Weather Effects of Aerosols in the Global Forecast Model
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Construction of Aerosol Climatology and Implementation of Aerosols into Radiation Module
2.2. Aerosol Optical Properties
2.3. Evaluation of AOD and AAOD
2.4. Experimental Setup
3. Radiative Effects of Aerosols
4. Sensitivity in Thermodynamic and Hydrometeor Fields
5. Weather Effects of Aerosols
6. Conclusions
- Well-posed aerosol climatology was constructed by implementing Mie calculation of individual aerosols and their aerosol loading data to radiative transfer modules. Monthly variations of AOD were simulated well in terms of the peaks of individual aerosol types and relative ratios among aerosol species. The representative agents of July ADRF were dust at the surface and the atmosphere, and sulfate at the top of the atmosphere, respectively.
- Negative ADRFs at the surface had an impact on decreasing in sensible and latent heat fluxes at the surface. Positive ADRFs in the atmosphere caused the differences in atmospheric thermodynamic and hydrometeor fields relative to the aerosol-free conditions. The sensitivity tests showed that double-positive maxima in temperature were due to dust and BC, and wet surface and dry above in moisture mainly due to dust. Also, decreasing in cloud liquid or ice contents but a sharp positive layer of cloud liquid contents at 900 hPa were due to dust, BC, and OM. Through ARIs, aerosols tended to change the vertical gradients of temperature and humidity and to stabilize the atmosphere, leading to making the atmosphere with fewer clouds and less precipitation with respect to noaer. The differences due to individual aerosols were linearly additive to those due to total aerosols in heat fluxes, heating rates, humidity, and PRECC; however, they have not additive linearity to the differences due to total aerosols in temperature, geopotential height, and cloud liquid or ice contents, and PRECL. Dust was the most influential among absorbing and nonabsorbing aerosols, on the direct and semidirect effects of aerosols in July.
- Through ARI, aerosols worked unilaterally to decrease SW downward radiation at the surface, increase GPH and temperature, and decrease precipitation relative to aerosol-free atmosphere. The capacity of absorbing light due to aerosols played essential roles in weather forecasts. The verification of medium-range forecasts revealed that aerosols weakened positive biases in SW downward radiation but occurred negative biases in dust and BC source regions. Aerosols improved negative biases in GPH and temperature at the upper and lower atmospheres but worsened positive biases in the mid-atmosphere due to absorbing aerosols. Moreover, they reduced positive biases in weak and moderate precipitation but enhanced negative biases in heavy precipitation mainly due to absorbing aerosols. According to the sensitivity test of hydrometeor fields and the global distribution of precipitation biases, dust and OM weakened the overestimation at high latitude, central Africa, and northmost of South America. In contrast, BC and sea salt enhanced the underestimation in southeast Asia and the southern Indian Ocean, respectively.
- It turned out that weather forecast scores, including current aerosol information, improved in GPH of NH, however, they got worse in temperature of SH and GPH at the upper atmosphere of SH.
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Name of Aerosol Climatology | Aerosol Loading | Aerosol Optical Characteristics |
Kimaerclim | Monthly distribution of inverse of AOD at 550 nm based on MACCRA and MOZART grids | Inherent in RRTMG |
Newaerclim | Monthly distribution of column mass concentration based on CAMSiRA | From mie calculation based on microphysical and chemical information (Table 2) |
Newaerclim.mod | Monthly distribution of column mass concentration modified from CAMSiRA | From mie calculation based on microphysical and chemical information (Table 2) |
Aerosol Type | Size Bin | Density, ρ (kg/m3) | Mode Radius, rmod (μm) | Geometric Standard Deviation, σg | Refractive Indices |
Sea salt | 0.03–0.5 | 1.183 × 103 | 0.1992 1.992 | 1.9 2.0 | OPAC [34] |
0.5–5.0 | |||||
5.0–20.0 | |||||
Dust | 0.03–0.55 | 2.61 × 103 | 0.29 | 2.0 | Woodward [50] |
0.55–0.9 | |||||
0.9–20.0 | |||||
Black carbon | 0.005–0.5 | 1.0 × 103 | 0.0118 | 2.0 | OPAC [34] (SOOT) |
Sulfate | 0.005–20.0 | 1.8 × 103 | 0.0212 | 2.24 | Lacis [51] (GACP) |
Organic matter | 0.005–20.0 The external mixture of water-soluble (WASO), insoluble (INSO), and soot (SOOT) | 1.8 × 103 | 0.0212 | 2.24 | OPAC [34] OPAC [34] OPAC [34] |
2.0 × 103 | 0.471 | 2.51 | |||
1.0 × 103 | 0.0118 | 2.0 |
Exp. Name | Aerosol Climatology |
noaer | |
newaer_all | Newaerclim including all types of aerosols |
newaer_x | Newaerclim including aerosol type, x |
Exp. Name | Aerosol Climatology |
NOAer | |
KIMAer | Kimaerclim |
NewAer | Newaerclim |
NewAer.mod | Newaerclim.mod |
Sky Condition | Statistics | NOAer | KIMAer | NewAer | NerAer.mod |
Clear-sky | bias | 12.74 | −3.10 | −0.94 | 0.07 |
RMSE | 13.73 | 7.00 | 6.59 | 6.18 | |
All-sky | bias | 11.94 | 1.28 | 2.13 | 2.95 |
RMSE | 41.16 | 36.86 | 37.01 | 37.01 |
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Jeong, G.-R. Weather Effects of Aerosols in the Global Forecast Model. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 850.
Jeong G-R. Weather Effects of Aerosols in the Global Forecast Model. Atmosphere. 2020; 11(8):850.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJeong, Gill-Ran. 2020. "Weather Effects of Aerosols in the Global Forecast Model" Atmosphere 11, no. 8: 850.
APA StyleJeong, G. -R. (2020). Weather Effects of Aerosols in the Global Forecast Model. Atmosphere, 11(8), 850.