Modifying Phosphate Toxicity in Chronic Kidney Disease
:1. Introduction
2. Formation of Calciprotein Particles
3. FGF23 as Mediator of Phosphate Toxicity
4. Mitigating Effects of Magnesium on Phosphate Toxicity
5. The Role of Calcium
6. α-Klotho Mitigates Phosphate Toxicity
7. Matrix Gla Protein and Vitamin K Status
8. Additional Factors that May Modify Phosphate-Toxicity
9. Clinical Implications for Alleviating Phosphate-Induced Complications
10. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Vervloet, M. Modifying Phosphate Toxicity in Chronic Kidney Disease. Toxins 2019, 11, 522.
Vervloet M. Modifying Phosphate Toxicity in Chronic Kidney Disease. Toxins. 2019; 11(9):522.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVervloet, Marc. 2019. "Modifying Phosphate Toxicity in Chronic Kidney Disease" Toxins 11, no. 9: 522.
APA StyleVervloet, M. (2019). Modifying Phosphate Toxicity in Chronic Kidney Disease. Toxins, 11(9), 522.