This section provides a brief overview of the background of the topics addressed. Specifically, the proposed methods and approaches for developing an FDD model are discussed. In addition, a review of the current literature on the FDC in automotive systems as an application domain is reviewed, focusing on the main findings and limitations of the proposed studies and highlighting the differences of our proposed methodology compared to the state-of-the-art.
2.1. Fault Detection and Classification Development Approaches
In the state-of-the-art, to develop an FDD model for multivariate time-series data, there have been several approaches proposed, i.e., model-based approaches [
22], signal-based approaches [
23], knowledge-based approaches [
24] and data-driven approaches [
In dynamic systems, the model-based approach is considered the best option. Three different methods have been proposed for developing an FDD model, namely parity space-based [
26], observer-based [
27] and parameter estimation-based [
28]. At the core is the idea of comparing the analytical redundancy of the developed mathematical model with the output data of the real physical system, and based on the residual signals generated, the faults can be detected and classified. In the automotive field, some studies have demonstrated the advantages and capability of the approach by proposing novel techniques for the FDD with high accuracy [
30]. However, the expert knowledge required to build an accurate mathematical model and the increasing complexity of a modern ASS contribute to the difficulty of applying these types of approaches [
Although the signal-based approach is widely used in the real-time monitoring of industrial systems, especially in the steady state, it has some limitations. Due to the assumption that the collected signals contain significant information about the faults, expert knowledge of the symptoms of healthy systems is required to detect the presence of faults when analyzing the measured signals [
32]. The extracted features of the signals in this approach are categorized into three domains, namely the time domain [
33], frequency domain [
34] and time–frequency domain [
A knowledge-based approach does not require pre-classified training sets [
36]. However, due to the lack of specific qualitative expert knowledge and the complexity of modern vehicles, the knowledge-based approach is limited and insufficient to build an FDD system [
37]. Besides the extensive human intervention required, nonlinear relationships between signals in the complex system render the detection and classification of the faults difficult.
Above all, the introduction of advanced sensor technology, the rapid development of computational methods, the availability of sufficient computational resources and raw information from measured signals, and the simplicity of model realization with its high efficiency played a crucial role in drawing researchers’ attention to data-driven approaches as a means of FDD [
17]. The main idea of this approach is to use the constructed knowledge from high-quality historical data to detect and classify the abnormal behavior. In accordance with [
24], FDD methods can be classified into statistical analysis data-driven and non-statistical analysis data-driven. The most popular methods of the statistical approach are PCA [
38], ICA [
39] and PLS [
40]. The pattern recognition-based Machine Learning (ML) techniques [
41], on the other hand, are often used in the non-statistical approach because of their adaptive learning and nonlinear approximation capabilities. Depending on the tasks to be performed, i.e., clustering, classification, regression and anomaly detection, ML techniques are classified into unsupervised learning methods [
42], semi-supervised learning methods [
43], supervised learning methods [
44] and reinforcement learning methods [
DL [
46], as a subarea of ML, has been gaining importance in developing complex FDD models based on neural networks that employ a large number of layers, especially when multiple data streams are involved [
47]. The reason behind that is its ability to outperform traditional statistical ML methods and overcome their limitations in terms of feature extraction, computational cost and dimensionality reduction. Not only that, the rapid development of Graphics Processing Units (GPU) paved the way for the more efficient processing of huge amounts of data, which in turn contributes to achieving the outstanding performance of DL-based approaches. Therefore, in the last decade, the interest in the development of FDD systems using DL techniques has increased, and various DL architectures, e.g., Deep Belief Network (DBN), Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Autoencoders (AE), have been proposed for different application domains. A comprehensive survey of the DL architecture focusing on current challenges and future developments can be found in [
In the automotive domain, several studies have been proposed for the utilization of DL for various tasks, e.g., for anomaly detection, fault classification and fault prognosis. As an application area, some focus on safety-critical vehicle systems, i.e., engine, powertrain, steering and suspension, while others focus on fuel cells and batteries of electric vehicles. For example, in [
49], You et al. proposed a data-driven framework based on the LSTM aiming at diagnosing the state of electric vehicles. While using driving data, a CNN-based FDC of suspension systems, i.e., automotive damper defect diagnosis, was proposed in [
50]. Moreover, to develop an FDD model for a fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) powertrain, an artificial neural network (ANN) is used in [
51] to isolate the faults, i.e., drying and flooding faults in a single cell, as a classification problem based on the variation of temperature and current density. In [
52], an FDC method for vehicle drive systems based on DL, i.e., hybrid DBN, was proposed, where the new data fusion method was investigated focusing on automotive gearbox faults. Toward classifying the faults in the braking system of a vehicle and performing the condition monitoring, a clonal selection classification algorithm was proposed in [
53] as an artificial intelligence (AI) technique. The model is trained based on the vibration signals collected under healthy and faulty conditions.
