Evaluation of the Risk of Anxiety and/or Depression during Confinement Due to COVID-19 in Central Spain
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design
2.2. Population and Ethical Aspects
2.3. Outcome Measures
2.4. Data Collection
2.5. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Descriptive Data
3.2. Inferential Analysis
3.3. Regression Analysis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
1. Age |
2. Sex |
- Male |
- Female |
- Other |
3. Relationship status |
- Married |
- Cohabitation |
- Separated/Divorced |
- Widower/Widow |
- Single |
4. Are you a Health worker? |
- Yes |
- No |
5. Where are you confined? |
- Castile and León |
- Madrid |
- Other |
6. How many people, including you, are living confined at home? |
- Just me |
- 2 |
- 3 |
- 4 |
- More than 4 |
7. Do you have a job dismissal due to COVID-19? |
- Yes |
- No |
8. Do you have been diagnosed with COVID-19? |
- Yes |
- No |
10. Do you have been tested for COVID-19? |
- Yes |
- No |
11. Do you have had any symptoms compatible with COVID-19? |
- Yes |
- No |
12. Do you have anyone in your family or friends diagnosed with COVID-19? |
- Yes |
- No |
13. Do you have ever needed psychological or psychiatric help? |
- Yes |
- No |
14. Are you needing psychological or psychiatric help these days? |
- Yes |
- No |
15. Do you think that confinement is negatively affecting your coexistence? |
- Yes |
- No |
16. Regarding the last week of confinement (Goldberg Anxiety and Depression Scale) * |
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Variables | Values: Frequency (N)/Percentage (%) |
Gender | |
Male | 158 (19.6) |
Female | 650 (80.4) |
Age (years) | |
<40 | 325 (40.2) |
40–49 | 221 (27.4) |
50–59 | 151 (18.7) |
>60 | 111 (13.7) |
Marital status | |
Married | 354 (43.8) |
Partnered | 73 (9.0) |
Separated or divorced | 63 (7.8) |
Single | 306 (37.9) |
Widowed | 12 (1.5) |
Healthcare worker | |
Yes | 172 (21.3) |
Autonomous community | |
Castilla y León | 619 (76.6) |
Madrid | 85 (10.5) |
Other | 104 (12.9) |
Number of cohabitants | |
2 | 270 (33.4) |
3 | 202 (25.0) |
4 | 203 (25.1) |
More than 4 | 48 (5.9) |
Lived alone | 85 (10.5) |
Dismissal from work | |
Yes | 60 (7.4) |
COVID-19 diagnostic | |
Yes | 30 (3.7) |
Diagnostic COVID-19 test | |
Yes | 109 (13.5) |
COVID-19 symptoms | |
Yes | 151 (18.7) |
Family member or friend with COVID-19 | |
Yes | 395 (48.9) |
Previous psychological help | |
Yes | 244 (30.2) |
Current psychological help | |
Yes | 87 (10.8) |
Confinement in the household († n = 727) | |
Yes | 254 (34.9) |
Anxiety Subscale of the GADS * | |
Key Symptom | Values: Frequency (N)/Percentage (%) |
Anguished and nervous | 402 (49.8) |
Worried | 586 (72.5) |
Irritable | 377 (46.7) |
Difficulty relaxing | 435 (53.6) |
Bad sleep quality | 472 (58.4) |
Headache | 417 (41.6) |
Tremor and/or tingling and/or dizziness and/or sweating and/or diarrhea | 201 (24.9) |
Worried about health | 449 (55.6) |
Difficulty falling asleep | 472 (58.4) |
Depression Subscale of the GADS * | |
Key Symptom | Values: Frequency (N)/Percentage (%) |
Low energy levels | 464 (57.4) |
Loss of interest in things | 314 (38.9) |
Loss of self-confidence | 163 (20.2) |
Hopelessness | 188 (23.3) |
Difficulties concentrating | 422 (42.2) |
Weight loss | 150 (18.6) |
