The Great Game Will Never End: Why the Global Financial Crisis Is Bound to Be Repeated
:1. Introduction
2. Origins of the Global Financial Crisis
3. Principal Explanations of the Global Financial Crisis
3.1. Product Complexity
3.1.1. Complex Products Issued by Regular Banks
- Securities firms—approve the selection of collateral, structure the notes into tranches, and sell them to investors.
- CDO managers—select the collateral and often manage the CDO portfolios.
- Rating agencies—assess the CDOs and assign them credit ratings.
- Financial guarantors—promise to reimburse investors for any losses on the CDO tranches in exchange for premium payments.
- Investors—such as pension funds and hedge funds.
In the first decade of the 21st century, a previously obscure financial product called the collateralized debt obligation, or CDO, transformed the mortgage market by creating a new source of demand for the lower-rated tranches of mortgage-backed securities.Despite their relatively high returns, tranches rated other than triple-A could be hard to sell. If borrowers were delinquent or defaulted, investors in these tranches were out of luck because of where they sat in the payments waterfall.Wall Street came up with a solution: in the words of one banker, they ‘created the investor’. That is, they built new securities that would buy the tranches that had become harder to sell. Bankers would take those low investment-grade tranches, largely rated BBB or A, from many mortgage-backed securities and repackage them into the new securities—CDOs. Approximately 80% of these CDO tranches would be rated triple-A despite the fact that they generally comprised the lower-rated tranches of mortgage-backed securities. CDO securities would be sold with their own waterfalls, with the risk-averse investors, again, paid first and the risk-seeking investors paid last. As they did in the case of mortgage-backed securities, the rating agencies gave their highest, triple-A ratings to the securities at the top.Still, it was not obvious that a pool of mortgage-backed securities rated BBB could be transformed into a new security that is mostly rated triple-A. But the math made it so.The securities firms argued—and the rating agencies agreed—that if they pooled many BBB-rated mortgage-backed securities, they would create additional diversification benefits. The rating agencies believed that those diversification benefits were significant—that if one security went bad, the second had only a very small chance of going bad at the same time. And as long as losses were limited, only those investors at the bottom would lose money. They would absorb the blow, and the other investors would continue to get paid.Relying on that logic, the CDO machine gobbled up the BBB and other lower-rated tranches of mortgage-backed securities, growing from a bit player to a multi-hundred-billion-dollar industry. Between 2003 and 2007, as house prices rose 27% nationally and $4 trillion in mortgage-backed securities were created, Wall Street issued nearly $700 bn in CDOs that included mortgage-backed securities as collateral. With ready buyers for their own product, mortgage securitizers continued to demand loans for their pools, and hundreds of billions of dollars flooded the mortgage world. In effect, the CDO became the engine that powered the mortgage supply chain. ‘There is a machine going’, Scott Eichel, a senior managing director at Bear Stearns, told a financial journalist in May 2005. ‘There is a lot of brain power to keep this going’.Everyone involved in keeping this machine humming—the CDO managers and underwriters who packaged and sold the securities, the rating agencies that gave most of them sterling ratings, and the guarantors who wrote protection against their defaulting—collected fees based on the dollar volume of securities sold. For the bankers who had put these deals together, as for the executives of their companies, volume equaled fees equaled bonuses. And those fees were in the billions of dollars across the market.But when the housing market went south, the models on which CDOs were based proved tragically wrong. The mortgage-backed securities turned out to be highly correlated—meaning they performed similarly. Across the country, in regions where sub-prime and Alt-A mortgages were heavily concentrated, borrowers would default in large numbers. This was not how it was supposed to work. Losses in one region were supposed to be offset by successful loans in another region. In the end, CDOs turned out to be some of the most ill-fated assets in the financial crisis. The greatest losses would be experienced by big CDO arrangers such as Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, and UBS, and by financial guarantors such as AIG, Ambac, and MBIA. These players had believed their own models and retained exposure to what were understood to be the least risky tranches of the CDOs: those rated triple-A or even ‘super-senior’, which were assumed to be safer than triple-A-rated tranches.‘The whole concept of [asset-backed security] CDOs had been an abomination’, Patrick Parkinson, currently the head of banking supervision and regulation at the Federal Reserve Board, told the FCIC.
3.1.2. Complex Products Issued by Shadow Banks
In the run-up to the crisis, banks had sidestepped regulation in the pursuit of profits, with one practice becoming widespread. If banks held mortgage assets on their own balance sheets in advance of securitization, extra capital would have to be held. The big banking groups therefore set up ‘special purpose vehicles’, as subsidiaries that did not have the legal status of banks. The SPVs were able to hold mortgage assets on a temporary basis before they were converted into security form, while their non-bank status meant that they required hardly any capital. The fees and profits from securitization would be the same as if the transactions had passed across banks’ own balance sheets, but no capital charge would arise.
3.1.3. Product Complexity Allows Banks to Create Fake Profits
- Uncertain future cashflows can be recognized as certain by purchasing a credit default swap (CDS) or similar ‘protection’, even though the supplier of the protection is likely to default if the insured event occurs.
- Profits can be recognized from the increased value of assets, or decreased value of liabilities, on the basis of a market price, even though the totality of revalued assets or liabilities could not be sold at that price.
- Profits can be recognized from the increased value of assets, or decreased value of liabilities, even when the revaluation of assets is estimated, not by market prices, but by a model built by bank employees. This is the so-called mark-to-model approach to valuation.
- The net present value of uncertain future cashflows can be recognized as profits even when they are estimated using implausibly optimistic forecasts. This is a variation of the mark-to-model problem listed above.
- The EU’s IFRS accounting system, voluntarily adopted by UK and Irish banks at the banking company level, is inconsistent with UK law.
- Banks need not make provision for expected losses when calculating their profit.
3.2. Behavioural Biases in Decision Making
3.2.1. Group Behavioural Biases
3.2.2. Individual Behavioural Biases
3.3. Systemic Risk
- The payments systems and other interbank infrastructure. The key systemic risk in 2008 was the danger that the payments system would collapse and that companies would not be able to pay wages into their employees’ bank accounts and consumers would not be able to pay for goods and services in shops. The real economy would have stopped in its tracks if the payment system had failed.
- The short-term funding market. The wholesale (or interbank) funding market is the classic example of a short-term funding market and, when banks lose confidence in each other and hence stop lending to each other, the risk can become systemic.
- Common exposures to collateral markets, securities markets, and derivatives markets.
- Counterparty exposure to other financial market participants, particularly in the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets.
3.4. Regulatory Arbitrage and Capture
3.4.1. Regulatory Arbitrage
Basel I had a simple bare-bones definition of bank capital, common equity. However, Basel II based its capital ratios on more complex definitions: Tier 1, defined as share capital plus reserves minus various regulatory deductions and intangibles including especially goodwill; and Tier II, or supplementary bank capital, such as revaluation reserves, undisclosed reserves, and various forms of hybrid and subordinated debt. Minimum capital charges were 4 percent and 8 percent, respectively, of Tier 1 and Tier 2 against risk-weighted assets. So the banks developed new and less expensive but weaker forms of capital to meet these definitions, Tier 1 especially: gaming Tier 1 was a veritable cottage industry. The net result was that regulatory capital was artificially inflated with less stringent capital instruments—especially various forms of contingent convertible or CoCo instruments76—again making the banks appear stronger than they really were. To its credit, Basel III involves a move back toward more robust capital definitions, but even these are still gameable.
In 2002, Gordon Kerr and his colleagues working in the investment banking unit of a major UK bank came up with an ingenious scam to game the Basel capital rules. This arrangement produced immediate (but illusory) profits to the bank, created fictitious ‘virtual’ capital and nice bonuses for all concerned, while leaving the bank’s real risk exposure almost unchanged.Here is how it worked. The bank had a bond portfolio worth over $4 billion, which had been guaranteed by a US insurer to ensure a AAA credit rating, and UK capital rules required that 8 percent of this value, or $320 million, be set aside as capital. Kerr and his colleagues then persuaded the US insurer to enter into a credit derivative contract with a European bank, which in turn wrote a matching credit derivative in favor of the UK bank. This transaction enabled the bond portfolio to be reclassified as a credit derivative and attract a regulatory capital requirement of 0.5 percent rather than 8 percent. The UK bank could then treat the transaction as raising $300 million: 15/16 of the $320 million was released. The transaction was engineered around the rule, and the release of capital was a chimera.A side effect was that profits could be brought forward and, under the lax accounting rules of the time, rather than recognizing the profit on the loans periodically as the loan margin was actually paid, the bank booked as profit on execution the entire 30 years’ expected earnings for that part of the lending margin that now flowed through its derivative book.The other two parties were more or less unaffected. The US bank earned an accommodation fee for the paperwork, but its economic position was unaltered because it was only guaranteeing the same assets again—and from its perspective, the second guarantee was redundant—hence pig on pork. For its part, the European bank earned an accommodation fee for taking very little exposure.The trick with credit derivatives is to define the circumstances under which they pay out: in this case, the financial engineers were careful to ensure that because the US entity was guaranteeing the assets twice (via the guarantee and derivative), then the European bank’s derivative would not trigger until the UK bank had claimed under the guarantee. All very simple really!Senior management didn’t understand the scheme, but no one cared. This securitization was widely copied, and Mr. Kerr later found himself wondering why it took the banking system so long to collapse.77
- It ignores the risks that come from modelling itself. If model risk is sufficiently large—and the evidence suggests it is massive—then the noise in the model can drown out the signal; a much simpler approach might work better because it is unpolluted by model risk.
