Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Climate reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: climate change; oil spill modelling and emergency response; risk of oil and gas operations and shipping; the arctic; Bayesian network and uncertainty analysis; sustainability in engineering processes; risk assessment; oil spills; supply chain; resilience
Interests: climate change; sustainability; environmental sciences; biochemistry; environmental biology; plant sciences; botany; biosciences; geography; environmental pollution
Interests: sustainability in urban and architecture; passive and low energy building; ecological architecture; climate change; landscape
Interests: drought; dust; Land-Cover and Land-Use Change (LCLUC); forest hydrology; hydrometeorology; catchment water balance; climate models; downscaling; bias correction; ENSO
Interests: trade; competitiveness; wine industry; climate change; energy transition; agricultural economics; environmental economics
Interests: radiocarbon; tritium; stable isotopes (d13C, d18O, d2H, d15N); isotopic geohcmeistry; authigenic carbonates (lake sediments, tufa); (paleo)environment; (paleo)climate; sea carbonates
Interests: regional climate modelling; numerical weather prediction; cloud microphysics; large eddy simulations; turbulence modelling; climate change
Interests: physical geography; climatology; urban climatology; snow/ice and alpine environments; arid environments
Interests: coastal risk; coastline detection; earth observation; coastal management; wave modelling; ocean remote sensing
Interests: climate; ocean-atmosphere interactioons; modeling; tropical Atlantic; climate change; regional climate; ocean dynamics; atmospheric dynamicas
Interests: sustainable architecture; energy efficiency; bioclimatic architecture; energy saving measures
Interests: climate change adaptation; loss and damage; migration; displacement; international environmental law; climate-smart agriculture; ecosystem-based management; biodiversity conservation
Interests: restoration; land tenure and climate vulnerability; planning; policy; society; land degradation neutrality; food security; tenure security; land management; urban and rural
Interests: severe weather; drought; weather forecasting and climate predictions; ocean-atmosphere interactions; climate change; impacts and adaptation; southern africa
Interests: urban microclimate; outdoor comfort; human- centred design; urban resilience; environmental modeling
Interests: hydrological modelling; flood; early warning system; water resources; climate change; severe weather events; heavy rainfall
Interests: landscape design
Interests: sea ice
Interests: waves in seas and oceans; climate change; waves modeling; data analysis
Interests: greenhouse gases; carbon dioxide; carbon dioxide capture technologies; carbon dioxide utilization; sustainable use of energy; fossil energy resources; carbon dioxide geologic sequestration; geologic hazards risks assessment of carbon dioxide geologic sequestration
Interests: coastal dynamics; hydrology; hydrogeology; groundwater; climate change; physical geography
Interests: machine learning; big data analysis; renewable energy technologies; smart grid; solar power; energy optimization in smart buildings
Interests: socially responsible investment; mutual funds; pension funds; investment performance; sustainable finance; ESG Investing; equity market; life cycle costing; life cycle assesment; cryptocurrency; pension; saving; financial markets
Interests: meteorology; hydrology
Interests: climate change effects on water sustainability; agricultural land use; decision-making processes for sustainability
Interests: climate policy; climate adaption; climate mitigation; model prediction at regional and local scale
Interests: geomorphology; hydrology; river; river basin; runoff; soil; erosion; gully; sediment load; sediment yield; catchment; land cover; land use; climate change; floodplains; water flow; water discharge; flood; alluvium; landscape; landforms; land degradation
Interests: chemistry environmental chemistry; surface chemistry
Interests: urban energy transitions; climate governance
Interests: extreme storm events; probable maximum precipitation; snow hydrology; uncertainty analysis; regional frequency analysis