The Source Value of Arabic Typikon-Manuscripts as Testimonials for the Byzantinization of the Melkites
:1. Introduction
2. The Arabic Typikon Manuscripts
2.1. Short Presentation of the Arabic Typikon Manuscripts
2.1.1. Overview
- Sinai ar. 265
- Paul Sbath 73
- Sinai ar. 266
- Sinai ar. 267
- Sinai ar. 264
- Ṣaidnāyā 107
- Mār ʾAliyās Šwayyā 34
2.1.2. Sin. ar. 265
تمت نظام التبيقون المعل بروح القديس من الاب القديس كوكب البريه معلم الرهبان والدياره مارى سابا فتسالمه بناو الاهنا يسوع المسيح ان يرشد الى ما امر به فى كتبه على اللسن ابينا وقديسه ورسله مع شفاع السيده ام النور وجميع القديسين امين والسبح به دايم نها عمل برسم الاب القديس كير القس يوسف ابن القس الياس الحميد عمر الله له ولوالدينه ولجمع فى المعموديه له
I completed the system of the Typikon, the work in the Holy Spirit, of the holy father, the star of the desert, the teacher of the monks and the monasteries, Mārī Sābā. And it was given to him by the son of our God, Jesus the Messiah, that he guides to what he commanded with it in his scripture, through the tongue of our father and his saints and his apostles with the intercession of our Lady, the mother of the light, and all the saints. Amen. And glory to him forever. End of the works by order of the holy father, Kīr, the presbyter, Yūsuf, son of the presbyter ʾAliyās, the praiseworthy. May God grant a long life to him and to his parents and to the community connected to him by baptism.
نظام ترتيب الكنايسي المستقيم رايها المسما بلغه اليونانيه تبيقون اي معلم الكنايس ومديرها المنسوب الى الاب سابا صاحب السبق المتوشح بالاهيات
System of the orthodox ecclesial order, which is called in the Greek language Tibīqūn, i.e., the teacher of the churches and her directory which is attributed to the father, Sabas, the founder of the lavra, the god-bearing.
2.1.3. Sbath 73
2.1.4. Sinai ar. 266
فصل مختصر من التبيقون يعرف به اطروباريات العياد علي دور السنة بتمامه وكماله
Abridged section of the Tibīqūn to become acquainted with the Ṭrūbāriyāt of the feasts in the course of the year in its entirety and completeness.
2.1.5. Sin. ar. 267
فكان النجاز من كتبته نهار الخميس خامس عشر شهر كانون الاخ بتاريخ سنه الف وستمايه وسبعه وثلثين بسنه يونانيه كتبه العبد الحقير الكثير الخطايا الاسم قس الياس ابن القس يعقوب من قريه اميون في بلد طرابلس الشام وكتبه وهو ابن ثمانين سنه ⁂ فلا يعتب عليه ان كان فيه نقص او زال ⁂ لان الله الكامل وحده ⁂ وكان المعتني بنصاخته وحبكه وتجليده الاب الفاضل السيد الرييس ابا افرام خادم دير سيده كفتون وساير مطوشياته ⁂ وهي ثمن اديره في الجبل والساحل واعتناه المذكور في نصاخته وعمله وقف عن روحه ⁂ لدير طور سينا ⁂ وهو برسم كنيسه السريان ⁂ في الدير المقدس طور سينا ⁂
And the completion of this book was on Thursday, the fifteenth of the second Kanūn of the year one thousand six hundred and thirty-seven in the Greek year. It was written by the humble and manifold sinful servant with the name: presbyter ʾAliyās, son of the presbyter Yaʿqūb, from the village of ʾAmiyūn in the land of Tripoli of Syria. And he wrote it as a man of eighty years. So don’t admonish if there is an omission or an amendment, because ʾAllāh is perfectly one. And the one who cared for its copy, its binding and its cover, was the exceptional father, the presider, ʾAbā ʾAfrām, servant of the monastery of the Lady of Kaftūn and the rest of its metochies. And those are eight monasteries in the mountains and at the shore. And the abovementioned took pains to preserve its spirit in the copy and his work for the monastery of Mount Sinai.
