Securing Real-Time Internet-of-Things
:1. Introduction
2. Real-Time Internet-of-Things: An Overview
2.1. Stringent Timing/Safety Requirements and Resources Constraints
2.2. Heterogeneous Communication Traffic
2.3. Real-Time Scheduling Model
2.4. CPU Architectures and System Development Model
3. Security Threats for RT-IoT
3.1. Attacks on RT-IoT
3.1.1. Integrity Violation with Malicious Code Injection
3.1.2. Side-Channel Attacks
3.1.3. Attacks on Communication Channels
3.1.4. Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks
3.2. Reconnaissance: Attack Preparation
3.2.1. ScheduLeak
3.2.2. Targeted Attacks
4. Securing RT-IoT: Host-Based Approaches
4.1. Security with Hardware Support
4.1.1. Secure System Simplex Architecture (S3A)
4.1.2. SecureCore Framework
4.1.3. Control Flow Monitoring
4.1.4. Security via Platform-Level Reset
4.2. Security without Architectural Modifications
4.2.1. Dealing with Side-Channel Attacks
4.2.2. Schedule Randomization
- Randomization (Task Only): This is the most basic form of randomization in contrast to other schemes introduced below. We randomly pick a task to execute whenever a task arrives or finishes its job, i.e., at the scheduling points. The effectiveness against the schedule-based side-channel attack is limited since the busy intervals in this scheme remains the same.
- Randomization with Idle Time Scheduling: In addition to the randomness provided in the basic scheme, we include the idle task (e.g., the dummy task executed by an RTOS when other real-time tasks are not running) at each scheduling point. It eliminates the periodicity of busy intervals (from hyper-period’s point of view). This scheme makes it harder to produce effective results from the schedule-based side-channel attack.
- Randomization with Idle Time Scheduling and Fine-grained Switching: To push the randomization to an extreme, one could choose to randomize the schedule every tick. That is, the scheduler will randomly pick a task to execute, subject to the deadline constraints, in every tick interrupt. This way, we gain the most randomness for the schedule. Figure 8 illustrates an instance of the randomized schedule for an simple taskset with three tasks. However, it greatly increases the overhead and thus may not be applicable for all use cases.
4.2.3. Integrating Security for Legacy RT-IoT
5. Discussion and Research Opportunities
5.1. Securing Legacy RT-IoT Systems
5.2. Security for Multicore based RT-IoT Platforms
5.3. Secure Communication with Timing Constraints
6. Related Work
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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• | Implemented as a system of periodic/sporadic tasks |
• | Stringent timing requirements |
• | Worst-case bounds are known for all loops |
• | No dynamically loaded or self modified codes |
• | Recursion is either not used or statically bounded |
• | Memory and processing power is often limited |
• | Communication flows with mixed timing criticality |
References | Approach | Attack Surface | Overhead/Costs |
Simplex-based security [27,28,29,30,31] | Use verified/secure hardware module to monitor system behavior (e.g., timing [28] and execution pattern [27], memory access [29], system call usage [30], control flow [31]) | Code injection attacks | Require custom hardware or monitoring unit |
Security by platform-level reset [32,49] | Periodically and/or asynchronously (e.g., upon detection of a malicious activity) restart the platform and load an uncompromised OS image | Code injection, side channel and DoS attacks | Extra hardware to ensure safety during periodic/asynchronous restart events |
Cache flushing [33,44] | Flush the shared medium (e.g., cache) between the consecutive execution of high-priority (security sensitive) and low-priority (potentially vulnerable) tasks | Side-channel (cache) attacks | Overhead of cache flushing reduces task-set schedulability |
Schedule randomization [50] | Randomize the task execution order (i.e., schedule) to reduce the predictability | Side-channel attacks | Extra context switch |
Security task integration for legacy RT-IoT [35,37] | Execute monitoring/intrusion detection tasks with a priority lower than real-time task to preserve the real-time task parameters (e.g., period, WCET and execution order) | Code injection, side-channel, DoS and/or communication attacks depending on the what monitoring tasks are used | Running security task with lower priority may cause longer detection time due to high interference (e.g., preemption) from real-time tasks |
Adaptive security task integration [36] | Execute monitoring/intrusion detection tasks with a lowest priority most of the time (e.g., during normal system operation)—however change the mode of operation execute with a higher priority (for a limited amount of time) if any anomalous behavior is suspected | Code injection, side-channel, DoS and/or communication attacks depending on the what monitoring tasks are used | False positive detection may cause unnecessary mode switches |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Chen, C.-Y.; Hasan, M.; Mohan, S. Securing Real-Time Internet-of-Things. Sensors 2018, 18, 4356.
Chen C-Y, Hasan M, Mohan S. Securing Real-Time Internet-of-Things. Sensors. 2018; 18(12):4356.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChen, Chien-Ying, Monowar Hasan, and Sibin Mohan. 2018. "Securing Real-Time Internet-of-Things" Sensors 18, no. 12: 4356.
APA StyleChen, C.-Y., Hasan, M., & Mohan, S. (2018). Securing Real-Time Internet-of-Things. Sensors, 18(12), 4356.