Managing Children’s Fears during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategies Adopted by Italian Caregivers
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Design and Procedure
2.2. Recruitment and Participants
3. Results
3.1. Communication
3.2. Information Sharing and Censoring
3.3. Emotion Regulation
3.4. Focus on Family
3.5. Routines and Distraction Techniques
Coding Cluster | Coded Theme | Description of Theme | Example Quotations | Frequency of Occurrence | Percentage Cover |
Communication | Meaning-making and communication | Give children an explanation of the pandemic and talk with them about it | “Explaining to her what the virus was and why we needed to stay home”. | 316 | 55.53% |
Communication about the restrictions | Communication about the importance of adopting restriction behaviours | “Reassuring her that containment measures are there to prevent contagions so that we can return to safer health outcomes.” | 51 | 8.96% | |
Use of straightforward language | Use of simple language to communicate with children | “We explained to them what the situation is and what measures have been taken to avoid the dangers of this virus, obviously in a language suitable for two children of 4 and 6 years old.” | 33 | 5.79% | |
Give voice to children’s emotions and opinions | Help children understand how they feel and share their feelings | “Making him tell and describe his feelings in full freedom.” | 26 | 4.56% | |
Information Sharing and Censoring | Keeping children informed | Use of video, books, mass media, and school lessons to inform children | “We explained to her with the help of a fable created by the teachers the coronavirus and its consequences on our lives.” | 50 | 8.38% |
Limiting mass-media exposure | Using a filter to the information provided by mass media | “I didn’t allow him to see too much news on TV.” | 20 | 3.51% | |
Emotion Regulation | Managing emotions | Emotional reassurance for children | “Trying to reassure.” | 50 | 8.38% |
Reframe | Reframe the situation. Ability to switch their point of view in a positive way | “Living this experience for its positive sides: we were able to spend time all together as on holiday time.” | 23 | 4.04% | |
Emotional coping | Sharing emotions and maintaining calm behaviour | “Sharing fears.” | 15 | 2.63% | |
Positive attitude | Maintaining a positive attitude | “Explaining that this is a situation that will have an end anyway.” | 15 | 2.63% | |
Regulation of emotions | Positive restructuring of emotions | “Fortunately, since we were all physically well, it was easy to explain to him that fear does not always correspond to a necessarily negative consequence… by being careful, we can continue to be well.” | 8 | 1.40% | |
Hope | Re-envisioning the future | “Keeping hope alive in the future” | 10 | 1.75% | |
Humour | Use of humour | “I was ironic. By saying that 12-year olds don’t die and that it was us as parents who were eventually destined. Using macabre humour.” | 5 | 0.87% | |
Focus on Family | Nuclear family Unit | Being closed to each other | “Stay close to him.” | 19 | 3.40% |
Affection | Physical contact and demonstration of love | “Hugging each other and letting him know that mom and dad are with him.” | 16 | 3.40% | |
Technology | Maintaining virtual contacts to connect each other | “Trying to create opportunities for virtual closeness with loved ones (grandparents, friends, classmates).” | 11 | 1.93% | |
Feeling safe | Creation of a safe place | “He has always felt safe in the family.” | 9 | 1.60% | |
Routines and Distraction Techniques | Leisure activities | Engaged children in leisure activities | “With drawings and games. Impersonating the virus with puppets.” | 20 | 3.55% |
Routine | Trying to re-create an everyday life routine | “Trying to recreate normality.” | 5 | 0.87% | |
Adaptation | Capacity to adjust themselves in a new situation | “Easily gets used to new conditions.” | 6 | 1.06% | |
Religion | Having faith | “God has a good plan for us.” | 2 | 0.30% | |
Nature | Importance of nature and outdoor spaces | “Trying to live the quarantine also ensuring moments outdoors almost daily.” | 1 | 0.17% | |
No Concerns | Fears not related to COVID-19 | Absence of fears or fears correlated to other topics | “She did not have concerns about the current coronavirus situation, but more about the internal family dynamics.” | 71 | 12.47% |
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Gender | Region | Child’s Age | |||
Male | 12.10% | Lombardy | 53.70% | 0–4 Years | 24.50% |
Female | 87.90% | Sardinia | 27.30% | 5–12 Years | 38.00% |
Piemonte | 6.70% | 13–17 years | 37.30% | ||
Marital Status | Sicily | 2.60% | |||
Married | 73.60% | Emilia-Romagna | 1.60% | Work | |
Common law marriage | 13.90% | Tuscany | 1.60% | Full time workers | 61.00% |
Widow | 6.70% | Abruzzo | 1.20% | Part-time workers | 24.60% |
Single | 4.40% | Lazio | 1.10% | Unemployed | 8.10% |
Divorced | 1.40% | Liguria | 1.10% | Day laborer | 4.60% |
Marche | 1.10% | Student | 1.80% | ||
Veneto | 0.90% | ||||
Campania | 0.50% | ||||
Puglia | 0.20% | ||||
Calabria | 0.20% | ||||
Valle D’Aosta | 0.20% |
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Landoni, M.; Silverio, S.A.; Ionio, C.; Giordano, F. Managing Children’s Fears during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategies Adopted by Italian Caregivers. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 11699.
Landoni M, Silverio SA, Ionio C, Giordano F. Managing Children’s Fears during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategies Adopted by Italian Caregivers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(18):11699.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLandoni, Marta, Sergio A. Silverio, Chiara Ionio, and Francesca Giordano. 2022. "Managing Children’s Fears during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategies Adopted by Italian Caregivers" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 18: 11699.
APA StyleLandoni, M., Silverio, S. A., Ionio, C., & Giordano, F. (2022). Managing Children’s Fears during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategies Adopted by Italian Caregivers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(18), 11699.