Numerical Investigation of Freely Falling Objects Using Direct-Forcing Immersed Boundary Method
:1. Introduction
2. Mathematical Model and Numerical Method
2.1. DFIB Method
2.2. Equations of Motion Governing the Movement of an Immersed Solid
2.3. Collision Model
2.4. Numerical Procedure
- Integrate and to obtain center-of-mass position and angle of rotation for solid object and then determine solid domain .
- Determine volume of solid function through .
- Calculate via projection method.
3. Numerical Validations
3.1. Sedimentation of a Circular Disk
3.2. Sedimentation of a 3D Sphere
4. More Sedimentation Simulations by DFIB Method
4.1. Sedimentation of Two Tandem Circular Disks
4.2. Sedimentation of Multiple Circular Disks
5. Sedimentation of Solid Objects without Rotational Symmetry
5.1. Sedimentation of a Regular Triangle
5.2. A Freely Falling Ellipse
- Reynolds number, , with ,
- the dimensionless moment of inertia, ,
- the aspect ratio of the ellipse, , where a and b are the width and thickness of the ellipse, respectively.
6. Summary and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
% Initiallize the parameters of the simulation nu = 0.01; % cm^2/s % Create the mesh lx = 30; ly = 30; n = 64; Th = RectangleMesh([0, lx, 0, ly], lx*n, ly*n); % Create the triangle object r = 0.5; % radius of the circumscribed circle edge_length = sqrt(3)*r; angle_of_attack = 5*pi/180; center_of_mass = [15, 28]; rho_s = 1.5; tri = TriangleObject(Th, center_of_mass, edge_length, r, angle_of_attack, rho_s); % Time setting dt = 1e-4; nt = 50000; % Boundary condition UN = 0; VN = 0; US = 0; VS = 0; UE = 0; VW = 0; UW = 0; VE = 0; % Initialize [u, v, p] = initialize(Th, UW, UE, US, UN, VW, VE, VS, VN); u_old = u; v_old = v; % DFIB curtime = 0; for iter = 1:nt curtime = curtime + dt; fprintf(‘current time: %f\n’, curtime) % Move the object to next time level tri.move(dt); % Preprocessing dpdx = diff(p, 1, 1)/Th.hx; dpdy = diff(p, 1, 2)/Th.hy; [H1, H2] = H(u, v, nu, Th.hx, Th.hy); [H1_old, H2_old] = H(u_old, v_old, nu, Th.hx, Th.hy); % Solve the intermediate velocity u_old = u; v_old = v; u(2:end-1, 2:end-1) = u(2:end-1, 2:end-1) + dt*(-dpdx + 1.5*H1 - 0.5*H1_old); v(2:end-1, 2:end-1) = v(2:end-1, 2:end-1) + dt*(-dpdy + 1.5*H2 - 0.5*H2_old); u = updateBC_u(u, UW, UE, US, UN); v = updateBC_v(v, VW, VE, VS, VN); % Solve the Poisson system S = diff(u(:, 2:end-1), 1, 1)/Th.hx + diff(v(2:end-1, :), 1, 2)/Th.hy; phi = FFT_Poisson_solver(S/dt, Th.hx, Th.hy); % Projection step u(2:end-1, 2:end-1) = u(2:end-1, 2:end-1) - dt*diff(phi, 1, 1)/Th.hx; v(2:end-1, 2:end-1) = v(2:end-1, 2:end-1) - dt*diff(phi, 1, 2)/Th.hy; % update pressure p = p + phi; % update virtual force tri.computeVirtualForce(u, v, dt); % update velocity u(:, 2:end-1) = tri.eta1 .* + (1-tri.eta1).*u(:, 2:end-1); v(2:end-1, :) = tri.eta2 .* tri.vs + (1-tri.eta2).*v(2:end-1, :); end
function [u, v, p] = initialize(Th, UW, UE, US, UN, VW, VE, VS, VN) u = zeros(Th.nx+1, Th.ny+2); v = zeros(Th.nx+2, Th.ny+1); p = zeros(Th.nx, Th.ny); u = updateBC_u(u, UW, UE, US, UN); v = updateBC_v(v, VW, VE, VS, VN); end
function [H1, H2] = H(u, v, nu, hx, hy) [uconv, vconv] = convection_div(u, v, hx, hy); ulap = laplacian(u, hx, hy); vlap = laplacian(v, hx, hy); H1 = nu*ulap - uconv; H2 = nu*vlap - vconv; end
