Applications of Entropy in Data Analysis and Machine Learning: A Review
:1. Introduction
1.1. Aims and Scope
1.2. Classical Entropies
- SK1
- Continuity. depends continuously on all variables for each W.
- SK2
- Maximality. For all W,
- SK3
- Expansibility. For all W and ,
- SK4
- Strong additivity (or separability). For all W and U,
1.3. Methodology and Structure of This Review
- G1
- Entropies based on (or inspired by) the entropies in Group G0, especially Shannon’s entropy (1). This group comprises bubble entropy, dispersion entropy and fluctuation-based dispersion entropy, energy entropy and empirical mode decomposition energy entropy, entanglement entropy, Fourier entropy and fractional Fourier entropy, graph entropy, Kaniadakis entropy, permutation entropy, Rao’s quadratic entropy, spectral entropy, tone entropy and wavelet entropy.
- G2
- Entropies based on information-theoretical concepts such as the correlation integral, divergences, unconditional or conditional mutual information, or based on other entropies in this group. This group comprises approximate entropy, cross entropy and categorical cross entropy, excess entropy, fuzzy entropy, intrinsic mode entropy, kernel entropy, rank-based entropy, relative entropy or Kullback–Leibler divergence, sample entropy and transfer entropy.
2. Applications in Data Analysis and Machine Learning
2.1. Approximate Entropy
- Applications
- Anesthetic drug effects. Another field of applications is the quantification of anesthetic drug effects on brain activity as measured by EEGs, including comparative testing of different anesthetics [26].
- Emotion recognition. Along with other entropies, approximate entropy has been used for EEG-based human emotion recognition [27].
- Physiological time series. See [31] for an overview of applications of approximate entropy to the analysis of physiological time series.
- Sleep research. The applications of approximate entropy include sleep research, in particular, the separation of sleep stages based on EEG data [32].
2.2. Bubble Entropy
- Applications
- Fault bearing detection. Bubble entropy is used to reinforce the accuracy of fault bearing diagnosis through the Gorilla Troops Optimization (GTO) algorithm for classification [35]. A similar application can be found for the so-called Improved Hierarchical Refined Composite Multiscale Multichannel Bubble Entropy [36].
- Feature extraction. Bubble entropy is compared with dispersion entropy (Section 2.6) in the extraction of single and double features in [37].
2.3. Categorical Cross Entropy
- Applications
- Deep Learning. An improved form of CCE is used in deep neural networks to train them when dealing with noisy labels [40].
- Multi-class classification. CCE is used in [39] to train a convolutional neural network tailored to a multi-sensor, multi-channel time series classification of cardiography signals. Likewise, CCE can be used for image classification.
- Reinforcement learning. CCE is used as an improvement of value function training (using classification instead of regression) mainly in games [41].
- Semi-supervised learning. CCE is used in pseudo-labeling to optimize convolutional neural network parameters [42].
2.4. Cross Entropy
- Applications
- Deep learning. Cross entropy is a standard loss function for training deep neural networks, particularly those involving softmax activation functions. It is very useful for applications such as object detection, language translation and sentiment analysis [43]. In this regard, empirical evidence with limited and noisy data suggests that to measure the top- error (a common measure of performance in machine learning performed with deep neural networks trained with the cross entropy loss), the loss function must be smooth, meaning that it should incorporate a smoothing parameter to handle small probability events [44].
- Feature selection. Cross entropy is used to select significant features of binary values from highly imbalanced large datasets via a framework called FMC Selector [45].
- Image analysis. Wavelet analysis together with cross entropy is used in image segmentation, object recognition, texture analysis (e.g., fabric defect detection) and pattern classification [46].
- Learning-to-rank methods. In [47], the author proposes a learning-to-rank loss function that is based on cross entropy. Learning-to-rank methods form a class of ranking algorithms that are widely applied in information retrieval.
- Multi-class classification. Cross entropy is used to enhance the efficiency of solving support vector machines for multi-class classification problems [48].
- Semi-supervised clustering. Cross entropy is employed along with the information bottleneck method in semi-supervised clustering. It is robust to noisy labels and automatically determines the optimal number of clusters under mild conditions [49].
2.5. Differential Entropy
- Applications
- Anomaly detection. Differential entropy can measure changes in the probability density function of an analog signal that reveals an anomaly in the source, whether it is a mechanical system or a patient [50].
- Emotion recognition. Differential entropy has been used in [27] to extract features in EEG-based human emotion recognition.
- Feature selection. A feature selection algorithm based on differential entropy to evaluate feature subsets has been proposed in [38]. This algorithm effectively represents uncertainty in the boundary region of a fuzzy rough model and demonstrates improved performance in selecting optimal feature subsets, thereby enhancing classification accuracy; see [51] for an implementation.
- Gaussianity of a population. The differential entropy reaches its maximum among all random variables with the same variance , , when X is normal [11]. Therefore, a sample estimate of that is significantly lower than that upper bound indicates that the underlying population is not Gaussian.
- Generative models. Variational Autoencoders and other generative models leverage differential entropy to model the latent space of continuous data distributions. These models can learn better representations of the input data, thus improving performance [52].
