Violence in the Nursing Workplace in the Context of Primary Health Care: A Qualitative Study
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design
2.2. Theoretical–Methodological Framework
2.3. Study Setting
2.4. Participants
2.5. Sampling, Sample Size, and Non-Participation
2.6. Data Collection
2.7. Data Analysis
2.8. Ethical Aspects
3. Results
3.1. Violence Types and Aggressors from the Perspective of Nursing Professionals
[…] so she sent me to go fu** myself and told me that I am fat and lazy, understand? […].(NT1, PHCU-A)
[…] called me a fag*, that hurts me so deep in my soul because I know that I am not a fag* […].(NA1, PHCU-B)
[…] I was robbed inside the vaccine room, they put a knife in my belly and in the other [health provider] a gun […].(NT, PHCU-B)
[…] then she said “you are shameless”, she said this to me […] she tried to screw me on the work schedule at the time […].(NA2, PHCU-C)
[…] when she [the physician] saw me, she started screaming in the middle of the hallway “you cheated” and so you see it’s not a joke […] It is creating problems with the schedule, delaying care for patients to complain about me, and she even called the manager saying […] that I was not doing my job.(NUR1, PHCU-C)
3.2. Causes of Violence According to Professionals
[…] not this week, the other one had it twice due to scheduling, once because there was no vacancy and the patient came out cursing […].(NA1, PHCU-B)
3.3. Strategies and Management of Violence
[…] I made a record, and it is registered in the system […] if someone someday opens it, the nursing notes give the day, date, and hour.(NT1, PHCU-A)
[…] we breathe and go, back to the drawing board, but we even have an orientation in general […] not to call the police, not to call the guard […] The recommendation was via the health unit manager […] “no, never mind”, “no, that is right”.(NUR3, PHCU-A)
[…] she is the mother of people who from PCC (Primeiro Comando da Capital, the major criminal gang from Brazil and South America nowadays), understand? PCC members! So, it caused me discomfort […] so there is no one to help me in such a situation and no stance has been taken against her […].(NT1, PHCU-A)
3.4. Proposals for Preventing Violence against Professionals in Health Contexts
[…] so, practical methods, cameras in the primary health care units […] outsourced security professionals or our municipal guards to inhibit that citizen […].(NT1, PHCU-A)
3.5. Consequences of Violence in the Nursing Workplace
[…] so these are things that affected my pride, my professionalism, I started to feel very incompetent, I started to rethink […] it impacted my way of relating to her […].(NUR2, PHCU-B)
[…] so in that aspect I felt a lot […] I think it is more than upsetting, I felt like garbage to be honest […] I even went to the doctor and he asked me if I needed sick leave […].(NA1, PHCU-B)
[…] I came here, for example, transferred from another post, because the girl who was in the room […], she got into a physical fight with a patient […] the woman threatened to kill her and she was forced to get out of this unit.(NT1, PHCU-A)
[…] when the person comes with this speech, I try to transfer the care to the nurse […].(NT3, PHCU-A)
[…] I cannot resolve this, so I will transfer it to the nurse […] after this happened to me, I pass on all […].(NT4, PHCU-B)
[…] I will administer the medication and a peripheral venous catheter, if I am emotionally shaken, I probably prefer to avoid doing this because it is a delicate procedure […].(NT1, PHCU-A)
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Code | Age | Gender | Professional Category | Years Employed | Years Employed in the PHCU | Dual Employment |
NUR3-PHCU-A | 30 | F | Nurse | 9 years | 1 year 5 months | Yes |
NT2-PHCU-A | 39 | F | Nursing technician | 17 years | 1 year 10 months | No |
NT3-PHCU-A | 28 | F | Nursing technician | 6 years | 2 months | No |
NT1-PHCU-A | 43 | M | Nursing technician | 23 years | 4 years | No |
NUR2-PHCU-B | 43 | F | Nurse | 18 years | 1 year 10 months | No |
NT5-PHCU-B | 44 | F | Nursing technician | 24 years | 4 years | Yes |
NT4- PHCU-B | 41 | M | Nursing technician | 17 years | 5 years | Yes |
NA1-PHCU-B | 57 | F | Nurse assistant | 35 years | 10 years | No |
NUR1-PHCU-C | 34 | F | Nurse | 6 years | 6 years | No |
NA2-PHCU-C | 54 | F | Nursing assistant | 17 years | 7 years | No |
NA3-PHCU-C | 61 | F | Nursing assistant | 16 years | 8 years | No |
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Carvalho, K.V.; Araujo, P.N.d.; Santos, F.L.d.; Oliveira, P.S.d.; Silva, J.P.d.; Santos, K.d.S.; Viana, A.L.; Fortuna, C.M. Violence in the Nursing Workplace in the Context of Primary Health Care: A Qualitative Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 6693.
Carvalho KV, Araujo PNd, Santos FLd, Oliveira PSd, Silva JPd, Santos KdS, Viana AL, Fortuna CM. Violence in the Nursing Workplace in the Context of Primary Health Care: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20(17):6693.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCarvalho, Kisa Valladão, Priscila Norié de Araujo, Felipe Lima dos Santos, Poliana Silva de Oliveira, Janaina Pereira da Silva, Karen da Silva Santos, Angelina Lettiere Viana, and Cinira Magali Fortuna. 2023. "Violence in the Nursing Workplace in the Context of Primary Health Care: A Qualitative Study" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20, no. 17: 6693.
APA StyleCarvalho, K. V., Araujo, P. N. d., Santos, F. L. d., Oliveira, P. S. d., Silva, J. P. d., Santos, K. d. S., Viana, A. L., & Fortuna, C. M. (2023). Violence in the Nursing Workplace in the Context of Primary Health Care: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(17), 6693.