An Approach to Environmental Criteria in Public Procurement for the Renovation of Buildings in Spain
:1. Introduction
1.1. Green Public Procurement for Building Renovation (GPPBR) in the EU
1.2. Green Public Procurement in Building Renovation (GPPBR) in Spain
- The Law on Public Sector Contracts (LPSC) [23], which refers to the possible consideration of environmental measures in technical prescriptions and award criteria. It states that the evaluation of the best value for money can include environmental factors. It also refers to life cycle cost (LCC) as a means of assessing the best cost-effectiveness. It also considers environmental labels as a means for testing.
- The Draft Law on climate change and energy transition [24], which promotes and allows an efficient use of energy from renewable sources in the area of energy efficiency and building renovation.
- The Ecological Public Procurement Plan (2018–2025) [17]. It refers to the GPP criteria set by the European Commission, highlighting the carbon footprint reduction.
- The Draft for National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan 2021–2030 [25], with measures aimed at reducing primary energy consumption and promoting renewable energies. It provides for energy renovation over 3% of the built-up area in public buildings of the General State Administration, and at least 3% of the buildings of regional and local administrations.
- The Draft for the Long-term Decarbonization Strategy 2050 [26], which estimates that, for that time frame, 80% of the built stock will be made up of buildings already built. For this reason, the actions on the existing building are prioritized. On the other hand, most of new buildings (representing the remaining 20%) will have nearly zero energy consumption.
- The Circular Economy Strategy [27], which considers building sector and building renovation with own relevance in the materials cycle, climate change, resilience and local economy, among others. It also has a high level of improvement concerning treatment of construction and demolition waste (CDW) and optimization of resources used.
- The Long-term Strategy recently updated for energy renovation in the building sector in Spain. It includes the need to provide policies and actions in all public buildings [19].
- The Royal Decree, which modifies the Basic Document on Energy Saving from the Technical Building Code (TBC) [28], which includes basic requirements related to: restriction of energy consumption, conditions for the control of energy demand, conditions of thermal and lighting installations, minimum contribution of renewable energy to cover the demand for sanitary hot water and minimize electrical power. Currently, it requires revision to introduce the requirement of charging points for electric vehicles.
- The PAREER program [29], to encourage energy renovation of buildings so as to improve the energy rating.
1.3. Objective of the Article
2. Methodology
3. Results. How is GPP Implemented in Spain?
3.1. Regional Administration Papers
- Climate change laws: whereas Spanish climate change law is still to be approved [24], three regions have previously approved own laws Illes Balears in 2019 [37], Andalucía in 2018 [38] and Catalunya in 2017 [39]. Likewise, Islas Canarias, the Comunidad de Madrid and the Comunitat Valenciana are still drafting respective laws on climate change and energy/ecological transition.
- Laws, strategies and plans for energy saving and efficiency in public buildings: in general, all regions, as well as the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, have implemented actions to improve the energy efficiency in public buildings. The National Plan describes the latter [21], although it is worth highlighting regional plans with comprehensive objectives for public buildings and public facilities, as well as specific measures to include in procurement documents; it is worth mentioning the Energy Sustainability Law of the País Vasco, which binds public administrations to improve energy efficiency and use renewables in buildings [40], and additionally, the plan of Catalunya during the period 2018–2022 [41], the plan of the Comunidad de Madrid, approved in 2017 [42], the plan of the Comunitat Valenciana in 2016 [43], and the plan of Navarra [44]. On the other hand, strategies indicate lines of action with an impact on public contractual measures. The most recent ones include the Euskadi 2030 Energy Strategy [45] and that of Extremadura, for public regional administration buildings [46].
- Circular economy and waste regulations: as in energy matters, these documents also mention constructing sector and even public procurement; for its current interest, it is worth mentioning the Extremadura 2030 Green and Circular Economy Strategy [47], as well as strategies for the circular economy of Galicia, País Vasco, Aragón, and Navarra [48,49,50,51], all of them with targets set for 2030. Furthermore, the Circular Economy Law of Castilla-La Mancha [52], the first region to legislate circular economy [53], deserves special attention. Additionally, Andalucía and Islas Canarias are currently drawing up own laws. In addition, regional waste regulations also contain actions to manage the waste stream from public buildings; that is the case of the Comunidad de Madrid Waste Strategy [54], which has also developed the MADRID7R Circular Economy platform [55] and the Cantabria Waste Plan [56].