- Mutual information. Differential entropy is instrumental for computing the mutual information of continuous-valued random variables and processes, e.g., autoregressive processes. It is used in speech processing (linear prediction), seismic signal processing and biological signal processing [53].
- Probabilistic models. Differential entropy is utilized in probabilistic models such as Gaussian Mixture Models to describe the uncertainty and distribution of continuous variables. This approach is applicable to image processing and network inference as well [54].
2.6. Dispersion Entropy
- Applications
- Feature extraction. Multiscale fuzzy dispersion entropy is applied in fault diagnosis of rotating machinery to capture the dynamical variability of time series across various scales of complexity [57].
- Image classification. A multiscale version of dispersion entropy called MDispEn2D has been used with biomedical data to measure the impact of key parameters that may greatly influence the entropy values obtained in image classification [58].
- Signal classification. Another generalization of dispersion entropy, namely, fractional fuzzy dispersion entropy, has been proposed as a fuzzy membership function for signal classification tasks [59].
- Time series analysis. Multiscale graph-based dispersion entropy is a generalization of dispersion entropy used to analyze multivariate time series data in graph and complex network frameworks, e.g., weather and two-phase flow data; it combines temporal dynamics with topological relationships [62].
2.7. Energy Entropy and Empirical Mode Decomposition Energy Entropy
- Applications
- Chatter detection. This application involves detecting vibrations and noise in machining operations that can indicate chattering. In this regard, energy entropy can detect chatter in robotic milling [64].
- Feature extraction. Energy entropy is calculated via the empirical decomposition of the signal into intrinsic mode functions and serves as a feature for machine learning models used in chatter detection. The chatter feature extraction method draws on the largest energy entropy [67].
- Time series forecasting. EMD energy entropy was used in [68] to predict short-term electricity consumption by taking into account data variability, i.e., the fact that power consumption data are non-stationary, nonlinear and influenced by the season, holidays, and other factors. In [69], this entropy was the tool used to distinguish two kinds of financial markets.
2.8. Entanglement Entropy
- Applications
- Feature extraction. In quantum machine learning, entanglement entropy is used for feature extraction by representing data in a form that highlights quantum correlations and thus, by leveraging the quantum properties of the data [72].
- Neural networks in quantum models. Entanglement entropy is used in quantum models to quantify unknown entanglement by using neural networks to predict entanglement measures of unknown quantum states based on experimentally measurable data: moments or correlation data produced by local measurements [73].
2.9. Excess Entropy
- Applications
- Image segmentation. Excess entropy is used to measure the structural information of a 2D or 3D image and then determine the optimal threshold in a segmentation algorithm proposed in [76]. The working hypothesis of this thresholding-based segmentation algorithm is that the optimal threshold corresponds to the maximum excess entropy (i.e., to a segmentation with maximum structure).
- Machine learning. In [77], the authors present a method called machine learning iterative calculation of entropy for calculating the entropy of physical systems by iteratively dividing the system into smaller subsystems and estimating the mutual information between each pair of halves.
- Neural estimation in adversarial generative models. The Mutual Information Neural Estimator is a scalable estimator used in high-dimensional continuous data analysis that optimizes mutual information. The authors apply this estimator to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) [78].
- Time series classification. In this application, total excess entropy is used for classifying stationary time series into long-term and short-term memory. A stationary sequence with finite block entropy is long-term memory if its excess entropy is infinite [79].
2.10. Fluctuation-Based Dispersion Entropy
- Applications
- Fault diagnosis. The so-called refined composite moving average FDispEn is used in machinery fault diagnosis by analysing vibration signals [80].Refined composite multiscale FDispEn and supervised manifold mapping are used in fault diagnosis for feature extraction in planetary gearboxes [81].Multivariate hierarchical multiscale FDispEn along with multi-cluster feature selection and a Gray Wolf Optimization-based Kernel Extreme Learning Machine helped diagnose faults in rotating machinery. It also captured the high-dimensional fault features hidden in multichannel vibration signals [82].
- Feature extraction. FDispEn gives rise to hierarchical refined multi-scale fluctuation-based dispersion entropy, used to extract underwater target features in marine environments and weak target echo signals, thereby improving the detection performance of active sonars [83].
- Robustness in spectrum sensing. Reference [84] proposes a machine learning implementation of spectrum sensing using an improved version of FDispEnt as a feature vector. This improved version shows enhanced robustness to noise.
- Signal classification. FDispEn helps distinguish various physiological states of biomedical time series and it is commonly used in biomedicine. It is also used to estimate the dynamical variability of the fluctuations of signals applied to neurological diseases [85]. Fluctuation-based reverse dispersion entropy is applied to signal classification combined with k-nearest neighbor [86].
- Time series analysis. FDispEn is used to quantify the uncertainty of time series to account for knowledge on parameters sensitivity and studying the effects of linear and nonlinear mapping on the defined entropy in [56]. FDispEn is defined as a measure for dealing with fluctuations in time series. Then, the performance is compared to complexity measures such as permutation entropy (Section 2.20), sample entropy (Section 2.25) and Lempel–Ziv complexity [11,87].
