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Risk-Averse, Integrated Contract, and Open Market Procurement with Quantity Adjustment Costs

Santosh Mahapatra
Santosh Kar
2 and
Shlomo Levental
Reh School of Business, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676, USA
Community Hospital, Munster, IN 46321, USA
Department of Statistics, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI 48824, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17(12), 551;
Submission received: 21 September 2024 / Revised: 4 December 2024 / Accepted: 4 December 2024 / Published: 9 December 2024
(This article belongs to the Collection Business Performance)


This paper examines the issue cost-effective procurement of a commodity product when its spot (open) market prices are stochastic, contract prices are previously determined, and there are costs associated with adjusting (i.e., switching) the procurement quantities from an alternative. Spot (open) market and contract as sole modes of procurement could present risks of high magnitude and uncertainty of expenses for the buyer. To address these risks, a risk-averse buyer may consider simultaneous use of both alternatives with adjustment of the purchase quantities from both the alternatives over time. Scenarios when the switching costs depend on the relative prices of the two alternatives are considered. The problem being analytically intractable, a mixed method decision model combining analytical and computational techniques to analyze the problem is proposed. The model helps identify expected optimal contract and spot market procurement quantities with respect to unknown spot prices and known contract prices over the planned procurement horizon when procurement quantity adjustment costs are influenced by the spends. The analysis reveals that it is cost-effective to continue purchasing with an existing pattern of procurement from the two alternatives until the contract to spot market price ratio reaches a threshold level and then to change the proportion of quantity purchased from the two alternatives. Using numerical analysis, we illustrate the theoretical and managerial significance of this stickiness to continue with an existing pattern until an adjustment.

1. Introduction

Contractual and spot (open) market purchasing are two main alternatives for procuring a commodity product. The contractual alternative offers the benefit of supply stability and the risk of lock-in at the same time. In contrast, open market procurement offers the benefit of procuring a product at a competitive price without any obligations to buy from a specific supplier. However, the open market exposes a firm to supply and price uncertainties. Thus, complete reliance on any single alternative would entail the risk of sub-optimal procurement.
Considering the opposite types of risks and benefits associated with the two types of alternatives, researchers (e.g., Inderfurth et al. 2013) have suggested integration of contract and open market procurement in a variety of procurement contexts. Our discussion with procurement executives at Raymond Corp., Stanley Black & Decker, and ThyssenKrupp Steel Mills also reveals that simultaneous utilization of contract and open market procurement can be effective in managing the risks of input price volatility for many commodity products. According to a senior procurement executive of Stanley Black & Decker:
“The spot prices for a variety of input commodities could sometimes fluctuate over a wide range (e.g., between −9% to 100%) during a month. Writing a long-term contract with firm price and quantity guarantees can therefore be risky. The company, keeping in view the market price trend typically writes a contract with firm pricing for at least 12 months but without any commitment on the purchase quantity.”
Another senior procurement official from ThyssenKrupp, Steel Mills of Terni, Italy, concurred with the benefits of a dual procurement policy in terms of reducing the expense and operational uncertainties and but highlighted the inherent complexity in identifying the optimal volume of contract and spot market procurement when spot market prices are uncertain. This raises the question of how a cost-effective dual procurement policy with respect to contracts and open market alternatives should be formulated.
Prior research (e.g., Mahapatra et al. 2017; Wu et al. 2020) has attempted to model risk-averse, integrated contract, and spot (open) market procurement policies wherein the procurement quantities from an alternative may need to change during the contract horizon due to spot uncertainties. However, these studies do not consider the potential additional costs or penalties that may be incurred due to the change in procurement quantities from an alternative effectively. We address this shortfall by accounting for quantity adjustment costs in a risk-averse buying context. We consider that the adjustment costs are proportional to the unit procurement prices and the volume of adjustment from the two alternatives. The model allows for revisiting the procurement strategy over time according to the emerging price situations in a more practical manner.
The paper makes the following contributions. First, it proposes a novel, discrete-time methodological approach for deriving the dynamic, dual-mode, risk-averse procurement strategy with respect to stochastic spot market price and deterministic contract prices, and quantity readjustment costs over the decision horizon. Second, the numerical analyses help us to understand the interrelationships and interactions between the contract price, market price, and readjustment costs. Specifically, the results suggest that for a certain range of contract and spot price differences, the probability of sticking to the existing proportion of quantities procured from the two alternatives becomes higher with higher switching costs and a longer decision horizon. A key contribution of our findings is quantifying how future contract and spot market prices might influence the optimal procurement quantities and expenses from the contractual and open market alternatives in a risk-averse procurement context.
In the following section, we review the relevant literature on procurement strategy involving contract and spot market alternatives. Next, we specify the problem context and formulate models for deriving the optimal strategy. Finally, we illustrate the model’s application and its usefulness in deriving theoretical and managerial insights and suggest directions for future research.

2. Related Literature

The research on dual procurement strategies involving contracts and spot market is vast and varied. We limit our discussion to an illustrative set of analytical studies (refer to Table 1 for a summarized review) to highlight the key modelling aspects relating to risk attitude and switching or quantity adjustment costs in the context of spot market and contracts that have relevance to our work.
As one of the first studies, Li and Kouvelis (1999), using a numerical (binomial lattice) approach, investigated the risk-neutral, optimal expected cost procurement and switching behavior from one supplier to another in a two-supplier global sourcing context when exchange rates are uncertain. The study suggested that the buyer should source concurrently from both the suppliers only if the lowest cost supplier’s capacity is inadequate. Murthy et al. (2007) extended this stream of research through game theoretic real option analysis of the switching behavior of a buying firm and noted that the magnitude of switching costs vis à vis exchange rate uncertainty and suppliers’ manufacturing costs influence the supplier switching decisions.
To the best of our knowledge, Cohen and Agrawal (1999) were the first to examine the issue of an optimal sourcing strategy from the perspective of a risk-averse buying firm. They adopted a utility maximization perspective to compare the advantages of short-term contracts involving price uncertainty and offering flexibility to switch to other alternatives over that of long-term contracts involving deterministic prices and incurring fixed costs.
While the above set of initial models were insightful, they mainly considered the case of adopting a single sourcing arrangement at a time. In practice, a buying firm may find it quite risky to rely on a single sourcing alternative at a given time (e.g., Martínez-de-Albéniz and Simchi-Levi 2005; Inderfurth and Kelle 2011) and may want to have access to multiple supply sources simultaneously.
Accordingly, scholars have examined the merit of modelling risk aversion while utilizing a combination of both spot and contract procurement alternatives (e.g., Martínez-de-Albéniz and Simchi-Levi 2006; Goel and Gutierrez 2011). These studies have considered two main approaches to model risk aversion: expected utility optimization (e.g., Cohen and Agrawal 1999; Martínez-de-Albéniz and Simchi-Levi 2006; Dong and Liu 2007; Mahapatra et al. 2017), and valuation by redefining the uncertain spot prices of future as the expected spot price under a risk-neutral probability measure (e.g., Goel and Gutierrez 2011; Secomandi and Kekre 2014). Defining uncertain spot prices as expected spot price under a risk-neutral probability measure assumes that the market trades enough financial instruments to replicate the uncertain price factors. This may not be the case in all procurement contexts.
The modelling framework for identifying an optimal procurement alternative among a set of alternatives over longer/multi-period decision horizon in stochastic price contexts has mainly utilized the option-theoretic stochastic dynamic programming approach (e.g., Li and Kouvelis 1999). In contrast, the modelling framework for the concurrent use of a combination of alternatives has mostly utilized the dynamic portfolio optimization approach (e.g., Martínez-de-Albéniz and Simchi-Levi 2005). Researchers have adapted the above frameworks to address a varied range of sourcing problems, such as joint optimization of selling prices and procurement policy involving a portfolio of option contracts and spot market purchase (Fu et al. 2012) and optimal option contracts with a reservation price proportional to the reservation quantity over the contract horizon (Inderfurth et al. 2013).
One of the main difficulties in deciding the optimal combination of contract and open market alternatives is due to the informational uncertainties regarding future demand or market prices (e.g., Inderfurth et al. 2013). Firms can circumvent this difficulty by readjusting the quantities procured from a supplier during the contract horizon (e.g., Mahapatra et al. 2017). However, such readjustments would involve costs due to the need to change the logistical arrangements and/or to compensate the supplier for accommodating the changes. Extant studies have not investigated these issues adequately. Our model addresses this important shortfall. Specifically, we identify the following factors:
The optimal patterns of sourcing across “contractual” and “open/spot market” procurement alternatives while accounting for the dynamic exogenous input price patterns, volume adjustment related compensations and logistical costs, and risk aversion,
The practical and theoretical implications of adopting a risk-averse, optimal procurement strategy.
We adopt the utility optimization approach for addressing risk aversion. Our model considers that the costs of adjusting procurement quantities are not fixed but proportional to both prices of the product and adjustment quantities. The numerical (sensitivity) analyses using hypothetical data offer managerial insights into the optimal procurement strategy corresponding to varied patterns of input prices and quantity adjustment costs (i.e., switching costs) that characterize different input market states.