- It ignores aggregation issues—that the risks across banks’ portfolios, taken as a whole, may bear little relation to the risks of each part. The focus has been on the micro risks, and there has been relatively little attention to the correlations among them that really determine aggregate risks.
3.4.2. Regulatory Capture
There was absolutely no incentive for individuals or teams to run severe stress tests and show these to management. First, because if there were such a severe shock, they would very likely lose their bonus and possibly their jobs.85 Second, because, in that event, the authorities would have to step-in anyway to save a bank and others suffering a similar plight.All of the other assembled bankers began subjecting their shoes to intense scrutiny. The unspoken words had been spoken. The officials in the room were aghast. Did banks not understand that the official sector would not underwrite banks mismanaging their risks?Yet history now tells us that the unnamed banker was spot-on. His was a brilliant articulation of the internal and external incentive problem within banks. When the big one came, his bonus went and the government duly rode to the rescue.
3.4.3. Examples of Regulatory Capture in the Regulated Banking Sector
The United Kingdom
- There have been several miscarriages of justice that need to be comprehensively and independently investigated—people have wrongly been sent to jail.
- Those that have done wrong ought to be investigated, and if appropriate, prosecuted and perhaps even jailed.
- There has been a cover-up by the UK Government, the banks, [financial regulators] and so on.95
The United States
Dodd-Frank is an example of counterfeit reform. It is designed principally to benefit very big banks and it has helped these banks to increase their market share greatly during the last 10 years. The Act provides lesser and contradictory forms of costs and comfort to smaller US bankers and taxpayers, foreign bankers (especially the managers of Deutsche Bank97), and foreign governments. Small bankers and taxpayers are encouraged to believe that the 2007–2009 US rescue of the world’s biggest banks was a one-time manoeuvre. But an opposite message is sent through the press as (with great fanfare) the industry absolves and congratulates ex-officeholders: (1) for having transferred massive amounts of subsidized support not just to stakeholders in US megabanks, but also to European bankers and governments, and (2) for keeping the subsidies flowing long past the panic’s expiry date. Genuine reform will require changes in fraud laws and an effort to post on a continuing basis the value of the safety-net subsidies individual megabanks enjoy. Taxpayers deserve to know not only about the size of particular credit flows but about the flow of day-by-day subsidies buried in the ‘liquidity’ support that the Fed provided.
The European Union
3.4.4. An Example of Regulatory Capture in Shadow Banking
The Obama administration used the FSOC’s mandate and authorities to improve the resiliency of the financial system. In stark contrast, the Trump administration has rejected the council’s mission, undermined its tools, and eroded its institutional capabilities. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s103 tenure as FSOC chairman has demonstrated vulnerabilities in the council’s design and authorities.At its core, the council’s inherent weaknesses stem from a misplaced faith that competent regulators with a desire to meet the FSOC’s statutory goals will always be in place. It is far too easy to erode the council from within, and there is a substantial embedded bias against forceful use of the FSOC’s tools. The current framework also fails to contemplate the risk posed by conservative judges who are committed to defanging104 regulatory authorities in favour of business interests.
- Enhancing the shadow bank designation authority. Shadow banks that meet certain size thresholds—and at least one additional quantitative risk metric—would be automatically designated as systemically important. These firms would be subject to enhanced oversight and regulatory safeguards. It is currently exceedingly difficult to designate a shadow bank as systemically important but easy to undo a designation. This bias against strong regulation of shadow banks works against the FSOC’s mission to protect the real economy by mitigating risks to financial stability.
- Granting the FSOC authority over systemically risky activities. Providing the FSOC with direct rule-making authority to regulate systemically risky activities across the financial system would help it better fulfil its mission to mitigate threats to financial stability in all forms. The FSOC’s current ability to research and evaluate systemically risky activities—and its authority to issue nonbinding recommendations—is insufficient.
- Improving the FSOC’s institutional capabilities. The FSOC’s independent source of funding is an important element of its institutional design, but that funding structure and associated discretion can be used as a weapon when the chair and FSOC members do not value the institution. This policy recommendation would set minimum budget and staffing floors at the FSOC and the Office of Financial Research (OFR). It would also enhance the OFR’s independence and data-collecting authority.
- Increasing the FSOC’s transparency and accountability to both Congress and the broader public. For example, the FSOC would be required to release transcripts of its meetings on a five-year time delay and release meeting minutes three weeks after each meeting.
4. The Great Game: Gaming Was the Common Underlying Cause of the Global Financial Crisis
5. No Effective Measures for Ending the Great Game
5.1. Product Complexity
5.1.1. The Continued Use of Complex Products
- The average redemption suspension period was 6 months.
- Suspended redemptions tended, on average, to have lower cash holdings than the average fund in their asset class. Further, investors reacted more strongly to funds’ poor performance when cash holdings were low, suggesting that outflows for such funds would be larger during stress periods than funds with higher cash holdings.
- Leverage may have further amplified pressure to sell among fund managers, implying larger first-mover advantages for investors. Managers of leveraged funds reacted more pro-cyclically to changes in the prices of securities than managers of unleveraged funds. Since those sales of securities are associated with additional costs for investors remaining in the fund, leverage amplifies investors’ first-mover advantages and their response to poor performance. Thus, leverage may have intensified liquidity pressures in some suspended funds, especially those with low levels of cash holdings for which selling pressures are particularly high.
- Most of the funds that suspended redemptions targeted retail investors, who are generally more prone to runs than institutional investors.
- While suspensions mitigate the immediate stress at the fund level, they can result in liquidity shortages in other financial and economic sectors. Of those investors, households accounted for the largest percentage of assets (35%), followed by insurers (26%) and investment funds (24%). By limiting investors’ ability to raise cash in a period of declining market prices, the suspensions in March 2020 may have exacerbated liquidity shortages in those sectors.
- Suspensions can damage investors’ confidence, trigger reputational losses, and produce spillover effects. Investors may regard a suspension as a sign of a major problem within the fund, which could lead investors to withdraw their money once the suspension has been lifted. At the same time, a suspension affecting one fund, or a small group of funds, can increase concerns about further suspensions and lead to withdrawals from other funds as well. Thus, the suspension of a fund can also have broader adverse effects on other funds, other asset classes, or the wider fund sector.
- After reopening, funds that had suspended redemptions in March 2020 experienced smaller inflows than funds that had not imposed suspensions, suggesting that reputational costs may have been incurred.
- Fund suspensions may have also affected funds that were not suspended themselves but belonged to an asset management company where other funds were suspended.
5.1.2. The Risks Faced by End Investors as a Result of Product Complexity
5.1.3. Possible Policy Responses to the Issue of Product Complexity
- Make it less easy to create fake profits. IFRS accounting rules appear to be particularly gameable.
- Mark-to-market accounting. As pointed out by Besar et al. (2011, para. 3.5.7): ‘mark-to-market accounting cannot be easily applied to all bank exposures, and, where it is applied, it can create problems of instability of its own. When, as is often the case, bank assets are illiquid then there can be a damaging feedback loop with falling prices undermining balance sheets; in certain regulatory contexts, this can lead to “fire sales” of assets which further weaken market prices. … There is still controversy. Some in the industry believe accounting standards have been a major source of instability. Others resist proposed departures from fair value accounting, concerned that this will weaken reporting disciplines’. Clearly, more research needs to be conducted to address these issues.
5.2. Behaviuoral Biases in Decision Making
5.2.1. A State of Denial
5.2.2. Possible Policy Responses to the Issue of Behavioural Biases in Decision Making
5.3. Systemic Risk
5.3.1. Measures Put in Place for Dealing with Systemic Risk in the Regular Banking Sector
5.3.2. How Successful Were These Measures?
the increased quality and higher levels of capital and liquidity held by banks140 have helped them absorb the sizeable impact of the COVID-19 pandemic thus far, suggesting that the Basel reforms have achieved their broad objective of strengthening the resiliency of the banking system. Banks and the banking system would have faced greater stress had the Basel reforms not been adopted. Throughout the unprecedented global economic downturn, the banking system has continued to perform its fundamental functions, as banks have continued to provide credit and other critical services. While the report finds that some features of the Basel reforms, including the functioning of capital and liquidity buffers, the degree of counter-cyclicality in the framework, and the treatment of central bank reserves in the leverage ratio, may warrant further consideration, it does not seek to draw firm conclusions regarding the need for potential revisions to the reforms.141
First, the macro-prudential tools in the current banking regulation are clearly insufficient to deal with large macroeconomic shocks. Second, the new framework for provisioning based on expected credit losses adds an additional layer of pro-cyclicality to the one derived from the risk-sensitive bank capital regulation. Third, given the overall pro-cyclicality of the regulation, an institutional design in which micro-prudential supervision is close to the central bank is highly desirable, so that micro-prudential tools can be quickly deployed for macro-prudential purposes.
First, the credit-to-GDP gap should be abandoned as the common reference point for the counter-cyclical capital buffer, because it tends to give wrong signals. Moreover, given that there is no good single indicator of systemic risk, macro-prudential authorities should use solid macro-financial analysis and sound judgement as the basis for setting the buffer. Second, banking regulation should be rebalanced in order to increase macro-prudential buffers; in particular, the upper bound of the counter-cyclical capital buffer could be raised from 2.5% to 4% and, to partially compensate this increase, the capital conservation buffer could be reduced from 2.5% to 2%. Third, it would be desirable to use a single statistical framework in the calculation of the through-the-cycle (TTC) risk measures used to compute capital requirements and the point-in-time (PIT) measures used to compute loan loss provisions. Finally, to mitigate the pro-cyclical effects of the new accounting standards, it would be worth considering expanding the current prudential filters that separate accounting from regulatory capital.
