1. Introduction
Sunshine duration (SD) is considered to be an important meteorological element since it indicates the amount of solar radiation arriving on the earth’s surface and, at the same time, it is also important for various sectors such as tourism, public health, agriculture, energy and climate classification [
4]. It is estimated as the total time length in which the direct solar irradiance exceeds the value of 120 W/m
2 [
5]. It is measured in units of ‘hours per day’ or as a ‘relative sunshine duration’ which is the percentage of the astronomical daylength. The available devices to measure sunshine duration can be classified into two types, i.e., ‘manual’ or ‘automatic’. A review of the sunshine recorders, their evolution and operation principles have been carried out by Wang et al. [
The traditional instrument for the manual sunshine duration measurements is the Campbell–Stokes sunshine recorder (CS). It measures the bright sunlight as estimated by the length of the burn mark on a piece of specially treated cardboard. It has been routinely measured for over 150 years [
7]. Painter [
8] found that the irradiance threshold required producing a burn on a sun card varied from 106 to 285 W/m
2, with an average of 170 W/m
2. The heliographic records showed many problems which affect the temporal and spatial analysis of long-term SD series. The most important problems are the gaps in the measurements as well as the change in the location of the station and lack of metadata information. Furthermore, the magnitude of recording of SD depends on the type and quality of the paper, the weather conditions, the properties of the glass in the heliographic balls, as well as the ability of the observers to interpret the card correctly [
9]. In contrast, the automatic sunshine duration sensors use a threshold of 120 W/m
2, which is recommended by WMO and are independent of the observers. Therefore, automatic devices have been replacing the CS recorders. Presently, different types of automatic sensors are used, such as Kipp & Zonen CSD1 [
10], CSD2 [
11] and CSD3 [
15], the pyranometric and pyrheliometric methods [
17], the Haenni Solar 111 [
11], the SONIe automatic device used by the Germany meteorological network [
18], the Vaisala DSU12 [
19], the Jordan photographic sunshine recorder and the DFC2 photoelectric sunshine meter which is used by China Meteorological Administration [
Details about the history of replacing the CS recorders with automatic sensors in various countries can be found in Baumgartner et al. [
11], Matuszko [
12], Stanhill [
20], Sanchez-Romero et al. [
21] and Owczarek and Malinowska [
22]. One of the advantages of automatic measurements is that they do not require the daily involvement of personnel to replace the card every day and to read it out. However, the replacement of CS recorders with automatic devices created other problems related to the data quality, comparability and homogeneity of the data series. Therefore, the comparison of ‘manual’ and ‘automatic’ sensors is required for the interpretation of SD time series.
Given the need to compare the ‘manual’ and ‘automatic’ sensors, various authors have studied the differences in these instruments. For example, Srinivasan et al. [
13] compared CS and Kipp & Zonen sunshine duration records from four locations in New Zealand. Generally, the Kipp & Zonen sunshine duration records were higher than CS, with differences ranging from 2% to 17%. Similar results were obtained by Owczarek and Malinowska [
22] at a station in northern Poland. The higher CSD3 daily SD values compared to CS were attributed to the higher sensitivity threshold required by the CS devices. Furthermore, they found that the higher daily totals obtained by CS rather than by the CSD3 devices are mainly recorded in the summer, due to the so-called ‘overburning effect’. This occurs when the solar disk suddenly becomes obscured by rapidly moving clouds with no sunshine recorded by the automatic instrument, but the burning of a trace on the CS sun card continues. It was also found that this ‘overburning effect’ is at its highest intensity in the presence of Cumulus Congestus clouds [
23]. On the other hand, SD recorded by CSD3 sensor can be significantly reduced by high clouds such as Altostratus or Cirrostratus. Baumgartner et al. [
11] found also that the larger differences between CS and automatic sensors in Austria were attributed to the higher sensitivity threshold of the CS instrument. Legg [
15], based on parallel measurements of CS and CSD3 at 16 sites in England, has proposed a quadratic relationship between the two instruments. The Angström–Prescott model was checked by Almorox et al. [
14] at 10 stations in Spain using CS and CSD3 Kipp & Zonen sensors. The results of this study showed that the Kipp & Zonen sensors can be considered to be suitable for measuring sunshine duration and can provide a significant reduction in the statistical errors when solar radiation is estimated.