3. The Problem Context

We motivate our analysis keeping in view the procurement context as described by the senior procurement executives at Stanley Black & Decker and ThyssenKrupp Steel.
“We (the buying firm) typically provide the contractual supplier non-binding (quarterly) forecasts of the anticipated purchase quantity in a year. Actual quantities purchased from the supplier are based on orders that are issued periodically. The difference between the requirement and contractual purchase is procured from the open market. The supplier understands that, in order for us to meet the time sensitive commitments of our customers, it is essential that it delivers the products/services (FOB destination) at the required quality and quantity according to the delivery date specified in orders.”
The executive at ThyssenKrupp additionally explained the following two-step approach that they adopt in deciding the contract price:
“(a) understand how the relationship between contract price and the historical spot price fundamentals or index has been, and use that relationship in deciding the contract prices for future (we know that’s not the perfect answer because spot price patterns in future can be different),
(b) and, adjust the contract price according to a specified policy (i.e., % change in prices) that may be linked to the rate of change in spot prices—the price adjustment policy is decided at the time contract is signed. Although the ideal thing will be to account for the changes in volume and changes in spot price dynamically while deciding the prices, we have not developed or used such a model yet.”
Keeping in mind the needs for contractual quantity flexibility in the actual procurement contexts mentioned above, we consider the adjustment of the volume of procurement between the contract and spot (open) market alternatives to benefit from their complementary advantages.

