Co-Optimization of Energy and Reserve Capacity Considering Renewable Energy Unit with Uncertainty
:1. Introduction
1.1. Motivation
1.2. Scope
1.3. Load Curve
1.4. Integration of RES
1.5. Contribution
1.5.1. Case 1
1.5.2. Case 2
1.5.3. Case 3
1.5.4. Case 4
1.5.5. Case 5
1.5.6. Case 6
1.6. Objectives
2. Related Work
3. Problem Formulation
- As the reverse balancing energy obtained from i units is denoted by . Thus, the total amount of output power of unit i can be increased from to .
- Alternatively, the power output of the thermal unit i can be decreased from to , where is the balancing energy resulting from the deployment of the downward reserve capacity of unit i, represented by . This makes the cost decrease.
- In case 5, we incorporate wind energy that is considered cost free. An amount can be curtailed to reduce overall energy generation cost.
- A part of the load can also be curtailed. This involves the value of lost load, , which is taken for our system as 200 $/MWh [7].
3.1. System Model
- The net energy generation must be equal to demand. All the production units must generate energy, equal to the demand of load. Mathematically:Equation (9) can be written in the form of mismatch between energy demanded and energy supplied.
- As the equal incremental principle has been used for the selection of power generation facilities. Thus, for smooth economic operation of multiple commodities, the incremental fuel rates of all the generation units must be equal. Another operational constraint, i.e., energy produced by each generation unit must be within its minimum and maximum generation limits which can be written as:
- The energy produced at each generation unit must be positive such as:
- In the proposed work, the energy losses are not considered because the ELD problem considering network loses needs accurate mathematical models. However, in order to calculate power losses, we can develop a mathematical expression as a function of power output of each generation unit. This method is known as the B-coefficient method [66], while some other techniques are being used to calculate power losses on the basis of network flow equations. As it is understood that the equal incremental rate principle works well if the cost function is a quadratic or a piecewise linear [67], if the cost function is neither linear nor quadratic, this mechanism may be even more complex. Thus, we need other methods to get the optimum solution [68].
3.2. OF and Operational Constraints
4. Simulation Methodology
5. Results
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Electrical power generation from unit | |
Electrical power demand | |
Initial state for gradient search method | |
Next state for gradient search method | |
Convergence coefficient | |
Total cost | |
Incremental cost rate | |
Change in electrical power | |
Minimum limit on energy generation unit | |
Maximum limit on energy generation unit | |
Minimum level of storage unit | |
Maximum level of storage unit | |
Increase in energy for unit i = 1, 2, 3 … | |
Reserve capacity for unit allocated | |
Reserve capacity for unit utilized | |
Total reserve capacity | |
Cost of reserve capacity for unit | |
Cost of running unit | |
Amount of demand not served | |
Probability factor for scenario High | |
Probability factor for scenario Low | |
Probability factor | |
Power loss factor for economic load not served ( = 0.05) | |
Quadratic production cost function coefficient of power plant | |
Linear production cost function coefficient of power plant | |
Constant production cost function coefficient of power plant | |
Electrical power generated from wind turbine | |
Rated electrical power of wind turbine | |
v | Wind speed |
Cut-in wind speed | |
Rated wind speed | |
t | Time horizon |
N | Set of energy generation units |
Lagrangian function |
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- Appendix A: DATA SHEETS FOR IEEE 14 BUS SYSTEM. Available online:\Datasheet_for_5_machine_14_bus_ieee_system2/attachment/59d637fe\79197b8077995409/AS%3A395594356019200%401471328452063/\download/DATA+SHEETS+FOR+IEEE+14+BUS+SYSTEM+19_\appendix.pdf (accessed on 9 March 2018).