[نكتب[ ترتيبً كناسياً ونظامً بيعياً مسما بلغه اليناني تبيكن منسوبَ الي سيق ابينا البار والمتوشح بالله سابا
We write the ecclesial order and the churchly system, called in the Greek language Tibīkun, attributed to the lavra of our father, the blessed god-bearer Sābā.
2.1.6. Sin. ar. 264
سجل كُلّ واقف على كتابنا هَدا يعلم ان نسخة الاَصل الروميّه المنتقل منها نسخه حيده حدّاً جدا وفى اخرها مكتوب ما هَدا فحواه ان كمل نسخَها في يوم الاثنين العشرين من شهر نيسان عام سته الف وستمايه خمسه وتسعين للعلم على يد ايسيشيوس الراهب فى دير السيق الكُلّى الشظف المختص بالقديس صابا المتقدس وعليه الخبيس الرومى على السيق المدكور وهى الان كنيسه القديسين الشهدا الاربعين بحاره الروم بالقاهره المحروسه ولعل تكون هذه النسحه منقوله من نسحه الاصل الى خط واضِع الكتاب او من نسخه منقوله منها لانه فى السيق المذكور وَضعهُ ولانها قريبه العَهد من المشار اليه لان فى وزاره ابيه على ايّام هرقل الملك اخذت دمشق من الروم فى سنه سته الف ومايه ثمانيه واربعين للعلم وهَذا القديس استقر فى الوزارهَ بَعد ابيه وعمل عليه شرحت ذلك فى كتاب الفته وسميته بالهادِى فى معرفه السيماوى في باب الشيروتوميّا 2 فبحت على من طالعهُ ان لا يشك فى ان هذه النسخه اتمّ من كل النسخ الموجوده في ايدى النآس لانها من المعدَن خرجت ولا ينبغى لاحد ان يغير منها شى البتّه بل يكون الاعتماد عليها فى كل الترتيب الموضوع وللّهِ الشكر وحيل الامتنان
Everyone who is interested in this our book is informed that the translated Roman [=Byzantine] original copy was copied till the end. And at its completion it is written that its sense and its copy were completed on the twenty-second day of the month Nīsān [= April] of the year six thousand six hundred ninety-five of the world [=1187 ce] by the hands of ʾĪsīšiyūs [=Hesychios], the monk, in the monastery of the lavra of great discomfort, the one dedicated to the holy Ṣābā, the Sanctified. And he is a Roman [=Greek] hermit according to the above-mentioned lavra. And it is for the church of the Forty Martyrs at Ḥārat ar-Rūm at Cairo. And this copy was translated from the original copy to the script of the writer of that book or from a translated copy, so that in the above-mentioned lavra it was compiled. And so it is closely adhered to because it was in the scriptorium of our father in the days of Haraqal [=Herakleios], the king, when Damascus was taken from Rome, in the year six thousand one hundred forty-eight of the world [=640 ce]. And this saint settled in the scriptorium after his father and worked on it. This was explained in a book that he composed and named “Guidance to the teaching about the heavenly things” in the chapter “Aš-širotoniya“ [=Cheirotonia]. And he investigated about him, who perused it, so that there is no doubt that this copy was finished before all [other] copies which can be found in the hands of men, so this is the original which was published. And it is not desired that anyone changes anything, but there should be reliance on it in all the regulations that are given. And thanks be to God and gratitude to his power.
التيبيكون المشتمل على الرسوم البيعيّه
The Typikon, comprising the orders of the church
2.1.7. Ṣaidnāyā 107
[نكتب] نظامً بيعياً وترتيب كناسياً مسما بلغه اليناني تبيكن منسوبَ الي سيق ابينا البار المتوشح بالله سابا
We write the churchly system and the ecclesial order, called in the Greek language Tibīkun, attributed to the lavra of our father, the blessed god-bearer Sābā.