3.1. The Model

Similar to past studies, we make the following assumptions in our formulation: (a) zero or constant lead-time for both procurement alternatives (e.g., Li and Kouvelis 1999; Martínez-de-Albéniz and Simchi-Levi 2006), (b) either mode of procurement has enough capacity to meet the requirements (e.g., Dong and Liu 2007), (c) absence of budgetary constraint that limits the quantity procured from any source (e.g., Li and Kouvelis 1999), (d) use of procured quantities without having to hold inventory (e.g., Secomandi and Kekre 2014), and (e) absence of speculative trading between spot and contract alternatives (Li and Kouvelis 1999; Secomandi and Kekre 2014).
The concern regarding the potential exposure to an unfavorable outcome is called “risk aversion” (Eeckhoudt et al. 1995). Accordingly, we describe the buying firm’s concern regarding exposure to expense uncertainty as “risk aversion”. Past studies have modeled “expense disutility” in terms of the “mean-variance” function (Cohen and Agrawal 1999; Martínez-de-Albéniz and Simchi-Levi 2005) and “power” function (e.g., Mahapatra et al. 2017) to account for risk aversion. Economists have suggested that power (dis)utility function is more consistent than the “mean-variance” function with the Von Neumann–Morgenstern framework that explains the risk aversion characteristics of decision maker (Eeckhoudt et al. 1995, p. 48). Accordingly, we use a power (dis)utility function (e.g., xn for expenses x and expense disutility index n > 1 to account for risk aversion) to represent the buying firm’s expense-related risk aversion.
Let P1t be the continuous “stochastic” open (or spot) market price processes at any instant t during [0, T]. The formulation considers that the stochastic price process follows a geometric Brownian motion (GBM) with α 1 and β 1 as drift and standard deviation parameters, respectively, and W t characterizing the standard Brownian process (Dixit and Pindyck 1994). α 1 can be 0, positive. or negative to represent fixed, increasing, or decreasing average market price contexts, respectively. Past analytical studies on sourcing strategy (e.g., Cohen and Agrawal 1999; Li and Kouvelis 1999) have considered GBM to model spot market prices, and Miltersen (2003) noted that the GBM process matches the spot prices empirically well. In a given context, parameters α 1 and β 1 can be estimated empirically (Kunitomo 1992). In the interest of comparing the relative advantage of a market vis à vis contract alternative, we consider that the deterministic contract price process P2t has a change rate α 2 over time during [0, T]. Similar to past studies, (e.g., Li and Kouvelis 1999; Mahapatra et al. 2017), the parameters of the two price processes are exogenous to the model.
Thus, the governing equation for spot market price is as follows:
d P 1 P 1 = α 1 d t + β 1 d W t ;     and     P 1 ( 0 ) = P 10
where P10 is the spot price at time = 0. Correspondingly, the expressions for price P 1 t , its expected value and variance at t are as follows:
P 1 t = P 10 e ( α 1 t 1 2 β 1 2 t + β 1 W t ) ;   E ( P 1 t ) = P 10 e α 1 t ;   V a r ( P 1 t ) = ( P 10 ) 2 e 2 α 1 t e β 1 2 t 1 .
Equivalently, the governing equation for the deterministic contract price process ( P 2 ) is as follows:
d P 2 P 2 = α 2 d t .   and     P 2 ( 0 ) = P 20
where P20 is the contract price at time = 0. Thus, the contract price P 2 t at t is as follows:
P 2 t = P 20 e α 2 t
Equation (2a) represents a general form over the contract duration and can accommodate situations of fixed, increasing, and declining contracted prices for α 2 = 0, α 2 > 0, and α 2 < 0, respectively. The ratio of the market price and contract price at any instant will reflect the relative price dynamics that would govern the cost-effectiveness of one specified alternative versus the other. For the above price patterns, the relative price (market price and contract price ratio at an instant t), P = P 1 P 2 (dropping the subscript t for brevity) becomes the following Equation (3):
d P = P [ ( α 1 α 2 )   d t + β 1   [ dW ]
Note that Equation (3) resembles a geometric Brownian motion (GBM) with a modified drift parameter. The evolution of the geometric Brownian motion (GBM) process can be modelled and described as a binomial process with a probability of moving up and down ( p ,   1 p ) in discrete time (Hull and Basu 2016). Accordingly, we describe the relative price process “P” for a time interval of Δ t between two successive time nodes as follows:
P = P 0 e ( α 1 α 2 ) Δ t ± β 1 Δ t ;
where p = 1/2 and 1 − p = 1/2, and P0 is the relative price at the beginning of the decision/planning horizon, i.e., at t = 0. Figure 1 illustrates a binomial tree over four time intervals in a decision horizon. In a decision horizon of one year, the four time intervals would represent four quarters of the year. The nodes in the binomial tree correspond to the likely price states with specific probabilities. Figure 1 presents the probabilities of the binomially evolved price states at the terminal nodes.
To accommodate the cost implications of adjusting the volumes from the two procurement alternatives, we consider that the costs for switching allocations between arrangements are proportional to the unit prices and magnitude of the switch, i.e., the volume of readjustment between the two alternatives. Thus, we model the cost of readjusting the quantities between the two alternatives as a weighted change in expenses due to the change in procurement units from the two alternatives wherein the weights are fractions of unit prices (explained later in Equation (5)) referred to as switching costs per unit. Our discussion with the senior procurement executive at Stanley Black & Decker suggests that such expenses occur when a supplier expects a premium proportional to the change in volume compared to the previous period and/or the buying firm incurs additional expenses (e.g., storage or transportation expense) due to a readjustment of quantities from the two alternatives. Let “u” and “1 − u” refer to the fractions of units to be sourced from the market and contract arrangements, respectively, at an instant defining the transaction pattern over time. At any transaction time stage “j”, the risk-averse buying firm may change the pattern of sourcing from   ( u j 1 , 1 u j 1 )   to   ( u j , 1 u j ) . Correspondingly, at any instant (j) of transaction, the normalized expense is [uj·Pj + 1 − uj] and the minimum of expense disutility functional over the remaining contract horizon is C(.), where P j is the relative price ratio at the instant. Accordingly, for the contract horizon [0, T], the disutility functional at transaction time stage, “j” is as follows:
C ( u j 1 ,   j ) = min { 0 u j 1 [ u j · P j + 1 u j + ( λ 1 P j + λ 2 ) | u j u j 1 | ] n + E j [ C ( u j ,   j + 1 ) ] }
In Equation (5), λ 1   and   λ 2 are the switching cost (expressed in fractions of unit price) for a unit change in allocation pattern across market and contractual arrangements at the time of the quantity adjustment. The equation reflects the dynamic optimization formulation where u j , the control variable, refers to optimal fraction to procure from the spot market. The first term on the righthand side is the expense disutility at time stage “j”, and E j [ C ( u j , j + 1 ) ] refers to the expected minimum disutility functional at time stage “j” due to optimal sourcing pattern in future time where E(.) is zero for terminal nodes. Note that Equation (5) reflects Bellman’s principle of dynamic optimization in a recursive manner (Dixit and Pindyck 1994, p. 100) for different price states ( P j ) and action states ( 0 u j 1 ) over the contract horizon [0, T]. According to Bellman principle, optimal u j values through backward recursion will yield the C(.) at a node. Next, we illustrate the formulations for the risk aversion index n = 2; similar formulations can be developed for higher values of n.
It is to be noted that at the beginning instant (t = 0) in the procurement planning horizon, the buying firm does not incur any switching cost because it starts the procurement arrangements fresh. Let “N” be the number of time stages in the horizon when transactions occur. Thus, the equation for optimal cost disutility functional for the entire procurement process over the planning horizon becomes the following Equation (6):
C min 0 u 0 , u N 1 { [ u 0 · P 0 + 1 u 0 ] 2 + E { j = 1 N [ u j · P j + 1 u j + ( λ 1 P j + λ 2 ) | u j u j 1 | ] 2 } }
Thus, at t = 0, Equation (7) is as follows:
C m i n 0 < u 0 < 1 { [ u 0 · P 0 + 1 u 0 ] 2 + E 0 { C ( u 0 , 1 ) }
For 1 j N 1 , we have the following Equation (8):
C u j 1 , j = min 0 u j 1 u j · P j + 1 u j + λ 1 P j + λ 2 u j u j 1 2 + E j C ( u j , j + 1 )
And, for j = N at the terminal time instant, Equation (9) is as follows:
C ( u N 1 ,   N ) = min { 0 u j 1 [ u j · P N + 1 u j + ( λ 1 P N + λ 2 ) | u j u N 1 | ] 2 }
Note that “ u j ” values are influenced by the values at previous time stages. We observed that the expressions become unwieldy as one proceeds backward beyond two stages from the terminal stage, making the problem analytically intractable because the expense disutility function is nonlinear and depends on several price states due to the uncertain spot prices in future. This constrains the ability to analytically derive a closed form optimal policy u j for all transaction instants in the planning horizon. Hence, as an alternative to backward recursion for the entire operating horizon, a combination of analytical and computational procedures is proposed for obtaining the best possible u j values over the planning horizon.
Thus, the procedure to obtain the optimal policy u j is as follows. First, in line with the principles of dynamic optimization, the expressions for optimal actions (i.e., transaction pattern u N and 1 − u N ) at the nodes in the terminal stage are obtained for any value of u N 1 in the penultimate stage. Subsequently, using the optimal expressions for u N at the terminal state, optimal expressions for u N 1 at the nodes in the penultimate stages are computed with reference to the unknown value of u N 2 of the N − 2 stage. Had the mathematical expressions not been unwieldy, this process could have been continued until t = 0. However, as discussed in the previous paragraph, the expressions for the optimal disutility functional become unwieldy for time stages earlier than the penultimate stage. To circumvent the issue, we adopted a numerical procedure for the earlier time stages. As per this procedure, the disutility functional corresponding to plausible alternative actions (i.e., discrete values of “ u j [ 0,1 ] ”) at each of the previous stages (i.e., u 0 , u 1 ,   u 2 , u j , u N 2 ) are evaluated using Equation (8) to obtain the expense disutility functional C at t = 0. These results are used to compute the optimal patterns of transactions “ u j ” at the 0, 1,…, N − 2 time stages.
It should be noted that the computational approach used to obtain optimal “ u j ” values in stages previous to the terminal two stages is robust but computationally derived. While the computational approach as described above is usable for obtaining optimal values at all nodes from start to end, the exponential increase in numerical operations with higher number of discrete values of “ u j [ 0 , 1 ] ” and higher number of time stages may constrain the computational approach beyond a large number of time stages. In our analysis, we have implemented the computational process using a software code written in the C-language. We skip the lengthy algebraic calculations for brevity and present the expressions for the optimal transaction patterns (i.e., “ u j [ 0 , 1 ] ”) that are derived using the dynamic optimization principle for the terminal two stages below. We present the key steps and related expressions in Supplementary S1 and S2 for reference.