2.3. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
One of the first studies presenting the deployment of the LSTM networks is reported in [
59]. The key feature of the LSTM architecture is its ability to learn data with long-term dependencies. LSTM, as an extension of a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) [
60] with the ability to remember past information, overcomes the disadvantage of the RNN reflected in gradient vanishing and gradient explosion. Consequently, LSTM has been used for a wide range of complicated sequential problems due to its high performance compared to other deep neural networks in terms of feature learning and classification results, notably in the case of the dynamic information of time sequences. For instance, with respect to fault monitoring, LSTM has been used to develop an FDD model for the Tennessee Eastman (TE) process in [
61]. Similarly, in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) field, the detection of sensor anomalies using LSTM was investigated in [
62]. Regarding the diagnosis of bearing faults in electrical machines, an improved method based on the integration of the LSTM and CNN techniques into a unified structure was proposed in [
63], achieving an average accuracy of 99% over the test data set. Last but not least, as far as automotives are concerned, several studies have been proposed to explore new methods for FDD using either standalone LSTM or through the integration of the LSTM with other DL techniques, targeting different automotive systems, e.g., faults in engines [
64], EV batteries [
65] and fuel cell vehicles [
The key element of the LSTM is the chain units called the cell network. Three different gates, namely forget, input and output, constitute the internal structure of the cell and are connected to the cell state in a specific fashion, as illustrated in
Figure 1. The state of a cell is represented by the horizontal line at the top of the cell. It is likened to an assembly line as it runs along the entire chain of the cell. The LSTM is able to update the cell state using gates. Deciding what information to eliminate from the cell state is determined by the forget gate. On the other hand, the input gate is responsible for deciding what new information should be stored in the cell state. For this purpose, the Sigmoid is computed to decide which values will be updated and then Tanh creates a vector of new candidates that can be added to the cell state. Subsequently, Tanh and Sigmoid are combined and added to the cell state.
Mathematically, Sigma and Tanh are represented in Equations (
3) and (
4), respectively. Equation (
5) applies to the cell state update, where
represent Sigma and Tanh output, respectively.
is the output of current state and
represents the output of previous state.
The value of the gate depends on and . is the output of the previous state, where . is further multiplied by the current state value. If , the state of the cell is fully maintained, otherwise it partially depends on the value.
Finally, the output of the cell is determined by the output gate. With Tanh of the cell state, the output is calculated and then multiplied by the output of the Sigmoid. Mathematically, Sigma in the output cell is shown in Equation (
6), and the output of this gate is shown in Equation (
2.4. Fault Types
The major factor behind the selection of the appropriate classes of fault classification or identification models, based on DL, is the specification of the fault types. Based on recent studies in the literature, faults can be classified into four categories, namely hardware faults [
67], software faults [
68] and network and communication faults [
69]. Each category, in turn, can be divided into subclasses. On the basis of the type of components that contain the defect, i.e., sensors, actuators, a plant or control system, faults are grouped into hardware faults. In contrast, bit fips, runtime errors, processor register corruption and target restart are types of software faults. Communication-related faults involving delays, data loss and out-of-order delivery belong to abnormal states of communication protocols that occur on the network path between components, applications or subsystems. There are also other categories of faults, which can be classified as transient, permanent and incipient, depending on the duration and type of occurrence [
70]. In signal-based system behavior, i.e., time-series data, several types of faults have been identified in [
74], which take the form of measurement offsets, stuck-at or scaling from true values. Gain, delay, stuck-at, hard-over, spike, noise and drift faults are some examples of sensor and communication faults, as can be illustrated in
Figure 2 and
Figure 3, respectively.
In this study, due to the significant impact of random hardware faults on the safety of the ASS, sensors and communication faults have been considered in terms of signal behavior. The mathematical representation of the aforementioned fault types can be summarized in Equation (
8) and
Table 1:
is a faulty or manipulated signal value,
represents the gain value and
is the healthy or standard signal value.
represents the offset/bias value.
It is also worth noting that a variety of factors can cause the above-mentioned sensors and communication faults. Based on [
76], dirty or deteriorated sensors, aging, corrosion, vibration, electromagnetic interference, improper calibration and weak batteries are good examples of direct causes of automotive sensor faults.