Urban and Zajac [
10] found strong relationships between CS and CSD1 automatic sensor at five locations in south-western Poland. The estimated mean differences in daily totals of sunshine duration were ±0.3 h. The differences were both positive and negative with no pattern of occurrences. Comparing CS and CSD1 in England, Kerr and Tabony [
24] found that the CS recorder overestimates the sunshine due to the spreading of the burn on the card. This occurs in cases when cloud cover is broken, and the sun is high in the sky. They showed that the overestimation of the sunshine was about 20% in summer and 7% in winter. This seasonal variation was attributed mainly to the influence of solar elevation. Sanchez-Romero et al. [
25] have investigated the relationship between the burn width of CS and direct solar irradiance using digital image machine for the Girona station, a Mediterranean site in Spain. This semiautomatic method showed very good results as far as SD measurements.
Hannak et al. [
18] analyzed the daily SD data of 13 stations in Germany using CS sunshine recorders and automatic measurements using SONIe instrument. They found that the manual observations are larger during the summer, especially in cases of frequent alterations between sunny and cloudy conditions. Hinssen and Knap [
16] have developed algorithms for the estimation of sunshine duration using pyranometers and pyrheliometers. The uncertainty in the yearly sums was estimated to be around 0.5%. Sanchez-Romero et al. [
21] have developed a model to estimate the turbidity of the atmosphere based on SD from CS instruments. Similarly, Nyamsi et al. [
26] have developed a method to estimate aerosol optical depth from SD measurements. Therefore, by means of the CS SD records it is possible to create a time series of atmospheric aerosol going back to the starting point of sunshine duration measurements at the given location.
Zhou et al. [
17] have demonstrated that the Jordan sunshine recorder was compatible with those from the DFC2 photoelectric sunshine meter and the Kipp & Zonen CMP11 pyranometers under all sky conditions, but they were considerably different from those observed by CHP1 pyrheliometer. They showed that the potential influencing factors on the measurements are the solar zenith angle, the spectral range of the automatic sensors, the relative humidity, and the sky conditions. On clear days, the SD observed by the Jordan sunshine recorder was generally less than the DFC2 photoelectric sensor and the CHP1 and CMP11 thermoelectric radiation meters. However, with an increase in cloud cover and the appearance of low- or medium-level clouds (cumulus, cumulonimbus and altocumulus clouds), the Jordan sunshine recorder overestimated the SD due to the ‘overburning effect’. Finally, the estimation of daily SD from satellite-based data is the subject of study for Matuszko et al. [
9] in Polland.
Parallel measurements of sunshine duration by manual and automatic devices are relatively limited in Cyprus. There are only three locations (synoptic stations) where both CS and three different automatic sensors (Kipp & Zonen pyranometer, pyrheliometer and CSD3 sunshine recorder) are operating at the same site or at least at a close distance from the selected locations. It has to be noted that the CSD3 sensors are located in neighboring automatic weather stations (AWSs). Up to now, there are no relevant studies comparing sunshine duration measurements. As indicated earlier, several studies in different parts of the world have shown both negative and positive differences. The purpose of the present study is to compare the manual with the three automatic sensors at the selected locations. The established relationships could be useful in extending the existing daily time series of CS measurements since the CS recorders were replaced with automatic instruments.
Section 2 gives information about the sunshine duration instruments operating at the synoptic stations of Larnca A/P, Pafos A/P and Athalassa during the periods 2009–2012 and 2012–2015. The manual observations are based on Campbell–Stokes sunshine recorders, while the automatic instruments are manufactured by Kipp & Zonen.
Section 3 compares the daily sunshine duration measurements obtained from the said instruments on a seasonal basis and under various skies conditions and discusses the reasons for the observed positive or negative differences. Furthermore, linear relationships are established to convert the automatic measurements to a CS time series. To assess the differences between the manual and automatic sensors, parametric (T tests) and non-parametric (Mann–Whitney) statistical tests are applied. Finally, the global radiation is estimated using the Angström–Prescott equation based on the daily records of both devices. The final section presents the conclusions of the study.
