Missionary Writings during the Canton Exile (1666–1671): Crisis in the Manchu-Christian Relationship
:1. Introduction
2. Setting the Stage in Canton and the First Reports on the Mission
3. Writing Internal Reports on the Calendar Case
4. Writing the Spiritual History of Christianity under the Manchus
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Cummins, The Travels and Controversies, 2: 415, 418, 419. |
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3 | Among the correspondences of Verbiest were letters sent to Pacheco on 1st September 1666, to Grelon on 18 April 1668, to Couplet on 23 January 1670, to Rougemont on 23 January 1670, to Couplet on 20 August 1670, to Rougemont on 20 August 1670, to Le Faure on 20 August 1670 and to Gouvea on 1 January 1671. See Golvers (2017). |
4 | We should mention that the Historica Narratio was compiled by the Austrian Jesuit Michael Sicuten, using letters by Adam Schall about his work at the court in Beijing, but this work was first published in Wien in 1665 and is not mentioned by the Jesuits in Canton. An expanded edition in 1672 tells the story up to 1669. |
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Primary Sources
Brancati, 1668. Breve relatione della persecutione mossa da Tartari contro la Legge Christiana e suoi Predicatori nell’anno del Signore 1664, Dicianove anni doppo che i Tartari cominciorno à regnare nel Regno della China, che fu l’anno del Secondo Re Tartaro, chiamato Camhi il Terzo, 13 October 1668, Canton, original manuscript from the hand of Brancati: ms. Jap.Sin.112: ff. 183r–222v; copy made in Rome: Relazione della persecutione de Tartari nella Cina, ms. Jap.Sin.130: ff. 1–90.Caballero, 1666a. Relaçión de la persecuçión, 30 April 1666, Ms. Archivo de la Provincia de San Gregorio, Cajón 10, Leg. 3; Crónica de la Provincia de San Pablo, tomo III, caps. I-XVIII, ed. Salamanca); Lorenzo Pérez OFM, “Relaçión de la persecuçion en China (1664–1666),” in Archivo Ibero-Americano VI-VIII-IX (1915); Lorenzo Pérez, Relaçión de la persecuçion en China por Fr. Antonio de Santa Maria, Madrid: Imprenta de Gabriel López Del Horno, 1915, 80p.Caballero, 1666b. Letter to Bonaventura Ibañez, 15 October 1666, Sinica Franciscana vol. 9 pars 2, pp. 989–1004.Caballero, 1666c. Letter to Franciscus Pallu, 16 October 1666; Sinica Franciscana vol. 9 pars 2, pp. 1004–9.Caballero, 1666d. Letter to Minister General, 17 October 1666; Sinica Franciscana vol. 9 pars 2, pp. 1009–13.Caballero, 1666e. Letter to Procurator General, 18 October 1666; Sinica Franciscana vol. 9 pars 2, pp. 1013–15.Caballero, 1666f. Letter to Bartholomaeus de Leitona, 18 October 1666; Sinica Franciscana vol. 9 pars 2, pp. 1016–19.Caballero, 1667. Relaçión de la persecuçión en este Reyno de la gran China se levanto contra nuestra Santa Fe y sus predicatores, año del Señor de 1664; Dirigida a nuestro Reverendissimo Padre General de toda la Seraphica familia franciscana, 11 September 1667; BVE, ms. Fondo Gesuitico 1251/1: ff. 1r–66r, with the seal of Caballero. Publication: Anastasius Van den Wyngaert, Sinica Franciscana 2 (Collegium S. Bonaventurae, 1936): 502–606; see Zhang Kai 張凱, Xibanya de Hanxue yanjiu 西班牙的漢學研究 (1552–2016), Zhongguo shehuikexue chubanshe 中國社會科學出版社, 2017, pp. 352–58.Caballero, 1668. Prodigios en la gran China desde el Año 1658 asta el de 1668, 9 November 1668; APF, SOCG, vol. 432: ff. 443r-445v.Catalogue, 1666. Catalogus Primus Patrum ac Fratrum Societatis Iesu qui sunt in Sinensi V-Provincia, 1666; Ms. Jap.Sin.134: ff. 348r-351r.Catalogue, 1667. Catalogo dos