Spermatozoan Metabolism as a Non-Traditional Model for the Study of Huntington’s Disease
Round 1
Reviewer 1 Report
This review addresses the HD pathway in neuronal and sperm metabolism, including relevant gene and protein expression in both neurons and spermatozoa, indicated in the pathogenesis of HD. This review also aims to explore the comparative role of zinc in both neuronal and sperm function.
Figures and tables are clear and explanatory. The bibliography is very extensive (189 references) and analyzes all the literature on the subject.
Author Response
We thank the reviewer for their positive feedback. We performed English syntax and spellcheck corrections where necessary to improve the comprehensibility of the MS. We have also expanded table 3 so it is more consistent with table 2.
Reviewer 2 Report
Dear Authors,
I found this to be a very excellent work which provides a lot of valuable information. I have no specific objections except for one word "neurogenerative" used in the abstract and introduction (line 14 and 35). I would like to know if this is intentional or just a typo? If intentional I would like to know why? Especially since further on in the text the authors use the correct term "neurodegenerative" to refer to Huntington's disease (e.g. line 76 or 250).
Author Response
We thank the reviewer for their recognition and positive feedback. The word “neurogenerative” was indeed a typographical error. We corrected it in both the abstract and introduction. We also performed English syntax and spellcheck corrections where necessary to improve the comprehensibility of the MS. We have also expanded table 3 so it is more consistent with table 2.