2.11. Fourier Entropy
- Applications
- Decision trees: The Fourier Entropy–Influence Conjecture, made by Friedgut and Kalai [88], says that the Fourier entropy of any Boolean function f is upper bounded, up to a constant factor, by the total influence (or average sensitivity) of f. This conjecture, applied to decision trees, gives interesting results that boil down to , meaning that , where denotes the minimum number of leaves in a decision tree that computes f and is independent of f and [89]. Another similar application to decision trees can be found in [90].
- Learning theory. The Fourier Entropy–Influence Conjecture is closely related to the problem of learning functions in the membership model. It is said that if a function has low Fourier entropy, that means that its Fourier transform is concentrated on a few characters, i.e., that the function can be approximated by a sparse polynomial, a class that is very important in the context of learning theory [91]. Learning theory provides the mathematical foundation for understanding how algorithms learn from data, guiding the development of machine learning models.
2.12. Fractional Fourier Entropy
- Applications
- Artificial intelligence. Two-dimensional fractional Fourier entropy helped to diagnose COVID-19 by extracting features from chest CT images [95].
- Biomedical image classification. Fractional Fourier entropy has proven helpful in detecting pathological brain conditions. By using it as a new feature in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, the classification of images is improved in time and cost [96].
- Deep learning. Fractional Fourier entropy is used in the detection of gingivitis via feed-forward neural networks. It reduces the complexity of image extraction before classification and can obtain better image eigenvalues [97].
- Emotion recognition. Fractional Fourier entropy, along with two binary support vector machines, helps improve the accuracy of emotion recognition from physiological signals in electrocardiogram and galvanic skin responses [98].
- Multilabel classification. Fractional Fourier entropy has been used in a tea-category identification system, which can automatically determine tea category from images captured by a three charge-coupled device digital camera [99].
2.13. Fuzzy Entropy
- Applications
- Clustering and time series analysis. Fuzzy entropy is used in problems of robustness against outliers in clustering techniques in [106].
- Data analysis. Fuzzy entropy is proposed in [107] to assess the strength of fuzzy rules with respect to a dataset, based on the greatest energy and smallest entropy of a fuzzy relation.
- Fault detection. Fuzzy entropy (along with dispersion entropy, Section 2.6) was the best performer in a comparative study of entropy-based methods for detecting motor faults [108]. Multiscale fuzzy entropy is used to measure complexity in time series in rolling bearing fault diagnosis [109].
- Feature selection and mathematical modeling. Fuzzy entropy is used in feature selection to evaluate the relevance and contribution of each feature in Picture Fuzzy Sets [110].
- Image classification. Fuzzy entropy, in the form of multivariate multiscale fuzzy entropy, is proposed and tested in [111] for the study of texture in color images and their classification.
- Image segmentation. Fuzzy entropy is the objective function of a color image segmentation technique based on an improved cuckoo search algorithm [112].
2.14. Graph Entropy
- Applications
- Dimension reduction and feature selection. Graph entropy gave rise to Conditional Graph Entropy, which helps in the alternating minimization problem [117].
- Graph structure. Graph entropy is used to measure the information content of graphs, as well as to evaluate the complexity of the hierarchical structure of a graph [118].
- Graph-based time series analysis. Graph entropy can be used in time series analysis in conjunction with any method that transforms time series into graphs. An example is the HV graph entropy presented above; see [119] and references therein.
- Node embedding dimension selection. Graph entropy is applied in Graph Neural Networks through the Minimum Graph Entropy algorithm. It calculates the ideal node embedding dimension of any graph [120].
2.15. Havrda–Charvát Entropy
- Applications
- Computer vision. An HC entropy-based technique for group-wise registration of point sets with unknown correspondence is used in graphics, medical imaging and pattern recognition. By defining the HC entropy for cumulative distribution functions (CDFs), the corresponding CDF-HC divergence quantifies the dissimilarity between CDFs estimated from each point-set in the given population of point sets [123].
- Financial time series analysis. Weighted HC entropy outperforms regular HC entropy when used as a complexity measure in financial time series. The weights turn out to be useful for showing amplitude differences between series with the same order mode (i.e., similarities in patterns or specific states) and robust with respect to noise [124].
- Image segmentation and classification. HC entropy is applied as a loss function in image segmentation and classification tasks using convolutional neural networks in [125].
- Loss functions in deep learning. HC entropy can be used to design loss functions in deep learning models. These loss functions are particularly useful in scenarios with small datasets, common in medical applications [126].
2.16. Intrinsic Mode Entropy
- Applications
- Language gesture recognition. IME is used in [128] to analyze data from a three-dimensional accelerometer and a five-channel surface electromyogram of the user’s dominant forearm for automated recognition of Greek sign language gestures.
- Neural data analysis. An IME version with improved discriminatory capacity in the analysis of neural data is proposed in [129].
- Time series analysis. IME is used in nonlinear time series analysis to efficiently characterize the underlying dynamics [127]. As any multiscale entropy, IME is particularly useful for the analysis of physiological time series [130]. See also [131] for an application to the analysis of postural steadiness.
2.17. Kaniadakis Entropy
- Applications
- Image segmentation. Kaniadakis entropy is used in image thresholding to segment images with long-tailed distribution histograms; the parameter is selected via a swarm optimization search algorithm [134].