function [Nu, Nv] = convection_div(u, v, hx, hy) uce = (u(1:end-1,2:end-1) + u(2:end,2:end-1))/2; uco = (u(:,1:end-1) + u(:,2:end))/2; vco = (v(1:end-1,:) + v(2:end,:))/2; vce = (v(2:end-1,1:end-1) + v(2:end-1,2:end))/2; uuce = uce.*uce; uvco = uco.*vco; vvce = vce.*vce; Nu = (uuce(2:end,:) - uuce(1:end-1,:))/hx ... + (uvco(2:end-1,2:end) - uvco(2:end-1,1:end-1))/hy; Nv = (vvce(:,2:end) - vvce(:,1:end-1))/hy ... + (uvco(2:end,2:end-1) - uvco(1:end-1,2:end-1))/hx; end
function lap = laplacian(f, hx, hy) [m, n] = size(f); i = 2:m-1; j = 2:n-1; lap = (f(i+1, j) + f(i-1, j) - 2*f(i,j))/(hx*hx) ... + (f(i, j+1) + f(i, j-1) - 2*f(i,j))/(hy*hy); end
function u = updateBC_u(u, UW, UE, US, UN) u(1, :) = UW; u(end, :) = UE; u(:, 1) = (8/3)*US - 2*u(:, 2) + (1/3)*u(:, 3); u(:, end) = (8/3)*UN - 2*u(:, end-1) + (1/3)*u(:, end-2); end
function v = updateBC_v(v, VW, VE, VS, VN) v(:, 1) = VS; v(:, end) = VN; v(1, :) = (8/3)*VW - 2*v(2, :) + (1/3)*v(3, :); v(end, :) = (8/3)*VE - 2*v(end-1, :) + (1/3)*v(end-2, :); end
function uh = FFT_Poisson_solver(fh, hx, hy) [M, N] = size(fh); demon = -(2*sin(pi*(0:M-1)’*ones(1, N)./(2*M))./hx).^2 ... -(2*sin(pi*ones(M, 1)*(0:N-1)./(2*N))./hy).^2; fhat = dct(dct(fh)’)’; uhat = fhat./demon; uhat(1,1) = 0; uh = idct(idct(uhat)’)’; end
classdef RectangleMesh < handle % RectangleMesh Mesh of the 2D rectangle (x0, y0) x (x1, y1) properties (SetAccess=‘private’) domain; x, y, xc, yc; Xu, Yu, Xv, Yv, Xc, Yc; nx, ny, hx, hy; end
methods function obj = RectangleMesh(domain, nx, ny) obj.domain = domain; obj.x = linspace(domain(1), domain(2), nx + 1); obj.y = linspace(domain(3), domain(4), ny + 1); obj.xc = avg(obj.x); obj.yc = avg(obj.y); obj.nx = nx; obj.ny = ny; obj.hx = (domain(2) - domain(1)) / nx; obj.hy = (domain(4) - domain(3)) / ny; [obj.Xu, obj.Yu] = ndgrid(obj.x, obj.yc); [obj.Xv, obj.Yv] = ndgrid(obj.xc, obj.y); [obj.Xc, obj.Yc] = ndgrid(obj.xc, obj.yc); end end end
classdef TriangleObject < handle % Class of Regular triangle properties Th, center_of_mass, edge_length, r, angle_of_attack, density; vx, vy, vel, vel_old; omega, omega_old; theta, theta_old, us, vs; eta0, eta1, eta2, eta0_old, eta1_old, eta2_old; forceX, forceY, forceX_old, forceY_old; gravity = [0, -981]; end
methods function obj = TriangleObject(Th, center_of_mass, edge_length, r, ... angle_of_attack, density) obj.Th = Th; obj.center_of_mass = center_of_mass; obj.edge_length = edge_length; obj.r = r; obj.angle_of_attack = angle_of_attack; obj.density = density; obj.initialize(); obj.updateEta(); end function move(obj, dt) % Compute translational motion obj.translational_motion(dt); % Compute rotation motion obj.rotational_motion(dt) % Compute center_of_mass at next time level obj.center_of_mass = obj.center_of_mass + 0.5*dt*(obj.vel + obj.vel_old); % Compute theta at next time level obj.theta = obj.theta + 0.5*dt*( + obj.omega_old); % update velocity r1 = obj.Th.Xv - obj.center_of_mass(1); r2 = obj.Th.Yu - obj.center_of_mass(2); = obj.vel(1) -*r2; obj.vs = obj.vel(2) +*r1; % Update body position obj.update_position(); % Update eta obj.updateEta(); end function computeVirtualForce(obj, u, v, dt) obj.forceX_old = obj.forceX; obj.forceY_old = obj.forceY; obj.forceX = obj.eta1.*( - u(:, 2:end-1))/dt; obj.forceY = obj.eta2.*(obj.vs - v(2:end-1, :))/dt; end end