Ref. | Techniques Used | Objectives | Limitations | RES | Reserve |
C. Barbulescu et al. [9] | Artificial Neural Network (ANN) | To estimate the monthly load curves | Previous data required on a large scale | ✓ | X |
S. Mishra et al. [19] | Ramping behavior analysis | To study wind power variations | Only significant variations are involved | ✓ | X |
A. Helseth et al. [39] | Stochastic dynamic programming | To optimally schedule the hydro-power generation units | Linearisation of expressions may lead to inaccurate commitment scheduling | X | ✓ |
Z. Wang et al. [40] | Two stage optimization model | To dispatch electrical power optimally involving PV forecasting | Operational cost of storage units are not considered | ✓ | X |
Y. Z. Li et al. [41] | Cooperative model of energy and reserve capacity | To design a model for multi-micro grids involving energy and reserve capacity | Robust optimization is a conservative method | ✓ | ✓ |
G. Noemi et al. [42] | Novel two-stage robust optimization | Co-optimized electricity market of energy and reserve capacity involving wind uncertainty | Lack of non-spinning reserve | ✓ | ✓ |
Y. T. Tan et al. [43] | Mixed integer programming | Co-optimized electricity market of energy and reserve capacity considering demand side | Lack of quadratic nature of cost curves | ✓ | ✓ |
M. A. Abido et al. [47] | Strength pareto evolution algorithm | To solve Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) involving environmental constraints | Security and stability parameters are not involved | X | X |
M. Mohatram et al. [49] | Hybrid ANN & Lagrange Multiplier Method (LMM) | To improve the results of ELD by using non traditional method | In case of more generation units, system complexity may increase | X | X |
S. Gautham et al. [52] | Novel Bat Algorithm (NBA) | To improve the results of ELD by using non traditional method | Convergence time is more due to large number of variable involved | X | X |
Babu et al. [53] | Self Adaptive Firefly Algorithm (SA-FA) | To improve the results of ELD involving valve point effect by using non traditional method | System complexity increases wiht the increase in system variables | X | X |
D. Santra et al. [51] | Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) & Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm | To solve ELD problem involving transmission losses, ramp rate function and valve point effect | Less optimal results have been produced due to traditional techniques | X | X |
Alsumait et al. [54] | Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (GA) & PSO & Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) | To solve ELD problem involving valve point effect | This algorithm is not suitable for small networks as compared with other methods and also reserve capacity is not retained | X | X |
L. dos Santos et al. [51] | Improved harmony search algorithm | To solve ELD involving valve point effect | generation units has not applied with non operating zones and also reserve capacity is not retained | X | X |
O. Dzobo et al. [60] | Quadratic programming | To solve ELD considering uncertainty at the generation end | Very limited number of constraints applied | ✓ | X |
Zwe-Lee Gaing et al. [59] | PSO | To improve the results of ELD by using non traditional method | Less optimal results are found as compared to non-conventional techniques | X | X |
H. Shahinzadeh et al. [61] | Hybrid Big Bang–Big Crunch(BB–BC) algorithm | To solve Non Convex ELD problem | Algorithm requires large number iterations to find optimal solution | X | X |
L. S. Coelho et al. [62] | Hybrid (Chaotic differential algorithm & Quadratic programming) | To solve Non convex ELD problem | More decision and system variable may increase system complexity | X | X |
J. H. Park et al. [64] | Hopfield Neural Network (HNN) | ELD for piecewise quadratic cost curves | Algorithm works only for piecewise cost functions also reserve capacity is not retained | X | X |
Generation Unit | Index | Minimum Production (MW) | Maximum Production (MW) | Reserve Energy Cost ($) | Power Plant Cost Coefficients | ||
50 | 200 | 20 | 1.070 × 10 | 1.1699 × 10 | 213 | ||
37.5 | 150 | 15 | 1.780 × 10 | 1.0113 × 10 | 200 | ||
45 | 180 | 22 | 1.480 × 10 | 1.0883 × 10 | 240 |
Time (HRS) | 12 a.m. | 1 a.m. | 2 a.m. | 3 a.m. | 4 a.m. | 5 a.m. |
Load (MW) | 382 | 409 | 490 | 374 | 510 | 480 |
Time (HRS) | 6 a.m. | 7 a.m. | 8 a.m. | 9 a.m. | 10 a.m. | 11 a.m. |
Load (MW) | 443 | 457 | 405 | 439 | 515 | 452 |
Time (HRS) | 12 p.m. | 1 p.m. | 2 p.m. | 3 p.m. | 4 p.m. | 5 p.m. |
Load (MW) | 448 | 404 | 443 | 464 | 472 | 429 |
Time (HRS) | 6 p.m. | 7 p.m. | 8 p.m. | 9 p.m. | 10 p.m. | 11 p.m. |
Load (MW) | 425 | 519 | 375 | 503 | 507 | 490 |
Case | Load (MW) | Reserve Capacity (MW) | Renewable Generation (MW) | Total Cost ($/MW) |
1 | 382 | 50 | X | 6308 |
2 | 382 | 50 | X | 6293 |
3 | 382 | 50 | X | 6319 |
4 | 382 | 50 | X | 6334.2 |
5 | 382 | 50 | ✓ | 6138.0 |
6 | 382 | 50 | X | 1786.2 |
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Hassan, M.W.; Rasheed, M.B.; Javaid, N.; Nazar, W.; Akmal, M. Co-Optimization of Energy and Reserve Capacity Considering Renewable Energy Unit with Uncertainty. Energies 2018, 11, 2833.
Hassan MW, Rasheed MB, Javaid N, Nazar W, Akmal M. Co-Optimization of Energy and Reserve Capacity Considering Renewable Energy Unit with Uncertainty. Energies. 2018; 11(10):2833.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHassan, Muhammad Wajahat, Muhammad Babar Rasheed, Nadeem Javaid, Waseem Nazar, and Muhammad Akmal. 2018. "Co-Optimization of Energy and Reserve Capacity Considering Renewable Energy Unit with Uncertainty" Energies 11, no. 10: 2833.
APA StyleHassan, M. W., Rasheed, M. B., Javaid, N., Nazar, W., & Akmal, M. (2018). Co-Optimization of Energy and Reserve Capacity Considering Renewable Energy Unit with Uncertainty. Energies, 11(10), 2833.