Black Hole Entropy in Scalar-Tensor and ƒ(R) Gravity: An Overview
:1. Introduction
1.1. Metric and Palatini gravity as scalar-tensor theories
2. Scalar-tensor Gravity
3. Metric Gravity
4. Palatini Gravity
5. Dilaton Gravity (Metric and Palatini)
6. Conclusions
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Faraoni, V. Black Hole Entropy in Scalar-Tensor and ƒ(R) Gravity: An Overview. Entropy 2010, 12, 1246-1263.
Faraoni V. Black Hole Entropy in Scalar-Tensor and ƒ(R) Gravity: An Overview. Entropy. 2010; 12(5):1246-1263.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFaraoni, Valerio. 2010. "Black Hole Entropy in Scalar-Tensor and ƒ(R) Gravity: An Overview" Entropy 12, no. 5: 1246-1263.
APA StyleFaraoni, V. (2010). Black Hole Entropy in Scalar-Tensor and ƒ(R) Gravity: An Overview. Entropy, 12(5), 1246-1263.