methods(Access=‘private’) function initialize(obj) obj.forceX = zeros(obj.Th.nx+1, obj.Th.ny); obj.forceY = zeros(obj.Th.nx, obj.Th.ny+1); obj.forceX_old = obj.forceX; obj.forceY_old = obj.forceY; vx0 = [-obj.r*cos(pi/6), obj.r*cos(pi/6), 0]; vy0 = [-obj.r*sin(pi/6), -obj.r*sin(pi/6), obj.r]; obj.vx = obj.center_of_mass(1) ... + (vx0.*cos(obj.angle_of_attack) - vy0.*sin(obj.angle_of_attack)); obj.vy = obj.center_of_mass(2) ... + (vx0.*sin(obj.angle_of_attack) + vy0.*cos(obj.angle_of_attack)); obj.vel = [0, 0]; obj.vel_old = [0, 0]; = 0; obj.omega_old = 0; % rad/s obj.theta = 0; obj.theta_old = 0; = 0; obj.vs = 0; end function translational_motion(obj, dt) hx = obj.Th.hx; hy = obj.Th.hy; HFX = trapz(trapz(obj.forceX,1)*hx, 2)*hy; HFY = trapz(trapz(obj.forceY,1)*hx, 2)*hy; HFX_old = trapz(trapz(obj.forceX_old, 1)*hx, 2)*hy; HFY_old = trapz(trapz(obj.forceY_old, 1)*hx, 2)*hy; area = (sqrt(3)*obj.edge_length*obj.edge_length)/4; Ms = obj.density*area; Mf = 1.0*area; vel_1_ = obj.vel(1) + dt*((1-Mf/Ms)*obj.gravity(1) ... - (1.5*HFX - 0.5*HFX_old)/Ms ... + (Mf/Ms)*(obj.vel(1) - obj.vel_old(1))/dt); vel_2_ = obj.vel(2) + dt*((1-Mf/Ms)*obj.gravity(2) ... - (1.5*HFY - 0.5*HFY_old)/Ms ... + (Mf/Ms)*(obj.vel(2) - obj.vel_old(2))/dt); obj.vel_old = obj.vel; obj.vel = [vel_1_, vel_2_]; end function rotational_motion(obj, dt) hx = obj.Th.hx; hy = obj.Th.hy; r1 = obj.Th.Xc - obj.center_of_mass(1); r2 = obj.Th.Yc - obj.center_of_mass(2); torque = getTorque(avg(obj.forceX), avg(obj.forceY’)’, r1, r2); torque_old = getTorque(avg(obj.forceX_old), avg(obj.forceY_old’)’, r1, r2); HT = H(1, obj.eta0.*torque, hx, hy); HT_old = H(1, obj.eta0.*torque_old, hx, hy); If = sqrt(3)*obj.edge_length/48; Is = obj.density*If; omega_ = + dt*(-1.5*HT + 0.5*HT_old)/Is ... + (If/Is)*( - obj.omega_old); obj.omega_old =; = omega_; end function update_position(obj) aoa = obj.angle_of_attack; vx0 = [-obj.r*cos(pi/6), obj.r*cos(pi/6), 0]; vy0 = [-obj.r*sin(pi/6), -obj.r*sin(pi/6), obj.r]; obj.vx = obj.center_of_mass(1) ... + (vx0.*cos(aoa+obj.theta) - vy0.*sin(aoa+obj.theta)); obj.vy = obj.center_of_mass(2) ... + (vx0.*sin(aoa+obj.theta) + vy0.*cos(aoa+obj.theta)); end function updateEta(obj) obj.eta1 = inpolygon(obj.Th.Xu, obj.Th.Yu, obj.vx, obj.vy); obj.eta2 = inpolygon(obj.Th.Xv, obj.Th.Yv, obj.vx, obj.vy); obj.eta0 = inpolygon(obj.Th.Xc, obj.Th.Yc, obj.vx, obj.vy); end
end end % help funtion in this class function output = getTorque(Fx, Fy, rx, ry) output = rx.*Fy - ry.*Fx; end function output = H(rho, F, hx, hy) output = sum(sum(rho.*F))*hx*hy; end
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[kg/m] | [Ns/ m] | [m/s] | ||
Case 1 | 970 | 3.73 | 3.8 | 1.5 |
Case 2 | 965 | 2.12 | 6.0 | 4.1 |
Case 3 | 962 | 1.13 | 11.5 | 11.6 |
Case 4 | 960 | 0.58 | 12.8 | 32.2 |
e | [cm/s] | |||||
fluttering | 1000 | 0.08 | 8 | 1.2603 | 0.0118 | 173.2413 |
chaotic falling | 1000 | 0.16 | 8 | 2.5206 | 0.0285 | 71.6779 |
tumbling | 1000 | 0.25 | 8 | 3.9385 | 0.0396 | 51.5626 |
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You, C.-S.; Chern, M.-J.; Noor, D.Z.; Horng, T.-L. Numerical Investigation of Freely Falling Objects Using Direct-Forcing Immersed Boundary Method. Mathematics 2020, 8, 1619.
You C-S, Chern M-J, Noor DZ, Horng T-L. Numerical Investigation of Freely Falling Objects Using Direct-Forcing Immersed Boundary Method. Mathematics. 2020; 8(9):1619.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYou, Cheng-Shu, Ming-Jyh Chern, Dedy Zulhidayat Noor, and Tzyy-Leng Horng. 2020. "Numerical Investigation of Freely Falling Objects Using Direct-Forcing Immersed Boundary Method" Mathematics 8, no. 9: 1619.
APA StyleYou, C. -S., Chern, M. -J., Noor, D. Z., & Horng, T. -L. (2020). Numerical Investigation of Freely Falling Objects Using Direct-Forcing Immersed Boundary Method. Mathematics, 8(9), 1619.