Naturally, it would be unfair to criticize the Bank for failing to anticipate the COVID-19 crisis. However, as Sir John Vickers143 recently stated (Vickers 2019):Failure to anticipate systemic fragility in the face of such shocks is an altogether different matter. … Banks’ capital adequacy is a cornerstone of our economic system.It is reasonable to criticize the regulator for leaving the system frail when its mandate is to ensure systemic resilience. A more serious regulatory failure is difficult to imagine. The Bank of England’s failure is all the more regrettable because it could have ensured that banks had built strong capital buffers at no cost to the economy.
At the heart of any system of capital adequacy regulation is a set of minimum required capital ratios, which were traditionally taken to be the ratios of core capital to some measure of bank assets.Under the international Basel capital regime, the centerpiece capital ratios involve a denominator measure known as Risk-Weighted Assets. The RWA approach gives each asset an arbitrary fixed weight between 0 percent and 100 percent, with OECD government debt given a weight of a zero. The RWA measure itself is then the sum of the individual risk-weighted assets on a bank’s balance sheet.The incentives created by the RWA approach turned Basel into a game in which the banks loaded up on low risk-weighted assets and most of the risks they took became invisible to the Basel risk measurement system.…Long before Basel, the preferred capital ratio was core capital to total assets, with no adjustment in the denominator for any risk-weights. The inverse of this ratio, the bank leverage, …was regarded as the best available indicator of bank riskiness: the higher the leverage, the riskier the bank.… The introduction of a minimum leverage ratio144 is one of the key principles of the Basel III international capital regime. Under this regime, there is to be a minimum required leverage ratio of 3 percent to supplement the various RWA-based capital requirements that are, unfortunately, its centerpieces.The banking lobby hate the leverage ratio because it is less easy to game than RWA-based or model-based capital rules. They and their Basel allies then argue that we all know that the RWA measure is flawed…. [because] a minimum required leverage ratio would encourage banks to load up on the riskiest assets because the leverage ratio ignores the riskiness of individual assets. …[However], a high minimum leverage ratio [which puts a low cap on leverage] … would internalize the consequences of bank risk-taking.
The Fed’s regulatory stress tests are subject to all these problems and more. They:Risk models are subject to a number of major weaknesses. They are usually based on poor assumptions and inadequate data, are vulnerable to gaming and often blind to major risks. They have difficulty handling market instability and tend to generate risk forecasts that fall as true risks build up. Most of all, they are based on the naïve belief that markets are mathematizable.
- Ignore well-established weaknesses in risk modelling and violate the core principles of good stress testing.
- Are overly prescriptive and suppress innovation and diversity in bank risk management; in so doing, they expose the whole financial system to the weaknesses in the Fed’s models and greatly increase systemic risk.
- Impose a huge and growing regulatory burden.
- Are undermined by political factors.
- Fail to address major risks identified by independent experts.
- Fail to embody lessons to be learned from the failures of other regulatory stress tests.
For instance, banks no longer have to prove they can expand their balance sheets to support the economy in times of stress. They no longer have to pass one of the more rigorous tests of capital strength called the enhanced supplementary leverage ratio, or eSLR, that restricts how much they can borrow.The Fed has also failed to apply stress scenarios where both interest rates and consumer prices are rising in a slowing economy, conditions that exist today and may well worsen. In 2018, it did require banks to stress rising rates along with deep corrections in asset prices. Not surprisingly, those with large trading exposures such as Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs were most affected, and struggled to pass the eSLR. The Fed has not stress tested rising rates since 2018.This year, the Fed must restore the stress tests to their former rigour, and include scenarios that assume steep increases in interest rates, persistent inflation and major corrections across all markets.The Fed’s own financial stability reports have recognized that a broad range of asset prices are vulnerable to significant declines. Stress tests should measure how falling prices could expose banks to losses directly and through their customers.And the Fed should follow the lead of many developed countries and require banks to have a meaningful countercyclical capital buffer, so they have excess capital available if the economy falls into trouble. This would help compensate for the many years when the Fed approved shareholder distributions that exceeded banks’ earnings, depleting their capital strength.…Big banks will argue that they did well during the pandemic, so there is no need to toughen their oversight. In truth, they did well because of actions by the Fed and Congress to backstop debt markets, while providing trillions to help households and businesses.…If there is another crisis, we cannot afford to prioritize Wall Street over Main Street, as we did during the financial crisis. This time around, regulators must make sure banks can stand on their own.
- It tells us nothing about what we might lose on the remaining ‘bad’ day out of 100: the VaR gives us the cutoff to the tail but tells us nothing about what might happen in the tail itself. The VaR’s tail blindness is, to say the least, an unfortunate property in risk management, where it is the tail that matters.
- The VaR is very gameable: traders and other risk takers are very adept at gaming VaR-based risk management by ‘stuffing risk into the tail’ where the model fails to detect it, exposing their banks to hidden risks that the VaR model can’t pick up.
- The combination of VaR and Gaussianity is particularly dangerous: as we have seen, the first is blind to the tail, and the second leaves the user much more exposed than they might think. The combination of the two is reckless and violates the principle of prudence that should permeate modern risk management, but which is now notable by its almost complete absence. It is therefore especially unfortunate that the Gaussian VaR model is still the most popular risk model in use.146
5.3.3. Measures Put in Place for Dealing with Systemic Risk in the Shadow Banking Sector
From a micro-prudential perspective, shadow banking entities are generally not subject to the same standards of prudential regulation as core regulated entities, …do not provide protection to investors’ investments from these entities’ failures, and do not have access to central banks’ liquidity facilities. To the extent that shadow banking entities carry out bank-like activities, exposures to such entities may therefore be inherently risky—and thus specific limits for individual and aggregate exposures could be warranted.Macro-prudentially, institutions’ exposures to shadow banking entities could be of concern for different reasons. Here, institutions’ exposures to such entities undertaking bank-like activity may lead to regulatory arbitrage concerns, and worries that core banking activity may migrate systematically away from the regulated sector ‘into the shadows’. In order to seek profits, institutions may still actively seek ways to arbitrage the rules by funding shadow banking entities. These entities, which are potentially more vulnerable to runs and/or liquidity problems, tend to be highly correlated and interconnected with the banking sector, which leads to financial stability concerns.
Run risk and/or liquidity problems: Shadow banking entities are potentially vulnerable to runs (withdrawal of deposit-like assets due to panic, early redemptions due to a confidence crisis) and/or liquidity problems (liquidation of assets at fire sale prices), stemming from credit exposures, high leverage, and liquidity and maturity mismatches between assets and liabilities. These risks are usually exacerbated because shadow banking entities do not have sectoral liquidity backstops and are generally subject to less robust and comprehensive prudential standards and supervision.148Interconnectivity and spillovers: Shadow banking entities tend to be highly correlated and interconnected with the regulated banking sector due to ownership linkages and explicit and implicit credit commitments and as direct counterparties. In times of stress, this can, directly or indirectly, generate systemic risks through contagion effects both between shadow banking entities and between such entities and the regulated banking sector, leading to a flight to quality and fire sales of assets.Excessive leverage and pro-cyclicality: The maturity mismatch and liquidity risks are exacerbated by shadow banking entities’ ability to engage in highly leveraged or otherwise risky financial activities. Highly leveraged structures are more likely to become insolvent in the case of unexpected negative events due to inadequate loss-absorbing capacity, abrupt deleveraging and inability to roll over financing needs. The crystallization of such events can trigger a confidence crisis in the regulated banking sector, leading to severe impairment of funding sources.Opaqueness and complexity: The opaque and complex nature of governance and ownership structures of shadow banking entities and their relationships with the regulated banking sector constitute vulnerabilities, since, during periods of stress, investors tend to retrench and flee to safe, high-quality and liquid assets. The inherent agency problem, caused by the separation of financial intermediation activities across multiple shadow banking entities, also contributes to vulnerabilities in the financial system. Furthermore, there is a lack of disclosure (regarding collateral, assets or value thereof), as such entities are generally unregulated or subject to less robust prudential regulation.
- To mitigate the spillover effect between the regular banking system and the shadow banking system.
- To reduce the susceptibility of money market funds (MMFs) to ‘runs’.150
- To assess and mitigate systemic risks posed by other shadow banking entities.
- To assess and align the incentives associated with securitization.
- To dampen risks and pro-cyclical incentives associated with secured financing contracts, such as repos, and securities lending that may exacerbate funding strains in times of ‘runs’.
- Principle 1: Authorities should have the ability to define the regulatory perimeter.
- Principle 2: Authorities should collect information needed to assess the extent of risks posed by shadow banking.
- Principle 3: Authorities should enhance disclosure by other shadow banking entities as necessary so as to help market participants understand the extent of shadow banking risks posed by such entities.
- Principle 4: Authorities should assess their non-bank financial entities based on the economic functions and take necessary actions drawing on tools from the policy toolkit.
- Focus: Regulatory measures should be carefully designed to target the externalities and risks the shadow banking system creates.
- Proportionality: Regulatory measures should be proportionate to the risks shadow banking poses to the financial system.
- Forward-looking and adaptable: Regulatory measures should be forward-looking and adaptable to emerging risks.