- Model specifications for specific administrative clauses recommended by the Consultative Board for Administrative Contracting of the Comunidad de Madrid [57], with references to the inclusion of mandatory environmental clauses.
- The 2020 “General Guide on Aspects Related to Environmental Protection”, developed by the Comunidad de Madrid [60]. In this paper, information is provided on obligations in force in this regard. The latter are included in the specifications for public contracts.
- The guide “Frequently Asked Questions and Quick Answers for Responsible Public Procurement”, 2017, from the Comunidad de Madrid [61]. It is a general paper with a practical purpose, which helps the contracting body prepare specifications. Along with interesting strategies to achieve the objectives pursued, it also offers environmental considerations illustrated with success stories.
- The “Guide for Including Social and Environmental Clauses in Contracting”, by the Junta de Andalucía, 2016 [62]. This paper contains mandatory clauses and others recommended as an example for any type of contract.
- The 2018 “Practical Guide for Including Social and Environmental Responsibility Clauses in Administrative Contracting”, from the Principado de Asturias [63]. It is a general guide that considers water saving, materials, energy and recycled materials as potential environmental clauses.
- The Environmental Clause Sheets of Navarra, 2017 [64], with generic technical content but standing out a clear exposure of contractual procedure phases and how to verify measures.
- Likewise, various regions have committed to continue developing guides. The Government of Cantabria is to draft a guide including environmental criteria for contract valuation: a measure already established in the Strategy for Action against Climate Change in Cantabria 2018–2030 [65]. The government of the Illes Balears is to develop a technical guide to meet requirements set forth in the Law on climate change and energy transition in public works: reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), energy efficiency, water saving and waste reduction [37].
- The “Green Guide”, published by the Generalitat Valenciana and the IVE in 2020 [67]. This paper addresses globally environmental measures to be included in public procurement specifications concerning the field of constructing of the Generalitat Valenciana. It also extends the scope of energy efficiency to saving water and circular economy. It is a paper designed for continuous updating, and greatly facilitates the addition of measures in accordance with the LPSC [23].
- The “Public Services” guide from the series “Guides for Energy Efficiency”, published by the Government of Cantabria in 2013 [68]. It compiles a series of recommendations for decision-making in building renovation, quantifies energy saving, investments and the adequacy of measurements for financing, through a Company for Energy Services (CES).
- The “Environmental Criteria for Buildings”, published by the Public Society for Environmental Management of the Government of the País Vasco (Ihobe) in 2020 [69]. It covers aspects to enhance public procurement in building, considering environmental impact during the life cycle, with good practice examples. Although the content focuses on office buildings, recommendations are applicable to buildings with different uses.
- The 2015 “Guide for Sustainable Construction and Renovation for Housing in the País Vasco” [70]. It is aimed at professionals in the constructing sector, and offers relevant information to assess environmental impacts. Although it is specific to residential buildings, many actions can be taken for the renovation of tertiary sector buildings.
- The newsletter for “Saving and Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings”, published by ICAEN in 2009 [71], informs and trains energy managers. This paper shows technology, facilities, habits and examples to adopt saving and efficiency measures in buildings. Measures to boost energy efficiency, renewable energy systems and water saving can be drawn from this publication.
3.2. Environmental Measures
3.2.1. Passive Measures for Energy Saving and Environment Protection
- Evaluate landscaped roofs and facades to minimize energy flows and obtain other benefits; these solutions can remove pollutants through vegetation, mitigate heat island effect and benefit the ecosystem and the urban landscape, etc. This measure is conditioned to the resistant capacity of the renovated building structure [67,79,80].
- Supply solar protections to prevent indoor overheating, designed according to orientation.
- Cross ventilation, by wind action through openings in the façade or other open spaces located on different sides.
- Use thermal draft, either by chimney effect or static aspiration (Venturi effect).
- Evaporative cooling by using water or vegetation that absorbs heat and increases humidity content.
- Measures on buried or semiburied construction are also proposed [80].
3.2.2. Proactive Measures for Energy Saving
- To reduce energy consumption in public buildings by 7.7% in 2022 compared to the 2017 consumption, as proposed by the Generalitat de Catalunya [41] or by 18% in 2025 compared to the 2014 consumption, as proposed by the Comunidad de Madrid [42]. These reductions are equivalent to the annual energy renewal of 3% of public building area, established by Directive 2012/27/EU. In the Comunitat Valenciana, the target set is to reduce energy consumption by 25% in 2025 compared to 2014 consumption [43]. In the “Green Guide” [67], it is proposed that existing buildings meet regulatory conditions established for new construction or, in case of impossibility, to reduce by at least 40%, both the consumption of nonrenewable primary energy and the total.
