1. Introduction
Cosmological solutions for the space-time metric tensor predicted by the Einstein field equations (EFE) of classical general relativity (GR, [
2]) provide mathematical solutions to a variety of astrophysical and physical scenarios, which include for example cosmological theories of galaxy evolution [
3], compact object formation of primordial origin [
7], particle physics phenomenology in connection with inflationary models [
9], the nature of dark matter and dark energy [
13], and the geometric structure of the universe and its dynamical history [
However, a distinctive property of classical and even quantum gravity solutions is related to coordinate singularities in the line-element representation of the metric tensor. In particular, this implies the occurrence of event horizons that exhibit typically a deterministic character and are effectively considered as space-time frontiers, i.e., which separate “incommunicable” regions of space-time having different metric signatures. The same feature, for example, is characteristic of cosmological solutions, such as the Big Bang singularity in the case of the Friedman–Robertson–Walker field tensor, and of event horizon surfaces separating domains of space-time, like the de Sitter vacuum solution. This means that the radii of the corresponding event horizons are usually considered to be prescribed as deterministic quantities. The basic consequence is that regions with different metric signatures are regarded as impenetrable not only for classical matter and radiation, but also for quantum particles and fields. In this regard, the so-called black hole no-hair theorems have an emblematic character [
18]. Even if such theorems may be a very good approximation as far as the macroscopic behavior of a black hole is concerned, at the quantum level, it may be a whole different story. In fact, in quantum gravity, the very idea of a deterministic event horizon appears not only counter-intuitive, but even absurd. Notice that here, we are not specifically referring to Planck-length, minimal-length theories or discrete theories like loop quantum gravity, because the same issue may be naturally set also for continuum and manifestly-covariant theories of quantum gravity.
In this reference, additional challenging questions include the role that event horizons undertake in classical and quantum descriptions of general relativity, the nature of their existence as space-time frontiers and their mathematical description, and the inspection of quantum physical and thermodynamics phenomena that can occur in their surroundings as a consequence of interaction with particles and fields, including the gravitational field itself [
23]. In fact, event horizons may be characterized by the occurrence of energetic particle phenomena and collective interactions, and for this reason, they are also expected to provide the background for quantum field phenomena, which may ultimately involve also the dynamics of the same gravitational field [
26], the physics of event horizons [
27], as exemplified by particle emission and acceleration mechanisms [
28], and phenomena related to entropy creation/conservation [
In such a context, therefore, the conjecture arises whether stochastic, i.e., quantum effects, in the prescription of an event-horizon surface belonging to the four-dimensional space-time, might actually locally arise. In particular, if confirmed, this means that a new kind of quantum (or even in some sense “classical”, i.e., occurring on finite space-time scale lengths) tunneling effect might occur, since in such a case, a particle might have a finite probability density of being at the same time either “in” or “out” with respect to a stochastic surface, which is no-longer prescribed as a deterministic barrier. The basic issue is therefore whether, and eventually how, such a type of stochastic effect might be included in a continuum theory of quantum gravity based on a manifestly-covariant theory and how they might affect, in turn, cosmological solutions of the space-time metric tensor predicted by the Einstein field equations, with particular reference to cosmological solutions, which are typically characterized by a non-vanishing cosmological constant [
In this paper, the issues of the possible stochastic character of the cosmological constant and, consequently, of the analogous stochastic property of the de Sitter event horizon are analyzed. There are several different qualitative physical motivations behind such a conjecture:
The first one is related to the physical origin of the cosmological constant and whether an intrinsic stochastic, i.e., quantum, effect might also affect its nature.
The second reason is that, as stated above, from the point of view of quantum gravity, the absolute separation surfaces of space-time, such as the de Sitter event horizon, are meaningless or expected to be affected by quantum effects of a stochastic nature.