- Effectiveness: Regulatory measures should be designed and implemented in an effective manner, balancing the need for international consistency to address common risks and to avoid creating cross-border arbitrage opportunities against the need to take due account of differences between financial structures and systems across jurisdictions.
- Assessment and review: Regulators should regularly assess the effectiveness of their regulatory measures after implementation and make adjustments to improve them as necessary in the light of experience.
- Regulations restricting the liquidity of deposit-like instruments (e.g., redemption fees, suspension of convertibility, etc.).
- Regulations restricting the use of deposit-like instruments to fund long-term investments (e.g., capital requirements, restrictions on the use of client assets, and liquidity requirements, such as the laddering of the maturity of liabilities,152 etc.).
- Regulations reducing asymmetric information about the quality of the assets backing the deposits (e.g., extending explicit government insurance to non-bank financial institutions, restricting the types of investments that they can make, imposing coinsurance and deductibles on investors seeking credit default insurance, and regulating the activities of the credit rating agencies).
- Regulations for dealing with systemic crises once they occur.
- Establishing a system-wide monitoring framework, involving enhanced data reporting and disclosure requirements, and capable of assessing sources of systemic risks in all parts of the financial system.
- Strengthening the oversight and regulation of shadow banking in five areas:
- 2.1.
- Mitigating risks in banks’ interactions with shadow banking entities—to reduce the spillover of risks from the shadow banking system to the core banking system, with policy recommendations in three areas:
- (i)
- Scope of consolidation—provide clarity on the boundary of consolidation to limit regulatory arbitrage opportunities.
- (ii)
- Large exposures—to protect banks from the risk of the default of single private sector counterparties, including entities involved in shadow banking.
- (iii)
- Banks’ investments in the equity of funds, including funds engaged in shadow banking activities—the proposed capital treatment will reflect both the risk of the fund’s underlying investments and its leverage.
- 2.2.
- Reducing the susceptibility of money market funds to ‘runs’. In order to address the systemic risks of contagious investor runs on MMFs, policy recommendations include the requirement that MMFs, which offer stable or constant net asset value (NAV) to their investors should be converted into floating NAV where workable. Where such conversion is not workable, safeguards should be functionally equivalent to the capital, liquidity, and other prudential requirements on banks that protect against runs on their deposits.
- 2.3.
- Improving transparency and aligning incentives in securitization, including risk retention requirements and measures that enhance standardization of securitization products.
- 2.4.
- Dampening pro-cyclicality and other financial stability risks in securities financing transactions to reduce the risks associated with the heavy dependence by the shadow banking system on this form of short-term wholesale funding.153 Policy recommendations include standards and processes for data collection and aggregation at the global level to enhance transparency of securities financing markets; minimum standards on cash collateral reinvestment; requirements on re-hypothecation;154 minimum regulatory standards for collateral valuation and management; and policy recommendations related to structural aspects of the securities financing markets (central clearing and changes in the bankruptcy law treatment of securities financing transactions).
- 2.5.
- Assessing and mitigating systemic risks posed by other shadow banking entities and activities, using a forward-looking high-level policy framework, which consists of the following three elements:
- (i)
- Assessment based on economic functions (or activities)—Authorities will identify the potential sources of shadow banking risks in non-bank financial entities in their jurisdictions from a financial stability perspective by categorizing these with reference to five economic functions, independent of the entities’ legal form. They are: (1) management of collective investment vehicles with features that make them susceptible to runs; (2) loan provision that is dependent on short-term funding; (3) intermediation of market activities that is dependent on short-term funding or on secured funding of client assets; (4) facilitation of credit creation (e.g., through credit insurance); and (5) securitization-based credit intermediation and funding of financial entities.
- (ii)
- Adoption of appropriate policy tools for each economic function.
- (iii)
- Information-sharing process—Authorities will share information on which non-bank financial entities are identified as being involved in which economic function and which policy tool(s) the relevant authority adopted, in order to maintain consistency across jurisdictions in applying the policy framework.
5.3.4. Systemic Risk from Digital Currencies
- To address risks to stablecoin users and guard against stablecoin runs, legislation should require stablecoin issuers to be insured depository institutions. The concern is that ‘fire sales of reserve assets could disrupt critical funding markets. Runs could spread contagiously from one stablecoin to another, or to other types of financial institutions’.
- To address concerns about payment system risk, in addition to the requirements for stablecoin issuers, legislation should require custodial wallet providers to be subject to appropriate Federal oversight. Congress should also provide the Federal supervisor of a stablecoin issuer with the authority to require any entity that performs activities that are critical to the functioning of the stablecoin arrangement to meet appropriate risk-management standards.
- To address additional concerns about systemic risk and concentration of economic power, legislation should require stablecoin issuers to comply with activities restrictions that limit affiliation with commercial entities. Supervisors should have authority to implement standards to promote inter-operability among stablecoins. In addition, Congress may wish to consider other standards for custodial wallet providers, such as limits on affiliation with commercial entities or on use of users’ transaction data.
5.3.5. Possible Policy Responses to the Issue of Systemic Risk
- Any service that would result in a trading book asset.
- Any service that would result in a requirement to hold regulatory capital against market risk.
- The purchase or origination of derivatives or other contracts that would result in a requirement to hold regulatory capital against counterparty credit risk.
- Services relating to secondary markets activity including the purchase of loans or securities.
- Banks are required to hold significantly higher levels of reserves or very liquid assets as a form of self-insurance against liquidity risk. This reduces but does not remove the need for central bank liquidity insurance.
- The introduction of a Discount Window Facility (DWF), in addition to central bank overnight or short-term liquidity support to banks, to address temporary liquidity issues.
- A swap facility allowing banks to swap illiquid assets (such as high-quality mortgage-backed securities) for Treasury bills for a time-limited period (e.g., three years). The facility allows banks to finance some of the illiquid assets on their balance sheets by exchanging them temporarily for more easily tradable assets, which provide more attractive collateral and hence potentially lower funding costs.162
- A term repo facility that allows banks to access central bank funding for a time-limited period (e.g., up to six months) against a broader range of collateral than that used in conventional open market operations (OMOs).163
- A term funding facility that allows banks to continue offering longer-term funding to their customers in the face of banks’ inadequate provision of maturity transformation and contingent liquidity to the broader economy (e.g., through committed lines of credit).164
- Extending liquidity facilities to certain non-bank entities, such as central counterparties (CCPs or clearing houses),165 which can impact financial stability and the provision of liquidity and payment services.
- ‘Market-maker of last resort’ (MMLR) where the central bank operates directly in asset markets when it has determined that liquidity has been sufficiently impaired as to threaten financial stability.
- An asset purchase programme (i.e., QE) that has the effect of creating substantial excess reserves in the banking system—and, whilst in operation, renders the other facilities above redundant.
- Stress tests should be conservative, in the sense of being based on highly adverse possible scenarios: there is no point carrying out unstressful stress tests.
- There should be multiple scenarios: we wish to consider a range of plausible and heterogeneous adverse scenarios, not just one. We should then take the loss from each scenario and set the capital requirement equal to the maximum of these losses; that way, banks are covered against the losses from any of these scenarios.169
- Stress tests should be based on simple models, not highly sophisticated ones: the evidence indicates that the simpler models work better anyway. Note also that we don’t want huge armies of modellers.
- The stress test models should be appropriate to the specifics of the institutions concerned: the stress tests don’t make sense otherwise.
- Any stress test system should be non-gameable by the parties involved.
- Any system that involves a heavy regulatory burden or creates a large systemic risk exposure is destructive and counterproductive.
- Any system should be transparent and accountable.
- A progressive increase in capital requirements. A global systemically important bank requires additional capital of between 1 and 2.5%. The Vickers Final Report (Vickers 2011) recommended additional primary loss-absorbing capacity:
- ○
- UK G-SIBs with a 2.5% G-SIB surcharge and ring-fenced banks with a ratio of RWA to UK GDP of 3% or more should be required to have primary loss absorbing capacity equal to at least 17% of RWA.
- ○
- UK G-SIBs with a G-SIB surcharge below 2.5%, and ring-fenced banks with a ratio of RWA to UK GDP of between 1% and 3%, should be required to have primary loss-absorbing capacity set by a sliding scale from 10.5% to 17% of RWA.171
- An industry-wide insurance plan with premiums that would be used to bail out banks in a future financial crisis. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme is an example of such an insurance scheme for retail investors in the UK.172 Other examples are the US Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation173 and the UK Pension Protection Fund (PPF)174, which guarantee pensions when a pension plan sponsor becomes insolvent in exchange for an industry-wide levy, which, in the case of the PPF, for example, is risk-based and depends on the sponsor’s insolvency risk score.
- Establishing a system-wide monitoring framework, involving enhanced data reporting and disclosure requirements, and capable of assessing sources of systemic risks in all parts of the financial system.
- Strengthening the oversight and regulation of shadow banking in five areas:
- 2.1.
- Mitigating risks in banks’ interactions with shadow banking entities—to reduce spillover of risks.
- 2.2.
- Reducing the susceptibility of money market funds to ‘runs’.
- 2.3.
- Improving transparency and aligning incentives in securitization, including risk retention requirements and measures that enhance the standardization of securitization products.
- 2.4.
- Dampening pro-cyclicality and other financial stability risks in securities financing transactions to reduce the risks associated with the heavy dependence by the shadow banking system on this form of short-term wholesale funding.
- 2.5.
- Assessing and mitigating systemic risks posed by other shadow banking entities and activities.