Padres e Irmaos da V-Provincia da China 1667, authenticated by Da Gama, 20 October 1667; Ms. Jap.Sin.134: f. 352r.Catalogue, 1668. Catalogo dos Padres e Irmaos da V-Provincia da China 1668, authenticated by Da Gama, 10 December 1668; Ms. Jap.Sin.134: ff. 353r-v.Catalogue, 1669a. Catalogo dos Padres e Irmaos da V-Provincia da China 1669, authenticated by Da Gama, 30 October 1669; Ms. Jap.Sin.134: ff. 355r-v.Catalogue, 1669b. Catalogus Primus Patrum ac Fratrum Societatis Iesu qui sunt in Sinensi V-Provincia, 1669; Ms. Jap.Sin.134: ff. 356r–359r.Couplet and Rougemont, 1666. Letter to Gilles van der Beke, provincial of Flanders-Belgium, 10 November 1666; copy, Archives du Royaume, Fl.-Belg. Cah. 872–915, ff. 85–86.Couplet, 1669. Letter in Dutch to the two Jesuits Hendrick van Alckemade and Clement Verschoor (1617–1675), 1669.Da Gama, 1666. Regimento p.a o. P.e Sup.or de Quantum, Macao, 1 September 1666, ARSI, ms. Jap.Sin.162: ff. 133–134.Dos Reis, 1667. Receita/Despeza do Cabedal da V.Provincia da China que da o Irmao Manoel Dos Reis, Procurador da mesma Vice-provincia começada aos 18 de Dezembro de 1661 atè o fim de Junho 1667 (6a via); with note at the end of the page by Da Gama dated 10 July 1667; ARSI, ms. Fondo Gesuitico 721.II,6: 23r-24v (6a via).Dos Reis, 1668. Entrega que faz o Irmão Manoel dos Reys Procurador da V. Provincia da China ao Padre Intorcetta Procuradore electo a Roma pella mesma Vice Provincia, 2a via, Authenticated by Da Gama on 10 December 1668; ARSI, ms. Fondo Gesuitico 722/16, 1 page.Gabiani, 1666. Letter in Italian to Jesuit Superior General, 2 November 1666; ARSI, ms. Jap.Sin.162: 142r-143v.Gabiani, 1667a. Letter in Italian to Jesuit Superior General, 8 December 1667, ARSI, ms. Jap.Sin.162: ff. 200r-202v.Gabiani, 1667b. Incrementa Sinicæ ecclesiæ, a Tartaris oppugnata, accurata & contestata narratione; original manuscript ARSI, ms. Jap.Sin.108, ff. 1–142, dated 8 December 1667, with the approval of Pacheco and the signatures of Gouvea, Brancati, Ferrariis, Le Faure, Valat. Published as: Gabiani, Incrementa Sinicae Ecclesiae, a Tartaris oppugnatae, Wien: Leopold Voigt, 1673, pp. 111–507.Gabiani, 1668. Letter in Latin to Jesuit Superior General, 11 November 1668, ARSI, ms. Jap.Sin.162: ff. 230r-230v.Gabiani, 1669. Letter in Italian to Jesuit Superior General, 6 February 1669, ARSI, ms. Jap.Sin.162: ff. 275r-276v.García, 1671. Persecucion que movieron los Tartaros en el Imperio de la China contra la ley de Iesu Christo, y sus Predicadores: y lo sucedido desde el año de 1664 hasta el fin del año de 1668. Alcalá de Henares: María Fernández 1671, 48 pages. Reprints: Sevilla: Juan de Osuna, 1671; 48 pages; Madrid: 1672, 48 pages; Cadiz: Viuda de Juan Lorenço Machado, 1672, 27 folia.Gouvea, 1669. Catalogus Rerum V-Provinciae Sinensis Societatis Iesu, 6 October 1669; ARSI, ms. Jap.Sin.134: ff. 360r–361r.Grelon, 1667. Histoire de la Chine sous la domination des Tartares où l’on verra les choses les plus remarquables qui sont arrivées dans ce grand Empire, depuis l’année 1651 qu’ils ont achevé de le conquérir jusqu’en 1669, Paris: Jean Henault, 1671, 350 pages. Ms. Recueil de diverses choses remarquables… 1666 et 1667 à 1669, BNF-Gallica: ms. Français 14688: 20r-135r, 138r–139r, 150r–152r. Streit, Bibliotheca missionum, vol. 5, n. 2394. There are two Chinese translations: Nie Zhongqian 聂仲迁, Qingchu DongXi lifa zhi zheng 清初东西历法之争, translated by Xie Jianghong 解江紅, Guangzhou 广州: Jinan daxue chubanshe 暨南大学出版社, 2021 (including Suite de l’histoire de la Chine); Nie Zhongqian 聂仲迁, Dadaren tongzhixia