Data Storage Mechanism Based on Blockchain with Privacy Protection in Wireless Body Area Network
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- Unauthorized access: The unauthorized attackers hack into the WBAN and steal user data. Such attacks will violate users’ privacy, for example, if the attacker sells users’ information to an insurance company.
- (2)
- Tampering with the messages: The attacker modifies signals in the WBAN so that the data collector receives fake users’ data. This will affect the safety of users, for example, if the user is a patient, and the patient data received by the doctor is false data, which would lead to the wrong treatment by the doctor.
- Blockchain: We use blockchain to store the WBAN user’s data which can prevent the data from being tampered with.
- The DVSSA scheme: We propose a sequential aggregate signature scheme with a designated verifier. It ensures that the user’s data can only be viewed by the administrator, and in other hands it can be compressed to the size of the blockchain storage space, which solves the illegal access problem.
2. Related Work
2.1. Wireless Body Area Network
2.1.1. Network Architecture
2.1.2. Wireless Communication Technique in WBAN
2.1.3. Management System and Database
2.2. Blockchain
2.2.1. Structure of Blockchain
2.2.2. Key Characteristics of the Blockchain
- (1)
- Autonomy: One important feature of blockchain is that there is no separate entity control or control network. In the public settings, any node can sign and publish transactions, and if they are accepted, the blockchain will check other nodes in their decentralized network at any time. In addition, everyone can join the consensus process to extend new blocks to the blockchain.
- (2)
- Distributed: A blockchain system is built on a P2P network to which the source node broadcasts each signed single row of transactions. The adjacent peer then validates these incoming transactions: the valid transaction is forwarded further, and the invalid transaction is discarded. Eventually, these transactions can be extended to the entire P2P network. The system can process notifications and synchronizes networks for newly generated blocks.
- (3)
- Non-tampering: All valid blocks and transactions recorded in the global ledger are virtually immutable due to the need for validation by other nodes and traceability of changes. Furthermore, the entire global ledger is synchronized between blockchain nodes according to a consensus mechanism, giving users greater confidence in the authenticity and accuracy of the data in the blockchain.
- (4)
- Contractual: The process of consensus (for example, mining or voting) depends on the state of the data in question. The consensus is reached through the implementation of rules, i.e., the blockchain of the smart contract, for example, does not have any central authorization. The rules defined by these codes ensure that actions in any currency are executed promptly and correctly without human intervention.
3. Problem Statement
3.1. Security Requirements of WBAN
- Data confidentiality: In WBAN, data confidentiality is one of the most important problems; it can protect the user from data leaks. In medical applications, when the node collects and sends sensitive information to the coordinator, the enemy can eavesdrop on some key information in the communication, which will reveal the patient’s privacy. This kind of eavesdropping may bring serious damage to the patient. The traditional method is to encrypt the data and then retransmit to ensure the communication security of the external sensor node and the network coordinator, and only allow the receiver to be authorized to decrypt the WBAN node, but this is difficult to implement for the sensor node with poor computational performance.
- Data integrity: The confidentiality of the data does not guarantee that the data will not be tampered with. After the data is stolen by the opponent, it can be tampered or destroyed by adding or reducing data segments, and then the data will be sent to the network coordinator. Vital information can be compromised, which can be very dangerous to users. The data integrity mechanism ensures that the data transmitted between BSN and BSNC (Body sensors network coordinators) is not changed by the adversary. The sender uses a one-way algorithm to compute the MAC frame, generates the integrity code for the frame, and sends it attached to the packet. The receiver uses the same process to calculate the MAC frame and compares the calculated result with the one given by the sender, to judge whether the data was maliciously tampered with in the sending process.
- Data authentication: Data authentication is necessary for medical and non-medical applications. It enables the BSN and BSNC to verify that data is sent by trusted sensor nodes. This prevents hostile parties from sending false messages to trick BSN and BSNC data authentication.
- Data freshness: The freshness of the data can prevent the retransmission attack. The hostile party may capture the frame in the transmission process and resend the data after a period of delay to achieve the purpose of confusing the BSNC.
3.2. Possible Security Threats and Attacks on WBAN
3.3. Security Solution for WBAN
4. System Model
4.1. WBAN Model
- (1)
- WBAN: the WBAN consists of a WBAN controller and several (implantable or wearable) devices. These devices are often sensors that monitor important body parameters or movements and control the body by providing life support, visual/auditory feedback, and so forth. The WBAN device communicates with the WBAN controller directly or through multi-hop communication. The WBAN controller communicates not only with the WBAN device but also with Cloud. Also, the close-range WBAN controller can form a self-organizing network using a wireless personal area network (WPAN) technology.
