1. Introduction
Sustainable firm performance involves sustaining and expanding economic growth, shareholder value, prestige, corporate reputation, customer relationships, and the quality of products and services [
4], contributing to a more equitable and wealthy world [
6]. An important part of the extant management literature considers growth as one of the main indicators of firm performance [
12]. One area of interest receiving particular attention has been the relationship between performance and size. Indeed, a significant number of studies focused on testing whether firm growth is a random phenomenon independent of firm size [
16], as stated by Gibrat [
17]. Evidence on Gibrat’s Law, also known as Law of Proportionate Effect (LPE) or “random walk” [
18], is still inconclusive. While several empirical studies suggest a negative relationship between firm size and growth [
21], other studies have found a positive relationship [
24], and still others report no significant relationship [
25]. In a search for necessary mechanisms and contingent conditions for the sustainability of firm’s performance, scholars have also asked whether innovation events can influence performance experienced by firms of different types [
31]. However, most of the research considers heterogeneous industries, and consequently, they do not account for the structural differences of markets and their influence on the sustainability of firm performance. Our work extends current knowledge to an underexplored area of management: natural resource industries, contrasting the validity of Gibrat’s Law and the impact of innovation on a firm’s performance.
Although natural resource industries represent between 25% and 35% of global exports [
32], and more than 50% of countries in the world are commodity-dependent [
33], including developing countries in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and several developed countries such as Australia, Canada, and the Northern European countries, these industries have received limited attention to date. Consequently, they represent a rich area for inquiry [
34]. Natural resource industries are defined as those whose primary purpose is to reproduce, explore, and utilize nature, converting natural resources into useful resource commodities [
35]. That is, natural resource industries depart from other industries because their products are and remain a commodity, in some cases remaining unaltered for decades or centuries, favoring competition strategies based on cost optimization, in contrast to product differentiation strategies commonly found in other industries. Therefore, production technology in natural resource industries is equipment-intensive (e.g., oil, pulp and paper, or mining industries), with significant economies of scale, focused on efficiency. This quest for cost reduction and productivity has led to the use of advanced technology, increasing the automation of processes, and the reduction of production buffers by manufacturing integration [
36], with incremental process innovation as the most common form of process improvement [
Due to the existence of capital-intensive and highly integrated manufacturing processes, and the fact that most innovations emanate from suppliers, innovation adoption and competitive dynamics in natural resource industries diverge from those of differentiated product industries [
38], offering a unique setting for analysis. For instance, in industries with product differentiation and rapid environmental changes, resources and processes rapidly become obsolete [
40] as radical changes diminish the value of extant knowledge and render organizational structures, processes, and capabilities obsolete [
42]. Thus, small, adaptable organizations with flexible technical and financial approaches have an edge on facing the diversity and uncertainty of performance requirements for disruptive innovations, and industry leaders may become laggards because they have difficulty managing disruptive changes [
45]. However, in a context of undifferentiated products, a stable environment, and the absence of radical innovation, does incremental process innovation affect the sustainability of firm performance? More specifically, how does firm size influence the successful adoption of innovations? Do small firms have an advantage? Answering these research questions is paramount in light of the importance of natural resource industries in worldwide economic activity.