The third physical motivation is that in quantum gravity, “interior” and “exterior” parts of event horizons, as in the case of the de Sitter space-time solution considered here, should not be treated as absolutely incommunicable. In other words, suitable quantum tunneling effects might arise for massive particles (such as gravitons), possibly permitting quantum transitions between these domains.
The fourth reason is that the realization of event horizons as physical phenomena cannot be absolutely stable (this is unreasonable due to the obvious fact that any state of matter and consequently of space-time is not eternal) and can exhibit a stochastic behavior.
The conclusion follows by investigating the indeterminacy properties of the probability density function associated with the quantum gravity state of massive gravitons in the context of the axiomatic formulation of quantum gravity based on the theory of manifestly-covariant quantum gravity (CQG theory) developed recently [
38]. This provides a novel route to the establishment of a self-consistent theory of quantum gravity underlying the standard formulation of general relativity. The new formalism satisfies simultaneously the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, like the probabilistic interpretation built into their conceptual structure [
39], as well as the principles of covariance and manifest covariance at the basis of the classical Einstein theory of GR [
40]. In GQC theory, this feature is realized by adopting a space-time representation in terms of superabundant variables, whereby manifest covariance is defined with respect to a continuum background metric tensor
, which raises/lowers tensor indices and defines the geometric properties of the space-time, while the quantum gravitational field
encoding its quantum properties evolves dynamically over
according to a defined quantum wave equation (CQG-wave equation) [
38]. The latter follows from the identification of the Hamiltonian structure associated with the classical space-time, with the prescription of the corresponding manifestly covariant Hamilton equations [
36] and the related Hamilton–Jacobi theory [
41] being obtained in the framework of a synchronous variational principle [
42]. The implementation of standard quantization methods to the Hamiltonian structure of GR then leads to the realization in four-scalar form of the CQG-wave equation for the corresponding CQG-state and wave function
. Remarkably, the CQG-wave equation realizes a Schroedinger-like hyperbolic first-order partial differential equation with respect to an invariant proper-time parameter
s, which parametrizes the temporal evolution of the gravitational quantum state. In agreement with the covariance principle, such a parameter is defined with respect to the background metric tensor
as the proper-time associated with suitable classical sub-luminal geodesic trajectories, namely through the differential identity
(see the discussion in [
37]). It must be stressed that, as a consequence of manifest covariance, both classical and quantum Hamiltonian representations are cast in four-tensor frame-independent forms while the quantum probability density
acquires the character of a physical observable and therefore necessarily coincides with a four-scalar. The CQG theory implies, in particular, the validity of four-tensor quantum Hamilton equations, to be intended as quantum hydrodynamic equations associated with the quantum wave function
and prescribed in terms of a Hamiltonian hydrodynamic state
, where
denote independent four-tensor canonical variables identified respectively with the generalized Lagrangian coordinates and conjugate canonical momenta.
The characteristic formalism of the manifestly-covariant representation of CQG theory permits the development of a hydrodynamic interpretation of quantum gravity, in analogy with the hydrodynamic representation of quantum mechanics [
43]. The starting point in this direction is the adoption of the Madelung representation for the quantum wave function and the consequent realization of the CQG-wave equation in terms of corresponding quantum hydrodynamic equations, which, as such, are natively expressed in Eulerian form [
46]. The notable feature is that a corresponding Lagrangian representation can equivalently be reached for the same hydrodynamic equations based on a stochastic trajectory-based representation of CQG theory. As shown in [
47], this representation is based on a covariant generalized Lagrangian path (GLP) approach relying on a suitable statistical representation of Bohmian Lagrangian trajectories. The formalism is analogous to the one developed earlier for non-relativistic quantum mechanics [
48], whereby each Bohmian trajectory is replaced by a family of stochastic trajectories carrying a given probability density function. An important advantage of the GLP formalism in the present context is that it affords the analytical construction of generally non-stationary solutions for the CQG-wave equation with a non-vanishing cosmological constant that are non-dispersive in proper-time and exhibit Gaussian-like probability densities [