- Images threshold selection. Kaniadakis entropy can be used to construct an objective function for image thresholding. By using the energy curve and the Black Widow optimization algorithm with Gaussian mutation, this approach can be performed on both grayscale and colour images of different modalities and dimensions [135].
- Seismic imaging. Application of the Maximum Entropy Principle with leads to the Kaniadakis distribution, a deformation of the Gaussian distribution that has applications, e.g., in seismic imaging [136].
2.18. Kernel Entropy
- Applications
- Complexity of time series. The authors of [138] present experimental evidence that Gaussian kernel entropy outperforms approximate entropy when it comes to analyzing the complexity of time series.
- Fetal heart rate discrimination. In [139], the authors compare the performance of several kernel entropies on fetal heart rate discrimination, with the result that the circular and Cauchy kernels outperform other, more popular kernels, such as the Gaussian or the spherical ones.
- Pathological speech signal analysis. Reference [137] is a study of several approaches in the field of pathological speech signal analysis. Among the new pathological voice measures, the authors include different kernel-based approximate and sample entropies.
- Speech signal classification in Parkinson’s disease. Gaussian kernel entropy, along with other nonlinear features, is used in [140] in the task of automatic classification of speech signals from subjects with Parkinson’s disease and a control set.
2.19. Kolmogorov–Sinai Entropy
- Applications
- Time series analysis. Perhaps the main practical application of the Kolmogorov–Sinai entropy is the analysis of nonlinear, real-valued time series, where it is used to characterize the underlying dynamical system, in particular, its chaotic behavior. Recent practical examples include short-term heart rate variability [145], physical models of the vocal membranes [143], autonomous driving [146] and EEG-based human emotion recognition [27,147].
2.20. Permutation Entropy
- Applications
- Analysis and classification of EEGs. One of the first applications of permutation entropy was the analysis of EEGs of subjects with epilepsy because normal and abnormal signals (during epileptic seizures) have different complexities [160]. Furthermore, since permutation entropy can be computed in virtually real time, it has been used to predict seizures in epilepsy patients by tracking dynamical changes in EEGs [151]. Further examples can be found in the [14]. Results can be improved using permutations of Rényi and Tsallis entropy due to their additional, fine-tunable parameter [154,161].
- Analysis of unstructured data. Nearest-neighbor permutation entropy is an innovative extension of permutation entropy tailored for unstructured data, irrespective of their spatial or temporal configuration and dimensionality, including, e.g., liquid crystal textures [162].
- Classification for obstructive sleep apnea. A combination of permutation entropy-based indices and other entropic metrics was used in [163] to distinguish subjects with obstructive sleep apnea from a control group. The data consisted of heart rate and beat-to-beat blood pressure recordings.
- Determinism detection. Time series generated by one-dimensional maps have necessarily forbidden ordinal patterns of all sufficiently large lengths L [150]. Theoretical results under some provisos and numerical results in other cases show that the same happens with higher dimensional maps [164,165]. Therefore, the scaling of permutation entropy with L can distinguish noisy deterministic signals from random signals [150,166].
- Emotion recognition. Permutation entropy is used to help in tasks of feature extraction in EEGs [27].
- Estimation of the Kolmogorov–Sinai (KS) entropy. Given a piecewise monotone map f of a one-dimensional interval, the permutation entropy rate converges to the KS entropy of f (Section 2.19) when [167]. Therefore, the permutation entropy calculated with a sufficiently large L (and divided by ) is a good estimator of the KS entropy of one-dimensional dynamics. This result is remarkable because the computation of the KS entropy requires in general two infinite limits (see Section 2.19), while permutation entropy requires only one.
- Speech signals analysis. In their seminal paper [148], Bandt and Pompe used precisely permutation entropy to analyze speech signals and showed that it is robust with respect to the window length, sampling frequency and observational noise.
- The causality–complexity plane. Permutation entropy together with the so-called statistical complexity builds the causality–complexity plane, which has proven to be a powerful tool for discriminating and classifying time series [168]. By using variants of the permutation entropy and the statistical complexity, the corresponding variants of the causality–complexity plane are obtained, possibly with enhanced discriminatory abilities for the data at hand [153].
- Wind power prediction. Permutation entropy has been used along with variational modal decomposition to predict wind power [169].
2.21. Rank-Based Entropy
- Applications
- Anomaly detection. RbE is applied in mixed data analysis to check the influence of categorical features, using the Jaccard index for anomaly ranking and classification [171].
- Feature selection. RbE is used in the Entropy-and-Rank-based-Correlation framework to select features, e.g., in the detection of fruit diseases [172].
- Mutual information. RbE is used to rank mutual information in decision trees for monotonic classification [173].
- Node importance. RbE is employed in the analysis of graphs to rank nodes taking into account the local and global structure of the information [174].
- QSAR models. RbE is employed in Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship models (QSAR) to analyze their stability via “rank order entropy”, suggesting that certain models typically used should be discarded [175].
- Time series classification. RbE helps classify order of earliness in time series to generate probability distributions in different stages [177].
2.22. Rao’s Quadratic Entropy
- Applications
- Environmental monitoring. RQE helps calculate the environmental heterogeneity index and assist prioritization schemes [179].
