Fog-Based Two-Phase Event Monitoring and Data Gathering in Vehicular Sensor Networks
:1. Introduction
- By integrating the concept of fog nodes and VANETs, we propose an efficient scheme to efficiently monitor the events and gather data based on VANETs. The sensing operators are roughly classified into the low cost sensing (LCS) mode and the high cost sensing (HCS) mode, and by taking full advantage of the fog nodes, our scheme strikes a good balance between these two modes to achieve better efficiency;
- The “two-level threshold adjustment” (2LTA) is proposed to avoid unnecessary event-checking and data upload. At the node level, only readings with a larger weight are sent to the RSU for further processing. The RSU then checks the confidence/probability of an event and initiates an event-checking procedure when the confidence exceeds a threshold. No event-checking procedure is needed if the confidence is within the range of thresholds;
- Extensive experiments were conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. TPEG reduces more than 84% of data transmissions compared to other algorithms, while at the same time, it detects the events and gathers the event data.
2. Related Work
2.1. Event Monitoring and Data Gathering
2.2. VANETs and Fog Computing
3. Preliminaries
3.1. Network and Data Gathering
- Continuous monitoring: the network is monitored through low-cost collection of sensing data so that ITS is informed when an event occurs. This task is represented by the event-checking procedure;
- Data gathering: more detailed data are gathered to the ITS cloud, and the data uploaded are time-limited and delay-constrained;
- Event verification: the ITS system verifies whether an event occurs and gives feedbacks to the VANETs.
3.2. Event and Weight of Data
4. TPEG Framework
4.1. Overview
- Data monitoring: Nodes work in LCS mode, and they sense the environment and generate the data. The data have a relatively low generation rate and confidence and are uploaded to the RSU through V2I or V2V communications.
- Event checking: RSU checks the confidence/probability of an event, and it initiates an event-checking procedure when the event probability is high. When the confidence is low, nodes just keep silent, and no event-checking procedures are needed.
- Deep sensing: Some nodes are selected to transfer to “deep sensing”, where they work in HCS mode and sense more accurate data about the environment.
- Data upload: The data generated in HCS mode are uploaded to the RSU for final event verification. Data could be uploaded directly, forwarded to neighboring nodes or wait until encountering a new RSU. Nodes would adaptively decide their strategy for data upload based on whether they are within the coverage of an RSU or encountered nodes.
- Event decision: The ITS cloud process the gathered data and make a decision about the events. Some data are archived on the cloud, and some feedback is sent back to the RSUs.
4.2. Low Cost Monitoring
4.3. Event Checking and Node Selection
4.4. Adaptive Data Upload
- When the node is within the coverage area of RSU, is directly scheduled for uploading, which is denoted as:
- When there is no RSU coverage or node-to-node connections, is stored locally, and the upload is suppressed, which is denoted as:
- When a node moves out of the RSU coverage and encounters a neighboring node, it would decide its forwarding strategy based on the current node s and the encountered node . might be forwarded to or be stored at s and waits for other transmission opportunities. This is denoted as:Here, is the time constraint of data to be uploaded to the ITS system, is the expected time interval for node to enter an RSU coverage area and is the time duration of data uploading, which could be easily calculated by dividing the data size by the bandwidth: . is the expected contact duration of node s and .
4.5. Threshold Adjustment
- Events are assumed to be uncommon phenomenon. When events do not occur, the network should avoid unnecessary event-checking procedures.
- Unlike some monitoring and detection scenarios where events are transient, events at VANETs would usually last for a period of time. Therefore, when an event occurs, it is important for nodes not to be triggered by HCS mode and not to upload the redundant data to the RSU.
4.5.1. Node Level Adjustment
4.5.2. RSU Level Adjustment
4.6. Algorithm Descriptions
Algorithm 1: Handling messages at ordinary nodes. |
Algorithm 2: Handling messages at RSUs and the cloud. |
5. Experimental Study
5.1. Environmental Setup
5.2. Metrics and Compared Algorithms
5.3. Overall Performance
5.4. Impact of Factors
5.4.1. Number of Nodes
5.4.2. Size of Cache
5.4.3. Sensing Frequency
5.4.4. Threshold Adjustment
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Value | Description |
n | 60 | number of vehicular nodes |
n_RSU | 6 | number of RSU nodes |
n_time | 43,200 s | simulation duration |
L | 3000 m | length of road segment |
d_time | ∼[25–35] s | interval of sensing |
60 m | sensing radius of RSU nodes | |
speed | ∼[5, 10] m/s | speed of nodes |
data | 50,500 KB | size of sensing data at LCS/HCS |
cache_size | 300 MB | cache size of nodes |
e_length | ∼[1000, 5000] s | life span of events |
200 s | interval of events (Poisson distribution) | |
m | 3 | number of readings at RSU for event-checking |
0.05 | predefined increment factor for | |
10,000 s | unit of time for threshold adjustment | |
∼[0,0.5], ∼[0.0.1] | range of noise in LCS and HCS | |
0.1, 0.05 | standard deviation of weight in LCS and HCS |
Algorithm | NAIVE | PROPHET | ESSMD | TPEG |
True Positive (#/ratio) | 42.2/0.2497 | 147.62/0.8242 | 150.63/0.8389 | 147.47/0.8317 |
True Negative (#/ratio) | 7.51/0.0444 | 17.32/0.0967 | 16.68/0.0929 | 14.66/0.0827 |
False Positive (#/ratio) | 2.11/0.0125 | 3.47/0.0194 | 2.4/0.0134 | 2.81/0.0158 |
False Negative (#/ratio) | 117.19/0.6934 | 10.69/0.0597 | 9.84/0.0548 | 12.38/0.0698 |
Recall Rate (p1) | 0.2648 | 0.9325 | 0.9387 | 0.9226 |
Precision (p2) | 0.9524 | 0.977 | 0.9843 | 0.9813 |
Transmissions () | 2.34 | 3421.98 | 2583.36 | 403.26 |
Average Time (minute) | 36.29 | 28.83 | 30.6 | 33.69 |
Incremental Factor () | 0.03 | 0.05 | 0.07 | 0.1 |
Recall Rate () | 0.9554 | 0.9265 | 0.9091 | 0.8929 |
Precision () | 0.9350 | 0.9403 | 0.9459 | 0.9346 |
Transmissions () | 618.77 | 578.38 | 556.78 | 532.22 |
Average Time (minute) | 24.73 | 25.65 | 30.12 | 37.55 |
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Share and Cite
Lai, Y.; Yang, F.; Su, J.; Zhou, Q.; Wang, T.; Zhang, L.; Xu, Y. Fog-Based Two-Phase Event Monitoring and Data Gathering in Vehicular Sensor Networks. Sensors 2018, 18, 82.
Lai Y, Yang F, Su J, Zhou Q, Wang T, Zhang L, Xu Y. Fog-Based Two-Phase Event Monitoring and Data Gathering in Vehicular Sensor Networks. Sensors. 2018; 18(1):82.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLai, Yongxuan, Fan Yang, Jinsong Su, Qifeng Zhou, Tian Wang, Lu Zhang, and Yifan Xu. 2018. "Fog-Based Two-Phase Event Monitoring and Data Gathering in Vehicular Sensor Networks" Sensors 18, no. 1: 82.
APA StyleLai, Y., Yang, F., Su, J., Zhou, Q., Wang, T., Zhang, L., & Xu, Y. (2018). Fog-Based Two-Phase Event Monitoring and Data Gathering in Vehicular Sensor Networks. Sensors, 18(1), 82.