- Macroeconomic cost-benefit analysis would be used to set the overall level of capital requirements in the system as a whole. That number would move up and down as systemic risks build and subside.
- Micro-prudential analysis of firm-specific risks would set the specific buffer for each individual firm—but the average of those buffers would need to stay within the macroeconomically optimal range.
- A single capital buffer, calibrated to reflect both micro-prudential and macro-prudential risks:While the capital regime is fiendishly complex, its underlying economic goals are fairly simple: ensure that the banking sector has enough capital to absorb losses, preserve financial stability and support the economy through stresses. In developing the Bufferati, my guiding principle has been: any element of the framework that isn’t actually necessary to achieve those underlying goals should be removed. The Bufferati is as simple as possible, but no simpler.With that mind, my simple framework revolves around a single, releasable buffer179 of common equity.…The single capital buffer [is] calibrated to reflect both micro-prudential and macro-prudential risks and replac[es] the entirety of the current set of buffers.180…As an illustration—if you ran a macroeconomic analysis that said the average capital level should be 14%, then the supervisor might set the capital requirement for a firm with riskier exposures at 16%, while another lower-risk firm might get 12%, and so on. I think this is a pretty clean division of responsibilities, and one that reconciles macro and micro policy more effectively than giving the two authorities separate buffers to play with.
- A low minimum capital requirement, to maximize the size of the buffer.I conclude that the Bufferati would benefit from a simple minimum capital requirement underneath the buffer, as a basic safety feature with which to strengthen the supervisor’s hand in extreme cases. But this minimum should be set at a low level, to leave maximum space for the buffer to do its job, and breaches of it should not have automatic consequences.
- A ‘ladder of intervention’ based on judgement for firms who enter their buffer—no mechanical triggers and thresholds.The Bufferati is replacing all thresholds, triggers and cliff-edges with a judgement-based ‘ladder of intervention’. We’ve learnt over time that automatic thresholds for supervisory intervention come at a real cost—for example, firms will do what it takes to stay above their MDA [maximum distributable amount] trigger, including cutting lending to the real economy which rather defeats a main part of the purpose of capital regulation.In our new world, there would be no automatic consequences to dipping into the Bufferati, but, if that happened, the firm would be expected to have a plan to rebuild their capital resources.
- The entire buffer potentially releasable in a stress.As regulators, we want banks to build up capital in good times, so that banks are in a strong position to deploy capital to support lending in a downturn. Releasing capital requirements in a downturn allows banks to do this more easily and readily, as it means they don’t need to worry about entering buffers and triggering restrictions or other supervisory actions.Under the Bufferati, when systemic risks crystallize, the authorities could cut the system-wide average capital requirement to whatever level they deem necessary to avoid an unwarranted contraction in credit conditions and give firms room to manoeuvre as they go through the stress. A key benefit of this simpler framework is that we would be able to make very substantial cuts, far beyond the cuts to the CCyB [countercyclical capital buffer] rate that the UK’s Financial Policy Committee and some other countries’ macro-prudential authorities have made in recent episodes. This would have real benefits: early evidence from the COVID crisis suggests that releasing buffers is an effective way to avoid costly deleveraging by banks. This also points to the importance of building up strong buffers well in advance of the shock hitting.
- All requirements met with common equity.Common equity is the quintessential loss-absorbing instrument and is easy to understand. Instruments like AT1 and ‘contingent convertible’ debt have their place in the current framework but they introduce complexity, uncertainty and additional ‘trigger points’ in a stress and so have no place in our stripped-down concept vehicle.
- A mix of risk-weighted and leverage-based requirements.I don’t think we can live without risk-sensitivity in capital requirements. Building a capital framework that doesn’t allocate more loss absorbency to unsecured, sub-prime or otherwise riskier assets would be highly inefficient—we would probably need to run the whole system at a materially higher capital level to get comfortable with this. And such a framework would incentivize firms to take bigger risks to maximize return on equity. At the same time, risk-weights can clearly be badly wrong and excessive leverage is a danger in and of itself regardless of asset quality, and I therefore conclude that a leverage-based measure will also always be needed. I envisage that the structure of the Bufferati leverage requirement would look similar to the risk-based one: a low minimum with a single releasable buffer.
- Stress testing at the centre of how we set capital levels.Last but certainly not least, stress testing would be the central analytical input that ties the regime together. Conceptually, you can see stress testing as an expression of our risk appetite: it tells you how severe a stress an optimally-capitalized banking system is expected to weather. And it puts individual portfolios under the microscope to help us identify which firms are carrying more severe risks.Our current approach to stress testing large banks in the UK revolves around a single ‘annual cyclical scenario’ (ACS) stress test, where we test banks’ ability to keep their capital levels above a pre-set hurdle rate in a severe but plausible economic downturn. The stress test is a large exercise for ourselves and for firms, and is one of the most richly valuable pieces of the regulatory framework. Similar approaches, sometimes with a small handful of scenarios instead of just one, are in place in other jurisdictions.But in the spirit of the Bufferati, I wonder if another world is possible—one where stress tests are just as robust, but simpler to run, more frequent, and cover a much wider range of economic outcomes. We could move away from a single annual scenario in favour of thinking holistically about our risk appetite across a range of scenarios. After all, in the European insurance framework, firms run literally thousands of scenarios to test their resilience—are we so sure that one or two every year or so is the best answer for banking? One can imagine a world where we set a hundred scenarios, based on the distribution of possible shocks to the sector, and set a risk appetite across them. Rather than just pick a point on the distribution of scenarios, as we do in Europe for insurance companies, the overall level of a capital would be set by the macro-prudential assessment above—but stress testing would let us know how much of the distribution of scenarios banks can withstand. This would be a useful cross-check on the top-down macro-prudential judgement on capital levels, would identify outliers and could also be one way of allowing the authorities to adopt a higher risk appetite for smaller banks by requiring systemic banks to be robust to a wider set of scenarios.In developing this enhancedbuffer framework, it is possible that a lot of the sophistication which currently resides in modelling risk-weights would move into stress testing. Indeed, this is already happening in Europe because the move to expected credit loss accounting has necessitated the development of more IRB[internal ratings-based]15-like modelling181 techniques to inform the impairment provisions which feed into the stress test. Ultimately, in the spirit of simplification, one could perhaps argue that with this migration one could move the system to standardized risk-weights, and rely on stress testing to deliver the sophistication which currently comes from modelling risk-weights—but as this question is not central to the Bufferati’s design I will leave it to the next generation of engineers to settle.To maintain a level playing field globally, these judgements would need to be made in a clear international framework including a macroeconomic anchor point for overall capital levels in normal times, guidance on things like what constitutes a stress, approaches to stress testing and speed of buffer rebuild, and how much loss-absorbing capacity is needed in resolution. In a nutshell, to oversee the Bufferati we would need an international framework that is clear and consistent, but also judgement-based.
5.4. Regulatory Arbitrage and Capture
5.4.1. The Most Difficult Issue to Resolve
5.4.2. Possible Policy Responses to the Issue of Regulatory Arbitrage and Capture
A key provision of the Bill is to make bank directors strictly liable for bank losses and require them to post personal bonds as additional bank capital. These measures reaffirm and extend unlimited personal liability for bank directors, which has long been on the statute books but proven difficult to enforce in recent years due to the (increasingly difficult) need to prove negligence. Strict liability removes the need to prove negligence and will rule out ‘It wasn’t my fault’ excuses on the part of bank directors: if it happens on their watch, they will be liable, period.The Bill also calls for bonus payments to be deferred for five years, and for the bonus pool to be first in line to cover any reported bank losses. Thus, losses would be covered first out of the bonus pool and then out of directors’ personal bonds before hitting shareholders.These measures would provide strong incentives for key decision-makers to ensure responsible risk-taking, as their own wealth would now be at risk: no longer could they expect rewards for failure.…Amongst other measures, the Baker Bill also calls for accounts to be prepared using the old UK GAAP184 governed by Companies Act legislation. …This would put an end to the various accounting shenanigans associated with IFRS accounting standards, such as the manufacture of fake profits and the failure to disclose expected losses and promised future bonuses.Finally, the Bill calls for the establishment of a Financial Crimes Investigation Unit to investigate possible crimes committed by senior bankers.
6. Self-Regulation and Market-Based Regulation
6.1. Self-Regulation
In the financial sphere, the common law tradition was associated with so-called ‘self-regulation under the law’. A standard pattern was that the practitioners of a financial activity would form themselves into the members of a corporate body which endorsed their professional credentials, but then had authority over them. The corporate body would articulate and enforce rules of good conduct, in the understanding that breaches of those rules would be sanctioned. An extreme sanction would be expulsion from the membership. (For example, solicitors could be ‘struck off’ the roll of the profession maintained by the Law Society.)However, the members remained throughout subject also to the law of the land. If members broke the law, they might be punished as a result of charges levelled against them by the corporate body to which they belonged. Alternatively, they could be made answerable to the law by aggrieved third parties or even sometimes by the state with its police powers.