- To integrate renewable energy systems—both for thermal use and electricity generation—into 25% of buildings before 2025 [42].
- To generate electric power, for own use or network supply, such as photovoltaic/solar thermal energy, mini-wind energy or micro cogeneration or thermal installations, by using renewable-source systems, in situ or in the vicinity of the building: low temperature solar thermal energy, biomass, geothermal, hydrothermal, micro cogeneration or aerothermal (subject to the consideration of renewable energy in electrically driven heat pumpsand) [67].
- The acquisition of photovoltaic systems and solar thermal energy installations should be implemented considering the LCC [66].
- In Catalunya, a forecast has been established to implement until 2022 solar energy installations on building roofs, which generate renewable energy for 2% of energy consumption in buildings and facilities of the Generalitat de Catalunya [41].
- The Junta de Castilla y León establishes the objective of reducing fossil fuel use in administrative buildings, considering biomass as a reference fuel [85].
- In the Illes Balears, the administration is to discard nonrenewable energies, providing for the progressive replacement of installations using fossil fuels by others using renewable energies [37].
- The electrical power contracted to supply buildings and departments of the Generalitat de Catalunya should be from 100% a renewable origin, and may be reduced to a minimum of 70% established by the Climate Change Law [39], depending on whether certain conditions are present.
- Electricity supply contracts tendered in the Illes Balears should certified energy from 100% recent renewable origins, according to Law 10/2019 [37]; as far as possible, they should be self-supplied using renewable electricity with self-consumption or bilateral contracts. The latter contract with renewable energy producers from the Illes Balears should be promoted.
- The “Green Guide” by the Generalitat Valenciana proposes the addition of electricity generation systems from renewable sources and/or signing a contract with electricity suppliers coming from guaranteed renewable sources, accredited by the National Market Commission and Competency (NMCC) [67].
3.2.3. Proactive Measures for Water Saving
- Installation of: consumption reduction devices and systems for reuse gray water and/or rainwater [67,69,88], specifying maximum flow rate in taps and maximum flush volume in toilets and urinals, as well as saving devices [67,88,89]; treatment of waste water, efficient irrigation systems even with recycled water [67]; components for saving water such as flow restrictors, the overflow of rainwater collection system with discharge to surrounding surface waters or underground; sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) to collect rainwater [70].
- Tap and cistern maintenance to avoid leaks or water loss, and where appropriate, replacement by others that are environmentally advanced [69].
3.2.4. Life Cycle
- To include award criteria and special execution conditions considering the environmental impact generated by products or service during the entire life cycle, as established by regulation in Andalucía [38].
- To have available planning tools against climate change, with binding determinations for different Public Administrations. It is the case of the Andalucía Climate Action Plan (ACAP), being prepared at the time of writing this article [92], or the Strategy for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the Región de Murcia [93].
- To contemplate measurements of circular economy strategies or plans. For example, the Galicia Circular Economy Strategy [94] sets the following issues for public works: a study of taxes for dumping and waste disposal; training, design and construction with reused materials; the design and use of buildings through passive strategies, clean energy and local materials to reduce consumption of natural resources (energy and water). In addition, it is worth highlighting the building design to increase resilience against extreme meteorological phenomena, such as the frequent floods in the eastern regions [95].
- To design buildings so that future changes of use and distribution can be performed simply [69]: For example, the layout of structural walls, interior partitions with quick and removable mechanical joints, distribution of installations (preferably through technical ceilings and/or floors), etc. [70].
- To design buildings in a flexible way, with spaces allowing new future facilities; in this way, slashes and generation of waste are avoided, and access to facilities for removal is facilitated [70].
- To dimension buildings based on an estimate of uses and needs in the medium and long term, for future reuse [69].
- To study space and equipment needs and decide whether they can be met by internal redistribution of space or a partial/total renovation of existing buildings [69].
- To make resistance demands and durability in structure calculation compatible with sustainability demands, such as optimizing the amount of material [70].
- To calculate the carbon footprint for products, supplies and services available. For example, in the Illes Balears, this requirement has become mandatory for large and medium-sized companies [37]. Additionally, construction materials marketed in Catalunya should include assessment of the carbon footprint on labelling [39].