3.1.1. Conditions for Optimality at Terminal Nodes (j = N)

Note that Equation (9) is convex in the difference between u N and u N 1 . If the difference is s N , then the first order differentiation with respect to s N yields the expression for optimality. Thus, the condition for minimizing the expense disutility function at the terminal stage described in Equation (9) after algebraic simplification derives the optimal 0   u N     1 is as follows:
u N = u N 1 + s N ;
s N = 1 + ( P N 1 ) u N 1 ( 1 + λ 1 ) { 1 λ 2 1 + λ 1 P N } is positive, represents an increase in market allocation with respect to u N 1 , and is valid when 0 s 1 u N 1 ;
s N = 1 + ( P N 1 ) u N 1 ( 1 λ 1 ) { 1 + λ 2 1 λ 1 P N } is negative, represents a decrease in market allocation with respect to u N 1 , and is valid when u N 1 s < 0 .
Since the policy is for the terminal stage with relative price P N , the above two conditions for s N will suggest a switch to the limits to minimize expense, yielding the following:
u N = 0 if   P N > 1 + λ 2 1 λ 1 u N 1   if   1 λ 2 1 + λ 1 < P N 1 + λ 2 1 λ 1 1 if   P N 1 λ 2 1 + λ 1
Equation (10) suggests that at the terminal stage, beyond a threshold relative price level, it is optimal to buy completely from spot market; below a threshold relative price level, it is optimal to buy completely from contract; and in between the two threshold levels, it is optimal to continue sourcing according to the sourcing pattern of penultimate time stage. Thus, for any u N 1 , u N can be computed. Corresponding to the above u N 1 and u N , the expense disutility as per Equation (9) will be as follows:
C ( u N 1 ,   N ) = [ 1 + ( λ 1 P N + λ 2 ) u N 1 ] 2 if       P N > 1 + λ 2 1 λ 1 ( u N 1 P N + 1 u N 1 ) 2 if     1 λ 2 1 + λ 1 < P N 1 + λ 2 1 λ 1 [ P N + ( λ 1 P N + λ 2 ) ( 1 u N 1 ) ] 2 if       P N 1 λ 2 1 + λ 1

3.1.2. Conditions for Optimality at Penultimate Nodes (j = N − 1)

The condition for minimizing the expense disutility at the penultimate stage as given in Equation (8) can be used to obtain the optimal 0   u N 1   1 such that Equation (12) is as follows:
u N 1 = u N 2 + s N 1 ;
where s N 1 is the change in allocation with respect to the previous pattern of transaction u N 2 . The simplified expressions for s N 1 is presented below as follows:
Let   A j = ( λ 1 P j + λ 2 ) ,   B j = P j 1 ,   and   V j = P j + A j ;
For the binomial lattice presented in Figure 1, the relative prices at the nodes at the terminal stage N with respect to a node at the penultimate stage N 1 can be represented as follows:
P N 1 P N i   ( upstate ) P N ( i + 1 )   ( downstate )
For the above two possible states of market and contract price ratio, Equation (8) can be utilized for determining s N 1 following a process similar to that used for the terminal stage j = N. Correspondingly, the following six plausible scenarios are identified based on how the relative price ratios at the terminal stage compare with ( 1 + λ 2 ) / ( 1 λ 1 ) and ( 1 λ 1 ) / ( 1 + λ 2 ) . Accordingly, we have the following:
  • Case 1
P N i ,   P N i + 1 >   1 + λ 2 1 λ 1   :
If the change in allocation s N 1 is positive, then
s N 1 = [ 2 ( B N 1 u N 2 + 1 ) ( A N 1 + B N 1 ) + ( A N i + A N i + 1 ) + u N 2 { ( A N i ) 2 + ( A N i + 1 ) 2 } ] 2 ( A N 1 + B N 1 ) 2 + { ( A N i ) 2 + ( A N i + 1 ) 2 }
If s N 1 is negative, then
s N 1 = [ 2 ( B N 1 u N 2 + 1 ) ( B N 1 A N 1 ) + ( A N i + A N i + 1 ) + u N 2 { ( A N i ) 2 + ( A N i + 1 ) 2 } ] 2 ( B N 1 A N 1 ) 2 + { ( A N i ) 2 + ( A N i + 1 ) 2 }
Since the values of the above expressions are dependent on exogenous prices, when the results are inconsistent (i.e., s N 1 does not have the expected sign) then it implies that change in allocation to contract and spot alternatives is unfeasible or impractical, and we have u N 1 = u N 2 .
  • Case 2
P N i > 1 + λ 2 1 λ 1   and   1 - λ 2 1 + λ 1 < P N i + 1 <   1 + λ 2 1 λ 1   :
If action ( s N 1 ) is positive, then
s N 1 = [ 2 ( B N 1 u N 2 + 1 ) ( A N 1 + B N 1 ) + ( A N i + B N i + 1 ) + u N 2 { ( A N i ) 2 + ( B N i + 1 ) 2 } ] 2 ( A N 1 + B N 1 ) 2 + { ( A N i ) 2 + ( B N i + 1 ) 2 }
If action ( s N 1 ) is negative, then
s N 1 = [ 2 ( B N 1 u N 2 + 1 ) ( B N 1 A N 1 ) + ( A N i + B N i + 1 ) + u N 2 { ( A N i ) 2 + ( B N i + 1 ) 2 } ] 2 ( B N 1 A N 1 ) 2 + { ( A N i ) 2 + ( B N i + 1 ) 2 }
As before, when the results are inconsistent (i.e., s N 1 does not have the expected sign) then it implies that a change in the allocation pattern is unfeasible, and we have u N 1 = u N 2 .
  • Case 3
1 λ 2 1 + λ 1 < P N i ,   P N i + 1 <   1 + λ 2 1 λ 1   :
If action ( s N 1 ) is positive, then
s N 1 = [ 2 ( B N 1 u N 2 + 1 ) ( A N 1 + B N 1 ) + ( B N i + B N i + 1 ) + u N 2 { ( B N i ) 2 + ( B N i + 1 ) 2 } ] 2 ( A N 1 + B N 1 ) 2 + { ( B N i ) 2 + ( B N i + 1 ) 2 }
If action ( s N 1 ) is negative, then
s N 1 = [ 2 ( B N 1 u N 2 + 1 ) ( B N 1 A N 1 ) + ( B N i + B N i + 1 ) + u N 2 { ( B N i ) 2 + ( B N i + 1 ) 2 } ] 2 ( B N 1 A N 1 ) 2 + { ( B N i ) 2 + ( B N i + 1 ) 2 }
As before, if the results are inconsistent (i.e., s N 1 does not have the expected sign) then no change in the allocation pattern is required, and we have u N 1 = u N 2 .
  • Case 4
1 λ 2 1 + λ 1 < P N i < 1 + λ 2 1 - λ 1 ,   and   P N i + 1 <   1 λ 2 1 + λ 1   :
If action ( s N 1 ) is positive, then
s N 1 = 2 B N 1 u N 2 + 1 A N 1 + B N 1 + u N 2 A N i + 1 2 + B N i 2 + ( B N i A N i + 1 V N i + 1 ) 2 ( A N 1 + B N 1 ) 2 + ( A N i + 1 2 + B N i 2 )
If action ( s N 1 ) is negative, then
s N 1 = 2 B N 1 u N 2 + 1 B N 1 A N 1 + u N 2 A N i + 1 2 + B N i 2 + ( B N i A N i + 1 V N i + 1 ) 2 ( A N 1 + B N 1 ) 2 + ( A N i + 1 2 + B N i 2 )
If the results are inconsistent (i.e., s N 1 does not have the expected sign) then no change in the allocation pattern is required, and we have u N 1 = u N 2 .
  • Case 5
P N i ,   P N i + 1 <   1 λ 2 1 + λ 1   :
If action ( s N 1 ) is positive, then
s N 1 = [ 2 B N 1 · u N 2 + 1   A N 1 + B N 1 + u N 2 A N i 2 + A N i + 1 2 V N i + 1 A N i + 1 + V N i A N i ] 2 ( A N 1 + B N 1 ) 2 + A N i 2 + A N i + 1 2
If action ( s N 1 ) is negative, then
s N 1 = [ 2 B N 1 · u N 2 + 1 B N 1 A N 1 ( V N i A N i + A N i + 1 V N i + 1 ) + u N 2 ( A N i + 1 2 + A N i 2 ) 2 ( B N 1 A N 1 ) 2 + ( A N i + 1 2 + A N i 2 )
If the results are inconsistent (i.e., s N 1 does not have the expected sign) then no change in the allocation pattern is required, and we have u N 1 = u N 2 .
  • Case 6
P N i > 1 + λ 2 1 λ 1 ,   and   P N i + 1 <   1 λ 2 1 + λ 1   :
If action ( s N 1 ) is positive, then
s N 1 = 2 B N 1 · u N 2 + 1 A N 1 + B N 1 + A N i A N i + 1 V N i + 1 + u N 2 A N i 2 + A N i + 1 2 2 ( A N 1 + B N 1 ) 2 + A N i 2 + A N i + 1 2
If action ( s N 1 ) is negative, then
s N 1 = [ 2 B N 1 · u N 2 + 1 ( B N 1 A N 1 ) + A N i A N i + 1 V N i + 1 + u N 2 A N i 2 + A N i + 1 2 ] 2 ( B N 1 A N 1 ) 2 + A N i 2 + A N i + 1 2
If the results are inconsistent (i.e., s N 1 does not have the expected sign) then no change in the allocation pattern is required, and we have u N 1 = u N 2 .
Using the above expressions, the optimal u N 1 can be derived for a given u N 2 at different price levels at the j = N − 1 stage. The behavior is similar to that of terminal stage: quantity adjustments would be useful only when the price changes exceed some threshold levels. Note that our solution procedure evaluates the optimal u N 1 and u N for the trial procurement fractions “ u j [ 0,1 ] ” at each of the previous time stages (i.e., u 0 , u 1 ,   u 2 , u j , u N 2 ) using the computational comparison discussed previously. The combination of fractions, u 0 , u 1 ,   u 2 , u j , u N 2 , u N 1 , and u N that obtain C (refer to Equation (6)) are the optimal set of spot market procurement fractions with respect to the anticipated price states when decision are made at t = 0. Figure S1a,b in Supplementary S2 present the logical flow diagrams that explain the solutions process.