6.2. Market-Based Regulation
regulation …can never be an alternative to market discipline. After all, the biggest losers when banks go bust are their owners. Ideally, market discipline needs to be reinforced within the regime: it was the third of the three pillars in the Basel II rules and remains that in the Basel III successor. In fully developed financial systems, the monitoring of bank behaviour is not unique to specialist official agencies, even though it provides their rationale and raison d’être. Market participants have equally compelling reasons to watch what their rivals and counterparties are doing, and the discipline they impose can be as powerful as any sanctions from the regulators. Market discipline works through at least three channels—prices, quantities and awareness of triggers for official supervisory intervention. As for price, banks that take too much risk are punished by increased credit spreads on their wholesale funding and bond issuance, plus falls in their share prices and consequent rises in the cost of their equity capital. On quantity, the ability of badly-run banks to issue large amounts of paper to capital markets is, of course, compromised relative to those that are well-run, while a cash run on deposits is the harshest and most fundamental quantitative constraint imaginable on any bank’s operations. Triggers come into play when capital markets are aware that central banks and regulators may take action if certain benchmarks are breached. For example, banks’ market capitalizations usually fall if it is known that they have failed regulatory stress tests. There is two-way interaction here. Regulators and supervisors can and should use market signals as information sources upon which to base their own decisions, and sometimes to justify intervention.
7. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Letter to the Financial Times on Basel III Reforms from Professor Anat Admati et al., 9 November 2010
1 | Financial derivatives that allow one counterparty to ‘swap’ or offset the credit risk it carries with that of another counterparty. For example, if a lender is concerned that a borrower is going to default on a loan, the lender could use a CDS to offset or swap that risk; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
2 | That is, take money from savers and lend it to borrowers. |
3 | |
4 | This term was first used to describe the geopolitical rivalry between Russia and Great Britain in Central Asia in the Nineteenth Century—which was popularized by Rudyard Kipling’s 1901 novel, Kim. It seems highly appropriate to commandeer it for this study. |
5 | Securitization began in the 1970s when home mortgages were pooled by US government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) in the Federal Home Loan Bank system, in particular, the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA, or Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC, or Freddie Mac). |
6 | Using borrowing in addition to own capital to buy an investment asset in expectation that the return on the asset exceeds the cost of borrowing, thereby magnifying the return on own capital. Otherwise known as investing using OPM (other people’s money). |
7 | That is, borrowing at short-term variable interest rates to fund long-term assets, such as long-term loans to bank customers (sometimes at a fixed interest rate). |
8 | Dowd (2016) argues that ‘pre-existing state interventions—such as deposit insurance, the lender of last resort and Too-Big-to-Fail—create incentives for banks to take excessive risks. By excessive risks, I refer to the risks that banks take but would not take if they had to bear the downsides of those risks themselves’. |
9 | Banks now need to be more widely defined than hitherto to include shadow banks in addition to standard regulated banks. This issue is discussed in more detail below. |
10 | This means it is difficult to sell for cash at short notice without suffering a significant reduction in price (i.e., during a fire sale). |
11 | The US banking sector and the government-sponsored enterprises were particularly to blame. They were responsible for issuing sub-prime mortgages to individuals and households that had little chance of repaying the loans. However, three pieces of US legislation enabled this to happen: the Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act of 1982, which permitted the issuance of adjustable-rate mortgages to individuals who self-certified their incomes, and the majority of sub-prime mortgages were of this type; the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, which established the ‘affordable housing’ loan purchase programme for borrowers below normal lending standards, and this encouraged the issuance of sub-prime mortgages; and the 1999 repeal of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, which had prohibited commercial banks from undertaking investment banking operations and vice versa, leading to investment banks engaging in the sub-prime mortgage market, using significant leverage and derivatives to magnify their exposure to this market. |
12 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
13 | (accessed on 22 May 2022); (accessed on 22 May 2022); (accessed on 22 May 2022); (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
14 | |
15 | There was an early warning of what was to come exactly a year before, and it happened with the UK. Northern Rock Bank—which had used excessive leverage and maturity mismatch to grow its UK mortgage business—faced a massive loss of confidence by its depositors when rumours circulated that it was facing difficulties renewing its short-term borrowing in the interbank market, and this led to a run on the bank by its depositors between 14 and 17 September 2007. The bank had to be nationalized by the UK Government. It was the first example of a bank run in the UK since Overend, Gurney & Company in 1866 and the City of Glasgow Bank in 1878; (accessed on 22 May 2022);,_Gurney_and_Company (accessed on 22 May 2022); (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
16 | In short, I examine products, people, the financial system and its regulators. |
17 | The term product is widely defined in the financial sector to include funds, algorithms., trading strategies, etc. |
18 | As an example, in late 2007 and 2008, Bank of England Governor Mervyn King refused to allow the Bank to extend long-term loans to commercial banks (Congdon 2021, p. 7). This is discussed later. |
19 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
20 | Also known as collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs). |
21 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). I add a note of caution about relying on data from this source. |
22 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
23 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
24 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
25 | Complexity bias: Why we prefer complicated to simple; (accessed on 22 May 2022). The article quotes Confucius: ‘Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated’. |
26 |, (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
27 |, (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
28 | |
29 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). The FSB is an organization whose members comprise the central banks and financial regulators from the major developed economies. The FSB promotes international financial stability; it does so by coordinating national financial authorities and international standard-setting bodies as they work toward developing strong regulatory, supervisory, and other financial sector policies. It fosters a level playing field by encouraging coherent implementation of these policies across sectors and jurisdictions. |
30 | In short, shadow banking is the system of credit intermediation that involves organizations and activities outside the regular banking system (i.e., non-bank organizations involved in credit intermediation). |
31 | |
32 | That is, a government put. |
33 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
34 | |
35 | Moral hazard is the ‘risk that a party has not entered into a contract in good faith or has provided misleading information about its assets, liabilities, or credit capacity’; (accessed on 22 May 2022). It is also the risk that a party to a contract becomes less careful if the contract involves taking away a personal liability, such as when an insurance contract is in place and the insurance company assumes a vicarious liability. Of course, moral hazard and conflicts of interest are endemic to everything here, not just to securitization. |
36 | |
37 | |
38 | See, e.g., Broll and Gilroy (1986). |
39 | See, e.g., Goddard et al. (2011). |
40 | Also many commercial banks. |
41 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
42 | See, e.g., Blake et al. (2017). |
43 | Note that underperforming the peer-group is generally regarded as a much bigger reputational risk than having poor absolute performance. |
44 | |
45 | See, e.g., Broihanne et al. (2014). |
46 | |
47 | |
48 | As pointed out many years ago by, e.g., Malkiel ([1973] 2020). |
49 | Another was Countrywide Financial, later bought out by Bank of America; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
50 | |
51 | See, e.g., Hall et al. (2007). |
52 | Situational Awareness #1–The man who brought down Barings Bank; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
53 | |
54 | |
55 | |
56 | |
57 | Holding two contradictory beliefs at the same time. An example would be an investor who accepts the ‘sunk cost’ principle that it is irrational to continue to invest in a failing project but allows future investment decisions to be influenced by past investment decisions, because of the time and money invested in those past decisions, in clear contradiction of the ‘sunk cost’ principle. See Festinger (1957) and (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
58 | |
59 | |
60 | What is blame-shifting? Escaping responsibility; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
61 | |
62 | |
63 | A common non-financial example of this is psychic numbing, which is defined as a ‘psychological phenomenon that causes us to feel indifferent to the suffering of large numbers of people’ or as Joseph Stalin put it ‘One death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic’; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
64 | |
65 | It is important to understand the difference between systemic risk and systematic risk. A systematic risk is a large common shock. For example, there is a piece of bad news about the economy, which causes all the shares in the stock market to fall. Systematic risk affects the stock market every day, but the stock market—and the economy—survives. There are many cases of systemic risk that are non-financial. One famous one is the 1965 New York state electricity blackout, where a small failure in one part of the system led to the entire New York State electricity supply failing. That is an example of systemic risk not systematic risk, since there was a system-wide failure; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
66 | |
67 | |
68 | This is called rollover risk, the risk that when the short-term loan comes to an end, it can only be rolled over on much more unfavourable terms or possibly not at all because lenders have completely lost confidence in the borrower. |
69 | Although it can be a commodity, such as gold. |
70 | And spread to other sectors. |
71 | These are discussed in the next section. |
72 | The ‘liquidity coverage ratio’ (LCR) and the ‘net stable funding ratio’ (NSFR) under Basel III—discussed below. |
73 | This is also discussed in the next section. |
74 | Insurance companies typically have substantial fixed contractual liabilities but are not exposed to short-term withdrawal of funding and are not involved in the provision of unsustainable credit expansions. They are also typically less leveraged than banks and, until the GFC, were not forced sellers of assets in adverse circumstances. Systemic problems originating in the insurance (and pension fund) industries arise only because of common exposures to asset markets or to hedging counterparties. However, weaknesses of governance and control that lead to excessive risk exposure or inappropriate asset and liability mismatch have the potential to create system-wide problems. These problems can be exacerbated by regulations that force insurers (and pension funds) to transact in illiquid markets, e.g., by requiring the forced sale of assets. |
75 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
76 | CoCo bonds automatically convert to equity or are written off at a prespecified trigger point in the development of a financial crisis. CoCo bonds are permitted in some jurisdictions to meet national capital requirements set above the Basel III minimum. Some jurisdictions also allow CoCos to be counted as Additional Tier 1 (AT1) capital if the trigger is sufficiently low. The advantage of CoCos is that they prevent bondholders from triggering a bank insolvency; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