In doing so, we examine the last significant incremental innovation in the pulp and paper industry in the US from 1978 to 1987. (Significant incremental innovations are incremental innovations that are observable and cause a significant, measurable impact on firm performance [
46]. Henceforth, we focus our attention on significant incremental innovation. Therefore, when using the term incremental innovation, we will refer to significant incremental innovation, even if it is not explicitly stated). We argue that, in natural resource industries, and contrary to previous research [
48], just after an incremental innovation event, small firms grow faster than larger firms since they are nimble enough to adopt the innovation more rapidly. Large firms get no advantage of having superior resources and higher market share as incremental innovations come mostly from suppliers’ spillover knowledge and affect process efficiencies while products remain unaltered. Additionally, large firms need more time to adjust the high level of fixed assets to any innovation. Interestingly, in the time-window previous to process innovation, larger firms benefit from the isolation mechanisms that provide a competitive advantage [
49] in mature industries by growing faster. Therefore, incremental innovations pose an inflection point in terms of firm performance in an industry, creating a competitive opportunity space for small firms and a sustainability threat for large firms. These results contradict Gibrat’s Law [
17], which claims that firm growth is a random variable independent of firm size.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows. First, we identify incremental innovation as a central force in shaping the sustainability of performance: large firms undergo positive growth before incremental innovation and negative after the innovation, whereas small firms experience the opposite effect. Thus, our study untangles the contradictory results obtained by scholars when assessing the relationship between performance (growth) and firm size [
50], recognizing incremental innovation as a distinctive environmental factor that shall be considered in the analysis. Second, given that incremental innovation is the norm and not the exception, understanding the environmental factors that influence the structural properties of the industry is of critical importance, not only for advancing theory on competitive dynamics but predominantly for practitioners when formulating and developing strategies to deal with a changing environment. In particular, in natural resource industries, where incremental process innovation is pervasive and product differentiation is almost non-existent, economies of scale or preemption of resources do not provide a safety shield for larger firms. This is because innovations create an opportunity for smaller, more flexible competitors to adopt innovations faster and to improve their efficiency much earlier than larger firms, and, as a consequence, to achieve higher growth, providing a temporary performance advantage. Finally, our manuscript contributes to the literature on competitive strategy in natural resources. We respond to a recent call for filling the knowledge gap by increasing investigation regarding needs in the field [
34], providing empirical evidence from the pulp and paper industry.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: We first develop the theoretical framework that supports our claim, building on the literature of firm growth and incremental process innovation. We then discuss our empirical strategy and report results. We conclude by discussing the study’s implications as well as its limitations.
4. Empirical Results
Table 5 and
Table 6 report the results of the panel data model used to analyze the sustainability of firm performance using production capacity growth as the firm performance measure (Model 1). We compare two periods: the 1978–1982 period, five years before the innovation observed in 1982 (
Table 5), and the 1983–1987 period, five years after the innovation (
Table 6). They show the GLS parameter estimation of the model with three-year growth as the dependent variable and different sets of covariates. Therefore, the sign of an estimated coefficient indicates the direction of the variable effect on firm growth, with a positive coefficient being related to more significant growth in the following three-year period (results are robust to different length growth calculations, producing coefficients similar in sign and significance). Since an R-squared statistic computed from GLS does not correctly represent the percentage of the total variation in the dependent variable due to the model [
142], we use the Wald chi-squared test as an approximation for the goodness of fit.
Results in
Table 5 show that the estimated coefficient for production capacity before the incremental innovation is positive and significant at the 1% level. Additionally, the best-fitting model in
Table 6 shows that for the time after the incremental innovation, the coefficient for production capacity is still significant at the 1% level, but it changes the sign, becoming negative. Thus, results strongly support significant incremental innovation affecting performance sustainability, giving a temporary advantage to small-sized companies relative to larger firms, confirming hypotheses 1 (H1) and 2 (H2).
Table 7 and
Table 8 represent the results obtained from the panel data containing the Compustat variables sales (Model 2) and number of employees (Model 3) as size measurements. Because the Compustat database considers only publicly traded companies,
Table 7 and
Table 8 show the behavior of large firms exclusively. Results with the dependent variable Sales Growth are aligned with those obtained considering size as Production Capacity Growth, showing that large firms increase performance as they increase size (see
Table 7). However, when we observe firm performance as the growth in the number of employees, large firms decrease performance as they increase size (see
Table 8). A possible explanation for these mixed results is that measuring performance based on the number of employees takes into account additional effects, such as automatization, which could generate a misleading interpretation. Nevertheless, no matter which variable we use to measure firm growth, large firms show higher performance before than after innovation.
The empirical results are graphically displayed in
Figure 2. Comparing firm performance before and after the significant process innovation, small firms show sustainable performance after the innovation event. In contrast, large firms exhibit sustainable performance before the incremental innovation. The effect is significantly stronger for small than large firms.
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Studies in the firm performance literature show inconsistent results explaining the relationship between size and growth. In just the P&P industry, we find investigations that affirm that larger pulp and paper mills perform better than their smaller counterparts because they take advantage of their scale to achieve higher productivity [
143]. These studies argue that smaller plants tend to perform better than large ones [
145], and finally, there are scholars that find no growth–size relationship, i.e., paper mills that grow according to Gibrat’s Law [
This paper contributes to clarify the mixed findings and to fill the gap in understanding the relationship between firm size and firm performance by introducing incremental innovation as a critical determinant of the forces affecting the sustainability of firm performance. Our study demonstrates that firm growth is not a “random walk” process and is not linear over time. Thus, even when Gibrat’s Law is not assumed, it is incorrect to suppose that a unique performance–size relationship applies to the whole industry at any time, as many studies claim. Incremental innovation generates a discontinuity beyond its influence on process improvement, affecting firm sustainability at an industry level, generating a competitive opportunity for small firms and a performance decline for large firms.