2.5. Related Work
Tackling the problem of the high cost of collecting representative data sets in the automotive industry, several studies have been proposed to develop an FDD model relying on either real-world or simulation platforms to collect measurement data in different modes of system operation, i.e., faulty and non-faulty modes. Safavi et al. [
77], for example, have proposed a DL algorithm-based fault detection, isolation, identification and prediction system targeting sensor faults in autonomous vehicle systems. In the proposed study, the real data of three sensors, i.e., the accelerator pedal (AccP), steering wheel angle (SWA) and brake pressure (BP) sensor, collected from an automobile bus and recorded on highways, have been used for training, testing and validating the proposed fault detection and isolation (FDI) system. Specifically, the collected autonomous driving data set includes approximately 35 min of real driving scenarios, i.e., in the city and on the highway, at three different recording locations, namely Ingolstadt, Munich and Gaimersheim. Besides the healthy real data set, a faulty data set is generated using the FI method by capturing the system behavior in the faulty mode. The results of the study showed the capability of the proposed fault detection system with an accuracy of 99.84%, while the sensor fault identification system had an accuracy between 73.00% and 100.00%. However, the sensor faults injected into the healthy data set are limited to four fault types, namely drift, hard-over, erratic and spike faults, whereas eight different fault types have been considered in our proposed methods, increasing the coverage of fault occurrence, not only in the sensors but also in the communication signals. Another difference resides in the method of the FI used to collect the faulty data. In the study, a normal data distribution with a standard deviation was statically used, while in our research, a real-time FI framework was used to generate faulty data, and hence study the effect of faults on the system’s behavior, considering the real-time constraints and the simulation of the whole-vehicle system with high fidelity. Similarly, in [
78], Theissler proposes an anomaly detection approach using an ensemble classifier to analyze vehicle test records based on data recorded during on-road test drives. Albeit both known and unknown faults can be effectively detected by the proposed system with good robustness to different fault types and driving scenarios, the proposed system is limited to a detection problem with only two classes, i.e., the binary classification of inputs into healthy or faulty. In contrast, in our proposed method, besides the detection task, the identification of the type of detected fault is also explored as a classification problem with nine different classes (healthy and faulty). On top of that, using real data from a vehicle prototype as the basis for the training data set is costly and poses a high risk to the driver, especially when injecting faults while driving to validate the proposed system, whereas in our proposed method, this problem has been addressed by using HIL simulations with real-time FI.
To overcome the limitations of using a real vehicle prototype, some research that has been conducted relies on the real automotive system test benches as the solution for the training data set acquisition. For example, in [
79], a probabilistic fault classification method of time-series data was proposed, aiming at classifying unknown faults. To this end, a combination of Weibull-calibrated OSVM and Bayesian filtering have been employed for modeling fault classes and fault classification, respectively. To demonstrate the proposed method, an internal combustion engine was used as a case study. Meanwhile, to generate the residual data set, a real engine test bench was used with its model covering seven different types of engine faults, i.e., sensor faults, leakage and air filter clogging. However, to operate in a realistic environment, a highly accurate mathematical model is required, which drives up the cost in terms of complexity, whereas our proposed method uses a real-time simulation platform (HIL System) to inject the faults and capture the system-level effects. In the same context, but for a different application, Kaplan et al. [
80] used an electric vehicle prototype to test their proposed LSTM-based FDD approach. However, to collect the faulty data, different fault scenarios, i.e., short-circuit and open-circuit faults, are injected into the simulated EV system in Matlab/Simulink without considering the real-time conditions, but in our study, this problem was addressed by injecting the fault in real-time with an HIL. Aiming at tackling both single and simultaneous fault diagnosis issues of automotive engines, a novel framework based on the combination of three phases, i.e., feature extraction, probabilistic reject machine (PCM) and decision threshold optimization, has been proposed by Zhong et al. [
81]. As an experimental platform, a real sports car with an ECU, onboard oxygen sensor, ignition pickup and microphone have been used to collect the data set under various faulty conditions, focusing on three engine signals, namely the air ratio, ignition pattern and engine noise signal. However, to avoid the high cost and risks of collecting real data sets from a real vehicle, the HIL simulation functions with Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) have been used in our study.