4. Numerical Analysis Illustrating the Model’s Application

We numerically illustrate the application of our model with respect to stochastic spot market and contract price ratios that evolve according to the binomial lattice structure in Figure 1.
Table 2 presents the price parameters to construct the hypothetical price data for three types of market contexts. The three contexts refer to situations of (a) high spot price uncertainty and a large contract and expected spot price change rate differential, (b) moderate spot price uncertainty and a moderate contract and expected spot price change rate differential, and (c) low spot price uncertainty and a low contract and expected spot price change rate differential. The price change rate differentials reflect the risk-averse buyer’s likely willingness to pay a higher contract premium when spot price uncertainty is higher. Figure 2 illustrates the price evolution for P 0 = 1 in market price state 1 of Table 2.
We carried out the numerical analyses in two stages. First, the model was applied to a base case switching cost ratio (SCR) (e.g., λ 2 λ 1 ) and initial relative price (P0) (i.e., market and contract price ratio at t = 0). Subsequently, we conducted a sensitivity analysis to examine the impact of changes in switching cost ratio and initial prices. In all analyses, the numerical computation for optimal u j at the first seven nodes was based on comparisons of expense disutility for alternate u j values at an interval of 0.1 (i.e., “ u j [ 0 , 0.1 , 1.0 ] ”). While computing the optimal disutility C (refer to Equation (6)), the disutility functional values with respect to a specific u j at any of the first 7 nodes needs to be compared with all disutility functional values for all other possible u j values at the 7 nodes and the corresponding optimal u j values at nodes 8–31 based on Equations (10) and (12).
In our analysis, the base case considers the relative price P 0 = 1 (i.e., P 1 ( 0 ) = P 2 ( 0 ) ) at t = 0, Δ t = 0.25 , and unit switching costs of λ 1 = 0.01 ,   and   λ 2 = 0.1 . Subsequently, a sensitivity analysis is carried out for a wide range of initial relative prices and SCRs (i.e., P 0 = [ 0.95 , 0.96 , 0.97 , 0.98 , 0.99 ]   and   λ 2 λ 1 = [ 1 ,   5 ,   50 ] when λ 1 = 0.01 ) to examine how the optimal sourcing patterns change over time for alternate price and switching cost ratios. Although, our illustrative analysis uses a hypothetical dataset, a similar analysis can be carried out using appropriate context-specific data (for a relevant firm, industry, or product) to gain context-specific managerial insights.
Since the supply market is likely to be more stable when price change rates ( α 1 ,   α 2 ) and variability parameters ( β 1 ) are lower, the contract readjustment costs are likely to be lower in those contexts. Accordingly, in the interest of developing realistic insights into the influence of switching costs on procurement policy, the upper limits of SCRs in market price states 2 and 3 are kept smaller than those in market price state 1, which has higher price change rates and variability. Furthermore, to understand the influence of different price change rates and variability we compared the optimal patterns for all three price states and with respect to specific SCRs.
Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8 and Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8, Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11 illustrate the patterns of optimal fractions of units sourced from the market over time for different price and switching cost scenarios. It is apparent that the optimal fractions of procurement over the procurement horizon are different for different price and switching cost scenarios. This is because the procurement pattern at an instant depends upon the patterns at the earlier stages and on the price states and procurement adjustment costs of future that have different probabilities of occurrence. Thus, the results are state- and path-dependent. Interestingly, our numerical analysis indicates patterns that are consistent with the transaction cost theoretic principles that suggest that procurement mechanisms should be chosen to minimize the transcation costs and uncertainties. We summarize the main insights below.
The optimal sourcing pattern is not always of the “bang-bang” type (i.e., procuring all units from one alternative at a given time) implying a fraction of the total requirement can be procured from each of the alternatives simultaneously. Our results are consistent with practitioners’ preference for integrated contract and market alternatives. Our findings regarding concurrent utilization of contract and market alternatives is distinct from prior studies (Mahapatra et al. 2017) that suggested concurrent utilization when the quantity adjustment costs are only due to the price differentials. The results indicate that for specified price parameters, switching costs, contract (or decision) horizon, and initial prices, threshold price levels, or price bands for optimal switching from one alternative to another can be dependent on the past procurement pattern. For example, as observed in Table 3 for an SCR of 1, although the optimal sourcing arrangement is purely a contract type at the beginning (i.e., t = 0), it is optimal to switch to a market alternative when the relative price (e.g., market to contract price ratio) drops to 0.68 (refer to node 2, in Figure 2 and Figure 3) and to continue with the market alternative until the relative price rises to 1.4 (refer to node 11, in Figure 2 and Figure 3); in contrast, the preferred mode continues to be the contract alternative even when the relative price drops from 1.4 to 0.98 (refer to node 4, in Figure 2 and Figure 3) and the switch occurs only when the price drops to 0.66 (refer to node 5, in Figure 2 and Figure 3).
Thus, when the relative price lies between certain limits (refer to the arcs in Figure 3: the portion to the lower right side of the solid arcs represents sourcing from the market alternative and the portion to the left of the dotted arcs represents sourcing from the contract alternative), it is optimal to maintain the status quo. The results are somewhat comparable to the optimal portfolio structure of Wu et al. (2020). The implications of our results are that the initial procurement fractions need not be changed until the relative prices hit specified limits; when prices hit these limits, the fractions can be modified for a certain target procurement pattern from the contract and spot market alternatives.
Our results indicate that the optimal fractions and switching pattern over time depends upon the duration of the (remaining) procurement horizon and the SCRs (refer to Table 3 and Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5). Specifically, the longer the (remaining) time horizon, the wider the price band is in which a specific alternative is optimal; the greater the SCRs, the less the readjustment for a specified price band.
To illustrate, for SCR = 1 (refer to Figure 2 and Figure 3) in market state 1, the contract alternative remains optimal within the relative price band of 0.98–4.26 over a one-year time horizon beginning with t = 0, whereas the spot market sourcing alternative is optimal within the relative price band of 0.21–0.98 over a 0.75 year time horizon beginning with t = 0.25. It is further noted that in market state 1, while the extent of readjustment within the relative price band of 1.0–0.68 in the first quarter is from fully contract-based to fully market-based when SCR = 1, the extent of the readjustment reduces from fully contract-based to 30 percent spot market-based when SCR = 50 (refer to Table 3 and Table 4). Typically, the lower the beginning spot to contract price ratio, the greater the initial allocation to the market (refer to Table 4). The propensity to continue with a particular arrangement in a specific price band and the tendency to have smaller adjustment when switching costs are higher is similar to the concept of hysteresis, which describes the inertia against readjustment until the benefits of switching exceeds the cost price uncertainty (Dixit and Pindyck 1994; Cohen and Agrawal 1999; Murthy et al. 2007). It may be noted that the optimal pattern of sourcing also depends upon the initial prices. As evident from Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8 and Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 9, the above patterns of sourcing are also observed in markets states 2 and 3, which represent relatively more stable spot market price contexts compared to market state 1.
While the general patterns of optimal fractions to source from alternative arrangements as described above across different market states are similar, the sensitivity of fractions to switching costs and initial prices varies across different market states. For example, a comparison of the results in Table 4, Table 6 and Table 8, for varied relative prices at an SCR of 10 across highly uncertain, moderately uncertain, and less uncertain market price contexts (i.e., states 1, 2, and 3, respectively) indicates that the propensity to procure from the market arrangement is higher for less uncertain and more stable spot market contexts for the same relative price at the beginning of the planning horizon. This may be attributed to a relatively greater benefit (i.e., lower average expenses) in comparison to exposure to uncertainty by sourcing from the market in the less uncertain market states. A comparison of fractions sourced from alternative arrangements for SCRs of 20 and 1 from Table 3, Table 5 and Table 7 illustrates that the buying firm should source more from the market arrangement in less uncertain states (e.g., state 3) even when switching cost to contract arrangement is relatively higher. This implies that there are trade-offs between contractual lock-in and market price risk, and that a risk-averse buyer would prefer buying from the spot market with uncertain prices over the lock-in with the high-price contract alternative when the spot market prices are relatively less unstable and the switching costs to contracts are relatively higher. Furthermore, readjustments of units in favor of contractual arrangements are less likely in the less uncertain market price contexts.
Figure 10 and Figure 11 suggest that when the contract switching costs are relatively higher (SCR = 20), the buying firm will have a propensity to buy a higher proportion from the open market throughout the procurement horizon, and the sourcing arrangements will be more stable (e.g., the number of switches is less and the magnitudes of switch are smaller) in the less uncertain market states (e.g., price state 3) compared to the more uncertain market state (e.g., price state 1). Furthermore, while the sourcing pattern is “bang-bang, or all or nothing” type in the moderate to high market price uncertainty situations (price states 1 and 2), simultaneous procurement from both market and contract alternatives are more likely when the market price uncertainty is the lowest (price state 3). Thus, reliance on a single procurement alternative comes with a cost for both the buying and the contractual supplier firms.
To assess the benefits of the proposed optimal mixed-mode procurement strategy, expected expenses of the optimal strategy are compared with those of three other alternative strategies, (i.e., complete reliance on market, complete reliance on contract, and switching to the lower price alternative at the time of procurement) for market price states 1 and 3 (refer to Table 2) with an initial relative price P 0 = 1 (i.e., P 1 ( 0 ) = P 2 ( 0 ) at t = 0), Δ t = 0.25 , and SCR 20 and SCR 1. The results are presented in Table 9.
It is observed in Table 9 that the expected expenses of the proposed optimal strategy are never dominated by any of the three alternative strategies at any time stage over the decision horizon, and the overall expected expense in the optimal strategy is the lowest among all four strategies in states 1 and 3. Furthermore, consistent with the risk-averse decision-making objective, the extent of benefit in the optimal strategy measured in terms of percentage difference in expense is higher in market price state 1 (i.e., higher spot price uncertainty) compared to that in market price state 3 when the switching cost ratio is relatively lower (i.e., switching to the contract alternative is relatively less expensive).