de Zhongguo lishi 鞑靼人统治下的中国史, translated by Zhang Dantong 張丹彤, revised by Zhang Fang 张放审校, Aomen wenhua suo 澳门文化所, 2020. Study: Xie Jianghong 解江红: “Yesuhuishi Nie Zhongqian jiqi Dada tongzhixia de Zhongguo lishi” 耶稣会士聂仲迁及其鞑靼统治下的中国历史, Wenxian 文献 4 (July 2018): 153–168.Grelon, 1669. Litterae annuae V. Prov. Sinensis, Annual Letter for the year 1669, 10 November 1669; manuscript copy in French preserved in the Archives générales du Royaume, Bruxelles, Archives jésuitiques, Province Flandres-Belgique, ms. Lettres annuelles des provinciaux des Jésuites d’Asie, n. 1427: ff. 173–193, edited by Henri Bosmans: Documents relatifs à F. Verbiest. Les lettres annuelles de la Vice-Province S. J. en Chine. Année 1669 par Adrien Grelon, in Annales de la société d’émulation de Bruges 62 (1912), pp. 23–61.Grelon, 1670a. Suite de l’histoire de la Chine imprimée en 1671, Paris: Jean Henault, 1672, 63 pages. The copy in French is preserved in the Archives Jésuites de la Province Europe Occidentale Francophone, N. 1427. Publication: Documents relatifs à F. Verbiest; Les lettres annuelles de la Vice-Province S. J. en Chine. Année 1669 par Adrien Grelon, in Henri Bosmans ed., Annales de la société d’émulation de Bruges 62 (1912): 15–53.Grelon, 1670b. Litterae annuae, V. Prov. Sinensis, Annual Letter for the years 1669 and 1670, 20 October 1670; ARSI, ms. Jap.Sin.122: ff. 326-363 (3a via); ms. Fondo Gesuitico 722/3-4B, 52 pages; copy made in Rome, ARSI, ms. Jap.Sin.120: ff. 1–201.Herdtrich, 1668. Relação dos Prodigios sinicos, Letter to Gabriel Lentkowski, SJ, in Goa, 18 October 1668; ARSI, ms. Jap.Sin.162: ff. 215r-217v.Intorcetta, 1668. Confirmationes postulatorum Vice-Provinciae Sinensis et quaesita missa per Procuratorem Patrem, 20 August 1668; ARSI, ms. Fondo Gesuitico 722/5: ff. 1–15; draft with the same date: ARSI, ms. Jap.Sin.124: ff. 59r-69v.Intorcetta, 1672. Compendiosa narratione dello stato della Missione Cinese 1581-1669, dated 14 April 1671; APF, ms. SOCG vol 432: ff. 461r-468v. Publication: Compendiosa narratione dello stato della missione cinese, cominciando dall’anno 1581 fino al 1669, offerta in Roma alli eminentissimi signori della Sacra Congregatione de Propaganda Fide, Rome: Francesco Tizzoni, 1672, 76 pages; with in addition the Italian translation of a Portuguese letter by Gabriel de Magalhães, dated 2 January 1669 (pp. 77–114), and a letter from Herdtrich, dated 23 November 1670 (pp. 115–26); Streit, Bibliotheca missionum, vol. 5, n. 2405. Latin text without the letters by Magalhães and Herdtrich: Compendiosa narratio de statu missionis chinensis ab anno 1581 usque ad annum 1669, oblata eminentissimis DD. Cardinalibus Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, Rome, 14 April 1671, published as appendix in: Adam Schall, Historica relatio de ortu et progressu fidei orthodoxae in regno Chinensi per missionarios Societatis Iesu, Regensburg, 1672, pp. 353–67. The two letters were included in the second edition (editio altera et aucta) of Schall’s work; Ratisbonae: Typis Augusti Hanckwitz, 1672. See Francesco Piro, “What is exactly a civil cult?” in Wenchao Li, Leibniz and the European Encounter with China, Franz Steiner, 2017, pp. 214–29; Stefano Benedetti, “Prospero Intorcetta’s Compendiosa narratione (1672) and the Jesuit correspondence from China,” International conference, The Jesuit Mission of China in the Ajuda Library collections, published in Italian: “La Compendiosa narratione di Prospero Intorcetta (1671–72) e la coeva corrispondenza epistolare gesuitica tra Cina ed Europa,” Intorcettiana 