- To include the need of carbon footprint in products, services and supplies during all phases of the procurement procedure, proving registration in the Carbon Footprint Registry, as established by regulations of the Junta de Andalucía [38].
3.2.5. Products (Measures Related to Circular Economy)
- To reuse materials in situ [69].
- To use recycled products—a measure proposed generically in all regions. In the Green Guide of the Comunitat Valenciana [67], a further step is taken, specifying that using recycled products for building elements reaches a certain percentage of execution cost of the work, justifying the percentage according to the weight of recycled material in products. This guide also recommends using concrete with recycled aggregate, and includes an annex with the approximate proportion of recycled material in particular products, as well as a list of building elements and recycled materials. In this area, the Sustainable Building and Renovation Guide of the País Vasco [70] suggests that at least 25%, by weight, of raw material has recycled origin.
- To use easily recyclable end-of-life materials [69,88,97,98]. The Sustainable Building and Renovation Guide of the País Vasco [70] offers examples of potential recyclable materials easily separable in the different waste streams after removing from buildings (glass, plastics, wood, metal, stone, etc.).
- To use quality components and materials with easy replacement, for a maximum durability of buildings [69].
- To use products that do not contain harmful or dangerous substances [61,69,99], such as chipboards with low formaldehyde emissions and paints that do not contain lead, chromic substances or organic solvents [70]. The Green Guide of the Comunitat Valenciana [67] recommends limiting content and emissions of harmful substances in paints, wood coatings (low VOC and formaldehyde emissions), cork and bamboo flooring, as well as sealants and adhesives.
- To use wood because of its natural, renewable and recyclable properties, with accreditation of legal origin from sustainable forest management [99]. It is advised to consider the limitation of harmful or dangerous substances, treatments against biodegradation, as well as the reaction to fire conditions according to location [68]. Preferably the use of local wood to reduce the impact associated with transportation, as well as reused/recycled whenever possible [70].
- To use products with type I environmental labels, which guarantee environmental impact reduction—a measure suggested in most Spanish regions [70].
3.2.6. Waste Management Measures
- To include public procurement in sustainable waste management strategies [97], with specific clauses promoting circular economy: reuse and recycling of waste, sustainable products, service purchase instead of product purchase, etc.
- To minimize generation of waste during construction works (with on-site reuse) and at the end of the building’s life (facilitating selective deconstruction) [67,69]. To elaborate a waste management plan to identify opportunities for reuse, recycling and recovery [67,103]. Selective collection of all waste and further recovery by authorized managers. This is a requirement suggested in all regions, especially the recovery of mineral waste [70] or used products by the work contractor [88,91].
- Building design to favor selective demolition [69].
- To reuse stone waste and soil remains in the same work as filling material [69,70,104,105]; this measure was already stated in Decree 200/2004 of the Comunitat Valenciana [106]. It should be noted that the use of nonhazardous waste as filling material for regeneration of degraded areas (mining operations, landscaping engineering works) is considered as a recovery operation, and meets the requirements of Royal Decree 105/2008 [107].
- To reduce packaging waste: large capacity packaging [69]; reusable packaging [70,99]; packaging collection by providers for reuse or recycling [67,88]; bulk products [99], such as concrete and mortars prepared in plant; reuse pallets on site [67]; supply products in containers and dispensers [70,101].
- To promote separation of ordinary waste generated in buildings with facilities for this purpose [67].
3.2.7. Environmental Assessment and Monitoring Measures
- To request an environmental management plan for work execution. This should consider water accounting and energy consumption, as well as a calculation of CO2 emissions associated with material and transportation, even a minimization of impacts on the close environment (noise, dust, dumping, damage to vegetation, etc.) [69,70,88,100]. Actions to avoid those impacts can be washing vehicle wheels, land watering or shielding works [70].
- To prepare specific documentation containing all the environmental measures of the project to ensure implementation during the construction phase [70].
- To install sectorized meters for different networks (water, electricity and/or gas supply) and circuits (lighting, plugs, exterior lighting, etc.) to test the effectiveness of the project’s environmental measures [69].
