Semantic and Generalized Entropy Loss Functions for Semi-Supervised Deep Learning
:1. Introduction
- If the two analyzed regularization terms prove to be effective in semi-supervised classification tasks, which loss function provides the best results?
- What is the relation between semantic loss function and generalized entropy loss function?
- What is the impact of the input and tuning parameter values on both proposed approaches on the final results?
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Semi-Supervised Learning
- Manifold assumption, the data lie approximately on a manifold of much lower dimension than the input space. This assumption allows the use of distances and densities which are defined on a manifold;
- Continuity assumption, the algorithm assumes that (after transformed to a lower dimension) the points which are closer to each other are more likely to have the same output label;
- Cluster assumption, (after transformed to a lower dimension) the data is divided into discrete clusters and points in the same cluster are more likely to share an output label.
2.2. Deep Neural Networks
2.3. Propositional Logic
3. Theoretical Framework of the Semantic and the Generalized Entropy Loss Functions
3.1. Semantic Loss Function
3.2. Generalized Entropy Loss function
3.3. Relation between Generalized Entropy and Semantic Loss Functions
4. Research Framework and Settings
4.1. Datasets Characteristics
4.2. Performance Measure
4.3. Numerical Implementation
4.4. Tuning of the Parameters
- -value —from the Equation (6);
- Weights , which is the hyper-parameter associated with the Rényi or semantic regularization term in Equation (2);
- Batch size ,which is the mini-batch size needed for adaptive stochastic gradient descent optimization algorithm;
- Number of labeled examples , which is the number of randomly chosen labeled examples from the training set with the assumption that the final set is balanced, i.e., no particular class is overrepresented.
4.5. Benchmarking Models
5. Empirical Analysis
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Predicted Value | |||||
Class 1 | Class 2 | Class k | |||
Real value | Class 1 | True1 | False1 | False1 | |
Class 2 | False2 | True2 | False2 | ||
Class k | Falsek | Falsek | Truek |
Sample Size | Loss | -Value | Weight | Batch Size | Mean Validation Accuracy | Mean Test Accuracy |
100 | Semantic | 0.005 | 100 | 98.02 (∓0.04) | 97.98 (∓0.04) | |
Rényi | 0.75 | 0.100 | 100 | 98.20 (∓0.02) | 98.21 (∓0.03) | |
MLP | 100 | 78.46 (∓1.94) | ||||
AtlasRBF | 91.9 (∓0.95) | |||||
Deep Generative | 96.67 (∓0.14) | |||||
Virtual Adversarial | 97.67 | |||||
Ladder Net | 98.94 (∓0.37) | |||||
1000 | Semantic | 0.100 | 100 | 97.95 (∓0.05) | 98.02 (∓0.03) | |
Rényi | 0.50 | 0.100 | 100 | 98.27 (∓0.03) | 98.25 (∓0.03) | |
MLP | 100 | 94.26 (∓0.31) | ||||
AtlasRBF | 96.32 (∓0.12) | |||||
Deep Generative | 97.60 (∓0.02) | |||||
Virtual Adversarial | 98.64 | |||||
Ladder Net | 99.16 (∓0.08) | |||||
50,000 | Semantic | 0.100 | 100 | 98.13 (∓0.03) | 98.15 (∓0.04) | |
Rényi | 0.50 | 0.100 | 100 | 98.29 (∓0.02) | 98.29 (∓0.03) | |
MLP | 100 | 98.13 (∓0.04) | ||||
AtlasRBF | 98.69 | |||||
Deep Generative | 99.04 | |||||
Virtual Adversarial | 99.36 | |||||
Ladder Net | 99.43 (∓0.02) | |||||
ResNet | 99.40 |
Sample Size | Loss | -Value | Weight | Batch Size | Mean Validation Accuracy | Mean Test Accuracy |
100 | Semantic | 0.005 | 100 | 88.65 (∓0.11) | 87.65 (∓0.07) | |
Rényi | 0.50 | 0.100 | 100 | 89.62 (∓0.07) | 88.89 (∓0.10) | |
MLP | 100 | 69.45 (∓2.03) | ||||
Ladder Net | 81.46 (∓0.64) | |||||
1000 | Semantic | 0.100 | 100 | 88.71 (∓0.06) | 87.83 (∓0.07) | |
Rényi | 0.75 | 0.100 | 100 | 89.54 (∓0.35) | 88.80 (∓0.08) | |
MLP | 100 | 78.12 (∓1.41) | ||||
Ladder Net | 86.48 (∓0.15) | |||||
50,000 | Semantic | 0.100 | 100 | 89.26 (∓0.08) | 88.49 (∓0.10) | |
Rényi | 0.50 | 0.100 | 100 | 89.90 (∓0.06) | 89.03 (∓0.06) | |
MLP | 100 | 88.26 (∓0.18) | ||||
Ladder Net | 90.46 | |||||
ResNet | 92.00 |
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Gajowniczek, K.; Liang, Y.; Friedman, T.; Ząbkowski, T.; Van den Broeck, G. Semantic and Generalized Entropy Loss Functions for Semi-Supervised Deep Learning. Entropy 2020, 22, 334.
Gajowniczek K, Liang Y, Friedman T, Ząbkowski T, Van den Broeck G. Semantic and Generalized Entropy Loss Functions for Semi-Supervised Deep Learning. Entropy. 2020; 22(3):334.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGajowniczek, Krzysztof, Yitao Liang, Tal Friedman, Tomasz Ząbkowski, and Guy Van den Broeck. 2020. "Semantic and Generalized Entropy Loss Functions for Semi-Supervised Deep Learning" Entropy 22, no. 3: 334.
APA StyleGajowniczek, K., Liang, Y., Friedman, T., Ząbkowski, T., & Van den Broeck, G. (2020). Semantic and Generalized Entropy Loss Functions for Semi-Supervised Deep Learning. Entropy, 22(3), 334.