3.1. Sample Selection
The data used in this paper is compiled from various sources; bank-level balance sheets, income statements, and accounting data are obtained from the Bankscope database provided by Bureau van Dijk Electronic Publishing, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Data for trade openness and macroeconomic variables are obtained from the World Development Indicators (WDI) of World Bank. Data for the structure of the banking industry are downloaded from the Financial Development database of the World Bank. Data for country-level governance variables are obtained from the World Governance Indicators of
Kaufmann et al. (
2011). Data for financial openness are collected from
Chinn and Ito (
Table A1 lists the variables, variable definitions, and their data sources briefly.
Since the main objective of this study is to examine the impact of trade openness on bank risk-taking, we carefully selected the countries and banks to include in our study sample.
We selected a sample of emerging economies. Christine Lagarde (the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, 4 February 2016) defined emerging economies as a group of around 30 to 50 countries that are in a transition phase; not too poor, not too rich, and not too closed to foreign capital, with regulatory and financial systems that have yet to fully mature. Emerging economies have experienced rapid trade openness since the establishment of World Trade Organization in 1995 and offer a natural laboratory for our study. For example, the exports of emerging economies increased at an annual rate of 8% over the period from 2000 to 2012, while the share in the total world trade of these countries increased from 28% to 43% over the same period. Another reason that we focus only on emerging countries is that
Henry (
2007) suggests that including both developed and emerging countries in the same sample for examining the impact of openness on real variables can lead to misleading conclusions. Since the trade of emerging economies has been largely steady after 2012 (
IMF 2015), we restrict our sample from 1998 to 2012. Different classifications are available for emerging market countries, such as the emerging markets classification by the Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE), London, UK; the list of emerging countries by the Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), Bilbao, Spain; and the emerging markets indexed in Emerging Markets Bond Index Global (EMBI Global) by J.P. Morgan, New York, NY, USA. We included 37 emerging market economies in our sample, which appear in most of these classifications.
Table 1 lists the 37 countries included in the sample.
We downloaded accounting data for all active and inactive commercial, savings, and cooperative banks in the 37 sample countries over the period from 1998 to 2012 from the Bankscope database. The inclusion of inactive banks eliminates any survival bias in the data. For sample countries, the number of banks operating in different countries is different. Higher numbers of banks from some countries while the lower from others, can bias results in econometric analysis. Therefore, to get an equal representation, we included a maximum of 10 large banks from each country.
Table 1 reports the number of banks and the total yearly bank observations per country.
Finally, we collected data of trade openness and other country-level control variables and linked bank-level annual data with country-level annual data. The final dataset consists of 3110 annual observations of 287 banks from 37 emerging economies over the period from 1998 to 2012.
3.2. Methodology and Variables
To examine the impact of trade openness on bank risk-taking, we specify the following panel model:
j, and
t subscripts represent the bank, country, and year, respectively.
Y is the dependent variable and represents bank risk-taking.
αi is a constant-term.
Trade Openness is the main independent variable.
is a set of bank-level control variables.
is a set of banking industry-level control variables.
is a set of country-level control variables.
Dt is a dummy variable representing year fixed-effects and control for global business cycles.
ui represents the fixed effect of bank
I, and
Ɛi,j,t is an idiosyncratic error term. We used pooled and random-effects panel regression methods to estimate Equation (1). These models offer the advantage of taking into account cross-country as well as over-time variations in openness variables.
Following the recent literature (
Houston et al. 2010;
Ashraf et al. 2016;
Laeven and Levine 2009), we measure bank risk-taking with three alternative proxies; Z-score, σ(ROA), and σ(NIM). Z-score is calculated by −1 × log[(ROA+CAR)/σ(ROA)], where ROA is equal to the annual return on assets before loan loss provisions and taxes, CAR is equal to the annual equity to total assets ratio, and σ(ROA) is equal to standard deviation of the annual values of return on assets before loan loss provisions and taxes calculated over three-year overlapping periods starting in 1998 and ending in 2012 (e.g., 1998 to 2000, 1999 to 2001, and so on). The Z-score measures the distance from the mean value by which the bank returns have to fall to deplete all shareholders’ equity and thus represents the probability of bank default. Recent academic evidence shows that the Z-score defines bank risk on the domain of all real numbers and is an ideal bank risk proxy to use as dependent variable in regressions (
Lepetit and Strobel 2015). σ(NIM) is the standard deviation of the annual values of the net interest margin ratio, calculated over three-year overlapping periods (i.e., 1998 to 2000, 1999 to 2001, and so on). σ(NIM) measures the volatility in bank interest income and represents the bank’s risk-taking in lending activities. σ(ROA) is the standard deviation of the annual values of return on assets before loan loss provisions and taxes, also calculated over three-year overlapping periods (i.e., 1998 to 2000, 1999 to 2001, and so on). σ(ROA) measures the volatility in the bank’s total operating income and represents the overall operating risk of a bank. Due to the three-year overlapping window used for calculating all three proxies of bank risk, the effective sample period for the empirical analysis starts from 2000. Further, since we use a three-year overlapping window, a bank is only included in the sample if its data is available for at least three consecutive years over the sample period.