Based on these premises, in the present research, we intend to address the theoretical problem of investigating stochastic phenomena induced by quantum gravity effects in the framework of CQG theory, which can characterize, in particular, physical observables of the cosmological de Sitter solution. Starting from the treatment initiated in [
51], the issue pertains first to the determination of the stochastic character of the cosmological constant arising from the non-linear quantum-vacuum Bohm interaction as predicted by CQG theory. This feature follows by investigating the quantum hydrodynamic equations characteristic of CQG theory. In fact, when cast in terms of the stochastic trajectory-based representation referred to as the generalized Lagrangian path (GLP) [
47], an explicit stochastic realization of the quantum probability density function (PDF), in terms of an appropriate four-scalar Gaussian-like function, is made possible. In such a representation, the PDF depends explicitly on a stochastic tensor
representing the fluctuations of the quantum field tensor
. However, as we intend to show here, the same analytical representation is actually non-unique. Thus, generalizing the functional dependence considered in [
47], besides the stochastic tensor
, the same PDF may depend also on an additional stochastic parameter
. In fact, in the context of CQG theory, there is a precise technical reason for the occurrence of the new stochastic effect. This is due to the arbitrariness in the prescription of the tensor displacement field, which enters in the theory (
), which can be now replaced with the stochastic displacement field:
being a real stochastic parameter and
a suitable background space-time field tensor. Notice that here, the support of the stochastic parameter
should be ordinarily considered bounded to warrant the strict positivity of the stochastically-modified cosmological constant to be determined later. The result is based on the construction of the corresponding modified form of the stochastic quantum-modified Einstein field equations, in which the new quantum stochastic term can be shown to contribute to the same equations by means of a symmetric second-order tensor. A realization of such a tensor based on a comparison with the stress-energy tensor of a perfect fluid allows for the physical interpretation of the quantum corrections to EFE and, at the same time, permits proving the existence of a modified cosmological de Sitter solution for the same metric and curvature tensors, characterized by a stochastically-modified cosmological constant. The second task deals, in fact, with investigating precisely how the new stochastic quantum PDF affects and modifies the cosmological constant and thus possibly determines also new physical properties of the de Sitter event horizon itself. The treatment of these new stochastic quantum gravity phenomena is investigated by the calculation of stochastic averages of physical observables. These include in particular the stochastically-averaged radius of the de Sitter sphere, which fixes the location of the de Sitter event horizon, and the expression of the Hawking temperature associated with it. A main achievement of the study is the proof that the stochastic behavior of quantum gravity can affect in a non-trivial way the thermodynamic description of the continuum gravitational field and of the related particle tunneling effect that can arise across the horizon boundary, with relevant implications both for cosmology and field theories.
3. Stochastic Quantum Gravity
We now carry out explicitly the stochastic generalization of CQG theory. The task is reached by extending the CQG theory and its GLP representation given in [
47] in such a way to include a new kind of physically-admissible stochastic effects. We intend to show that such effects:
We stress that by construction, GLP theory is intrinsically stochastic. Such a feature arises thanks to the stochastic displacement tensor , which determines also the statistical distribution of Lagrangian trajectories around the deterministic Bohmian path and also the quantum PDF . However, the procedure adopted for the construction of the modified EFE (recalled above) requires ultimately dropping altogether this type of stochastic effect.
Nevertheless, it is possible to prove that a more general solution for the quantum gravity PDF can be reached, which carries an additional stochastic contribution expressed by a four-scalar stochastic variable denoted here by the symbol
and having a prescribed probability density function. The new stochastic effect is actually independent of the GLP stochastic displacement tensor
. Its physical meaning is therefore unrelated to GLP theory, but rather to the nature of stochastic physical observables arising in quantum gravity (see the discussion below). As a notable feature, the
-stochastic parameter does not change the GLP stochastic trajectories determined in [
47], so that the same GLP theory previously constructed still applies. It follows that the stochastic contribution of parameter
preserves the probabilistic character of the new solution for the quantum gravity PDF, denoted by
, as well as its unitarity principle.