نجز بعون الله وحسن توفيقه الكتاب الشريف التبيكن المبارك المترجم المنقول من الرومي الي العربي والسرياني ⁂ غفر الرب لمن ترجمه وكتبه وقايله واعتنا به وتعب فيه امين ◊ وكان النجاز من كتبته نهار الاربعا ثامن عشر خات من شهر تموز المبارك سنه ستالاف وتسعمايه احد وستين لابينا ادم عليه السالم ◊ وذلك علي يد العبد الخاطي المسكين ابراهيم باسم قس الساكن يومئد بمدينه صافيثا وهو يسال لكلمن قرا في هذا التيبكن المبارك ان وجد فيه غلط واصلحه يصلح الربّ الاله احواله قدام السيد المسيح لان كل انسان ناقص والله هو الكامل ◊ ولربّنا والاهنا الشكر دايماً ابد اسر مدى وعلينا رحمته امين ◊ يكون ذلك يكون بشفاعة السيده لها النور وجميع القديسين امين ◊ وهو برسم الخوري يعقوب بن سليمان الشماس بن حريز خادم كنيسه القديسه بربارة بمدينه بعلبك الله تعلى يهنيه به زمان طويل امين اشتري هذا الكتاب المبارك المسما كتاب التيبيكن الحقر فى روسا الكهنه سماون خادم كرسى دير ستنا السيده بمحرسه صيدنايا والمجيده مرثه مريّة الدير ستنا السيده
Executed with the aid of God the most high, this noble book is in accordance with the blessed Tībikun, translated from Roman [=Greek] to Arabic and Syriac. The Lord guarded him who translated it, copied it, and compiled it and who cared for it and made efforts with it. Amen. And the execution of his book took eighty-four days. It was completed on Wednesday, the eighteenth of the blessed month Tammūz of the year six thousand nine hundred sixty-one since the creation of Adam—peace be on him [typical Islamic formula for the designation of saints] [=1453 ce?]. And this by the hand of the fallible and miserable servant ʾIbrāhīm by name, henceforth priest at the town of Ṣāfīṯā. And he asks everyone who reads in this blessed Tībikun, if he finds mistakes or better things, to correct it. The Lord God be kind to his years, because before the Lord, the Messiah, every human is peccable and God is the perfect one. And to our Lord and our God be thanks for ever and ever and upon us his mercy. Amen. And this be with the intercession of our Lady, to her be the light, and of all saints. Amen. And it was [written] by the command of the chorbishop Yaʿqūb, son of Sulaymān, the deacon, son of Ḥāriz, servant of the church of the holy Barabra in the town of Baʿalbak. God, the most high, may grant him a long life. Amen. This blessed book, which is called book of the Tībīkun was purchased by the humble among the directors of the priesthood, Simāʿūn [=Symeon], servant of the chair of the monastery of our Lady in the town wall of Ṣaydnāyā and of the blessed Marṯa Marya of the monastery of our Lady.
2.1.8. Mār ʾAliyās Šwayyā 34
التيبيكون المشتمل على الرسوم البيعيّه
The Tībīkūn, comprising the orders of the church
2.2. Monasteries as the Contributors to the Process of Arabization and Byzantinization
3. Observations Regarding the Celebrated Worship
3.1. Multilingualism
3.2. The Bible Version
3.3. The Calendar of Saints and the Neo-Martyrs
- the Iconoclasm
- the Ottoman Empire
- the Roman Catholic or Protestant Rule and
- the Communist Regime.
إِنَّمَا جَزَاء الَّذِينَ يُحَارِبُونَ اللّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَيَسْعَوْنَ فِي الأَرْضِ فَسَادًا أَن يُقَتَّلُواْ أَوْ يُصَلَّبُواْ أَوْ تُقَطَّعَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَأَرْجُلُهُم مِّنْ ِلافٍ أَوْ يُنفَوْاْ مِنَ الأَرْضِ ذَلِكَ لَهُمْ ِزْيٌ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَلَهُمْ فِي الآ خ ِرَةِ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ
And the punishment of those who make war against ʾAllah and his messenger and walk upon the earth with corruption will be that they are killed or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides or that they are exiled from the earth. This is for them the disgrace in the world and for them thereafter a heavy punishment.
