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Journal: Metabolites, 2023
Volume: 13
Number: 879

Article: Integrated NMR and MS Analysis of the Plasma Metabolome Reveals Major Changes in One-Carbon, Lipid, and Amino Acid Metabolism in Severe and Fatal Cases of COVID-19
Authors: by Marcos C. Gama-Almeida, Gabriela D. A. Pinto, Lívia Teixeira, Eugenio D. Hottz, Paula Ivens, Hygor Ribeiro, Rafael Garrett, Alexandre G. Torres, Talita I. A. Carneiro, Bianca de O. Barbalho, Christian Ludwig, Claudio J. Struchiner, Iranaia Assunção-Miranda, Ana Paula C. Valente, Fernando A. Bozza, Patrícia T. Bozza, Gilson C. dos Santos, Jr. and Tatiana El-Bacha

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