In detail, let us assume that
, is a four-scalar stochastic parameter independent of
s. Then, the quantum PDF (
11) can be formally extended to include a dependence on
, while still retaining its Gaussian character. The solution to the continuity equation can always be taken in the form
, where:
is the tensor velocity field (
6) assumed independent of
is the shifted Gaussian PDF (denoted as
-Gaussian PDF), which is now expressed in terms of the stochastic tensor displacement
(see Equation (
denoting an in principle arbitrary four-scalar stochastic PDF. As an example,
can be identified with a Gaussian PDF:
with ordinarily finite support, so that
(this assumption however may on occasion not be required for numerical estimates) while
N is a normalization constant and
is a suitably small dimensionless factor to be assumed
(see below). In Equation (
K is therefore the normalization factor:
In Equation (
26), the tensors
identify the generalized displacement tensor
of GLP theory and the background metric tensor, both now admitted to generally depend on
itself, while
can also depend on the proper-time
s. Similarly, in the same equation, the exponent
stands for the four-scalar defined as
. As proven explicitly below, the expression for
can be realized so that again, the condition
The solution
in Equation (
26) represents a probability density since by construction:
which means that the quantum continuity Equation (
4) preserves quantum unitarity. In addition, it preserves the second-type emergent gravity feature of CQG theory (see [
47]), namely one has that again:
We notice that in the limit
, one recovers the previous GLP theory summarized in
Section 2. In addition, the distribution of
is a Gaussian centered around zero and with half-width
, so that its stochastic average is identically null, namely:
In this stochastic model, the contribution carried by
leaves invariant the GLP theory developed earlier. The form of the solution in Equation (
25) therefore provides a consistent generalization for the representation of the quantum gravity PDF, which follows from the indeterminacy property of the solution of the continuity equation with respect to the dependence on the stochastic parameter
and the validity of the GLP formulation of CQG theory. In fact, regarding the replacement introduced here in Equation (
25) with respect to [
47], namely:
and consequently,
, it must be remarked that the specific form of the stochastic PDF
does not enter explicitly, as previously for
, in the quantum Hamilton Equations (
13) and (14).
For completeness we notice that two possible realizations of Equation (
25) could be distinguished, depending on the functional form of the half-width parameter
, namely respectively:
Case 1. In the first case, one can set everywhere. This choice preserves the validity of the quantum continuity equation and is therefore consistent with the unitary principle, and correspondingly of a quantum-unitary formulation of CQG theory. Equation (26) preserves its validity as a solution of the continuity equation, since the dependence on represents a property of the indeterminacy of the same PDF that generalizes the solution obtained earlier, while leaving unaltered the theoretical framework of the GLP formalism. In such a framework, the stochastic PDF (25) holds in the whole space-time. Case 2. For the sake of completeness, however, we mention that a further more general realization can in principle be reached. This is obtained by assuming a proper-time dependence for the half-width parameter , namely of the type , with being an arbitrary, but suitably smooth function. Such a choice preserves quantum unitarity by construction, but, following the guidelines of [32], requires replacing the quantum continuity Equation (4) with an inhomogeneous one of the form:with denoting the quantum “source” term: Notice that, independent of the prescription of the function
and due to the normalization (
gives nevertheless a vanishing contribution upon the integration indicated in the same normalization. Therefore, unlike [
32], this is not actually a net source or sink term. Therefore, its physical meaning remains problematic. Nevertheless, if
is considered prescribed, the previous equation can also be used in principle to determine the profile of
in terms of the quantum term
. Hence, its inclusion could be useful for the search of stochastic effects when a combination of loss/capture mechanisms is present in a domain that is located suitably close to the de Sitter event horizon. Thus, if
are two different space-time positions identified with suitable “internal” and “external” radii with respect to the event horizon radius
of the de Sitter solution, so that by construction
, a possible choice is to assume that:
where the limits apply:
It follows that, in this realization of the quantum PDF, the set
denotes the stochastic set surrounding the de Sitter event horizon where the quantum source term
is non-zero. Furthermore, if additionally,
is taken to be an infinitesimal dimensionless parameter such that:
then, as a consequence, outside the subset
, the shifted
-Gaussian quantum PDF becomes:
so that effectively outside the same set, the contribution of the stochastic parameter
can be safely ignored and
denotes the normalization factor in the limit
. Accordingly, this model provides a convenient solution for the study of stochastic effects near the de Sitter event horizon where the contribution due to the stochastic parameter is non-vanishing and can be associated with the quantum sink
. In this regard, however, we notice that the precise realization of
must be physically-motivated, as well as the physical mechanisms responsible for its occurrence in the stochastic set
and its vanishing limit in the remaining region.