Incremental change is the most common kind of innovation, and size is a critical organizational dimension when analyzing growth. However, there are few studies on how incremental innovation affects performance in an industry, even though a large body of literature focuses on radical, disruptive innovation. In this study, we theoretically argue that before a significant incremental innovation takes place, larger firms’ performance is higher than that of smaller firms, supported by firms’ resources and the isolating mechanisms of the industry. Nevertheless, with the advent of significant incremental innovation, smaller firms adapt faster to changes because of their strategic flexibility, presenting higher performance than larger firms. Empirical findings provide support for our theoretical claim. Factors explaining this argument lie in the sunk costs, complementary assets, and irreversibility of capital-intensive investments required in natural resource industries. Once an investment is made, new incremental innovations will comparatively reduce the efficiency of the processes in place, thus affecting performance. Our research adds to the literature on incremental innovation by confirming that incremental change is a potential game-changer that can impact competitive dynamics and industry structure [
149]. The novelty of our study lies in the consideration of incremental innovation as an environmental factor, not a consequence, and in the introduction of a specific setting: natural resource industries. In these, contrary to previous research, smaller firms bringing about incremental innovations raise their chances of success [
Our results also introduce a new question: since large firms will benefit from the industry’s competitive isolating mechanisms in the long term, how long does the temporary advantage small firms enjoy after an incremental change last? Data from the P&P industry suggests that large firms can catch up with small firms in seven years. However, we suspect that the length of the temporary advantage depends on the structural properties of the industry, such as the level of capital required for new investments, or the time needed to update specific internal capabilities and routines. Therefore, additional research is needed within P&P and in multiple industries to properly answer that question.
To achieve our results, we first had to overcome an important theoretical challenge since size generates alternative mechanisms of competitive dynamics. Size directly affects unit costs, providing a competitive advantage for larger competitors focusing on a single product. In natural resource industries, competitors are price takers: cost advantages are fundamental for performance. For instance, in periods of price volatility, which generates systematic cycles of excess capacity, size reduces unit cost and provides a competitive advantage, while excess capacity acts in the opposite direction. Periods of low prices particularly penalize those companies that have made the most significant investments. Therefore, size acts as a double-edged sword for larger competitors, producing cost advantages in good periods but cost disadvantages in periods of low prices.
Limitations and Implications
Although this study contributes to the understanding of firm competitive dynamics at the industry level and their effect on a firm’s performance, we point out several limitations. First, we make generalizable claims valid for natural resources industries like oil or mining. However, these findings may also apply to service industries or sectors where competition is high, political intervention or regulation is not essential, investments are capital-intensive, or products are commoditized. Second, our research focuses on incremental technological innovation, affecting processes. Other non-technological incremental innovations, such as organizational or marketing innovations, were not considered. Thus, our study opens avenues for further research exploring the sustainability of firm performance in the presence of different types of incremental innovation in other industries.
The managerial consequences of our study will be helpful in guiding the strategies of firms in capital-intensive industries when considering optimal size. Our results question the sustainability of a niche strategy and the convenience of being large. For small companies, the imperative is to grow. However, for large companies, this imperative should be a careful balance to avoid over-investments in scale and unnecessarily broad product portfolios.
Finally, for practitioners, we draw two final implications from this research. First, because incremental change does frequently happen, even in mature industries, managers should consider developing competencies that reduce the adaptation period, such as R&D capabilities or permanent support contracts with suppliers, especially in industries where the speed of technological change is high. In a world of fast technological evolution, the ability to direct incremental innovation affects profitability and the firm’s sustainability. Second, when evaluating a capacity increase, it is key to consider the relative productivity fall, compared to competitors, as a result of commitment to a particular technology. Therefore, strategic decisions should look for an equilibrium between obtaining economies of scale and the potential for consequent productivity loss over time.