2 (luglio-dicembre 2019): 24–35.Jorge, 1667. Breve relação em que se dá huma compendiosa noticia de como foy perseguida a Ley de Deos na China e seos Pregadores desterrados nestes proximos annos de 1664 e 1665, feita por ordem do R.P. Luis da Gama, Visitador das Provincias de Japão e China, da Companhia de Jesus, Em Canton, Provincia da China e lugar do desterro. De 1667. Revista segunda vez pello Padre Vice-Provincial P. Feliciano Pacheco; Ajuda, ms. 49-V-15: ff. 195–216, 280–288, 426–436. Also: Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid: Archivo del Japón 10:88r-129v, mentioning at the end: “Cantam, 28 de Janeiro [1667], De V.R. filho em Christo, Manuel Jorge”.Leonardo, 1668a. Relación de las cristiandades de la China, y lo que pasó en la persecución del año 1664 hasta el presente, Cárcel de Cantón, 22 October 1668, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Valencia (Ancient convent of the Dominicans in Valencia).Lubelli, 1666. Breve relação da persiguição geral da China, 26 December 1666; Ajuda, Jesuitas na Asia, ms. 49-V-15: 280r-295v.Lubelli, 1670. Breve relaçam da Rezidencia e Missão de Cantao do anno de 1670, Ajuda, Jesuitas na Asia, ms. 49-IV-62: 748v-752v; transcribed by Leonor Diaz de Seabra 施莉萝, translated by Dong Shaoxin, annotated by Thierry Meynard: “Yidali Yesuhuishi Lu Ande 1670 nian Guangzhou zhuyuan yu chuanjiao shituan jianbao” 意大利耶穌會士陸安德〈1670年廣州住院與傳教團簡報传教〉》, Xixue dongjian yanjiu 西學東漸研究, vol. 10, Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館, 2021, pp. 376–86.Magalhães, 1688. Nouvelle Relation de la Chine. Paris: Barbin, 1688; English: A new history of China, translated by John Ogilby, London: Thomas Newboroug, 1688.Navarrete, 1666. Letter to Jesuit Superior General, 13 October 1666; ARSI, ms. Fondo Gesuitico 730/4: 68r-v; APF, ms. Informationi Liber 156 Pro Missione Sinensi, t. 4: ff. 1-3.Navarrete, 1667. Letter to Jesuits in Beijing, 4 September 1667; ARSI, ms Jap.Sin.162: 186r-189v.Pacheco, 1666. Postulata Vice-Provinicae Sinensis proponenda Admodum Reverendo Patri Nostro Generali, 12 October 1666; ARSI, Congr. Prov. 77, ff. 313r-314r. Published as Appendix, in Ferdinand Verbiest, Postulata Vice-Provinciae Sinensis in Urbe Proponenda, A Blueprint for a Renewed SJ Mission in China, edited, translated, and annotated by Noël Golvers, Leuven: Ferdinand Verbiest Institute, 2018, pp. 203–6.Rougemont, 1668. Historia Tartaro-sinica nova, curiosè complectens ab anno 1660. Aulicam bellicamque inter Sinas disciplinam, sacrorum jura, & sacrificulorum; Christianæ Religionis prospera adversaque, singulari fide, elegantiâ facili, idoneis testimoniis breviter & clarè describens, Leuven: Martinus Hullegaerde, 1673, 327 pages.Rougemont, 1672. Relaçam do estado politico e espiritual do Imperio da China pellos annos de 1659 até o de 1666, escrita em latim pello P. Francisco Rogemont da Cõpanhia de Iesus, Flamengo, missionario no mesmo Impero da China. Traduzida por hum religioso da mesma Companhia de Jesus, Lisboa: Ioam da Costa, 1672, 225 pages. Streit, Bibliotheca missionum, vol. 5, n. 2406. Translation into Spanish by Rafael de Bonafé: Relación del estado de la cristiandad del Gran Imperio de la China y otros sucesos de estos reinos de la última Asia; unpublished manuscript, Biblioteca nacional de Madrid: Ms. 18553/2. Translation from Portuguese into Chinese by He Gaoji 何高济 as Dadan zhongguo shi 鞑靼中国史, in Dadan zhengfu Zhongguo shi, Dadan Zhongguo shi, Dadan zhanji 鞑靼征服中國史、鞑靼中国史、鞑靼战记, Zhonghua shuju 中华书局, 2008, pp. 218–334 (the Chinese translation does