5. Concluding Remarks

Our study extends the stream of integrated contract and market sourcing literature when there are switching costs that are linked to the volume of adjustment and product prices. The managerial implication of our solution method is that the approach could help a buying firm to plan proactively about the procurement quantities and mode of procurement over time for specified price parameters, switching costs, and the contract horizon, and to quantify the expected savings compared to alternative procurement strategies, such as a complete reliance on contracts or the spot market. Furthermore, in light of the inertia to stick to the existing pattern of procurement from the two modes until the benefits of switching exceed the costs, it is apparent that the optimal strategy not only optimizes the procurement expenses but also minimizes the potential operational complexity and supplier relationship risks involved in frequent switching to lower priced alternatives. These insights should aid in designing contracts when there are uncertainties regarding (spot) market prices and there are costs to adjust procurement quantities from the two alternatives. The proposed model has limitations that may be addressed in future research. First, switching quantities between the two alternatives may involve fixed costs, e.g., setting up new logistics infrastructure, etc. Therefore, simultaneous consideration of fixed and proportional switching cost would be a worthwhile area for future research. The solution time for the computational process has experienced a double exponential increase due to the increase in numerical operations (i.e., solution space) with finer discretization in the time and fractions allocated. Future research may focus on developing efficient computational techniques to reduce the solution space for precise estimation of the optimal outcomes.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Supplementary S1: Derivation for optimal switch at the two terminal stages; Supplementary S2: Logical process flow chart for obtaining the optimal procurement fraction from spot market.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, S.M. and S.L.; methodology, S.M. and S.K.; software, S.K.; formal analysis, S.M. and S.L.; writing—original draft preparation, S.M.; writing—review and editing, S.L.; visualization, S.M.; supervision, S.M.; project administration, S.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


No external funding was obtained for this research.

