Plant Use in the Late Renaissance Gardens of the 17–18th Century Transylvania
:1. Introduction, Historical Background
2. Objectives
3. Research Methodology
- Identification of all Renaissance gardens in the study area, by examining and mapping their spatial/geographic location.
- Definition of three fundamental types, based on the data of the study sites
- Type A: sites where the garden is not only mentioned, but described specifically with its parameters;
- Type B: sites where the garden is just mentioned, one or more gardens exist, but no description of its layout can be found.
- Investigation and analysis of Type A sites, by the cultivated plant types and species (ornamental plants, vegetables, fruits, herbs, agricultural crops, fodder plants), based on archival materials as follows:
- the research of the distinct, clearly separable garden units defined by different types of cultivated plants of the era;
- the analysis of the frequency of the most typical plant species.
3.1. Identification of All Renaissance Gardens Sites in the Study Area
3.2. Definition of the Fundamental Garden Types, Based on the Data of the Study Sites
3.3. Investigation and Analysis of “Type A” Sites, by the Cultivated Plant Types and Species
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- Inventories, registers, and fief ownership charters
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- Accounts, payrolls, and expenditure certificates
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- Correspondence
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- Chronicles, travelogues
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- Diaries, diary fragments, reminiscences
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- Writings on local history, monographs
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- Scientific and professional literature, dissertations, summaries
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- Journals, periodicals, newspapers, and other news items
“Rectangular beds enclosed by beams, with very pretty vines growing on the edges of the beds; again, rose and lilac bushes. Lots of fragrant grasses and flowers and some small crops. Again there are other compartments, without fences, in which under the fruit trees there are lilies of the valley.”[56]
“There are 15 tiny beds of parsley here, mixed with onions. Parsnip of nine and a half beds, all good. Onions of 13 beds. Garlic, five beds. Carrots, seven beds. Radishes, one bed. Besides these there is also plenty of tarragon, sage, sedge, etc. Gooseberry planted in a row. Some peas. A few bushes of seed cabbage and two beds of seed parsley.”[57]
“In this garden, to the right hand side, at the edge of the compartments extends southwards a row of fruit trees, pear and apple graft trees. In the middle is a shingled gazebo on four posts, standing on pedestals, surrounded by fourteen very fine vines, tied on stakes. Beside it, on the edge of the compartments, are fourteen vines on stakes. On the north side there are also some garden and wild rose trees on the edge of the compartments, and also very fine sage, sedge and white lilies…”[58]
4. Results
4.1. Definition of Late Renaissance Garden Units
4.1.1. The Flower Garden
“The design of the flower garden depends also closely on the composition of the landscape, and is the reflection of a lifestyle, a perspective, a philosophy and a changing socio-economic environment. With their flowers, the late Renaissance gardens of the Carpathian Basin were also the gardens of reality and freedom, because of the pomp of the West and the Ottoman dependency of the East. The symbol of national freedom at this time is the garden, where in addition to the flowers, the splendor and comfort of the gazebos showed this real world and the arising thoughts aof future independence as reconcilable,”[29]
4.1.2. The Vegetable Garden
4.1.3. The Orchard
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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No | Locations with Garden Description (Type “A”) Hungarian Name/Romanian Name | Data (Year) | No | Locations without Garden Description, Only Mentioning the Existence of the Garden (Type “B”) Hungarian Name/Romanian Name |
1 | Kisbarcsa/Barcea Mica | 1624 | 51 | Porumbák/Porumbac |
2 | Fogaras/Fagaras | 1632 | 52 | Aranyosmeggyes/Mediesul Aurit |
3 | Siménfalva/Simonesti | 1636 | 53 | Lugos/Lugoj |
4 | Tasnád/Tasnad | 1644 | 54 | Lippa/Lipova |
5 | Nagyteremi/Tirimia | 1647 | 55 | Odvos/Odvos |
6 | Királyfalva/Craiesti | 1647 | 56 | Marosillye/Ilia |
7 | Meggykerék/Mescreac | 1647 | 57 | Szászsebes/Sebes |
8 | Drassó/Drasov | 1647 | 58 | Algyógy/Geoagiu |
9 | Marosvécs/Brancovenesti | 1648 | 59 | SzászcsanádCenade |
10 | Komána/Comana de Jos | 1648 | 60 | Sorostély/Sorostin |
11 | Sajókeresztúr/Cristesti | 1648 | 61 | Alsóárpás/Arpasu de Jos |
12 | Görgényszentimre/Gurghiu | 1652 | 62 | Sáros/Soars |
13 | Gerend/Luncani | 1652 | 63 | Kézdiszentlélek/Sanzieni |
14 | Magyarbükkös/Bichis | 1655 | 64 | Pálos/Palos |
15 | Búzábocsárd/Bucerdea Granoasa | 1658 | 65 | Bögöz/Mugeni |
16 | Mezőszengyel/Sanger | 1656 | 66 | Sárpatak/Sarpotoc |
17 | Szurdok/Surduc | 1657 | 67 | Keresd/Cris |
18 | Bethlen/Beclean | 1661 | 68 | Martonfalva/Metis |
19 | Déva/Deva | 1667 | 69 | Szásznádas/Nades |
20 | Mezőbodon/Papiu Ilarian | 1679 | 70 | Szentdemeter/Dumitreni |
21 | Nagysajó/Comuna Sieu | 1681 | 71 | Nagyercse/Ercea |
22 | Oprakercisóra/Cartisoara | 1683 | 72 | Mezőzáh/Zaul de Campie |