Based on these considerations, in the following, we shall adopt the framework corresponding to Case 1, so that we shall assume everywhere. The investigation of the physical meaning of the solution corresponding to Case 2 is left to future studies.
4. Stochastic Quantum-Modified Einstein Equations
Based on the extended solution for the quantum gravity PDF obtained in
Section 3, which includes the novel contribution due to the quantum gravity stochastic factor
predicted by CQG theory, in this section, we consider the consequences of such a dependence on the quantum-modified Einstein equations and on the validity of a cosmological de Sitter solution for the space-time metric tensor. For convenience and without loss of generality, to reach the goal, we adopt the setting provided by Equation (19) reported above for the choice of “equilibrium” initial conditions of the quantum state. This allows us to single out the new
-stochastic contribution and gain insight into its role in the Einstein equations. The extension of the solution to the case of “non-equilibrium” initial state will be then discussed at the end of the section. For the same reason, we exclude here the possible occurrence of external source fields other than the gravitational one. In detail, in such a setting and without performing the semiclassical limit
, Equations (
13) and (14) subject to the initial condition (
19) reduce to the single equation:
which contains the information by the Hamiltonian potential. Then, invoking the definitions (
8) and (
9) for the potential terms
, respectively, it is straightforward to perform the differentiation with respect to
and evaluate the result for
(which expresses a condition determined by imposing the validity of Equation (
19)). This yields the following form for the resulting Einstein field equations:
Here, the
-stochastic quantum contribution arising from the Bohm potential is carried by the symmetric tensor
, to be distinguished from the tensor
obtained in [
49] because of the new dependence on the stochastic parameter
in the quantum gravity PDF. In the following, Equation (40) will be referred to as the
-stochastic quantum-modified EFE. In particular, the stochastic tensor
is obtained as:
is a suitably-prescribed four-scalar function depending on proper-time
s and satisfying a given differential equation determined in [
49]. Its value for the initial condition
is such that
. This function carries the proper-time dependence of the quantum gravity cosmological constant, which is in this way transferred to the metric tensor
. Recalling the notation of Equation (
23) and defining:
we can then write Equation (
40) in the explicit form:
where on the rhs, the first term identifies the quantum gravity cosmological constant term, while the second tensor carries the stochastic contributions due to
In order to express in a convenient way the tensor
and realize it consistently with the constraints set by the underlying quantum GLP theory, it is instructive to make a comparison with the case of EFE having a perfect fluid as a source term. In fact, we notice that in Equation (
43), the role of the symmetric tensor contribution
can be formally associated with a symmetric stress-energy tensor
, which is due to external fields and is the source of curvature. More precisely, in the case of a perfect-fluid, the stress-energy tensor is customarily written as:
is the energy density and
P is the isotropic pressure. The stress-energy tensor of a perfect fluid contributes in two ways: one is the tensor contribution proportional to the fluid four-velocities
and the other one is the scalar contribution due to the pressure
P only and having tensorial directions along the background metric tensor. We can similarly introduce a decomposition of this type for the stochastic tensor
, thus letting:
In particular, this representation amounts to assuming a polynomial dependence of
, retaining in the previous equation only the first-order term (i.e., linear term). This representation is consistent with the constraint that in the limit
, the stochastic contribution of
vanishes, and one recovers that in the same limit,
. Comparison between Equation (
44) and Equation (
45) shows that
, which is associated with the stochastic GLP trajectories, behaves like the tensorial part of
along the fluid Lagrangian trajectories, while the term proportional to
plays the role analogous to a stochastic pressure.
