Detecting and Mitigating Attacks on GPS Devices
:1. Introduction
2. Existing Surveys
3. GNSS Overview
3.1. GPS System
3.2. Other GNSS Systems
3.3. GNSS Performance Expectations
- represents clock errors;
- and represents atmospheric effects of the ionosophere and troposphere;
- represents errors introduced by Earth’s tidal cycles;
- represents errors introduced by multipath propagation;
- represents relativistic errors;
- represents all other unmodeled error sources [31].
- is the phase of the receiver;
- is the phase of the received satellite signal;
- is the ambuiguity between the satellite and receiver.
GPS Performance
4. Factors Contributing to GPS-Denied or GPS-Disrupted Environments
4.1. Propagation-Induced GPS Degradation
4.2. GPS Jamming and Unintentional Interference
4.3. GPS Spoofing
5. Detection Techniques and Their Comparison
5.1. GPS Jamming Detection
5.1.1. Signal Statistics-Based Methods for Jamming Detection
5.1.2. Antenna Array-Based Methods for Jamming Detection
5.1.3. ML-Based Methods for Jamming Detection
5.2. GPS Spoofing Detection
6. Countermeasures and Their Comparison
6.1. Countermeasures for GPS Jamming
6.1.1. Antenna-Based Approaches
6.1.2. Signal Processing Approaches
6.2. Countermeasures for Spoofing
6.3. Countermeasures for GPS-Denied Environment—Alternate Positioning
6.3.1. IMU-Based Approaches
6.3.2. Landmark-Based Approaches
6.3.3. Star Tracker-Based Approaches
6.3.4. Satellite-Based Approaches
6.3.5. SLAM Approaches
- (1)
- (2)
- (3)
6.3.6. Generalized Vision Approaches
7. Research Gaps, Challenges, and Future Research Directions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Survey Paper | Topics Covered | Specific Topics | ||||
Attacks | Detection | Mitigations | GPS Spoofing | GPS Jamming | Alternative (Non-GNSS) Positioning and Navigation | |
[1] | X | X | X | X | ||
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Our paper | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Survey Paper | Type of Survey | Alternate Positioning and Navigation Methods Discussed in the Survey | ||||||||
Technical Approaches | Performance Analysis | Research Directions | RF-Based | Visual | Visual SLAM | Lidar-SLAM | Algorithm Evaluation | AI/ML Applications | IMU | |
[11] | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
[12] | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
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This paper | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Authors | Reference | Type of Results | Scenario/Conditions Considered | Factors Considered | General Conclusions of Accuracy |
U. Engel | [34] | Theoretical | Various | Clock error, orbit error, refraction, multipath, code-tracking error | Position accuracy: 5–30 m |
M. Rychlicki et al. | [35] | Experimental | Open stationary, open mobile, urban stationary | Variability across GPS receivers | HDOP: 0.7–1.2 VDOP: 0.9–1.6 |
J. Salas and M. Torroja | [36] | Experimental | Open stationary, open mobile | Variability across GPS receivers | Position accuracy: 0–4 m |
M. Modsching et al. | [37] | Experimental | Urban stationery | Variability across GPS receivers | Position accuracy: <28 m for 95% of the time |
P. Misra et al. | [38] | Theoretical, experimental | Various | Geometry, number of satellites, ranging errors, types of receiver signal processing and hardware | Position accuracy: 0.01–30 m |
R. Conley | [39] | Theoretical | Various | Location on Earth, various error sources | Variable: centimeters to 10’s of meters |
J. Spilker Jr. | [40] | Theoretical | Various | Various | Position accuracy: <10 m |
D. Skournetou and E. Lohan | [41] | Theoretical | Open | Single vs. multi-frequency receivers | Ranging accuracy: 10–100 m |
K. Merry and P. Bettinger | [42] | Experimental | Urban stationery | Multipath propagation | Position accuracy: 7–13 m |
K. Chiang et al. | [43] | Theoretical, Experimental | Urban stationary, urban mobile | Multipath propagation | Position accuracy: <5 m |
A. Hussain et al. | [28] | Theoretical | Urban stationary, urban mobile | Multipath propagation | N/A—Focus on detection and acquisition of GPS signals |
GPS Degradation Factor | Summary | Difficulty of Implementation | Required Expertise | Likelihood | Effect | Scope of Effect | Possible Ramification |
Multipath Fading/Shadowing | Complex urban environment degrading GPS reception | N/A—natural condition | N/A—natural condition | High | Performance degradation or total GPS signal loss | Localized to urban centers | GPS-based navigation is not possible or causes crashes or impacts due to position error |