- (2)
- External administrator: external entities are mainly doctors or hospitals that we called administrators. Administrators can view the data of WBAN users stored in the blockchain and manage and analyze the data.
- (3)
- Cloud: cloud servers can provide the function of cloud storage service. Users can easily access data at anytime and anywhere through any internet-connected device connected to the cloud. More importantly, the cloud server cluster has a large number of storage resources, which can provide infinite storage space for the edge networks with limited resources.
4.2. Cloud-Blockchain Model
4.2.1. The Advantage of Blockchain Storage
4.2.2. The Defect of Blockchain Storage
4.2.3. Our Solution
4.3. Data Validation Model
5. Sequential Aggregate Signature with Designated Verifier
5.1. Preliminaries
5.1.1. Bilinear Pairings
- Bilinear: ∀, there is .
- Non-degeneracy: .
- Computability: There is an efficient algorithm to compute .
5.1.2. Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Problem (BDH)
5.1.3. Sequential Aggregate Signature Model
5.2. Our Scheme
5.3. Security Proof
- Setup. B First, get Pk = () of the challenger, then set the public parameter , public key , initializes the list of keys and sets it to an empty set.
- Certification Queries. The adversary A provides a key pair and adaptability requires public key authentication. B checks the validity of the key pair and adds it to the key list.
- Signature Queries. The adversary A provides the message chain , the sequential aggregate signature under the public key and a new message M and public key , then B execute the signature query as follows:
- (1)
- Check the validity of the signature , and check that each component of exists in the key list.
- (2)
- Ask the signature oracle to get the of M, and the signed public keys is .
- (3)
- For each message , run DVSSAggSign algorithm to get the sequential aggregate signature for the designated verifier about the message , and send it to A.
- Output. The adversary A outputs the forged sequential aggregate signature for the specific verifier about the message chain . The public key is . We assume that , the forgery process of algorithm B is as follows:
- (1)
- B first runs the sequential aggregate validation algorithm for the designated verifier, then verifies the validity of the signature and at the same time confirms that the challenge public key must be in the and must not have been questioned by adversary A about the signature oracle.
- (2)
- In , , retrieve the private key from the key list , then compute:
- (3)
- Output the about .Furthermore, we can prove the correctness of of which is forged by the algorithm B:
6. Experiment
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Security Threats: | Security Requirements | Possible Solutions |
Unverified or unauthorized access | Verified or authorized access | Random key distribution Public key encryption |
Information leakage | Confidentiality | Link layer or network layer encryption Access control |
Tampering with message | Integrity | Type a secure hash function A digital signature |
Denial-of-service attack (DoS) | Usability | Intrusion detection Redundant routing |
Node capture, damaged nodes | The resilience of the damaged node | Consistency checking and node undo tamper-proof |
Routing attacks | Secure Routing | Security routing protocol |
Intrusions and advanced security attacks | Security group management, intrusion detection | Secure group communication, intrusion detection |
The Schemes | Total Size | Energy Consumption (mJ) |
DVSSA scheme | P = 30 bytes | 13.52 W |
Certificate-based scheme | N = 512 | 146.99 W |
Merkle hash tree scheme | N = 512 | 144.56 W |
ID-based scheme | N = 512 | 111.02 W |
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Ren, Y.; Leng, Y.; Zhu, F.; Wang, J.; Kim, H.-J. Data Storage Mechanism Based on Blockchain with Privacy Protection in Wireless Body Area Network. Sensors 2019, 19, 2395.
Ren Y, Leng Y, Zhu F, Wang J, Kim H-J. Data Storage Mechanism Based on Blockchain with Privacy Protection in Wireless Body Area Network. Sensors. 2019; 19(10):2395.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRen, Yongjun, Yan Leng, Fujian Zhu, Jin Wang, and Hye-Jin Kim. 2019. "Data Storage Mechanism Based on Blockchain with Privacy Protection in Wireless Body Area Network" Sensors 19, no. 10: 2395.
APA StyleRen, Y., Leng, Y., Zhu, F., Wang, J., & Kim, H.-J. (2019). Data Storage Mechanism Based on Blockchain with Privacy Protection in Wireless Body Area Network. Sensors, 19(10), 2395.