Data Availability Statement

Data used in this research are hypothetical and are included in the main text.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Binomial tree: The binomial lattice represents the evolution of the relative price process P = P 1 / P 2 over four time intervals. The integers represent the nodes corresponding to a specific price level and probability of occurrence. In the interest of brevity, only the probabilities of branching into the up state and down state at an instant and at the terminal nodes are presented.
Figure 1. Binomial tree: The binomial lattice represents the evolution of the relative price process P = P 1 / P 2 over four time intervals. The integers represent the nodes corresponding to a specific price level and probability of occurrence. In the interest of brevity, only the probabilities of branching into the up state and down state at an instant and at the terminal nodes are presented.
Jrfm 17 00551 g001
Figure 2. The binomial representation of the evolution of relative price process over one year for P ( 0 ) = P 1 / P 2 = 1.0 at t = 0 in market price state 1 and the probabilities at terminal nodes.
Figure 2. The binomial representation of the evolution of relative price process over one year for P ( 0 ) = P 1 / P 2 = 1.0 at t = 0 in market price state 1 and the probabilities at terminal nodes.
Jrfm 17 00551 g002
Figure 3. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for market price state 1 when the switching cost ratio (SCR) = 1.
Figure 3. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for market price state 1 when the switching cost ratio (SCR) = 1.
Jrfm 17 00551 g003
Figure 4. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for market price state 1 when SCR = 50.
Figure 4. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for market price state 1 when SCR = 50.
Jrfm 17 00551 g004
Figure 5. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for market price state 1 when SCR = 10.
Figure 5. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for market price state 1 when SCR = 10.
Jrfm 17 00551 g005
Figure 6. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for market price state 2 when SCR = 25.
Figure 6. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for market price state 2 when SCR = 25.
Jrfm 17 00551 g006
Figure 7. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for market price state 2 when SCR = 40.
Figure 7. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for market price state 2 when SCR = 40.
Jrfm 17 00551 g007
Figure 8. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for market price state 3 when SCR = 1 and 5.
Figure 8. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for market price state 3 when SCR = 1 and 5.
Jrfm 17 00551 g008
Figure 9. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for P ( 0 ) = P 1 / P 2 = 1.0 and SCR, λ 2 λ 1 = 20 with λ 1 = 0.01 for market price state 3.
Figure 9. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for P ( 0 ) = P 1 / P 2 = 1.0 and SCR, λ 2 λ 1 = 20 with λ 1 = 0.01 for market price state 3.
Jrfm 17 00551 g009
Figure 10. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for P ( 0 ) = P 1 / P 2 = 1.0 and SCR, λ 2 λ 1 = 1 with λ 1 = 0.01 in the alternative market price states 1, 2, and 3. The numbers in the parentheses represent the optimal fractions for states 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Figure 10. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for P ( 0 ) = P 1 / P 2 = 1.0 and SCR, λ 2 λ 1 = 1 with λ 1 = 0.01 in the alternative market price states 1, 2, and 3. The numbers in the parentheses represent the optimal fractions for states 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Jrfm 17 00551 g010
Figure 11. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for P ( 0 ) = P 1 / P 2 = 1.0 and SCR, λ 2 λ 1 = 20 with λ 1 = 0.01 in the alternative market price states 1, 2, and 3. The numbers in the parentheses represent the optimal fractions in states 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Figure 11. Optimal fraction of units “u” to source from the market over one year for P ( 0 ) = P 1 / P 2 = 1.0 and SCR, λ 2 λ 1 = 20 with λ 1 = 0.01 in the alternative market price states 1, 2, and 3. The numbers in the parentheses represent the optimal fractions in states 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Jrfm 17 00551 g011
Table 1. Key literature on procurement strategy under price/demand uncertainty.
Table 1. Key literature on procurement strategy under price/demand uncertainty.
CitationMain Theme Issues Considered and the Modelling Approach
Li and Kouvelis (1999)Minimization of expected procurement and inventory costStochastic price/exchange rate, risk-neutral strategy, supplier switching with respect to time flexible/inflexible and quantity flexible contracts, fixed switching cost, option theoretic dynamic optimization
Cohen and Agrawal (1999)Utility maximization using short-term and long-term contracts Stochastic price, risk aversion, benefits of short-term contracts vis à vis long-term contracts with fixed investments, mean-variance utility, dynamic optimization
Martínez-de-Albéniz and Simchi-Levi (2005)Optimal procurement from long-term contracts, option contracts, and spot market portfolio Stochastic price and demand, risk-neutral procurement without switching costs, convex cost structure with increased quantity flexibility; dynamic programming to obtain an optimal base-stock policy
Martínez-de-Albéniz and Simchi-Levi (2006)Optimization of option contracts and spot market portfolioStochastic price, risk aversion, derivation of optimal portfolio of supply contracts utilizing mean-variance utility function in a single period procurement context
Goel and Gutierrez (2011);
Secomandi and Kekre (2014)
Optimal combination of spot market and forward contract for procurementStochastic price and demand, dynamic, risk-neutral valuation by redefining the spot prices as the expected spot price under risk-neutral probability measure; contract penalty and/or differential transaction costs considered
Dong and Liu (2007)Determination of game theoretic equilibrium forward contractStochastic price, risk aversion, equilibrium forward contract through Nash bargaining process for a non-storable commodity between firms with mean-variance utility function
Li and Wang (2010)Optimal capacity reservation in a global supply network Exchange rates and demand uncertainty, risk-averse analysis using utility maximization perspective in a newsvendor decision-making setting