Based on this representation, we can further elaborate the tensor Equation (
43) by adopting the same procedure established in
Section 2 for the derivation of quantum-modified EFE. In particular, by virtue of the representation (
45), we proceed with the following additional steps:
(1) Deterministic LP-limit: In Equation (
43), the deterministic limit
is taken, corresponding to the collapse of the stochastic quantum GLP trajectories on the unique LP trajectory.
(2) Stochastic
-contribution: In Equation (
43), the four-scalar “pressure” contribution
is independent of
(see the discussion in
Section 3), and it does not vanish when the LP-limit is imposed. This type of stochastic quantum gravity effect is retained in the field equations.
Hence, one finally obtains the following representation for the
-stochastic quantum-modified EFE:
which exhibits the remarkable feature of being stochastic in terms of the explicit contribution of the four-scalar parameter
. The field Equation (
46) therefore determines a stochastic space-time metric tensor for which ensemble averages over
should be computed.
The virtue of the representations (
45) and (
46) is that the linear dependence on
remains proportional to the CQG expression of the cosmological constant and to the space-time metric tensor. It follows that necessarily, the stochastic Equation (
46) admits a corresponding stochastic de Sitter solution depending on the cosmological constant
and the parameter
itself. Thus, introducing the notation
for the background metric tensor in spherical coordinates
and denoting hereafter for brevity
, the line element in such a case is written as:
where the parameter
carries the stochastic contribution. It is straightforward to see that the contribution due to the quantum gravity stochastic parameter
makes the de Sitter event horizon stochastic as well. In fact, in the absence of the stochastic effect, the location of the de Sitter event horizon is fixed as a deterministic spherical surface at
. In this case instead, the radius of the event horizon is by analogy formally given by
, where:
which however is no longer fixed as a deterministic surface because of the presence of the stochastic parameter
Given the Gaussian representation for the probability density of
, from the physical point of view, the condition
means that the same distribution is very peaked and with a narrow half-width. Hence, one can reasonably assume that in actual fact,
varies randomly in the range
. This implies that the argument of the square-root in Equation (
48) remains always positive, with the factor
. The behavior of
implies the notable consequence that, similarly, the de Sitter event horizon acquires a width, to be denoted as a stochastic quantum belt, so that for an order-of-magnitude estimate, we can write
. The evaluation of the extrema of such an interval can be estimated from Equation (
48) by expanding the square-root. Thus, assuming
, to leading-order in
, one finds respectively:
Hence, the width of the stochastic event horizon becomes in the same approximation
. The main implication is that the existence of a stochastic quantum belt for the event horizon with a finite width generates a region of space-time where a tunneling effect of particles/fields (including gravitons) is in principle possible, since according to this model the same event horizon does not represent anymore a classical deterministic barrier at fixed radius, i.e., a zero-measure surface separating the inner and outer domains of space-time. This calculation provides an order-of-magnitude estimate of the spatial width of the stochastic event horizon where the quantum PDF is expressed by Equation (
26) and can be associated with non-vanishing particle-tunneling effects. In the same linear approximation, it then follows that the average value of the de Sitter event horizon is estimated by:
since in the linear approximation, positive and negative stochastic contributions to
contribute equally and cancel out. Hence, we can write that
. However, as shown below, a more detailed calculation of the averaged radius requires the stochastic average of
given by Equation (
48) over the stochastic quantum PDF
in order to evaluate analytically the
-corrections. In addition, we notice that although the stochastic effects due to the inclusion of
and contained in the metric tensor affect the whole space-time, because of the form of the de Sitter solution and the shape of the Gaussian PDF, for the smallness value assumed for the half-width
, they become relevant only close to the event horizon where the ratio
, while they are accordingly negligible elsewhere. We stress that these considerations remain valid under the assumption that
is an infinitesimal parameter. In fact, if
, then the solution (
26) for the quantum PDF would still retain its mathematical validity, but with a different physical meaning. The case
would correspond to having dominant quantum stochastic effects in the whole space-time, and therefore no longer significant at the event horizon only. This realization however is not investigated in the present work.