77 | |
78 | This is discussed further below. |
79 | |
80 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
81 | |
82 | |
83 | Basel I, introduced in 1992, initially only covered credit risk, but in 1996, there was an amendment to cover market risk; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
84 | The GFC intervened, and by 2009, there were plans for Basel III. |
85 | As happened to the chief risk officer at the Royal Bank of Scotland when he tried to warn the then chief executive, Sir Fred Goodwin, that the bank was taking on too much risk. See Financial Services Authority (2011). In November 2008, RBS had to be rescued by the UK Government with a capital injection of £15 bn, after the bank announced a loss of £24.1 bn, the biggest in UK corporate history; (accessed on 22 May 2022). The Financial Services Authority was the name of the UK financial regulator at the time. |
86 | Time-inconsistency arises where, with the passage of time, a strategy once considered optimal is no longer perceived to be optimal and is not implemented. |
87 | Carney (2014, p. 4). |
88 | A key measure of capital in the Basel III framework—discussed later. |
89 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
90 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
91 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
92 | |
93 | |
94 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
95 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
96 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
97 | In 2016, the International Monetary Fund declared that Deutsche Bank was the greatest global contributor to systemic banking risk, as a result of investing in complex derivative contracts where the risks were poorly understood; (accessed on 22 May 2022). Deutsche Bank’s woes over the last decade are covered in Storbeck (2022). |
98 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
99 | The Eurosystem comprises the ECB and the national central banks of those countries that have adopted the euro; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
100 | There is no sovereign entity sitting above the European Central Bank or the national central banks of the EZ member states with the unlimited power to print money to bail out the EZ banking system, as there is in the case of, say, the US Federal Reserve Bank, the Bank of England, and the Bank of Japan. In other words, the ECB is not a lender of last resort, unlike a conventional central bank. |
101 | The Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive was introduced in 2014 in response to the GFC to provide EU regulators with:
The directive requires banks to prepare recovery plans to overcome financial distress. It also grants national authorities powers to ensure an orderly resolution of failing banks with minimal costs for taxpayers. The directive includes rules to set up a national resolution fund that must be established by each EU country. All financial institutions have to contribute to these funds. Contributions are calculated on the basis of the institution’s size and risk profile. The EU’s bank resolution rules ensure that the banks’ shareholders and creditors pay their share of the costs through a ‘bail-in’ mechanism. If that is still not sufficient, the national resolution funds set up under the BRRD can provide the resources needed to ensure that a bank can continue operating while it is being restructured; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
102 | |
103 | Steven Mnuchin was a former partner in Goldman Sachs and later worked for a number of hedge funds and also founded one, Dune Capital Management, in 2004; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
104 | Removing its fangs or teeth. |
105 | |
106 | There are many historical examples confirming this. For example, the stock market crash on 19 October 1987 was exacerbated by a complex trading strategy called portfolio insurance. Portfolio insurance used computer algorithms to limit investor losses in a falling market (by selling stock-index futures), while enhancing gains in a rising market (by buying stock-index futures). While this was a sensible strategy at the level of the individual investor, it became destabilizing when a large number of investors have portfolio investment strategies in place that all use similar algorithms to trigger stock-index futures buy or sell instructions at the same time. In the week before the crash, the S&P 500 index fell by 9%, one of the largest weekly declines in many years, and this triggered a wave of portfolio-insurance-driven sell instructions on S&P 500 futures contracts, which caused the cash index to fall by a further 20% on 19 October. See, e.g., Gaudiano (2017). |
107 | See, e.g., Owen and Braeutigam (1978). |
108 | |
109 | Professor Nouriel Roubini from New York University’s Stern School of Business—who predicted the GFC in an IMF position paper in 2006, earning himself the sobriquet ‘Dr Doom’—was one of the first economists to recognize the GFC as a CC–PP game as early as 18 September 2008 in an article entitled ‘Public losses for private gain’, and he does not hold back: ‘The effective nationalization of huge sectors of the economy means US taxpayers are picking up the tab for failing banks. …[T]hese Bush hypocrites who spewed for years the glory of unfettered Wild West laissez-faire jungle capitalism allowed the biggest debt bubble ever to fester without any control, and have caused the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. They are now forced to perform the biggest government intervention and nationalizations in the recent history of humanity, all for the benefit of the rich and the well connected. So Comrades Bush and Paulson and Bernanke will rightly pass to the history books as a troika of Bolsheviks who turned the USA into the USSRA [United Socialist State Republic of America]’; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
110 | There is another theoretical measure that might be effective, and that is to adopt a much simpler banking system in the form of 100% reserve banking, in which banks only make loans in amounts and terms that match the term deposits they receive and must keep the full amount of the deposits in cash, thereby avoiding any maturity mismatching, leverage, or liquidity problems. This was the system proposed by Irving Fisher in 1935 in response to the Great Depression following the Wall Street crash of 1929 (see, e.g., Allen 1993). Amongst those hostile to it were Diamond and Dybvig (1986) who argued that ‘100% reserve banking is a dangerous proposal that would do substantial damage to the economy by reducing the overall amount of liquidity. Furthermore, the proposal is likely to be ineffective in increasing stability since it will be impossible to control the [shadow banking] institutions that will enter in the vacuum left when banks can no longer create liquidity’. The probability that governments would introduce 100% reserve banking is also vanishingly small. |
111 | The purpose of capital buffers is to enable banks to absorb losses while maintaining the provision of key services to the real economy, while automatic restrictions on distributions—via a maximum distributable amount (MDA)—prevent the imprudent depletion of capital in times of stress. In the European framework, these buffers include the capital conservation buffer (CCoB), the countercyclical capital buffer (CcyB), buffers for global and other systemically important institutions (G-SIIs and O-SIIs), and the systemic risk buffer (SyRB). The combination of all these buffers constitutes the combined buffer requirement (CBR). See Behn et al. (2022). |
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113 | Grill et al. (2021). |
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115 | The problem affects only open-end real estate mutual funds since they need to liquidate assets to meet redemptions above the level of their cash reserves. It does not typically affect closed-end real estate mutual funds, since these always trade at a market clearing price, allowing investors to sell their shares in such funds immediately, even though the share price may well be below net asset value, although it is difficult at a time of such uncertainty to accurately value the underlying assets. |
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117 | See, e.g., Baudino et al. (2020). |
118 | The Financial Conduct Authority replaced the Financial Services Authority as one of the UK’s financial regulators on 1 April 2013 following the Financial Services Act 2012. |
119 | While many scams involve the direct theft of investors’ money by persuading them to transfer funds into non-existent investments, the issue here is different. It involves the investment in complex products that are unlikely to generate the high promised returns in practice because high disguised charges will eat up those returns; these products also tend to be very risky. In aggregate, you cannot generate higher average returns than the physical and intellectual capital stock a country allows. No amount of financial engineering can get around this fact. Yet, smart advertising suggests it is possible to do so by investing in such products. |
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121 | But as a reviewer commented, the only true stress test is a real one. |
122 | See, e.g., the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s regulatory sandbox; (accessed on 22 May 2022). However, a reviewer, while agreeing in principle, pointed out that the regulator ‘is gaming these too, so that the stress is not too stressful. We see this in insurance’. |
123 | See, e.g., Blake et al. (2009). |
124 | OTC derivatives statistics at end-December 2020, BIS, (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
125 | Private communication with a lawyer who acted for insurance companies providing professional indemnity insurance when they received a claim. |
126 | See, e.g., Turner (2009) and Arnold et al. (2012). Others, such as Kevin Dowd, in a personal communication, dismiss macro-prudential regulation as pie in the sky since it entails being able to accurately predict the timing of the credit cycle. |
127 | The Basel III framework has three pillars:
See, e.g., (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
128 | Following the G20 meeting of November 2008. |
129 | Basel III: international regulatory framework for banks; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
130 | At the time of writhing, there were 30 G-SIBs, including JP Morgan Chase, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, and HSBC; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
131 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
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134 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
135 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
136 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
137 | Para 01.98 (Part 4): ‘The supervisor determines that the bank’s Board and senior management obtain sufficient information on, and understand, the nature and level of risk being taken by the bank and how this risk relates to adequate levels of capital and liquidity. The supervisor also determines that the Board and senior management regularly review and understand the implications and limitations (including the risk measurement uncertainties) of the risk management information that they receive’; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
138 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
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140 | Banks do not hold capital, they issue it. Holding capital makes it sound like an asset, whereas capital is a liability of the bank. It is a common mistake often seen even in official reports, as here. |
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143 | Professor Sir John Vickers is Warden of All Souls College, Oxford University, and was chair of the 2010–2011 Independent Commission on Banking, which recommended fundamental reform to improve stability and competition in UK banking;, (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
144 | Tier 1 capital divided by average total consolidated assets. |
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146 | The Gaussian VaR model assumes that the underlying risky variables follow a normal distribution. However, the empirical evidence indicates that key variables in the financial system (such as equity and real estate returns) have a distribution with much fatter tails than the normal. By using the normal distribution, the Gaussian VaR model will underestimate the true size of the tail risk. |
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148 | A European Central Bank study found that, while investment funds faced large investor outflows as the COVID-19 shock hit, those funds with higher shares of assets eligible for central bank asset purchase programmes in their portfolio before the COVID-19 crisis, saw their performance improve by 3.7% and outflows decrease by 63% relative to otherwise similar funds. The study concludes: ‘Our results suggest that central bank interventions were effective in stopping fire-sale dynamics and staving off runs on non-bank financial intermediaries, even though funds did not have direct access to the lender of last resort’ (Breckenfelder et al. 2020). |