Inderfurth and Kelle (2011)Cost-effective capacity reservation contracts and spot market sourcingStochastic price and demand, determination of optimal
base stock policy for combined sourcing with spot price revealed at the beginning of procurement period
Inderfurth et al. (2013)Optimal capacity reservation, and contracts and spot procurementRis-neutral dynamic optimization with respect to fixed reservation price and contract purchase price, and stochastic spot price and demand
Mahapatra et al. (2016)Optimal spot and contractual procurement in continuous timeStochastic price, risk aversion, expected (dis)utility minimization for any contract duration with fixed and flexible quantity procurement, contract price readjustment and volume discounts
Mahapatra et al. (2017)Optimal spot and contractual procurement in continuous time Stochastic price, risk aversion, expected (dis)utility minimization with specified contract duration, quantity readjustments in fixed, flexible and minimum quantity contracts with/without volume discounts
Table 2. Illustrative data representing alternative price conditions.
Table 2. Illustrative data representing alternative price conditions.
Market Price StateExpected Market Price Annual Growth Rates “α1Contract Price Annual Growth Rates “α2Difference in Contract and Market Price Growth Rates “α”Standard Deviation Parameter of Market Price Process “β”Change Adjusted Market Price Uncertainty “β1/α”
Table 3. Optimal fraction of units to source from the market for beginning relative price P ( 0 ) = 1 and a varied switching cost ratio (SCR) λ 2 λ 1 with λ 1 = 0.01 for market state “1”.
Table 3. Optimal fraction of units to source from the market for beginning relative price P ( 0 ) = 1 and a varied switching cost ratio (SCR) λ 2 λ 1 with λ 1 = 0.01 for market state “1”.
NodesRelative Price P = P 1 / P 2 Over Time and Switching Cost Ratio “SCR”
Relative Price SCR: 1SCR: 20SCR: 30SCR: 35SCR: 40SCR: 50
Table 4. Optimal fraction of units to source from market for the switching cost ratio λ 2 λ 1 = 10 with λ 1 = 0.01 and a varied beginning relative price P ( 0 ) at the early market state “1”.
Table 4. Optimal fraction of units to source from market for the switching cost ratio λ 2 λ 1 = 10 with λ 1 = 0.01 and a varied beginning relative price P ( 0 ) at the early market state “1”.
NodesRelative Price P = P 1 / P 2 at Time t = 0
Table 5. Optimal fraction of units to source from the market for the beginning relative price P ( 0 ) = 1 and a varied switching cost ratio λ 2 λ 1 with λ 1 = 0.01 at the intermediate market state “2”.
Table 5. Optimal fraction of units to source from the market for the beginning relative price P ( 0 ) = 1 and a varied switching cost ratio λ 2 λ 1 with λ 1 = 0.01 at the intermediate market state “2”.
NodesRelative Price P = P 1 / P 2 over Time and Switching Cost Ratio “SCR”
Relative Price SCR: 1SCR: 20SCR: 25SCR: 30SCR: 35SCR: 40
Table 6. Optimal fraction of units to source from the market for a switching cost ratio λ 2 λ 1 = 10 with λ 1 = 0.01 and varied beginning relative price P ( 0 ) at the intermediate market state “2”.
Table 6. Optimal fraction of units to source from the market for a switching cost ratio λ 2 λ 1 = 10 with λ 1 = 0.01 and varied beginning relative price P ( 0 ) at the intermediate market state “2”.
NodesRelative Price P = P 1 / P 2 at Time t = 0
Table 7. Optimal fraction of units to source from the market for a beginning relative price P ( 0 ) = 1 and a varied switching cost ratio λ 2 λ 1 with λ 1 = 0.01 at the late market state “3”.
Table 7. Optimal fraction of units to source from the market for a beginning relative price P ( 0 ) = 1 and a varied switching cost ratio λ 2 λ 1 with λ 1 = 0.01 at the late market state “3”.
NodesRelative Price P = P 1 / P 2 over Time and Switching Cost Ratio “SCR”
Relative Price SCR: 1SCR: 5SCR: 10SCR: 15SCR: 20
Table 8. Optimal fraction of units to source from the market for a switching cost ratio λ 2 λ 1 = 10 with λ 1 = 0.01 and a varied beginning relative price P ( 0 ) at the late market state “3”.
Table 8. Optimal fraction of units to source from the market for a switching cost ratio λ 2 λ 1 = 10 with λ 1 = 0.01 and a varied beginning relative price P ( 0 ) at the late market state “3”.
NodesRelative Price P = P 1 / P 2 at Time t = 0
Table 9. Comparison of expected expenses for optimal mixed-mode (i.e., hybrid) strategies with the expected expenses for alternative strategies for a beginning relative price of P ( 0 ) = 1 and a varied switching cost ratio (SCR*) λ 2 λ 1 = 20 and 1 with λ 1 = 0.01 in market state “1” and market state “3”.
Table 9. Comparison of expected expenses for optimal mixed-mode (i.e., hybrid) strategies with the expected expenses for alternative strategies for a beginning relative price of P ( 0 ) = 1 and a varied switching cost ratio (SCR*) λ 2 λ 1 = 20 and 1 with λ 1 = 0.01 in market state “1” and market state “3”.
Market State 1Expected Expenses (SCR* = 1)Expected Expenses (SCR* = 20)
Time StageOnly ContractOnly MarketOptimal Mixed-ModeNaïve **Only ContractOnly MarketOptimal Mixed-ModeNaïve **
Total Expense4.5365.0633.9193.9324.5365.0634.0554.135
Percent higher than the optimal15.71829.187--0.31311.84424.863--1.971
Market State 3Expected Expenses (SCR* = 1)Expected Expenses (SCR* = 20)
Time StageOnly ContractOnly MarketOptimal Mixed-ModeNaïve **Only ContractOnly MarketOptimal Mixed-ModeNaïve **
Total Expense4.9504.9404.7774.7814.9504.9404.8905.004
Percent higher than the optimal3.6213.414--0.067 1.2411.038--2.334
**: Naïve refers to the strategy in which there is a total switch to the lower price option at the time when the procurement is made.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Mahapatra, S.; Kar, S.; Levental, S. Risk-Averse, Integrated Contract, and Open Market Procurement with Quantity Adjustment Costs. J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17, 551.

AMA Style

Mahapatra S, Kar S, Levental S. Risk-Averse, Integrated Contract, and Open Market Procurement with Quantity Adjustment Costs. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 2024; 17(12):551.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Mahapatra, Santosh, Santosh Kar, and Shlomo Levental. 2024. "Risk-Averse, Integrated Contract, and Open Market Procurement with Quantity Adjustment Costs" Journal of Risk and Financial Management 17, no. 12: 551.

APA Style

Mahapatra, S., Kar, S., & Levental, S. (2024). Risk-Averse, Integrated Contract, and Open Market Procurement with Quantity Adjustment Costs. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 17(12), 551.

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