2. Materials and Methods
The geographical coordinates of the stations involved in the sunshine duration (SD) measurements using different methods and their period of measurements are presented in
Table 1, while the locations are also shown in
Figure 1. As is indicated by
Table 1, daily data from five stations are used. The availability of data varies between 2 and 4 years in each period of measurements. The stations cover the southern coastal and inland plain areas of the island. The comparison tests are applied for the three synoptic stations (Larnaca A/P, Pafos A/P and Athalassa) where different sunshine devices are installed (manual and automatic). The manual measurements of SD are carried out by the Campbell–Stokes sunshine recorders (CS), while the automatic measurements at the synoptic stations are based on the Kipp & Zonen pyranometers (CM6B) and CHP1 pyrheliometer. Additionally, parallel measurements are also carried out by the Kipp & Zonen CSD3 sunshine recorders obtained from two automatic weather stations (AWSs) which are close to the synoptic station of Larnaca A/P. Since the distance between the synoptic and the AWSs is lower than 35 km, it is possible to assess the CSD3 sensors against the manual devices. Essentially, the comparisons of daily SD are applied between four different types of instruments, namely the manual Campbell–Stokes sunshine recorders (CS), and the automatic measurements based on pyranometers (Gl), pyrhiliometer (Pr) and the CSD3 sunshine sensors.
Simultaneous records of SD have been obtained between 2009 and 2012 at two locations (Pafos A/P and Larnaca A/P). The SD measurements are based on CS sunshine recorders and Kipp & Zonen CM6 B pyranometers, as well as on Kipp & Zonnen CSD3 SD sensors obtained from nearby stations such as Mennogia and Pentakomo which are located at a distance of about 15 km and 35 km from Larnaca A/P, respectively. The selected stations have the same climatic conditions. The second period of simultaneous SD measurements represents the period 2012–2015 with records obtained from CS sensors and a Kipp & Zonen CHP1 pyrhiliometer which was installed on a solar tracker system at Athalassa.
The SD values obtained from manual and automatic sunshine recorders are, in some cases, different as a result of the different principles and technology adopted by these instruments [
24]. The sensitivity threshold of burning the card in the Campbell–Stokes recorder (CS) ranges from 70 to 280 W/m
2 [
12]. The pyranometric method is based on the mean, minimum and maximum values of measured global irradiance over 10 min intervals. For this purpose, different algorithms were developed [
16]. The CHP1 pyrheliometer is mounted on a solar tracker system and is a high-precision instrument designed to measure direct normal irradiance from the solar disk within a solid angle of 5°. It uses a thermopile as a detector to measure the irradiance in the range of 280–4000 nm [
27]. The threshold for the determination of SD is 120 W/m
2, which is recommended by WMO [
5]. The CSD3 SD sensor measures SD through a high-quality glass tube and uses these photo-diodes with a spectral response range from 400 to 1100 nm. One photo-diode measures the total radiation, while the other one measures scattered radiation. The threshold for the determination of SD of CSD3 is 120 W/m
2. As is indicated in
Table 1, comparison tests are applied between the four methods of measurements (CS, pyranometric (Gl), pyrheliometric (Pr) and CSD3) in order to determine whether the differences of the mean or median daily values are significant.
Furthermore, the measurements differ in their temporal resolution and precision. The manual measurements have a daily resolution, while the automatic measurements have a temporal resolution of ten minutes with precision of one minute. Only concurrent daily sunshine data from manual and automatic instruments were used for analyses at each location. For the estimation of daily sunshine total, all hourly data must be available for the given day. The sunshine data were then aggregated into monthly totals and the percentage difference of sunshine hours between the two instruments was calculated using the following equation:
A negative percentage difference indicates that the automatic SD is lower than the manual CS recorder, while a positive percentage difference indicates that the automatic sensor measures higher SD compared to the CS recorder. It is expected that the automatic sensors would record higher sunshine duration than the CS instrument, due to the higher sensitivity and sampling frequency of the automatic instrument. On the other hand, SD from CS is obtained with sun cards which are interpreted by observers. Therefore, a certain level of subjectivity is inherent regarding these data, which can result in dissimilar SD estimates from different observers. Furthermore, at times of frequently passing clouds the electronic sensor may be able to correctly assess the short SD, while in those periods, the CS continues to burn a trace on the sun card. Additionally, the daily SD total may be entered into the climate database incorrectly. On the other hand, the automatic sensors could be a source of error if there are issues with calibrations or shading the sensors.