Unintentional interference | Unintended emissions in GPS frequency bands | N/A—unintended action | N/A—unintended action | High | Performance degradation or total GPS signal loss | Localized to sources of interference | GPS-based navigation is not possible or causes crash or impact due to position error |
Jamming | Intentional emissions in GPS frequency bands | Very low—can be implemented with low and no-cost commercial hardware and software | Low—basic SDR, RF hardware, and software development expertise or low-cost commercial jammer | High | Performance degradation or total GPS signal loss | Localized-to-wide area of effect | GPS-based navigation is not possible or causes crashes or impacts due to position error |
Spoofing | Intentional broadcast of falsified GPS signal | Very low—low and no-cost commercial hardware and software | Low—basic SDR, RF hardware, and software expertise | High | GPS receiver reports an incorrect position | Localized-to-wide area of effect | Vehicle under spoofer control—could lead to loss of property or life |
Location | AWGN Wideband | Narrowband Single-Tone | Chirp | CDMA | Other |
Site 1 | 16.2 | 9.3 | 0.5 | 0.1 | 0.7 |
Site 4 | 37.3 | 4.8 | 1.2 | 0.8 | 0.5 |
Site 5 | 12.0 | 11.9 | 13.5 | 1.5 | 7.1 |
Site 7 | 12.9 | 43.1 | 2.8 | 1.1 | 1.8 |
Site 8 | 124.2 | 131.2 | 73.8 | 8.3 | 28.2 |
Site 9 | 10.0 | 3.7 | 3.5 | 0.5 | 11.0 |
Site 10 | 42.9 | 23.3 | 38.0 | 3.7 | 23.3 |
Authors | Reference | Difficulty of Implementation | Type of System | RF Hardware Platform | Signal Generation Environment |
Farlik et al. | [48] | Low | Commercial | Commercial GPS Jammer | Commercial GPS Jammer |
Saputro et al. | [50] | Low | SDR-based | BladeRF x40 | GNU Radio |
Ferreria et al. | [49] | Low | SDR-based | BladeRF x40 | GNU Radio |
Karpe and Kulkarni | [51] | Low | SDR-based | Unknown | GNU Radio |
R. Ferreira et al. | [52] | Low | SDR-based | BladeRF x40 | GNU Radio |
Type of Jamming | Resulting BER (%) |
Pulse Jamming | 4–8% |
CW Jamming | 18% |
Barrage Noise Jamming | 14% |
Swept PBN Jamming | 2–4% |
Authors | Reference | Difficulty of Implementation | Type of System | RF Hardware Platform | Signal Generation Environment |
Satyanarayana et al. | [62] | Low | SDR | HackRF One | GPS-SDR-SIM GPS |
Ueki et al. | [63] | Low | SDR | BladeRF x40 | GPS-SDR-SIM GPS |
Saputro et al. | [50] | Low | SDR | BladeRF X40 | GPS-SDR-SIM GPS |
Songala et al. | [64] | Low | SDR | HackRF One | GPS-SDR-SIM GPS |
Karpe and Kulkarni | [51] | Low | SDR-based | Unknown | GNU Radio |
Type of Approach | Underlying Concept | Strengths | Key Open Research Questions |
Signal Statistics-based | Monitor received signal attributes and attribute changes in statistical properties to jammer | Simple to implement, based on easily observable parameters | How will these approaches work in complex propagation environments? |
Antenna-based | Utilize antenna array to measure aspects of signal to discern between authentic signals and jammer signals | Ability to jointly detect and mitigate interference | Can antenna arrays be made sufficiently simple to be viable for small platforms? |
Learning-based | Fuse attributes of GPS signal, jammer signal, and GPS receiver into predictive ML model | Among the best performing approaches in open literature | Can ML models be sufficiently optimized to run on small platforms with limited computational capability? |
Type of Approach | General Idea | Strengths | Key Open Research Questions |
ML-based | Use measurable features of GPS signal, spoofed signal, and GPS receiver to train an ML model for future predictions on future data based on those same features. | Based on easily observable parameters. Demonstrated good performance. | Can ML models be sufficiently optimized to run on small platforms with limited computational capability? |
Antenna/DOA-based | Utilize antenna array to measure aspects of signal to discern between authentic signals and spoofed signals. | Based on easily observable parameters, few computational requirements. Demonstrated good performance. | Can antenna arrays be made sufficiently simple to be viable for small platforms? |
Movement tracking-based | Use the movement history of the platform to identify anomalies and outliers in position estimates. | Simple to implement, few computational requirements. Demonstrated good performance. | How will these approaches work for complex flight paths? |
Authors | Reference | Chosen Features Summary | ML Model | Performance Metrics | Achieved Performance |