not include the additional documents present in the Portuguese version).Sarpetri, 1666. Letter to Superior General, 15 October 1666, ARSI, Fondo Gesuitico: 69r-70v.Sarpetri, 1668a. Prodigii successi nella gran China dall’anno 1658 sino all anno 1668, Same text as Caballero but in Italian and without the Chinese characters; APF, SOCG, vol. 432: ff. 441r-442v, 447r-448v.Verbiest, 1687. Astronomia Europaea sub imperatore Tartaro Sinico Cám Hý appellato ex umbra in lucem revocata, Dillingae: Joannis Caspari Bencard, 1687; English translation: Golvers, The Astronomia Europaea of F. Verbiest, Nettetal: Steyler, 1993.Secondary Sources
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Name | Nation | Chinese Name | Year of Birth | Age/ Year of Arrival in China | Province in China | Age at Arrival in Canton | Age/ Year of Death | Remarks |
Gouvea, António de | Portugal | 何大化 | 1592 | 44 1636 | 福建 | 74 | 85 1677 | Shifted to Japanese Province and superior of the residence from July 1666; shifted back to Vice-Province, Vice-Provincial, 1669–1672 |
Canevari, Pietro | Italy | 聶伯多 | 1596 | 34 1630 | 杭州、福建、江西 | 70 | 79 1675 | |
Trigault, Michel | Flanders | 金弥格 | 1602 | 28 1630 | 山西 | 64 | 65 1667.9.30 | Died in Canton |
Costa, Inácio da | Portugal | 郭纳爵 | 1603 | 30 1633 | 江西 | 63 | 63 1666.5.11 | Died in Canton |
Brancati, Francesco | Sicily | 潘国光 | 1607 | 29 1636 | 上海 | 59 | 1671.4.25 | Died in Canton |
Ferrariis, Giovanni Francesco | Italy | 李方西 | 1609 | 31 1640 | 陝西 | 57 | 62 1671 | Secretary of Vice-Provincial |
Le Faure, Jacques | France | 刘迪我 | 1613 | 43 1656 | 上海、福建、山东、南京 | 53 | 62 1675 | Vice-Provincial until July 1666 |
Valat, Jean | France | 汪儒望 | 1614 | 37 1651 | 山东 | 52 | 82 1696 | |
Augery, Humbert | France | 洪度贞 | 1618 | 38 1656 | 浙江 | 48 | 55 1673 | |
Grelon, Adrien | France | 聂仲迁 | 1618 | 38 1656 | 江西 | 48 | 77 1695 | |
Motel, Claude | France | 穆格我 | 1618 | 39 1657 | 杭州、陝西 | 48 | 53 1671 | |
Motel, Jacques | France | 穆迪我 | 1619 | 37 1656 | 胡北 | 47 | 73 1692 | |
Jorge, Manuel | Portugal | 张玛诺 | 1621 | 30 1651 | 江南、南京 | 45 | 56 1677 | |
Pacheco, Feliciano | Portugal | 成际理 | 1622 | 29 1651 | 上海、江南、淮安 | 44 | 55 1687 | Vice-Provincial from July 1666 to July 1669 |
Gabiani, Giandomenico | Italy | 毕嘉 | 1623 | 33 1656 | 江南 | 43 | 71 1694 | Minister of the house |
Couplet, Philippe | Flanders | 柏应理 | 1623 | 36 1659 | 南京 | 43 | 70 1693 | |
Rougemont, François de | Flanders | 鲁日滿 | 1624 | 34 1658 | 南京 | 42 | 52 1676 | |
Herdtrich, Christian | Austria | 恩理格 | 1625 | 35 1660 | 山西、河南 | 41 | 59 1684 | |
Intorcetta, Prospero | Sicily | 殷铎泽 | 1625 | 34 1659 | 江西 | 41 | 72 1696 | Left Canton on 1.9.1668, replaced by Macret |
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Meynard, T. Missionary Writings during the Canton Exile (1666–1671): Crisis in the Manchu-Christian Relationship. Religions 2024, 15, 295. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15030295
Meynard T. Missionary Writings during the Canton Exile (1666–1671): Crisis in the Manchu-Christian Relationship. Religions. 2024; 15(3):295. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15030295
Chicago/Turabian StyleMeynard, Thierry. 2024. "Missionary Writings during the Canton Exile (1666–1671): Crisis in the Manchu-Christian Relationship" Religions 15, no. 3: 295. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15030295
APA StyleMeynard, T. (2024). Missionary Writings during the Canton Exile (1666–1671): Crisis in the Manchu-Christian Relationship. Religions, 15(3), 295. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15030295