The sky conditions are classified according to the clearness index. The daily clearness index (
KT) is defined as the ratio of the daily global irradiation (
Gd) to the respective extraterrestrial irradiation (
G0d), both measured on horizontal surfaces:
Escobedo et al. [
28] have proposed four sky conditions which are based on the relation between hourly irradiances of global, direct and diffuse radiation and the clearness index. The method was also implemented successfully at Athalassa by Pashiardis et al. [
The KT ratio must be lower than 1. The four sky categories based on clearness index and relative sunshine duration (σ = Sd/S0d) are defined as follows:
Class I: Cloudy sky when KT ≤ 0.35 or σ ≤ 0.3.
Class II: Partially cloudy with predominance of diffuse component: 0.35 < KT ≤ 0.55 or 0.3 < σ ≤ 0.6.
Class III: Partially cloudy with predominance of direct component: 0.55 < KT ≤ 0.65 or 0.6 < σ ≤ 0.85.
Class IV: Clear sky: KT > 0.65 or σ > 0.85.
The daily total global irradiation at the top of the atmosphere (
G0d) is estimated using the following equation [
G0n is the irradiance falling on a plain at normal incidence at the top of the atmosphere and can be estimated as a function of the day number of the year (
dn) from the following equation:
Gsc is the solar constant (1361 W/m
2), and
ωs is the sunset hour angle which is given by:
φ is the latitude of the location and
δ is the solar declination angle (deg).
The daily values of the radiation components are estimated from the hourly values. Furthermore, the astronomical day length (
S0d), which is the computed time during which the center of the solar disk is above an altitude of zero degrees (without allowance for atmospheric refraction), is given by:
Both SD and global radiation data underwent a quality control process. Details about the quality criteria are given in [
4]. All the stations showed high-quality data.
Regarding the differences in daily sunshine duration records between the pairs of the four different methods of SD measurements we have adopted the classification scheme proposed by Urban and Zajác [
10]: (1) insignificant grade (C1), within the margin of error [−0.1 to 0.1 h]; (2) small grades which consist of a small negative grade level (−C2) [−0.5 to −0.1 h] and a small positive grade level (C2) (0.1 to 0.5 h]; (3) medium grades in the negative region (−C3) within the margin of error [−1.5 to −0.5 h) and a medium positive region (C3) within the margin of error (0.5 to 1.5 h]; and (4) high grades in the negative region (−C4) with a margin of error <−1.5 h and a high positive region (C4) with a margin of error >1.5 h.
The comparisons covered the daily and monthly sums and their statistical distributions. A linear fit was applied between the daily and monthly sunshine durations of the automatic and manual instruments. The correlations between the instruments are examined and the results are presented in the next section.
4. Conclusions
Comparisons between manual and automatic instruments for SD measurements were applied to the three synoptic stations (Larnaca A/P, Pafos A/P and Athalassa) where different sunshine devices are installed. The comparisons of daily SD are applied between four different types of instruments, namely the manual Campbell–Stokes sunshine recorders (CS), and automatic measurements based on pyranometers (Gl), pyrhiliometer (Pr) and the CSD3 sunshine sensors.
All sites show negative skewness of the daily SD values, and their monthly average daily sunshine durations range between 5 h/d (January) and 13.5 h/d (June or July). The average annual actual SD sum for all the sites is 3300 h, ranging from 3100 to 3500 h irrespective of the measuring device.
Differences have been determined between the daily values measured with automatic sensors and the daily value of Campbell–Stokes sunshine recorder. The daily differences of the pairs of the sunshine recorders installed at the same location are mostly within the range of −1.0 to +1.0 h. However, in cases where the comparisons take place between the synoptic and the automatic weather stations, these differences are slightly higher. At Larnaca in the period 2009–2012, positive differences between the pyranometric method (Gl) and CS are observed during the summer months, while negative differences are observed during the winter months. Negative differences between Gl and CS are also observed almost throughout the year at Pafos during the period 2009–2012. The maximum positive difference for the period 2009–2012, for the Gl and CS pair is 2.5 h for Larnaca and 3 h for Pafos, whereas the lowest differences reached the values of −3.4 and −4.3 h, respectively. Comparing Pr with CS for the period 2012–2015 at Athalassa, the differences are mostly negative, and the maximum difference reached the value of 1.5 h, while the lowest difference was −4.4 h. The comparisons between CS recording devices and CSD3 sensors showed slightly higher ranges. For example, for the comparison of CS at Larnaca and CSD3 at Mennogia, the maximum difference is 4.5 h, and the lowest difference is −4.7 h. This is expected, since CSD3 measures the SD at AWSs which are located a short distance from the synoptic station, whereas the sky conditions are probably slightly different. Generally, the annual average daily differences between the different pairs range between 0.3 and 0.5 h, which are approximately 18 and 30 min.