A. Gasimova et al. | [73] | C/No, Various correlator values, Prompt Quadrature Component, Carrier Doppler, Pseudo-Range (PR), Receiver Time, Time of Week, Carrier Phase Cycles, SVN | Ensemble: Stacking | Accuracy Prob Detection Prob Misdetection Prob False Alarm | >95% >99% ~0.5% ~0.1% |
C. Titouna and F. Abdelleselam | [74] | SVN, SNR, PR, Doppler Shift, Current Position, Previous Position, Neighbor Position (Swarm) | Bayesian Network | Precision Recall Area under ROC | >90% >85% 0.962 |
P. Jiang et al. | [75] | Speed, Direction | Recurrent Neural Network | Detection Rate False Alarm Rate | >85% <6% |
S. Zuo et al. | [76] | SVN, PR, Doppler Shift, Carrier Phase Frequency Shift, SNR | Isolated Forest | Accuracy | >95% |
M. Manesh et al. | [77] | SVN, Carrier Phase, PR, Doppler Shift, SNR | Neural Network | Accuracy Prob Detection Prob False Alarm | ~100% ~100% ~0% |
T. Khoei et al. | [78] | SVN, Doppler Shift, PR, Receiver Time, Carrier Phase Shift, Various Correlator values, Prompt In-Phase, Prompt Quadrature, Carrier Doppler, SNR | Ensemble: 10 ML models dynamically selected | Accuracy Prob Detection Prob False Alarm Prob Misdetection Processing Time | 99.6% 98.9% 1.56% 1.09% 1.24% |
M. Nayfeh et al. | [79] | Position, Time, Altitude, GPS speed, Type of GNSS fix, HDOP, VDOP, GPS Noise, Jamming State, Velocity, Number of Satellites, Heading, Timestamp | Decision Tree | Detection Rate Misdetection Rate False Alarm Rate | 92% 13% 4% |
G. Aissou et al. | [80] | PRN, DO, C/No, Others (Total of 11 Features) | Decision Tree (XGBoost) | Accuracy Prob Detection Prob Misdetection Prob False Alarm | 95.5% 95.4% 4.6% 4.3% |
S. Semanjski et al. | [81] | C/No, PR, Carrier Doppler, Others (Total of 11 Features) | SVM | Accuracy Prob Misdetection Prob False Alarm | 97.8% 7.6% 1.5% |
X. Wie et al. | [82] | Magnetometer X-Axis, Mean GPS Altitude, Mean Latitude (Total of 21 Features) | RF, XGBoost | Accuracy Precision Recall F1 | 99.69% 98.76–99.07% 99.38–99.69% 99.22% |
X. Wie et al. | [83] | Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Speed (Horizontal and Vertical), Roll, Pitch, Yaw, Roll Rate, Pitch Rate, Yaw Rate, Vertical Acceleration | SVM, KNN, RF, GBDT, DT, MLP, XGBoost | Accuracy Precision Recall Missing Mistake F1 | 97.70% 98.70% 96.76% 3.24% 1.32% 97.72% |
Author | Reference | Type of Proposed Approach | Antenna Technology | Measured Attributes |
S. Ni et al. | [71] | Detection Algorithm Adaptation Algorithm | Generic array | Carrier Phase |
N. Rezazadeh et al. | [101] | Antenna Design | Multimode microstrip | N/A |
Y. Zheng et al. | [102] | Antenna Design | Planar array with annular ring array elements | N/A |
V. Obi et al. | [103] | Antenna Design | Planar array with dipole array elements | N/A |
L. Dan et al. | [104] | Adaptation Algorithm | Generic array | Delay estimation, C/A correlation |
M. Jayaweera et al. | [88] | Detection Algorithm Adaptation Algorithm Antenna Design | Microstrip patch | Carrier Phase |
B. Hao et al. | [105] | Antenna Design Adaptation Algorithm | Dual-polarized Ellipsoid array | Power, polarization mismatch |
Author | Reference | Technical Approach | Jamming Threats Addressed |
Y. Chien | [106] | Adaptive Notch Filter (ANF) | CW interference |
M. Abbasi et al. | [107] | ANF combined with neural network | CW interference |
S. Kim et al. | [108] | Transversal Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter | Chirp jamming |
S. Arif et al. | [68] | Complex Adaptive Notch Filter (CANF) | CW interference |
Positioning Method | Hardware Requirement | Advantages | Disadvantages | Level of Research Activity |
GPS | GPS receiver |
Receiver-based GPS Performance Improvement | RF hardware (e.g., antenna) |
RF Landmark | RF receiver |
Visual Landmark | Camera |
Star Tracker | Star tracker |
Alternate GNSS | GNSS receiver |
Mega LEO Constellation | RF receiver |
LIDAR SLAM | LIDAR transceiver |
Visual SLAM | Camera |
Generalized Vision | Camera |
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Burbank, J.; Greene, T.; Kaabouch, N. Detecting and Mitigating Attacks on GPS Devices. Sensors 2024, 24, 5529.
Burbank J, Greene T, Kaabouch N. Detecting and Mitigating Attacks on GPS Devices. Sensors. 2024; 24(17):5529.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBurbank, Jack, Trevor Greene, and Naima Kaabouch. 2024. "Detecting and Mitigating Attacks on GPS Devices" Sensors 24, no. 17: 5529.
APA StyleBurbank, J., Greene, T., & Kaabouch, N. (2024). Detecting and Mitigating Attacks on GPS Devices. Sensors, 24(17), 5529.