Reviewer Board

Members of the reviewer board are selected from all JMSE reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.


Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Interests: sensors; MEMS; mechatronics; system analysis; measurement systems; control and instrumentation; inertial navigation sensors

School of Mechanical Engineering, NTUA, Athens, Greece
Interests: heat transfer; energy harvesting; life cycle assessment; computational fluid dynamics; gas turbines; waste heat recovery; energy technology; thermal plants; , energy and buildings
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, Austria
Interests: CFD; turbulent flow; convective heat transfer; aircraft aerodynamics; tubulence modelling; fluid mechanics engineering

Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Interests: biotechnology; microbial molecular biology; food science; animal nutrition; antimicrobial resistance; probiotic; prebiotics; seaweeds and functional foods; gut microbiome

IHCantabria—Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria, C/Isabel Torres nº 15, 39011 Santander, Spain
Interests: wave energy; coastal engineering; wave energy converters; CFD modelling; coastal structures; harbour agitation; wave and structure interaction; surf zone hydrodynamics
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Interests: numerical modelling; climate change; wave energy; wave energy converters
School of Business, Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ 07305, USA
Interests: maritime logistics; geographic information systems; operations research
Department of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University | SKKU, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Interests: benthic ecology; biogeochemical cycles of organic carbon; benthic flux; benthic lander; aquatic eddy covariance; climate change; deoxygenationn

University of Caen Normandie, ComUE Normandie Université, M2C UMR 6143 CNRS, Unicaen , 24 Rue des Tilleuls, 14000 Caen, France
Interests: geomechanics; materials; bio-based materials; geotechnique; geo-environment; experimental; construction
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aalto University, 02150 Espoo, Finland
Interests: ship performance in ice; ice loads; ship resistance; numerical simulation; statistical analysis
Division for Ocean Science and Technology, Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen, China
Interests: ocean dynamics; internal waves; underwater acoustics; autonomous underwater vehicles
Department of Civil Engineering, Chung Yung Christian University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, China
Interests: CFD; wave-structure interaction; hydrodynamics
Department of Harbor and River Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University, No.2, Beining Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Keelung City 202301, Taiwan, China
Interests: wave hydrodynamics; environmental pollutants; numerical model; wave mechanics; numerical mathematics

Marine Technology and Engineering Laboratory, Dept. Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Interests: ocean engineering; autonomous underwater vehicle; ocean engineering; autonomous underwater vehicle
Department of Earth & Environmental Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Interests: carbon emission; environmental geochemistry; ecosystem biogeochemistry; hydrochemical mixing
Department of Engineering, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Interests: wave modelling; wave energy; costal structures; Coastal Engineering; coastal erosion; numerical modelling; hydraulics

Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
Interests: sea level; waves; coastal research; climate change; coastal impacts
Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering College of Engineering, Swansea University, Swansea SA1 8EN, UK
Interests: wave hydrodynamics; wave-structure interaction; two-phase flow; sloshing mitigation; meshfree numerical methods

Automatic Control Group—ACG, Institute of Research and Development of Processes—IIDP, Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao—EIB/BIE, University of the Basque Country—UPV/EHU, Po Rafael Moreno no3, 48013 Bilbao, Spain
Interests: wave energy converters; hybrid ocean platforms; power generation; induction machines; back-to-back converters; automatic control; fuzzy logic control; sliding mode control; artificial neural networks; metaheuristics algorithms
Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, FCT-Gambelas Campus, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal
Interests: remote sensing; water quality; environmental analysis; coastal management; blue growth; marine management; coastal and marine environments; adaptive framework
Force Technology, Kogens Lyngby, 2100 Denmark University of Naples "Federico II", Naples (Italy) - Via Claudio, 21, 80125
Interests: ship design; high-speed craft; CFD verification and validation procedures; CFD ship hydrodynamics; ship manoeuvering and seakeeping

CMCC (Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici), Ocean Predictions and Applications Division, 73100 Lecce, Italy
Interests: ocean engineering, maritime transportation, environmental monitoring, data fusion, climate change
Department of Engineering, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Interests: engineering geology; coastal geomorphology; coastal engineering; coastal erosion; tsunami hazard

Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Tenerife, Organismo Autónomo de Museos y Centros, C/ Fuente Morales, 1, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Interests: fossils mollusk; miocene; pleistocene; rocky shores; coastal deposits; geoheritage; paleontological heritage
Department of Nautical Science and Engineering (CEN), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | UPC, Barcelona, Spain
Interests: shipping; transportation; transport management; logistics; transport modeling; transportation planning; transport planning; transportation science; transport navigation

NLWKN Forschungsstelle Küste, 26548 Norderney, Germany
Interests: marine and coastal geology; marine and coastal geomorphology; seabed mapping; Quaternary evolution of coastal areas; Wadden Sea; seabed sediments
Department of Maritime and Transport Technology, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Leegwaterstraat 17, 2628 CA Delft, The Netherlands
Interests: mathematical modelling; ship motions; dynamic positioning; naval architecture; optimisation techniques; ship concept design
Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Calabria, Calabria, Italy
Interests: oceanography; meteorology; flood; storm surge; blue growth; Venice Lagoon; sea hazard; hydraulic risk
UCAR Visiting Scientist at the NOAA National Ocean Services, Silver Spring, MD, USA
Interests: nearshore, estuarine and river hydrodynamical processes; coupled wave and ocean circulation modeling; coastal flooding and storm surge

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, 161 Louis Pasteur, A114, Ottawa, ON K1N6N5, Canada
Interests: modeling; simulation; waves
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