As a concluding remark of this section, we must comment on the relationship between the
-stochastic effect and the screening effect of the cosmological constant described in [
50]. In this regard, we notice that, given the validity of Equation (
46), the stochastic parameter
enters the same equations as a correction coefficient to the CQG cosmological constant. If the screening effect is taken into consideration by the prescription of a non-equilibrium initial canonical state
in the quantum Hamilton equations, its contribution determines a lowering of the magnitude of the same cosmological constant by a screening factor
K. Therefore, the same screening effect remains preserved also when the stochastic parameter
is included, as the two contributions are independent and operate separately on the final representation of the quantum-modified EFE. Therefore, the screening effect does not change the conclusions on the stochastic event horizon, but, if included, it can change the value of
around which the stochastic quantum width arises.
5. Stochastic Averages of Physical Observables in de Sitter
In this section, we consider the calculation of stochastic averages over the PDF
for physical observables of interest in the de Sitter space-time, which depend on the stochastic parameter
. By definition, given an observable quantity
y, its stochastic
-average is denoted with
and is defined as:
where it is assumed that the PDF
is normalized to one when both integrations over
are computed. Notice that in the previous equation, specifically in reference to the prescription of the stochastic PDF Equation (
27), the support of the stochastic parameter
has been identified for the convenience of calculation with
. We consider here in particular the following observable quantities:
- (1)
The quantum cosmological constant.
- (2)
The de Sitter radius.
- (3)
The Hawking temperature.
(1) The quantum cosmological constant:
Given the validity of the
-stochastic quantum-modified EFE (
46), it is possible to identify the contribution of the effective stochastic cosmological constant
, which is provided by the absolute value:
The expression of
does not depend on the construction of the stochastic tensor
, but only on
. Hence, the stochastic average over the Gaussian PDF
The stochastic cosmological constant in Equation (
46) carries a linear (i.e., odd) dependence on
, which therefore averages to zero over the symmetric Gaussian PDF. The
-averaged cosmological constant in the stochastic set
therefore coincides with the expression obtained in previous papers (see [
50]), so that no evidence of corrections to its expression due to the
-stochastic effect appears in its averaged value.
(2) The de Sitter radius:
Let us now consider the
-average of the de Sitter radius
given by Equation (
48). In this case, the dependence on
enters through the inverse of the square-root of the stochastic cosmological constant
. Again, no dependence on
appears by construction, so the stochastic average only involves the Gaussian PDF on
. We have by definition:
In order to evaluate the integral, we proceed by expanding the square-root to second order in
The linear term averages to zero, recovering the estimate for
given by Equation (
51). However, the quadratic term gives a non-vanishing contribution. In particular, neglecting the contributions of
, one obtains that:
The particular dependence of
therefore yields an average contribution to
, which is of
. Outside the stochastic quantum belt surrounding the event horizon, this term can be regarded as negligible, but not near the de Sitter horizon. It follows that, in the same set, the averaged cosmological constant is not affected by stochastic dependence in
, while the de Sitter radius displays such a dependence. More precisely, the radius is increased by the factor
, so that the event horizon is placed further away at a greater radius, because of such a stochastic quantum gravity effect. However, remarkably, although the radius changes, the averaged curvature of the de Sitter space-time, the solution of the quantum-modified EFE, remains unchanged. This represents a purely quantum stochastic effect on the classical solution of EFE.