Trade openness is the main independent variable and is measured with ‘total trade to GDP ratio’. Specifically, Trade openness = (exports + imports)/GDP, where exports, imports, and GDP are all measured in annual current US dollars. Several recent studies have used ‘total trade to GDP ratio’ to measure trade openness (
Baltagi et al. 2009;
Do and Levchenko 2004;
Huang and Temple 2005). Representing trade openness with this ratio has the advantage of clear measurement (
Kim et al. 2010).
Bank level control variables include Bank Size, Bank Growth, Loan Loss Provisions, and Non Interest Income. Bank Size equals logarithm of the bank’s annual total assets. Bank Growth is measured with the year-on-year growth of the bank’s total assets. Loan Loss Provisions is measured with the annual loan loss provisions to total assets ratio. Non Interest Income is measured with the annual non-interest income to total gross revenues ratio. All bank-level variables are measured at the end of the fiscal year.
Banking industry-level control variables include Industry Concentration, Capital Stringency Index, Activity Restrictions, and Explicit Deposit Insurance. The structure of the banking industry might have a significant influence on the risk-taking behavior of individual banks (
Boyd and De Nicolo 2005;
Martinez-Miera and Repullo 2010). Therefore, we include the banking industry structure variable, Industry Concentration, in all empirical models. Industry Concentration is measured as the sum of annual assets of three largest banks as a percentage of total assets of all banks in a country. As bank failures have negative externalities and can cost huge amounts of tax-payer funds, different regulations are used to ensure bank stability. Of these, the most important are regulatory capital requirements, activity restrictions, and explicit deposit insurance. However, these regulations are heterogeneous across countries and are likely to cause variation in cross-country bank practices, including risk-taking behavior (
Ashraf and Arshad 2017;
Ashraf 2016;
Ashraf and Zheng 2015;
Zheng and Ashraf 2014;
Zheng et al. 2017). We include variables in Equation (1) to control for these effects. The Capital Stringency Index measures whether risk-based minimum capital requirements are imposed on banks in a country and whether these requirements are in line with the guidelines of the Basel accords. The values of this index range from 0 to 10, where higher values indicate more stringent capital requirements in a country and vice versa. The Activity Restrictions variable represents the restrictions on banks to not participate in non-lending activities such as securities, insurance, real estate activities, or owning other firms. This index ranges from 4 to 16, where higher values indicate higher activity restrictions and vice versa. Explicit Deposit Insurance is a dummy variable and equals 1 if a country has explicit deposit insurance and 0 otherwise.
Country-level control variables include GDP Per Capita (log), GDP Growth, Inflation, Stock Market Capitalization, Rule of Law, Financial Openness, and Financial Crisis. Since macroeconomic conditions may have a strong impact on within as well as cross-country variation in bank risk-taking (
Ali and Daly 2010;
Bouvatier et al. 2014;
Castro 2013;
Chaibi and Ftiti 2015;
Festić et al. 2011), we use three variables, GDP Per Capita (log), GDP Growth, and Inflation, to control for variation in macroeconomic conditions. GDP Per Capita (log) is measured as the natural logarithm of the annual gross domestic product per capita, measured in current US dollars. GDP Growth measures year-on-year percentage growth in the gross domestic product. Inflation equals the percentage change in annual average consumer prices.
Recent studies find that legal institutions have a strong influence on bank risk-taking behavior (
Cole and Turk 2013;
Houston et al. 2010). To control for this effect, we include the Rule of Law variable in our model. The Rule of Law measures the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules of society, the quality of contract enforcement, the police, and the courts and the likelihood of crime and violence.
The level of stock market development is an alternative form of financial development and can affect bank risk-taking behavior (
Vithessonthi 2014). Openness may impact stock market development. For example,
Lim and Kim (
2011) find that higher trade openness is associated with higher informational efficiency of emerging stock markets. The Stock Market Capitalization variable is included to control for the level of stock market development in a country. Stock Market Capitalization equals the annual market capitalization of the listed companies to GDP ratio.
Another aspect of openness is financial openness, which can affect bank risk-taking significantly (
Bourgain et al. 2012;
Cubillas and González 2014). We use the Kaopen index developed by
Chinn and Ito (
2008) to control for the level of financial openness of the sample countries. The Kaopen index measures the extent of openness in capital account transactions based on information from the IMF’s Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions (AREAER). Four dummy variables codify the restrictions on current account transactions, the restrictions on capital account transactions, the presence of multiple exchange rates, and the requirement for the surrender of export proceeds. Each dummy variable takes a value equal to 1 if a particular capital account restriction is nonexistent.
Chinn and Ito (
2008) drive the first principle component of these four binary variables and use it as their Kaopen index. Higher values of the Kaopen index represent higher openness to cross-border capital transactions and vice versa. We rename the Kaopen index as Financial Openness for this study.
Finally, changes can occur in bank behavior during a financial crisis situation (
Ashraf et al. 2016); therefore we generated a dummy variable, Financial Crisis, to include in all models. Financial Crisis equals 1 if a country is categorized as in a financial crisis situation by
Laeven and Valencia’s (
2013) financial crisis database and 0 otherwise.