young Hye Bae, Hung Soo Kim, and Soojun Kim. 2023. "Analysis of Weather Factors on Aircraft Cancellation using a Multilayer Complex Network" Entropy 25, no. 8: 1209.
APA StyleKim, K., Lee, H., Lee, M., Bae, Y. H., Kim, H. S., & Kim, S. (2023). Analysis of Weather Factors on Aircraft Cancellation using a Multilayer Complex Network. Entropy, 25(8), 1209.