Wakes up earlier than usual | 369 (45.7) |
Slowness in carrying out activities | 383 (47.4) |
Feeling worse in the morning | 244 (30.2) |
Variables | Frequency († n = 808) | Percentage % | CI 95% |
Symptoms of anxiety | |||
Yes (=4) | 509 | 63 | 59.6–66.4 |
No (<4) | 299 | 37 | 33.6–40.4 |
Symptoms of depression | |||
Yes (≥2) | 524 | 64.9 | 61.5–68.1 |
No (<2) | 284 | 35.1 | 31.8–38.4 |
Variables | Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r) | |
Anxiety | Depression | |
Age | −0.139 * | −0.153 * |
Number of cohabitants | 0.044 | 0.027 |
Variables | ANOVA (F) | |
Anxiety | Depression | |
Marital status | 2.893 ** | 3.011 ** |
Cohabitation | 13.636 ** | 10.007 ** |
Geographical place | 0.934 | 1.220 |
Variables | Student t-Test (t) | |
Anxiety | Depression | |
Gender | −4.152 ** | −4.178 ** |
COVID symptoms | −4.177 ** | −3.791 ** |
Health profession | −1.694 | 1.651 |
Job dismissal | −1.554 | −1.546 |
COVID diagnostic | 0.104 | 0.010 |
COVID tests | −1.226 | −2.324 * |
COVID diagnostic of family member or friend | −2.183 * | −1.851 |
Psychological or psychiatric care (pre pandemic) | −5.385 * | −7.136 ** |
Psychological or psychiatric care (during pandemic) | −9.144 ** | −10.995 ** |
Factor | Theorem 1 | |||||
B | Standard Error | β | t | p | CI 95% | |
Constant | 10.226 | 1.077 | 9497 | 0.000 | 8.102–12.35 | |
Cohabitation | 1.400 | 0.301 | 0.322 | 4.658 | 0.000 | 0.807–1.003 |
Age | −0.033 | 0.010 | −0.225 | −3.259 | 0.001 | −0.052–−0.013 |
COVID symptoms | 1.394 | 0.447 | 0.197 | 3.118 | 0.002 | 0.512–2.275 |
Factor | Theorem 2 | |||||
B | Standard Error | β | t | p | CI 95% | |
Constant | 11.221 | 0.867 | 12.944 | 0.000 | 9.511–12.931 | |
Age | −0.046 | 0.009 | −0.333 | −4.968 | 0.000 | −0.064–−0.028 |
Cohabitation | 1.281 | 0.279 | 0.308 | 4.600 | 0.000 | 0.732–1.830 |
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Share and Cite
Cárdaba-García, R.M.; Pérez Pérez, L.; Niño Martín, V.; Cárdaba-García, I.; Durantez-Fernández, C.; Olea, E. Evaluation of the Risk of Anxiety and/or Depression during Confinement Due to COVID-19 in Central Spain. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 5732. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18115732
Cárdaba-García RM, Pérez Pérez L, Niño Martín V, Cárdaba-García I, Durantez-Fernández C, Olea E. Evaluation of the Risk of Anxiety and/or Depression during Confinement Due to COVID-19 in Central Spain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(11):5732. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18115732
Chicago/Turabian StyleCárdaba-García, Rosa M, Lucia Pérez Pérez, Virtudes Niño Martín, Inés Cárdaba-García, Carlos Durantez-Fernández, and Elena Olea. 2021. "Evaluation of the Risk of Anxiety and/or Depression during Confinement Due to COVID-19 in Central Spain" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 11: 5732. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18115732
APA StyleCárdaba-García, R. M., Pérez Pérez, L., Niño Martín, V., Cárdaba-García, I., Durantez-Fernández, C., & Olea, E. (2021). Evaluation of the Risk of Anxiety and/or Depression during Confinement Due to COVID-19 in Central Spain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11), 5732. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18115732