- Abraam, the brigand (September 7th)
- Theodōros, the patriarch (September 24th)
- Basileios, the patriarch (September 25th)
- Abraam, the youth (October 6th)
- Nikolaos, the patriarch (October 8th)
- Iōannēs of Daylam (October 10th)
- Eustratios (October 17th)
- Ambakum (October 17th)
- Michaēl (October 17th)
- 63 martyrs of Jerusalem (October 22nd)
- dedication of Geōrg (November 3rd)
- Palladios (November 27th)
- translation of Iakōbos (December 1st)
- translation of Dēmētrios (December 2nd)
- Antōnios, the Qurayšī (December 24th)
- Iōannēes, the hesychast (January 8th)
- Maximos and Dometa (January 10th)
- Kyriakos (January 30th)
- Agathanos (February 7th)
- ʿAbd al-Masīḥ (Christodulos) (March 9th)
- Agathōn (March 10th)
- Ṭamūn (March 25th)
- Stephanos, the Sabaite (April 2nd)
- Kopras and Patermuthios (April 7th)
- Ephraim (May 5th)
- Theoktiste (May 13th)
- Märtyrer of Mamilla (May 20th)
- Christophoros of Antioch (May 21st)
- Kyriakos of Jerusalem (May 21st)
- Michaēl in Alexandria (June 6th)
- Bišoy (July 2nd)
- Asia (July 15th)
- Michaēl, the Sabaite (July 19th)
- Theodōros of Edessa (July 19th)
- Barlaam (July 19th)
- Aiglōn (August 12th)
- The 63 martyrs of Jerusalem (October 22nd), who were crucified around the year 724 (Sauget 1969, pp. 310–11).
- Antōnios, the Qurayšī (December 24th), who was martyred in Raqqa in the year 799 because he worked a miracle with an icon of Theodore of Damascus (Sauget 1969, p. 332; Simon 2006, p. 121).
- Kyriakos (January 30th), who was beheaded (Sauget 1969, p. 343).
- ʿAbd al-Masīḥ (Christodulos) (March 9th), who was a higoumen of the Sinai monastery in the early 8th century (Sauget 1969, p. 366).
- Ephraim (May 5th) (Dick 1994, p. 134).
- Christophoros of Antioch (May 21st) (Sauget 1969, p. 380).
- Michaēl, the Sabaite (July 19th).
- Bacchos (December 16th and April 11th)
- Christophoros (May 13th)
- Antōnios (December 29th)
- The dedication of Geōrg (November 3rd) is witnessed in all Arabic Typikon manuscripts but the oldest one.
- The miracle of Michaēl in Alexandria (June 6th) is witnessed in one Greek-Arabic Typikon manuscript.
- Theodōros of Edessa (July 19th) is witnessed in the same manuscript.
4. Who Was Affected?
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | All translations provided in this paper are mine. |
2 | According to Nasrallah (1981, p. 150), this is a mistake and should be pronounced Aš-širotoniya, meaning the ordination, and that he wrote a commentary about it. |
3 | This is, of course, only a valid assumption if one can assume that the manuscripts were written for a liturgical purpose. The basic assumption that Syriac incipits indicate Syriac prayers is challenged by Galadza and van Vogelpoel (2019, p. 48). |
4 | Arthur Stanley Tritton (1933, p. 857) shows this for Theodor Abū Qurra. |
5 | Although Simon mentions “in addition” the martyrs of the Coptic Church, among them particularly those who died under Islamic persecutions (114), even today there are Coptic Christians in Egypt who are killed as martyrs, but they are usually not commemorated for political reasons (115). He also refers to the Christian martyrs who suffered their martyrdom under Soviet rule; some of them are canonized now (145). |
6 | Originally: “propre melkite” (Sauget 1998, p. 181). |
7 | The spelling here corresponds to the presumed Greek spelling. |
8 | Originally: “Les saints propres aux synaxaires melkites sont surtout des patriarches d’Antioche des 10e–11e siècles, des moines des 9e–10e siècles et des martyrs tués par les Musulmans.” (Dick 1994, p. 133). |
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Lüstraeten, M. The Source Value of Arabic Typikon-Manuscripts as Testimonials for the Byzantinization of the Melkites. Religions 2021, 12, 931.
Lüstraeten M. The Source Value of Arabic Typikon-Manuscripts as Testimonials for the Byzantinization of the Melkites. Religions. 2021; 12(11):931.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLüstraeten, Martin. 2021. "The Source Value of Arabic Typikon-Manuscripts as Testimonials for the Byzantinization of the Melkites" Religions 12, no. 11: 931.
APA StyleLüstraeten, M. (2021). The Source Value of Arabic Typikon-Manuscripts as Testimonials for the Byzantinization of the Melkites. Religions, 12(11), 931.