- Genetic diversity metrics. RQE is used to measure diversity for a whole collection of alleles to accommodate different genetic distance coding schemes and computational tractability in case of large datasets [180].
- Unsupervised classification in risk management. RQE is used as a framework in the support vector data description algorithm for risk management, enhancing knowledge in terms of interpretation and optimization, among others [181].
2.23. Relative Entropy
- Applications
- Anomaly detection in plane control. KL divergence has been used for plane control in Software-Defined Networking as a method to detect Denial of Service attacks in [182].
- Bayesian networks. The efficient computation of the KL divergence of two probability distributions, each one coming from a different Bayesian network (with possibly different structures),is considered in [183].
- Feature selection. The authors of [184] show that the KL divergence is useful in information-theoretic feature selection due to the fact that maximizing conditional likelihood corresponds to minimizing KL divergence between the true and predicted class posterior probabilities.
- Parameter minimization in ML. Parameters that minimize the KL divergence minimize also the cross entropy and the negative log likelihood. So, the KL divergence is useful in optimization problems where the loss function is a cross entropy [186].
2.24. Rényi Entropy
- Applications
- Automated identification of EEGs. Average Renyi entropy, along with other entropic measures, have been used as inputs for SVM algorithms to classify focal or non-focal EEGs of subjects affected by partial epilepsy [190].
- Clustering. Rényi entropy can provide robust similarity measures that are less sensitive to outliers [187].
- Extreme entropy machines. Rényi’s quadratic entropy is used in the construction of extreme entropy machines to improve classification problems [191].
- Feature selection and character recognition. Adjustment of the parameter can help to emphasize different parts of the underlying probability distribution and, hence, the selection of the most informative features. Rényi entropy is used for feature selection in [187,192]. Max-entropy is used in [193] for convolutional feature extraction and improvement of image perception.
- Gaussianity of linear random processes. Differential and conditional Rényi entropy rates were used in [194] to develop a measure of the Gaussianity of a continue-valued linear random process and study heart rate dynamics.
- Medical time series analysis Applications of the Rényi entropy in time series analysis reach from epilepsy detection in EEGs (see, e.g., [28]) and artifact rejection in multichannel scalp EEGs (see [195] and references therein) to early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease in MEG data (see, e.g., [196]).
2.25. Sample Entropy
- Applications
- Automated identification. Average sample entropy and other entropy measures are used as input for an SVM algorithm to classify focal and non-focal EEG signals of subjects with epilepsy [190].
- Fault diagnosis. Sample entropy has been used for multi-fault diagnosis in lithium batteries [197].
- Image classification. Sample entropy, in the form of multivariate multiscale sample entropy, is used for classifying RGB colour images to compare textures, based on a threshold to measure similarity [111].
- Image texture analysis. Two-dimensional sample entropy has shown to be a useful texture feature quantifier for the analysis of biomedical images [198].
- Mutual information. Modified sample entropy has been used in skin blood flow signals to analyze mutual information and, hence, study the association of microvascular dysfunction in different age groups [199].
- Neonatal heart rate variability. Sample entropy was used in [200] to analyze neonatal heart rate variability. The authors also address practical issues such as the selection of optimal tolerance and embedding dimension, and the impact of missing data. They found that entropy falls before clinical signs of neonatal sepsis and that missing points are well tolerated.
- Neurodegenerative disease classification. Sample entropy is used to classify neurodegenerative diseases. Gait signals, support vector machines and nearest neighbours are employed to process the features extracted using sample entropy [201].
- Short signal analysis. The “coefficient of sample entropy” (COSEn) was introduced in [202] for the analysis of short-length physiological time series.
- Time series analysis. Sample entropy, often in the form of multiscale sample entropy, is a popular tool in time series analysis, in particular with biomedical data [203]. For example, it is used for the fast diagnosis and monitoring of Parkinson’s disease [204] and human emotion recognition [27] using EEGs. A modified version of multiscale sample entropy has recently been used for diagnosing epilepsy [205]. See [31] for an overview of applications of sample entropy to the analysis of physiological time series.
- Weather forecasting. Sample entropy is applied in weather forecasting by using transductive feature selection methods based on clustering-based sample entropy [206].
2.26. Shannon Entropy
- Applications
- Accurate prediction. Shannon entropy is employed in machine learning models to improve the accuracy of predictions of molecular properties in the screening and development of drug molecules and other functional materials [208].
- Anomaly detection. Shannon entropy is employed in sensors (Internet of Things) to identify anomalies using the CorrAUC algorithm [209].
- Artificial intelligence. Shannon entropy contributes to the creation of the Kolmogorov Learning Cycle, which acts as a framework for optimizing the “Entropy Economy”, helped by the intersection of Algorithmic Information Theory (AIT) and machine learning (ML). This framework enhances the performance of the Kolmogorov Structure Function, leading to the development of “Additive AI”. By integrating principles from both AIT and ML, this approach aims to improve algorithmic efficiency and effectiveness, driving innovation in AI by balancing information theory with practical machine learning applications [210].
- Automated identification of EEG signals. Average Shannon entropy and other entropy measures are used as inputs of an SVM algorithm to classify focal or non-focal EEG signals of subjects with epilepsy [190].