149 | FSB publishes Recommendations to Strengthen Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking, press release, 29 August 2013; (accessed on 22 May 2022) and (accessed on 22 May 2022) and (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
150 | MMFs provide a deposit-like instrument to investors, especially when they are redeemable on short notice and at par. MMFs extend credit and are also an important provider of short-term funding for the regular banking system as well as for other non-bank chains of credit intermediation that involve maturity transformation and leverage. MMFs demonstrated their vulnerability during the GFC when a large segment of MMFs experienced contagious investor runs, necessitating large-scale support from sponsors or the official sector to maintain stability in the MMF sector. In the absence of such support, credit intermediation dependent on MMFs’ funding would have been cut back dramatically. |
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152 | That is, maturity matching the cash outflows on liabilities with the cash inflows on assets, such as bonds of appropriate term, to avoid the forced liquidation of illiquid assets to meet the liability payments. |
153 | Securities financing transactions, including securities lending and repurchase (repo) agreements, support price discovery and secondary market liquidity for a wide variety of securities, and are central to financial intermediaries’ market-making activities as well as to their various investment and risk management strategies. However, such transactions are also used by non-banks to conduct ‘bank-like’ activities that entail risks from maturity and liquidity transformation, as well as leverage. These funding markets shrank dramatically during the GFC when losses materialized in the collateral underpinning these transactions, generating fire sales of assets that worsened the crisis. |
154 | Re-hypothecation is a practice whereby banks and brokers use assets that have been posted as collateral by their clients in an attempt to make a financial gain, such as from a short selling transaction if the assets are expected to fall in price. Clients who permit re-hypothecation of their collateral may be compensated either through a lower cost of borrowing or a rebate on fees; |
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160 | As Allen and Babus (2009, p. 368) argue: ‘A network approach to financial systems is particularly important for assessing financial stability and can be instrumental in capturing the externalities that the risk associated with a single institution may create for the entire system. A better understanding of network externalities may facilitate the adoption of a macro-prudential framework for financial supervision. Regulations that target individual institutions, as well as take into account vulnerabilities that emerge from network interdependencies in the financial system, may prevent a local crisis from becoming global’. |
161 | Principally in response to the problems faced by Northern Rock Bank. |
162 | The Bank of England named this the Special Liquidity Scheme (SLS). |
163 | The Bank of England named this the Extended Collateral Term Repo (ECTR) facility. Winters (2012) proposed combining the ECTR facility with an Indexed Long-term Repo (ILTR) facility to create a regular auction facility allowing banks to access term funding against a wider collateral pool. He stressed the important role of the ECTR facility when there is a market-wide shock from an external source (e.g., acts of God (such as the COVID-19 pandemic), disintegration of the Eurozone) and recommended that the Bank should consider non-penal pricing for liquidity in response to truly exogenous shocks, as it is not in the public interest for banks to self-insure against such tail risks. |
164 | The Bank of England named this the Funding for Lending Scheme (FLS). Winters (2012) recommended that the Bank becomes more explicit in its role in providing a maturity transformation backstop in extraordinary situations where banks appear likely to curtail their maturity transformation provision to their customers. This would involve extending the maturity of the current facility, thereby giving banks the necessary confidence to maintain or extend the term of credit provision. However, any liquidity support should be provided on the basis that once the uncertainties have reduced, the banks are incentivized to access markets to repay the secured borrowings from the Bank. |
165 | This would include derivative exchanges. |
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167 | Reproduced in Appendix A. |
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169 | Some (such as the authors of the 2015 Bank of England study just mentioned (Brooke et al. (2015)) might argue that this would be excessively prudent and that it ‘would be inefficient to capitalize the banking system for these elevated risk environments at all times’. |
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171 | The UK Government, in response to the Vickers Report, passed the Financial Services Act 2012, which required large retail banks to hold equity capital of 10% and loss absorbing capacity of 17% of RWA. |
172 | The Financial Services Compensation Scheme is the UK’s statutory deposit insurance and investors compensation scheme for customers of authorized financial services firms. This means that FSCS can pay compensation if a firm is unable, or likely to be unable, to pay claims against it. (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
173 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
174 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
175 | Mervyn King initially tried to do this in the UK at the start of the GFC, as Congdon (2021, p. 7) makes clear: ‘King was antipathetic to large-scale liquidity assistance for the UK banking industry. …Through late 2007 and 2008, King was obdurate that the Bank of England would not extend long-term loans to commercial banks’. However, he was forced to back down by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, on 17 September 2007 following the run on Northern Rock Bank between 14 and 17 September and he ended up lending the bank £25 bn. The House of Commons Treasury Committee (2008) subsequently criticized specific actions or lack of action taken by the Bank of England in the early stages of the GFC. These were judged to have affected both the reaction to Northern Rock’s problems and also contributed to liquidity stress in the broader banking system, requiring more extreme actions later to prevent a much more damaging break-down of the financial system. |
176 | FSB publishes Recommendations to Strengthen Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking, press release, 29 August 2013; (accessed on 22 May 2022) and (accessed on 22 May 2022) and (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
177 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
178 | The Prudential Regulation Authority was established on 1 April 2013 following the Financial Services Act 2012. It is formally part of the Bank of England. |
179 | A releasable buffer is one that is capable of being released in times of systemic stress. Following the release of a specific buffer requirement, banks can operate with lower capital ratios without breaching the combined buffer requirement (CBR) and without being subject to automatic restrictions on distributions. This should help address a key impediment to buffer usability, namely the reluctance of banks, even in a stress situation, to operate with capital ratios below the CBR. For buffers to fulfil their role as shock absorbers, it is essential that banks are willing to make use of them to absorb losses in times of stress, so that excessive deleveraging and the exacerbation of the initial downturn can be avoided, and the provision of key economic services can be maintained. See Behn et al. (2022). |
180 | No Pillar 2 buffers; no CCoBs, CCyBs, O-SII buffer and G-SIB buffers; no more AT1. |
181 | The internal ratings-based (IRB) approach to credit risk allows banks to model their own inputs for calculating risk-weighted assets from credit exposures to retail, corporate, financial institutions, and sovereign borrowers, subject to supervisory approval. Under foundation IRB, banks model only the probability of default. Under the advanced IRB approach, banks can also model their own loss given default (LGD) and exposure-at-default (EAD) levels. LGD is the absolute amount of money lost if a borrower defaults, while EAD is the amount a bank is exposed to at the time of the same default. Under the Basel III package finalized in December 2017, banks can no longer use the advanced IRB approach for exposures to financial institutions or corporates with consolidated annual revenues of more than €500 million; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
182 | Private communication. |
183 | Personal liability for losses operates in some markets, e.g., the Lloyd’s of London insurance market in the case of members known as Names. Since 1994, Lloyd’s has allowed corporate members into the market, with limited liability; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
184 | Generally Accepted Accounting Practice in the UK (UK GAAP) is the body of accounting standards published by the UK’s Financial Reporting Council (FRC); (accessed on 22 May 2022). The primary difference between GAAP and IFRS is that GAAP is rules-based and IFRS is principles-based, resulting in IFRS guidelines providing much less overall detail than GAAP; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
185 | Personal pension mis-selling, endowment mis-selling, Equitable Life (see, e.g., Blake 2001), ‘split capital’ investment trust mis-selling, high-risk precipice bonds, and payment protection insurance. See Dunn (2009). |
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187 | Financial Conduct Authority (2022) FCA publishes guidance consultation for firms who seek to limit their liabilities, press release, 25 January; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
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189 | Evergrande: Shares in cash-strapped China property giant plunge, BBC News, 14 September 2022; (accessed on 22 May 2022). Trading of China’s Evergrande shares in Hong Kong is suspended; (accessed on 22 May 2022). Evergrande: China property giant misses debt deadline, BBC News, 8 December 2021; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
190 | Financial Times, 7 December 2021. Shares in Evergrande resumed trading in January 2022, with the company confirming that its contracted sales fell 38.7% in 2021; Financial Times, 4 January 2022. |
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192 | In April 2022, Hwang was charged with securities fraud, wire fraud, and racketeering. He was accused of unlawfully attempting to manipulate the prices of publicly traded securities in Archegos’ portfolio and to defraud leading global investment banks and brokerages; (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
193 | These are the Know Your Customer (KYC) and financial crime (including money laundering) exercises before taking on a new client. |
194 | Including in communications such as (1) ‘Observations on Risk Management Practices during the Recent Market Turbulence’ (March 2008); and (2) ‘Risk Management Lessons from the Global Banking Crisis of 2008′ (October 2009)’, by the Senior Supervisors Group of the Financial Stability Board. |
195 | Emphasis added. |
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200 | (accessed on 22 May 2022). |
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Bank | End-2006 | May 2020 |
Barclays | 62.9 | 17.9 |
HSBC | 100.5 | 76.5 |
Lloyds | 16.0 | 19.8 |
RBS | 166.0 | 12.6 |
Standard Chartered | 15.6 | 12.0 |
Total | 360.9 | 138.8 |
Bank | Price-to-Book Ratio |
Barclays | 26.1% |
HSBC | 49.1% |
Lloyds | 37.6% |
RBS | 28.5% |
Standard Chartered | 29.3% |
Average | 38.4% |
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Blake, D. The Great Game Will Never End: Why the Global Financial Crisis Is Bound to Be Repeated. J. Risk Financial Manag. 2022, 15, 245.
Blake D. The Great Game Will Never End: Why the Global Financial Crisis Is Bound to Be Repeated. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 2022; 15(6):245.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBlake, David. 2022. "The Great Game Will Never End: Why the Global Financial Crisis Is Bound to Be Repeated" Journal of Risk and Financial Management 15, no. 6: 245.
APA StyleBlake, D. (2022). The Great Game Will Never End: Why the Global Financial Crisis Is Bound to Be Repeated. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(6), 245.