The main reason for larger values of manual sunshine duration is the ‘overburning effect’. The burnt area on the card of the CS sunshine recorder does not cease immediately at the moment when a cloud disturbs the sunshine. This ‘overburning’ leads to an overestimation of sunny conditions, while the automatic instruments change faster in the direct solar radiation than the CS device. Generally, in all cases, the histograms of the differences resemble a normal distribution.
The analysis of the differences showed that the pairs have approximately the same values in about 9% to 23% of all the measurements (Class C1). With the exception of the pair CSD3_Pent and CS, the percentage daily differences between the automatic sensors and CS recorders fluctuate between 48% and 59% within the range of −0.5 to 0.5 h i.e., between the −C2 and C2 classes. Generally, the frequencies of negative differences between the automatic and manual instruments are higher than the frequencies of positive differences for the pairs at Pafos and Athalassa. The highest negative percentage was 68% and it occurred at Pafos. In the case of Larnaca, the negative percentages of daily differences between the automatic instruments and the CS recorder range between 38% and 50%.
The correlation between individual daily SD records is strong, as is indicated by the coefficient of determination (R2) which ranges between 0.84 and 0.96. The lowest correlation was recorded between the daily CS at Larnaca and CSD3 at Pentakomo. The lower R2 was obtained for the cases of comparisons of the sunshine recorders with the CSD3 sensors which are installed in the AWS close to the synoptic ones. A higher dispersion is observed in the middle of the graphs rather than towards the tops and bottoms of the regression lines. This can be attributed to the fact that on ‘mostly cloudy’ (low daily sunshine duration) or ‘mostly clear’ sunny (high daily SD) days, the instruments tend to measure similar sunshine durations. In contrast, under intermediate cloud conditions (middling daily sunshine durations), the SD measured by each instrument tends to be more dissimilar, due to the different sensitivity of each instrument. As is expected, the length of the prediction intervals for the cases of comparisons between CS sunshine recorders and CSD3 sensors is higher, due to the fact that the cloud appearance at the neighboring stations will probably be slightly different than those at the synoptic stations. The coefficients of determination for the regression equations under ‘mostly cloudy’ and ‘mostly clear’ conditions range between 0.53 and 0.86.
The largest frequencies of negative differences between the electronic and manual devices were recorded under ‘partly cloudy’ sky conditions, and it can be attributed to the fact of the influence of the clouds which cover the solar disk in quick succession.
Comparing statistically the different pairs using the Mann–Whitney nonparametric test which is the alternative parametric test to the Two-Sample T test, it was found that the medians are not statistically different. However, significant differences were only detected in the case of the pair of CS and Pr at Athalassa (2012–2015) using both tests. In the rest of the cases the differences are not statistically significant at the 5% significant level.
The empirical coefficients of the Angström–Prescott (A–P) formulation for different pairs are very close. The parameter α ranges from 0.227 to 0.298, while b varies from 0.468 to 0.533. The dispersion of the empirical values is small, since all the stations have almost the same climatic conditions. The coefficients of determination are very high, ranging from 0.728 to 0.907. The lowest values are obtained in the cases when the relative sunshine was measured by automatic stations equipped with CSD3 recorders. Otherwise, R2 is around 0.90. It has to be noted that the empirical coefficients for the same location but in different time periods are almost similar. The daily direct horizontal irradiation is closely related to the daily sunshine duration through quadratic equations.
The linear relationships between CS and the automatic sensors can be used to extend the time series of CS measurements. The slope of the trend line of the annual totals of SD for the whole period of measurements, in the case of Larnaca, it is positive, and it is statistically significantly different from zero at the 5% significant level. In contrast, the slopes at Pafos and Athalassa are negative, but they are not statistically significant from zero at the 5% significant level. The study could also be extended to compare the automatic sensors between themselves. Furthermore, satellite data can be compared with ground-based data.