Fostering Sustainability through Visualization Techniques for Real-Time IoT Data: A Case Study Based on Gas Turbines for Electricity Production
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Methodology to Foster Sustainability through Visualizations
3.1. Phase 1—Definition of Goals and Visualizations
3.1.1. User Requirements Model
3.1.2. Data Profiling Model
- Cardinality can be defined as low or high, depending on the number of items it is necessary to represent. Low cardinality is defined as when there are few dozens of items to represent, while high cardinality is when there are several dozens of items or more.
- Dimensionality represents the number of variables to be visualized. It can be defined as one-dimensional when the data to represent are a single numerical value or string, two-dimensional when one dependent variable depends on one independent variable, n-dimensional if each data object is a point in an n-dimensional space, Tree if a collection of items have a link to one parent item, or graph when a collection of items is provided and each item is linked to an arbitrary number of other items.
- The type of data defines the data type of each variable. It can be defined as nominal if each variable is assigned to one category, ordinal when each variable is assigned to one category and the categories can be sorted, interval when it is possible to determine the equality of intervals or ratio when there is a unique and non-arbitrary zero point.
3.1.3. Derivation of Visualizations
3.2. Phase 2—Monitoring of Production Process
3.2.1. Cloud Computing Architecture
3.2.2. Artificial Intelligence Model
3.2.3. Sensor Analysis Process
- N GSen ALTERED (Machine failure): N groups of sensors are altered. An alteration means that there is a small alteration in the values of the sensors but that no sensor is out of its acceptable ranges. Therefore, groups of visualizations are generated. These visualizations represent all sensors of the machine, grouped by the unit of measure and the localization in the machine. Furthermore, warnings will be considered, thus warning users that the machine is presenting an abnormal status and that it is possible that the production optimal.When this scenario arises, additional information will be necessary in order to make decisions. This new information will help users to decide if, at that moment, it is sustainable to stop the production or not.
- 1 Sen/1 GSen FAIL: There is one sensor or a group of sensors which is out of range. In these cases, a group of visualizations are generated in which the anomalous sensor/sensors with their real-time values are represented, split by the unit of measurement. Furthermore, in order to display a reference, the historical average value of these sensors is also represented. Moreover, these visualizations include the values of sensors located physically close to the relevant sensor which do not present anomalies.When this case arises, users should make their first decision. As Figure 5 shows, users should decide, relying on the visualizations, if the failure is a device failure or is not critical. Otherwise, they must decide if it is a critical moment and therefore necessary to consider the possibility of stopping the production process.
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- Sensor failure or non-critical values: If users decide that the failure is caused due to a broken sensor or if the values that the sensor is showing are acceptable or are located in non-critical areas, the production process will continue. However, if users deem it necessary, it is possible to use the visualizations to continuously monitor the values of these abnormal sensors, thus allowing users to visualize the values of these sensors in real-time and take measures if at any time the sensors reach critical values.
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- Critical values: If users decide that the values of the sensors are critical fir the production process, it will be necessary to present additional information in order to help to users to decide if, at that moment, it would be sustainable to stop the production or not.
3.2.4. Sustainability Check
4. Case Study: Gas Turbines for Electricity Generation
4.1. Phase 1—Definition of Goals and Visualizations
- Visualization goal: Comparison
- Interaction: Overview
- User: Lay
- Dimensionality: n-dimensional
- Cardinality: High
- Independent Type: Nominal
- Dependent Type: Interval
4.2. Phase 2—Monitoring of Production Process
5. Limitations
- Our proposal has been applied to a specific case study of gas turbines for electricity generation. In principle, the proposal is context-independent, but it should be tested in other production contexts to verify that the results are accurate.
- Our methodology has been developed for non-expert users; however, the user’s domain expertise can be a crucial factor in the definition of more complex dashboards.
- In order to allow users to follow the methodology by themselves, the creation of a CASE tool is necessary.
- Further evaluation of our proposal is required; to this end, we are conducting an empirical evaluation, analyzing the obtained results through the application of our methodology in other production contexts.
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Lavalle, A.; Teruel, M.A.; Maté, A.; Trujillo, J. Fostering Sustainability through Visualization Techniques for Real-Time IoT Data: A Case Study Based on Gas Turbines for Electricity Production. Sensors 2020, 20, 4556.
Lavalle A, Teruel MA, Maté A, Trujillo J. Fostering Sustainability through Visualization Techniques for Real-Time IoT Data: A Case Study Based on Gas Turbines for Electricity Production. Sensors. 2020; 20(16):4556.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLavalle, Ana, Miguel A. Teruel, Alejandro Maté, and Juan Trujillo. 2020. "Fostering Sustainability through Visualization Techniques for Real-Time IoT Data: A Case Study Based on Gas Turbines for Electricity Production" Sensors 20, no. 16: 4556.
APA StyleLavalle, A., Teruel, M. A., Maté, A., & Trujillo, J. (2020). Fostering Sustainability through Visualization Techniques for Real-Time IoT Data: A Case Study Based on Gas Turbines for Electricity Production. Sensors, 20(16), 4556.