The Effectiveness of Ensemble-Neural Network Techniques to Predict Peak Uplift Resistance of Buried Pipes in Reinforced Sand
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Laboratory Test Procedure
2.2. Background of SC Techniques
2.2.1. ANN
2.2.2. Ensemble Approach
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Laboratory Results
3.2. Soft Computing Predictive Models
4. Limitations and Future Research
5. Summary and Conclusions
- The results of the numerical modelling revealed that boosting and bagging techniques can significantly improve the performance prediction (both the accuracy level and the system error) of the MLP model. However, these techniques were not able to improve the performance of the RBF model, which may imply that both ensemble techniques are more suitable for the MLP-ANN than the RBF-ANN model.
- The boosting technique performed better than the bagging technique when applied to MLP and RBF models. In addition, correlation coefficients in excess of 0.954 were achieved between the measured and predicted peak uplift resistance.
- The proposed developed models reveal the complicated non-linear response of the peak uplift resistance of buried pipes in reinforced sand. Furthermore, they can be useful tools for researchers, engineers and for supporting the teaching and interpretation of the peak uplift resistance of buried pipes in reinforced sand.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Author (Year) | Aim | SC Technique | R or R2 |
Rahman et al. [14] | To forecast the uplift capacity of suction caissons employing an ANN model. | ANN | Various R2 are available. Highest train R2 = 0.975 Highest test R2 = 0.996 |
Pai [45] | To predict the uplift capacity of suction caissons using a neuro-genetic network. | NGN | - |
Alavi et al. [46] | To obtain an empirical model for evaluating the complicated behavior of suction caissons’ uplift capacity by the hybrid GP-SA technique. | GP-SA | R2: Train = 0.858; test = 0.759 |
Alavi et al. [47] | To examine the robustness of the conventional tree-based GP and its suitable modifications, i.e., LGP and GEP, for evaluating the complicated behavior of the uplift capacity of suction caissons. | Tree-based genetic programming (TGP), linear genetic programming (LGP), and gene expression programming (GEP) | TGP R2: train = 0.939; test = 0.976 LGP R2: train = 0.963; test = 0.994 GEP R2: train = 0.953; test = 0.983 |
Gandomi et al. [48] | To assess the complex behavior of the uplift capacity of suction caissons employing a useful variant of GP, namely MEP. | Multi expression programming (MEP) | - |
Samui et al. [49] | To determine the uplift capacity of suction caisson in clay adopting the MARS model. | MARS | R: train = 0.998; test = 0.997 |
Muduli et al. [50] | To forecast the uplift capacity of suction caisson in clay, based on the literature’s measured data. | SVM-ANN | GP R: test = 0.997 ANN R: test = 0.991 SVM R: test = 0.989 |
Cheng et al. [51] | To predict the uplift capacity of suction caissons using an IFRIM model. | IFRIM | IFRIM R2: train = 0.996; test: 0.979 |
El-Abbasy et al. [7] | To develop a model that assesses and forecasts the condition of offshore oil and gas pipelines based on numerous factors in addition to corrosion. | ANN | Various R2 are available. Highest R2 = 0.995 |
Choobbasti et al. [13] | To develop a model to obtain the minimum liquefaction potential. | ANN-particle swarm optimization (PSO) | - |
Nazari et al. [6] | To develop six different ANN models, all with a single hidden layer but with diverse neurons in the hidden layer, to forecast performance of offshore pipelines. | ANN | Various R2 are available. Highest R2 = 0.995 |
Shahr-Babak et al. [52] | To develop an uplift capacity prediction model in clay. | GMDH-HS | R2: train = 0.994; test = 0.996 |
Derakhshani [53] | To develop new generic uplift capacity formulae by means of an AI-based model, a composite of M5 and GP call. | Model tree and GP | M5-GP-1 R: train = 0.976; test = 0.996 M5-GP-2 R: train = 0.986; test = 0.996 |
Derakhshani [54] | 1. To exploit the fuzzy sets of theory and GA optimization to examine the impact of input uncertainties on the uplift capacity estimations made by different available models. 2. To modify the previously proposed “M5-GP”-based models of the uplift capacity estimation for becoming less vulnerable to input uncertainties and more accurate. | Genetic algorithm (GA) and fuzzy set theory | Improved GP R = train = 0.996; test = 0.997 |
Liu et al. [12] | To carry out a parametric study of strain demands of X80 pipelines subjected to fault displacements involving influence parameters | ANN | Various R are available. Highest R = 0.995 |
Parameter/Category | Unit | Range | Average |
Pipe diameter (D)/Input | mm | 25–55 | 38.6 |
Burial depth (H)/Input | mm | 100 and 150 | 134 |
Geo-grid length/Input | cm | 0–40 | 22.5 |
Number of geo-grid layer/Input | - | 0 and 2 | 1.00 |
Peak uplift resistance/Output | N | 36.48–121.36 | 81.17 |
Model | Partition | R | MAE | Partition Ranking | Cumulative Ranking | ||
Value | Rank | Value | Rank | ||||
STANDARDANNMLP | Train | 0.977 | 4 | 4.459 | 4 | 8 | 15 |
Test | 0.917 | 3 | 6.243 | 4 | 7 | ||
ANNMLP-BOOSTED | Train | 0.999 | 6 | 0.77 | 6 | 12 | 23 |
Test | 0.954 | 5 | 3.848 | 6 | 11 | ||
ANNMLP-BAGGED | Train | 0.995 | 5 | 1.739 | 5 | 10 | 21 |
Test | 0.967 | 6 | 3.969 | 5 | 11 | ||
STANDARDANNRBF | Train | 0.931 | 3 | 8.281 | 2 | 5 | 12 |
Test | 0.918 | 4 | 6.445 | 3 | 7 | ||
ANNRBF-BOOSTED | Train | 0.896 | 2 | 8.186 | 3 | 5 | 9 |
Test | 0.835 | 2 | 9.275 | 2 | 4 | ||
ANNRFB-BAGGED | Train | 0.707 | 1 | 15.809 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Test | 0.655 | 1 | 14.185 | 1 | 2 |
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Zeng, J.; Asteris, P.G.; Mamou, A.P.; Mohammed, A.S.; Golias, E.A.; Armaghani, D.J.; Faizi, K.; Hasanipanah, M. The Effectiveness of Ensemble-Neural Network Techniques to Predict Peak Uplift Resistance of Buried Pipes in Reinforced Sand. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 908.
Zeng J, Asteris PG, Mamou AP, Mohammed AS, Golias EA, Armaghani DJ, Faizi K, Hasanipanah M. The Effectiveness of Ensemble-Neural Network Techniques to Predict Peak Uplift Resistance of Buried Pipes in Reinforced Sand. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(3):908.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZeng, Jie, Panagiotis G. Asteris, Anna P. Mamou, Ahmed Salih Mohammed, Emmanuil A. Golias, Danial Jahed Armaghani, Koohyar Faizi, and Mahdi Hasanipanah. 2021. "The Effectiveness of Ensemble-Neural Network Techniques to Predict Peak Uplift Resistance of Buried Pipes in Reinforced Sand" Applied Sciences 11, no. 3: 908.
APA StyleZeng, J., Asteris, P. G., Mamou, A. P., Mohammed, A. S., Golias, E. A., Armaghani, D. J., Faizi, K., & Hasanipanah, M. (2021). The Effectiveness of Ensemble-Neural Network Techniques to Predict Peak Uplift Resistance of Buried Pipes in Reinforced Sand. Applied Sciences, 11(3), 908.