- Classification and feature detection. The restricted Boltzmann machine is a probabilistic graphic network [3,211,212] that is widely used for classification and feature detection [213]. The name is due to the fact that its connectivity is constrained [3] and the probability of finding the network in a certain configuration is given by the Boltzmann distribution (Section 1.2). If considered as cognitive processes (i.e., with efficient learning and information retrieval), restricted Boltzmann machines are equivalent to Hopfield networks [3], meaning that each one can be mapped onto the other [213,214]. Both of them are among the most popular examples of neural networks.
- Classification in the small data regime. eSPA+ is an evolution of the entropy-optimal scalable probabilistic approximation algorithm (eSPA) [215], which has better stability and a lower iteration cost with respect to scaling than its precursor. According to [216], eSPA+ outperforms other popular approaches like support vector machines, random forest, gradient boosting machine and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks in classification problems in the small data regime, i.e., when handling datasets where the number of feature dimension is considerably higher than the number of observations.
- Fault bearing diagnosis. Multi-scale stationary wavelet packet analysis and the Fourier amplitude spectrum are combined to obtain a new discriminative Shannon entropy feature that is called stationary wavelet packet Fourier entropy in [217]. Features extracted by this method are then used to diagnose bearing failure.
- Feature selection. Shannon’s mutual information entropy is used to design an entire information-theoretic framework that improves the selection of features in [184]. Shannon entropy is employed in biological science to improve the classification of data regarding the clustering of genes using microarray data [218].
- Hard clustering. Shannon entropy is used as a criterion to measure the confidence in unsupervised clustering tasks [219].
- Maximum entropy and feature extraction. By sampling from the maximum entropy distribution over possible sequences in multilayer artificial neural networks, the authors of [220] present a method for interpreting neural networks and extracting the features that the network has learned from the input data. The authors also apply their approach to biological sequence analysis.
- Maximum entropy and scalability in AI/ML models. In [221], the authors propose a new Maximum Entropy Method (MEMe) that improves upon the scalability of existing machine learning algorithms by efficiently approximating computational bottlenecks using maximum entropy and fast moment estimation techniques.
- Mislabeled data in supervised classification. Entropic outlier sparsification (EOS) is used in robust learning when data present anomalies and outliers [222]. EOS leverages the analytic solution of the (weighted) expected loss minimization problem subject to Shannon entropy regularization. EOS is tested with biomedical datasets in [222] with favorable results as compared to other methods. EOS can be also applied to feature selection and novelty detection problems.
- Natural language processing. Shannon entropy quantifies the predictability (or redundancy) of a text. Therefore, it is instrumental in language modelling, text compression and information retrieval, among others [1,11]. For example, it is used in [223] for keyword extraction, i.e., to rank the relevance of words.
- Policy learning. Shannon entropy acts as a regularization inside of an iterative policy optimization method for certain quadratic linear control scenarios [224].
- Regression learning. The principle of entropy maximization is implemented in the sparse probabilistic approximation for regression task analysis (SPARTAn) algorithm, which is a computationally cheap and robust algorithm for regression learning [225]. SPARTAn has been applied to predict the El Niño Southern Oscillation in [225], providing more predictive, sparse and physically explainable data descriptions than other alternative methods.
- Signal analysis. Shannon entropy is used as the cost functional of compression algorithms in sound and image processing [226].
- Statistical inference. According to the Maximum Entropy Principle of Jaynes [207], “in making inferences on the basis of partial information we must use the probability distribution which has maximum entropy subject to whatever is known”. This principle has been traditionally applied with the Shannon entropy and several moment constraints of a probability distribution to infer the actual distribution [11,14].
2.27. Spectral Entropy
- Applications
- Audio analysis. Spectral entropy has been applied for robust audio content classification in noisy signals [228]. Specifically, spectral entropy is used to segment input signals into noisy audio and noise. Also, spectral entropy (in the form of Multiband Spectral Entropy Signature) has been shown to outperform other approaches in the task of sound recognition [229].
- Damage event detection. Spectral entropy detects damage in vibration recordings from a wind turbine gearbox [230].
- Data time compression. Spectral entropy has been successfully applied to identify important segments in speech, enabling time-compression of speech for skimming [231].
- Deep learning synchronization. Spectral entropy evaluates synchronization in neuronal networks, providing analysis of possibly noisy recordings collected with microelectrode arrays [232].
- Hyperspectral anomaly detection. Hyperspectral Conditional Entropy features in the Entropy Rate Superpixel Algorithm, which is used in hyperspectral–spatial data to recognize unusual patterns [234].
- Signal detection. Spectral entropy has been used to detect cetacean vocalization in marine audio data [235]. The time–frequency decomposition was carried out with short-time Fourier transform and continuous wavelet transform.
2.28. Tone Entropy
- Applications
- Biomedical analysis. Tone entropy has been employed to study the autonomic nervous system in age groups at high-risk of cardiovascular diseases [237]. In [238], tone entropy was used to study the influence of gestational ages on the development of the fetal autonomic nervous system by analyzing fetal heart rate variability.
- Time series. Tone entropy has been used in time series analysis to differentiate between physiologic and synthetic interbeat time series [239].