3.3. Application of Environmental Measures in the GPPRB: Examples
- Refurbishment of the façade in a warehouse converted into a youth center in Alzira, Comunitat Valenciana [108]: in the tender, the adoption of comprehensive solutions was established as a priority criterion, as well as a demonstration of energy efficiency and LCC, by using common verification tools for all participants. Based on a theoretical starting solution, each bidder was asked to prove the energy performance improved on the solution proposed. Compared with the baseline model, the solution contracted for this refurbishment showed a 15% reduction in heating demand (from 63 to 54.6 kWh/m2 per year) and a 19% reduction in cooling demand (from 34.1 to 27.5 kWh/m2 per year). Furthermore, the determination to sustainably renovate an existing building rather than undertake a new construction also reduced CDW and raw material extraction. The tender emphasized the ease and low-energy intensity of maintenance as well as material guarantees, therefore minimizing future costs.
- Energy self-sufficient hospital in Ourense, Galicia [109]: the main challenge for the contracting body was to optimize energy consumption in the extension of the existing hospital. For this, two complementary tenders were called, focused on both improving the energy facilities and the software monitoring energy management system. The main award criteria used were based on the performance of the energy equipment proposed (electrical and thermal), CO2 emissions produced by facilities, electrical efficiency of the cogeneration engine, thermal efficiency of the biomass boiler, as well as chiller absorption.
- Refurbishment of the town hall building in Amorebieta-Etxano, País Vasco [110]: prior to the tender, the City Council commissioned a preliminary study to analyze three possible scenarios: complete refurbishment, partial reform or new construction. It was concluded that the best option was the first one but maintaining the original two-story structure and adding a third one. The criterion for this choice was the saving of 20% of resources, compared to the new construction. Based on these results, the City Council launched the tender, taking into account “sustainability criteria, thermal and light comfort and a building integration in urban landscape”, among others. The successful tenderer designed and built a building with a high environmental sustainability rating, according to the building rating system in the País Vasco. Some of the environmental measures to favor this rating were: maintenance of the main facade; reuse of materials from the building itself according to the concept “cradle to cradle” or “the best product is the one that is already there”. For this, a selective demolition of the building was carried out for material recovery, such as stone.
4. Discussions
4.1. Are All the Measures Feasible? Is the Sector Well-Prepared?
4.2. How to Apply the GPPRB in the Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings?
4.3. Does Public Procurement Itself Favour Sustainability and Innovation? How to Increase the Participation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME)?
4.4. Do Public Administrations Meet Their Own Challenges?
4.4.1. Is There Quality Technical Information to Guide the GPPBR?
4.4.2. From Theory to Practice: Is There Sufficient Coordination among Public Administrations? How to Detect if Tools Are Being Applied?
4.4.3. Is There Enough Training for Professionals to Be Qualified?
4.4.4. Are We All Sufficiently Involved?
4.4.5. Is Sufficient Funding Planned?
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Regions | Papers: Laws (L), Regulations (R) and Guides (G) | |
Andalucía | L |
R |
| |
G |
| |
Aragón | R |
G |
| |
Islas Canarias | L |
R |
| |
G |
| |
Cantabria | R |
G |
| |
Castilla La Mancha | L |
R |
| |
G |
| |
Castilla y León | I |
G |
| |
Catalunya | L |
R |
| |
G |
| |
Ceuta | R |
G |
| |
Comunidad de Madrid | L |
R |
| |
G |
| |
Comunitat Valenciana | L |
R |
| |
G |
| |
Extremadura | L |
R |
| |
G |
| |
Galicia | L |
R |
| |
G |
| |
Illes Balears | L |
R |
| |
La Rioja | R |
G |
| |
Melilla | R |
Navarra | L |
R |
| |
G |
| |
Pais Vasco | L |
R |
| |
G |
| |
Principado de Asturias | R |
G |
| |
Región de Murcia | R |
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Soto, T.; Escrig, T.; Serrano-Lanzarote, B.; Matarredona Desantes, N. An Approach to Environmental Criteria in Public Procurement for the Renovation of Buildings in Spain. Sustainability 2020, 12, 7590.
Soto T, Escrig T, Serrano-Lanzarote B, Matarredona Desantes N. An Approach to Environmental Criteria in Public Procurement for the Renovation of Buildings in Spain. Sustainability. 2020; 12(18):7590.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSoto, Teresa, Teresa Escrig, Begoña Serrano-Lanzarote, and Núria Matarredona Desantes. 2020. "An Approach to Environmental Criteria in Public Procurement for the Renovation of Buildings in Spain" Sustainability 12, no. 18: 7590.
APA StyleSoto, T., Escrig, T., Serrano-Lanzarote, B., & Matarredona Desantes, N. (2020). An Approach to Environmental Criteria in Public Procurement for the Renovation of Buildings in Spain. Sustainability, 12(18), 7590.