Image, Environment, Infrastructure: The Social Ecologies of the Bergfilm
:1. Introduction
1.1. Bergfilm
1.2. Film, Environment, Infrastructure: Theories and Frameworks
2. Media and Infrastructure in the Alps
2.1. From Heilige Berge to Der heilige Berg: Gustav Renker and the Bergfilm
2.2. Der heilige Berg
2.3. Aesthetics of Acceleration and Immediacy
2.3.1. The Ski Race in Der heilige Berg
2.3.2. Bergfilm/City
2.3.3. Der große Sprung and the Erasure of Distance
3. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | In this article I use the terms “Bergfilm”, “mountain film”, and “Alpine film” interchangeably. While I find the English phrase at times to be more appropriate or less awkward, it is worth noting that the German label Bergfilm has gained some degree of international acceptance. It is used for the German mountain films of the 1920s and 30s, and sometimes for a broader definition of the genre. In one instance, the French-Swiss film scholar Rémy Pithon (2005) defines le Bergfilm according to the political and heroic tendencies he sees within the German films of the interwar era. This political definition allows him to include similar films from other nations under the same heading. |
2 | Béla Balázs wrote an essay entitled “Der Fall Dr. Fanck” (The Case of Dr. Fanck) in 1931; the essay comments on the polarized reactions to the films that already existed in the 1920s and 30s. For details about the critical positions mentioned in this paragraph, see the review of secondary literature that begins in the third paragraph. |
3 | Jon Mathieu offers a concise overview of visual and written media representations of the Alps; see the chapter “Alpenwahrnehmung—Stereotyp und Vielfalt” (Mathieu 2015, pp. 125–61). Regarding German cultural texts about the Alps, two useful resources are the essay collection Heights of Reflection (Ireton and Schaumann 2012) and the annotated translations in Mountains and the German Mind (Ireton and Schaumann 2020). For a discussion of the cultural and environmental history of the Alps in the twentieth century, with a focus on the rise of the ski industry, see (Denning 2015; Groß 2019). For an influential (although frequently critiqued) assessment of the changes in European views of the Alps, see (Nicolson 1959). |
4 | In the passage cited here, Denning discusses postwar landscape modifications in Chamonix. While the context is different in Switzerland where Fanck filmed the Alpine scenes for Der heilige Berg, the film likewise shows significant landscape modification in service of tourism and sport. |
5 | After failing to identify the location on my own, I was finally able to identify this rock formation by means of an email chain involving mountain film scholar Kamaal Haque; Mathias Fanck, grandson of Dr. Arnold Fanck; Martin Kaufmann, a film expert in South Tyrol; Christian Kaufmann, leader of an Alpine Club section in the Dolomites; and Sergio and Daniele Rosi, mountain guides and owners of an Alpine hut near the rock formations in question. |
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Peabody, S. Image, Environment, Infrastructure: The Social Ecologies of the Bergfilm. Humanities 2021, 10, 38.
Peabody S. Image, Environment, Infrastructure: The Social Ecologies of the Bergfilm. Humanities. 2021; 10(1):38.
Chicago/Turabian StylePeabody, Seth. 2021. "Image, Environment, Infrastructure: The Social Ecologies of the Bergfilm" Humanities 10, no. 1: 38.
APA StylePeabody, S. (2021). Image, Environment, Infrastructure: The Social Ecologies of the Bergfilm. Humanities, 10(1), 38.