2.29. Topological and Topology-Based Entropies
- Applications
- Cardiac dynamics classification. Given a (finite) time series, the out-link entropy is derived from the adjacency matrix of its ordinal network. This entropy has been used to classify cardiac dynamics in [243].
- Convolutional neural networks. The authors of [244] propose a method for quantitatively clarifying the status of single-unit convolutional neural networks using algebraic topological tools. Unit status is indicated via the calculation of a topology-based entropy, called feature entropy.
- Damage detection in civil engineering. Persistent entropy can also address the damage detection problem in civil engineering structures. In particular, it was used to solve the supervised classification damage detection problem [245].
- Detection of determinism in time series. Permutation topological entropy (i.e., the topological entropy of the distribution of ordinal patterns of length obtained from a time series) can be used to detect determinism in continuous-valued time series. Actually, it suffices to check the growth of ordinal patterns with increasing L values, since this growth is exponential for deterministic signals ( converges to a finite number) and factorial for random ones ( diverges) [150,164].
- Financial time series analysis. Topological entropy has been applied to horizontal visibility graphs for financial time series in [246] to help quantify changes in complex stock market data.
- Similarity of piecewise linear functions. Piecewise linear functions are a useful mathematical tool in different areas of applied mathematics, including signal processing and machine learning methods. In this regard, persistent entropy (a topological entropy based on persistent homology) can be used to measure their similarity [247].
2.30. Transfer Entropy
- Applications
- Accelerated training in convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The authors of [250] propose a training mechanism for CNN architectures that integrates transfer entropy feedback connections. In this way, the training process is accelerated as fewer epochs are needed. Furthermore, it generates stability; hence, it can be considered a smoothing factor.
- Improving accuracy in graph convolutional neural networks (GCN). The accuracy of a GCN can be improved by using node relational characteristics (such as heterophily), degree information and feature-based transfer entropy calculations. However, depending on the number of graph nodes, the computation of the transfer entropy can significantly increase the computational load [251].
- Improving neural network performance. A small, few-layer artificial neural network that employs feedback can reach top-level performance on standard benchmark tasks, otherwise only obtained by large feed-forward structures. To show this, the authors of [252] use feed-forward transfer entropy between neurons to structure feedback connectivity.
- Multivariate time series forecasting. Transfer entropy is used to establish causal relationships in multivariate time series converted into graph neural networks, each node corresponding to a variable and edges representing the casual relationships between the variables. Such neural networks are then used for prediction [253].
- Time series analysis. The main application of transfer entropy since its formulation has been the analysis of multivariate time series (whether biomedical, physical, economical, financial, …) for revealing causal relationships via information directionality. See [254] and the references therein for the conceptual underpinnings and practical applications.
2.31. Tsallis Entropy
- Applications
- Anomaly detection. Tsallis entropy is used in network intrusion detection by detecting botnet-like malware based on anomalous patterns in the network [189].
- Clustering. A Tsallis entropy based categorical data clustering algorithm is proposed in [256]. It is shown that when the attributes have a power law behavior, the proposed algorithm outperforms existing Shannon entropy-based clustering algorithms.
- Feature selection. Tsallis entropy-based feature selection is used in [257] to identify significant features, which boosts the classification performance in machine learnin g. The authors propose an algorithm to optimize both the classifier (a Support Vector Machine) and Tsallis entropy parameters, thus improving the classification accuracy.
- Image segmentation. Tsallis entropy can be used for segmenting images by maximizing the entropy within different regions of images [258].
- Pre-seismic signals. Tsallis entropy has been used in [259] to analyze pre-seismic electromagnetic signals.
2.32. Von Neumann Entropy
- Applications
- Feature selection and dimensionality reduction. Von Neumann entropy is employed in the case of kernelized relevance vector machines to assess dimensionality reduction for better model performance [260].
- Graph-based learning. In [261], the authors propose a method to identify vital nodes in hypergraphs that draws on von Neumann entropy. More precisely, this method is based on the high-order line graph structure of hypergraphs and measures changes in network complexity using von Neumann entropy.
- Graph similarity and anomaly detection. Von Neumann graph entropy (VNGE) is used to measure the information divergence and distance between graphs in a sequence. This is used for various learning tasks involving network-based data. The Fast Incremental von Neumann Graph Entropy algorithm reduces the computation time of the VNGE, making it feasible for real-time applications and large datasets [262].
- Network analysis. Von Neumann entropy is used in [263] to build visualization histograms from the edges of networks and then component analysis is performed on a sample for different networks.
- Pattern recognition in neurological time series. Von Neumann entropy was used (together with other entropies) in [264] for automated pattern recognition in neurological conditions, a crucial task in patient monitoring and medical diagnosis.
2.33. Wavelet Entropy
- Applications
- Emotion recognition. Wavelet entropy can detect little variations in signals and was used in [27] to develop an automatic EEG classifier.
- Fault detection. Wavelet entropy was applied to monitor the condition of machinery and detect faults by analyzing vibration signals in [266].
- Feature extraction. Wavelet entropy was used to extract features from biomedical signals such as EEGs and ECGs to identify different physiological states or detect abnormalities in [265].
