Study of Sea Fog Environment Polarization Transmission Characteristics
Round 1
Reviewer 1 Report
Dear Colleagues,
In this article, the physical features of marine fog are investigated. However, in the annotation to the article, the authors did not indicate the goals and their results. In the introduction, the situation is similar. There is also a lack of description of the tasks to be solved. In addition, there are significant mathematical inaccuracies in the article itself:
1. It is not completely clear to me how to get the equation (12) from the equation (10);
2. The authors in the equation (12) switched to the new variable tau, but the variable z is still present in the functions I() and J() of this equation;
3. On the left side of the equation (13), the function I is forgotten under the differential;
4. In the equation (13), it is also not clear which functions belong to which spaces (which is a scalar and which is a vector).
Based on the comments made, I recommend the authors to seriously improve the article.
Best regards, Reviewer.
Author Response
Thank you very much for your suggestion. I will make the following improvements in response to your suggestion:
- Equation (12) is obtained by substituting the integral of equation (11) into equation (10).
- The variable tau is the cosθ of equation (10).
- Equation 13 increases I
- I and m are the vectors in equation (13)
Reviewer 2 Report
I can recommend the publication of the manuscript after a minor revision.
Write in alphabetical order the keywords.
Avoid the word “literature....” and clearly specify the name of the authors (such as: “Wright et al. [5] proposed ...”). Correct this mistake in all sentences from the Introduction.
Specify clearly all abbreviations used in the text (define them).
Insert references for all mathematical formulas.
Write correctly the title of sections: 2.1, and 2.2.
Write correctly the legend of figs. 1-12. (without the word “This is”).
Fig. 3 – mistake (“Polarizati on meter”).
Legend of figs. 8-10: reformulate them.
Insert units for all the parameters depicted in all figures.
The grammar and sentence structure must be checked by someone who is a native person to clarify its meaning. The writing can be improved (it is still poor with numerous typos or grammar mistakes). Also, there are several sentences that must be checked according to their word spaces.
Explain deeper the advantages and applicability of the proposed model.
Explain the limits of this study.
If possible, insert in References 1-2 articles that fit in this field published in “Applied Sciences” journal, MDPI.
References are not written according to the Guide of Authors (e.g., ref. [8], [10], and so on).
Insert all details concerning funding (university, country, and so on).
This paper presents an interesting approach and deserved to be published after the mentioned revisions.
Author Response
Thank you very much for your suggestion. I will make the following improvements in response to your suggestion:
1.Improved order of keywords
2.Improved to use the author's name
3.References to formulas inserted
4.Changed chapter titles
5.Changed chapter titles
6.Modified Figure 3
7.Redrawn Figures 8-10
8.The parametric unit in the graph is inserted
9.Changed bibliography format
10.Details of funds inserted
Reviewer 3 Report
Manuscript No: applsci-1883250
Title: Study of Sea Fog Environment Polarization Transmission Characteristics
Authors: Qiang Fu, Kaiming Luo, Yu Song, Meng Zhang, Su Zhang, JunTong Zhan, Jing Duan and Yingchao Li
A. Overview
1. In this manuscript the authors report on simulation and experimentalwork on sea fog polarization transmission characteristics.
2. The contents are expressed clearly.
3. The manuscript is well organized,
4. It is written in reasonable English.
5. The authors have acknowledged recent related research however the following works should be cited:
1. Bentz, B.Z., et al., Light transport with weak angular dependence in fog. Optics Express, 2021. 29(9): p. 13231-13245.
2. Nie, X. and Q. Mao, Study on shortwave radiative transfer characteristics in polydisperse aerosols in a clear sky. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2021. 118: p. 103903.
3. Mao, Q. and X. Nie, Polarization performance of a polydisperse aerosol atmosphere based on vector radiative transfer model. Atmospheric Environment, 2022. 277: p. 119079.
4. Zhang, C., et al., Numerical analysis of light reflection and transmission in poly-disperse sea fog. Optics Express, 2020. 28(17): p. 25410-25430.
6. As long as my knowledge, the work presented is original.
7. Several typos along de manuscript, authors must have a second read
B. Detailed analysis.
1. Abstract: Please organize the ideas in each paragraph. Be clear, objective. State briefly what you did, how did you do it, the quantitative results you and the novelty of your work.
2. Regarding experimental data , error bar are missing.
3. The legend captions should be self sufficient to understand de figure.
4. Simulation and experimental comparison, in several Figures 5 to 12, can be drawn in the same plot for the sake or comparison
5. Try to improve figure quality.
C. In my opinion the work can be published after corrections in the manuscript.
D. Review Criteria
1. Scope of Journal
Rating: Medium
2. Novelty and Impact
Rating: Medium
3. Technical Content
Rating: Medium
4. Presentation Quality
Rating: Medium
Author Response
Thank you very much for your suggestion. I will make the following improvements in response to your suggestion:
1.New references provided have been added.
2.Revised the summary section again.
3.The legend was modified.
4.There are many experimental and simulation curves, and it is more cluttered to put them in one graph, so use two separate graphs.
Round 2
Reviewer 1 Report
Dear Colleagues,
In Table 1, the comma is in the wrong direction (φ0、μ0).
I recommend the article "Study of Sea Fog Environment Polarization Transmission" for publication in the journal Applied Sciences when correcting this question.
Best regards, Reviewer.
Author Response
Thank you very much for your suggestion. I will make the following improvements in response to your suggestion:
1.The labeling of commas was corrected.
Thank you and best regards.