One more possibility to obtain a representative data set of healthy and faulty operation modes is to employ a simulation platform. As an example, in [
82], researchers propose that the MATLAB/IPG CarMaker co-simulation platform can be used to model sensor faults and collect the resultant data set; in this way, an architecture for fault detection, isolation and identification can be developed for multiple faults in autonomous vehicles. Notwithstanding that the proposed FDI architecture using SVM is of high accuracy, 94.94% and 97.01%, respectively, the faults have been injected at the model level without considering real-time constraints.
In the last decade, the advancement of the HIL simulation with its features has attracted the attention of both academic and industrial researchers. Rather than real vehicle hardware elements, the HIL platform’s ability to fidelity simulate a complex nonlinear system enables effective and accurate analysis, verification and validation of an ASS in real time. Therefore, using HIL systems, considerable attention has been paid not only to the development of control software modules but also to the verification and validation of the developed systems [
83]. Beyond the advances in a real-time simulation with HIL, the development of the intelligent FDC of complex software systems has attracted much attention. As reported in the literature, several methods have been proposed with the aim of approaching this problem. Employing the HIL system, an integral sensor fault diagnosis method for railway traction drives has been proposed, for example, in [
84]. This was accomplished by using a combination of model-based and data-driven techniques to develop a model capable of detecting, isolating and evaluating the sensor faults, i.e., gain and offset faults. However, to simulate the system behavior in the presence of faults, the system model has been extended by adding additional model blocks, which, in turn, affects the real-time properties of the control task. In contrast, in our proposed work, all the studied faults in automotive sensor signals have been programmatically injected without modifying the original system model. Moreover, the classification model in the mentioned study is limited to three classes and depends on the manual’s threshold setting, while nine different classes were considered in our proposed method relying on DL-based classification. Concerning the same platform for identifying the faults in the air brake system of heavy-duty vehicles, a multiclass classification model based on the wheel speed sensor data collected in an HIL simulation system was proposed in [
85]. Compared with the random forest-based model developed in the study, the model we proposed based on hybrid DL techniques exhibits better classification than the traditional ML method. In addition, to collect the faulty data during the test scenario, a real driving system with four wheels connected to an HIL simulator was used to simulate the system behavior under faulty conditions, whereas the method proposed in our work depends on the entire vehicle system model deployed into the HIL simulator and connected to the control system. Finally, Namburu et al. [
86] have proposed an FDD method based on data-driven pattern recognition techniques, i.e., support vector machines. The focus of the proposed method is on automotive engine faults, i.e., eight engine faults with different severity levels inserted into the engine system model, which was simulated in the real-time ComputeR Aided Multi-Analysis System (CRAMAS) simulator. Despite the fact that the model of the proposed method accomplishes high diagnostic accuracy in terms of detecting, isolating and estimating the severity of faults covering high potential fault locations, there are significant differences to our proposed method. The faults in the study were injected as incremental changes at different locations to simulate the engine functionality under different scenarios and different fault conditions, whereas in our proposed study, the focus was on the fault types rather than the fault locations. Furthermore, the data collected in the study are limited to test the feasibility of the presented approach without considering the fault types and the realistic driving scenarios, whereas in our proposed study, eight different fault types were considered and a whole-vehicle model with high-fidelity simulation was used. An overview of the related work is given in
Table 2.
It can be summarized that the traditional way to obtain data containing faults is obtaining the faulty data set from the automotive industry. However, manufacturers will probably not disclose their highly confidential defective data. On the other hand, real test drives enable high test coverage, but test costs increase as test mileage increases. Consequently, such a recorded data set is still limited and expensive. Moreover, as the relevant scenario and critical driving situation are defined, the probability of risk to the test driver also increases. Therefore, it is a challenge to have access to confidential industrial data and to obtain data that contain faults from real test drives, and this problem has not yet been sufficiently explored. The novelty of this study is to develop an FDC methodology for the HIL real-time testing of an ASS during manufacturing before the operation mode, i.e., in the system integration test phase, considering the entire vehicle system models. To this end, a representative faulty data set is generated by programmatically injecting nine different fault types into the HIL system in real time without modifying the original system model. Through this approach, a novel intelligent FDC model is developed based on hybrid DL techniques, i.e., the LSTM and CNN. The characteristics of the selected techniques, e.g., their ability to process large amounts of data, the automatic feature extraction from the multivariate time-series data and their ability to build an accurate FDC model with prior knowledge, were the reasons behind selecting such methods. Furthermore, by leveraging data from a real-time FI in the HIL, and considering real-time constraints and a whole-vehicle system model, the cost of the data acquisition is reduced, a high-fidelity simulation is ensured and a model for the test-drive data analysis with high accuracy is developed.