3. Discussion
4. Conclusions and Outlook
- The choice of a particular entropy-based method depends in general on the relevant application. Some methods may be more popular than others because they are designed for the purpose or dataset at hand, or simply because they have some computational advantage. In this regard, Section 2 presented possible candidates for different applications but no performance comparison between them was discussed. In fact, such a comparison would require a case-by-case test as, for example, in Reference [108], where the authors study motor fault detection with the approximate, dispersion, energy, fuzzy, permutation, sample and Shannon entropies (see Section 2.13 for the best performer). Along with the selection of the “right” entropy, a common concern among practitioners is the choice of parameters and hyperparameters. A combination of methods and parameter settings may be also a good approach in practice [163,264].
- We have not included applications of entropy to cryptography in this review because they belong to the general field of Data Science (through data security) rather than to Data Analysis. Entropy (mainly Shannon’s and Rényi’s entropies) has been applied to measure the “randomness” of encrypted messages in so-called chaotic cryptography, which applies ideas from Chaos Theory and chaos synchronization to the masking of analog signals [267]. To deal with digital signals, new tools such as discrete entropy [268] and discrete Lyapunov exponents [269] have also been developed for application to chaotic cryptography, inspired by their conventional counterparts. For a general review of the applications of entropy and related information-theoretical concepts in cryptography, see the review [270].
- We have not delved into the numerical methods used to compute entropies from data. As functionals of probability distributions, most methods for computing entropy are based on the estimation of data probabilities. In the case of discrete-valued data, the probabilities are usually estimated via relative frequencies (the maximum likelihood estimator) and possibly extrapolation methods in case of undersampling [150]. In the case of continuous-valued data, the probability densities are usually estimated via kernel density estimation (also called Parzen–Rosenblatt windowing) [271]. Furthermore, there are particular methods that do not rely on probability estimation, e.g., Lempel–Ziv complexity, which resorts to pattern matching and approximates the Shannon entropy rate of stationary binary sequences [87]. Also, in some particular cases, the entropy can be estimated via spectral information. For example, the quadratic Rényi entropy can be estimated via spectral data transformations and kernel matrices [272]. See [273] for a general review on the estimation of entropy.
- Algebraic Representations of Entropy. The study and application of information-theoretical tools and, in particular, entropies can benefit from an algebraic approach in different ways. A first example is permutation entropy (Section 2.20), which is the Shannon entropy of the symbolic representation of a continuous-valued stochastic process obtained using sliding windows and ordinal patterns. Since ordinal patterns can be interpreted as permutations, such representations can harness the algebraic structure of the symmetric group. This is what happens, e.g., with the concept of transcript; see [274] for definitions and applications. A second example is the correspondence between Shannon entropy (as well as other multivariate entropic quantities for that matter) and set-theoretic expressions [275]. This correspondence provides a handle to apply algebraic concepts and tools to information-theoretical quantities such as several multivariate generalizations of mutual information; see, e.g., [276,277].
- Data Dimensional Reduction. In general data analysis it is crucial to transform potentially high-dimensional data into a lower dimensional representation. Along with linear methods, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and metric multidimensional scaling, there are also nonlinear spectral methods such as kernel PCA [278]. Interestingly, some of these methods involve entropies. Thus, in kernel entropy component analysis (ECA), the data transformation is related to the Rényi entropy of the input space dataset [272]. This and similar approaches could be generalized with the help of other entropies.
- Partial Information Decomposition (PID) decomposes the mutual information (Equation (12) with a vector variable in the first argument) between a series of random source variables and a target variable T into the amount of influence that each has on T. In the simplest case of two sources and , this influence splits into four components, although there is much controversy as to how these four components should be quantified [279]. Other issues such as the applications of PID [280] and the generalization of PID to continuous-valued variables offer new topics worth researching; see, e.g., [281].
- Quantum generalized entropies. In our list of entropies, we included two that arise from quantum mechanics, namely, von Neumann entropy (Section 2.32) and entanglement entropy (Section 2.8). With the advent of quantum information theory and quantum neural networks, the possible applications of conventional entropic quantities and, above all, quantum generalized entropies is a wide open field for further research. See [282] for the definition, properties and applications of quantum generalized entropies.
- Finally, we should point out that many of the applications of entropy mentioned in Section 2 can be refined and diversified, for example, in the formulation and/or regularization of cost functions, decision trees or the generalization of concepts. Another interesting research field is the improvement of existing algorithms for computing entropies and entropic quantities (especially of multivariate quantities and time-continuous signals) and the introduction of new numerical techniques, possibly adapted to new progress in deep learning, reservoir computing and more.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sepúlveda-Fontaine, S.A.; Amigó, J.M. Applications of Entropy in Data Analysis and Machine Learning: A Review. Entropy 2024, 26, 1126.
Sepúlveda-Fontaine SA, Amigó JM. Applications of Entropy in Data Analysis and Machine Learning: A Review. Entropy. 2024; 26(12):1126.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSepúlveda-Fontaine, Salomé A., and José M. Amigó. 2024. "Applications of Entropy in Data Analysis and Machine Learning: A Review" Entropy 26, no. 12: 1126.
APA StyleSepúlveda-Fontaine, S. A., & Amigó, J. M. (2024). Applications of Entropy in Data Analysis and Machine Learning: A Review. Entropy, 26(12), 1126.