The consequences are that:
(a) There is a deviation of the relationship between the value of the cosmological constant and the radius of the event horizon with respect to the deterministic case in the absence of stochastic phenomena. The averaged curvature of the de Sitter universe remains the same as in the absence of -stochastic effects, but the location of the event horizon defined by the radius of the de Sitter solution is changed.
(b) The stochastic averages of the EFE and that of the solution of EFE do not commute. As a consequence, linear stochastic contributions on the parameter that appear in the effective cosmological constant are finally brought as non-vanishing contributions into the non-linear solution for the space-time metric tensor by the quantum-modified EFE.
(c) The solution given byEquation (
57) yields a posteriori a physical interpretation of
, which identifies the half-width of the Gaussian PDF for the distribution of the stochastic scalar
(d) This outcome also shows that in a cosmological scenario, the observational measure of the cosmological constant and the de Sitter radius are not equivalent, but rather they are complementary. In particular, the underlying action of stochastic effects described by the -model outlined above can only appear in the solution of the non-linear EFE, and for the specific case of the de Sitter solution, in the value of the corresponding de Sitter radius.
(3) The Hawking temperature:
Following the discussion reported in [
7], one of the critical issues of black hole dynamics is the effect of Hawking radiation on black hole evaporation, and in particular the resulting effect on the survival of primordial black holes due to Hawking evaporation in early cosmology and their possible contribution as dark matter components. In particular, one must envisage additional quantum effects (possibly operating down to the Planck scale) capable of interrupting the Hawking evaporation and make possible its final setup in the absence of singularity. Apart from this issue, that is discussed in the Introduction of the cited paper, an aspect of interest is about the possibility of defining a Hawking temperature also for a de Sitter solution. In fact, usually, the Hawking temperature is defined for classical black holes having a central singularity “hidden” by the event horizon. The de Sitter cosmological solution is singularity-free, but possesses a cosmological horizon (the boundary of the universe). As shown in [
27], the Hawking temperature is associated with the emission spectrum of a black hole as seen by an observer located outside the event horizon. It is therefore formally possible to extend the definition of the Hawking temperature to the de Sitter event horizon. In the following, we shall adopt for this aim the mathematical derivation presented in [
More precisely, we are interested here in applying the stochastic features derived above to the estimation of the Hawking temperature for the stochastic de Sitter solution obtained retaining
effects. We start by the definition of the de Sitter temperature (see Equation (9) in [
denotes the radius of the cosmological horizon in the de Sitter metric. Thus, introducing the substitutions appropriate for the stochastic de Sitter solution, namely:
we obtain a stochastic representation for the Hawking temperature, denoted here as
and given by:
Elaborating the expression, one obtains:
is the customary Hawking temperature (
58) of the de Sitter solution in the absence of
-stochastic effects, while the explicit contribution due to
has been singled-out.
We can therefore compute the stochastic average of such a temperature, namely
. We preliminarily expand in Taylor series the square-root:
As for the de Sitter radius, the linear term averages to zero. We obtain in fact:
The result is consistent with the finding of the behavior of the de Sitter radius. In fact, the Hawking temperature is proportional to the inverse of the event horizon radius. Since the stochastically-averaged value of the radius increases, then the “surface” gravity experienced by an observer in the vicinity of the same event horizon is correspondingly reduced.
In conclusion, the stochastic quantum effects modeled by the scalar contribution in with a given quantum PDF do not contribute to the observable average measure of the cosmological constant, but can affect nevertheless the location of the event horizon and the value of Hawking temperature. The hint that can be inferred from this calculation is that the quantum stochastic effect pointed out here due to -dependence in the quantum gravity PDF can help decrease the black hole evaporation rate, suggesting a possible mechanism able to permit the survival of primordial black holes. The physical scenario depicted here involves uniquely the stochastic quantum behavior of the gravitational field without requiring the action of any additional field, and for this reason, it is a purely quantum effect of the gravitational field.