23 | Nyujtód/Lunga | 1684 | 73 | Paszmos/Posmus |
24 | Gernyeszeg/Gornesti | 1685 | 74 | Kentelke/Chintelnic |
25 | Csíkkozmás/Cozmeni | 1688 | 75 | Búza/Búza |
26 | Nagybún/Boiu Mare | 1692 | 76 | Gyeke/Geaca |
27 | Borberek/Vurpar | 1694 | 77 | Kóródszenmárton/Coroisanm |
28 | Kővár/Cetatea Chioarului | 1694 | 78 | Kendilóna/Luna de Jos |
29 | Vajdahunyad/Hunedoara | 1695 | 79 | Négerfalva/Negrilesti |
30 | Alvinc/Vintul de Jos | 1696 | 80 | Szamosfalva/Somesen-Cluj |
31 | Szentbenedek/Manastireni | 1696 | 81 | Belényes/Beius |
32 | Miklósvár/Miclosora | 1698 | 82 | Szilágysomlyó/Simleul Silvaniei |
33 | Egeres/Aghires | 1699 | 83 | Nagybánya/Baia Mare |
34 | Zentelke/Sancraiu | 1715 | 84 | Halmi/Halmeu |
35 | Malomvíz/Grid | 1716 | 85 | Küküllővár/Cetatea de Balta |
36 | Mezőörményes/Urmenis | 1721 | 86 | Székelyhíd/Sacueni |
37 | Koronka/Corunca | 1724 | ||
38 | Marosszentkirály/Sancraiu de Mures | 1725 | ||
39 | Aranykút/Aruncuta | 1728 | ||
40 | Kaplyony/Coplean | 1729 | ||
41 | Bonchida/Bontida | 1736 | ||
42 | Branyicska/Branisca | 1757 | ||
43 | Szilágycsehi/Cehu Silvaniei | 17. c. | ||
44 | Gyulafehérvár/Alba Iulia | 17. c. | ||
45 | Ebesfalva/Daumbraveni | 17. c. | ||
46 | Ádámos/Adamus | 17. c. | ||
47 | Olasztelek/Talisoara | 17. c. | ||
48 | Radnót/Iernut | 17. c. | ||
49 | Sepsiköröspatak/Valea Crisului | 17. c. | ||
50 | Uzdiszentpéter/Sanpetru de Campie | 17. c. |
No | Location | Data (Year) | Apple | Apricot | Sorb | Quince | Lemon | Melon | Nut | Strawberry | Gooseberry | Cherry | Blackthorne | Pear | Almond | Raspberry | Sauercherry | Hazelnut | Oil Tree | Cornel | Plum | Grape | Currant |
1 | Kisbarcsa | 1624 | x | ||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Fogaras | 1632 | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||||
3 | Siménfalva | 1636 | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||||||
4 | Tasnád | 1644 | x | x | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||||
5 | Nagyteremi | 1647 | x | ||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Királyfalva | 1647 | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Meggykerék | 1647 | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Drassó | 1647 | x | ||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Marosvécs | 1648 | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||||
10 | Komána | 1648 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
11 | Görgény | 1652 | x | x | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | Gerend | 1652 | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||||||
13 | Búzábocsárd | 1658 | x | ||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Mezőszengyel | 1656 | |||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Szurdok | 1657 | x | ||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Bethlen | 1661 | x | x | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | Mezőbodon | 1679 | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||||||
18 | Uzdiszentpéter | 1679 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||||||||||||
19 | Nagysajó | 1681 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||
20 | Oprakercisóra | 1683 | x | ||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Csíkkozmás | 1688 | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||||||
22 | Nagybún | 1692 | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||||||
23 | Borberek | 1694 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
24 | Kővár | 1694 | x | ||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Vajdahunyad | 1695 | x | ||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Szentbenedek | 1696 | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||||
27 | Egeres | 1699 | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||||
28 | Zentelke | 1715 | x | ||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Grid | 1716 | x | x | |||||||||||||||||||
30 | Mezőörményes | 1721 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||||||||||||
31 | Koronka | 1724 | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||||||
32 | Marosszentkirály | 1725 | x | x | |||||||||||||||||||
33 | Aranykút | 1728 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||||||||||||
34 | Bonchida | 1736 | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||||||
35 | Gernyeszeg | 1751 | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||||||
36 | Branyicska | 1757 | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||||||
37 | Szilágycsehi | 17. c. | x | ||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Gyulafehérvár | 17. c. | x | x | |||||||||||||||||||
39 | Ebesfalva | 17. c. | x | x | |||||||||||||||||||
TOTAL Number | 14 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 4 | 11 | 1 | 2 | 13 | 1 | 1 | 17 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 23 | 19 | 3 |
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Fekete, A.; Sárospataki, M. Plant Use in the Late Renaissance Gardens of the 17–18th Century Transylvania. Plants 2023, 12, 1798.
Fekete A, Sárospataki M. Plant Use in the Late Renaissance Gardens of the 17–18th Century Transylvania. Plants. 2023; 12(9):1798.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFekete, Albert, and Máté Sárospataki. 2023. "Plant Use in the Late Renaissance Gardens of the 17–18th Century Transylvania" Plants 12, no. 9: 1798.
APA StyleFekete, A., & Sárospataki, M. (2023). Plant Use in the Late Renaissance Gardens of the 17–18th Century Transylvania. Plants, 12(9), 1798.