3. Results and Discussion
Before examining the results for various machine learning models in terms of accuracies, it is important to precisely state the problem we have solved. The ultimate goal is intra-hour GHI and PV power predictions in real time, but those forecasts are the result of a two-step process: predicting where low level cumulus clouds will be 15 min ahead in time and then using projected cloud locations to accurately predict the GHI. Each step introduces errors. A brief introduction to the optical flow problem for the SkyImager is presented above. Work is currently in progress to determine the accuracies for Step 1: compute error metrics of the 15 min ahead predicted image minus the actual image. It will be the subject of a future article. Step 2 will take the predicted image and compute the GHI using machine learning as discussed in this paper. There are several benefits to this approach. It separates the optical flow component from the machine learning, and, more importantly, it allows GHI to be predicted directly from the image itself so that the Pi camera can become a tool for measuring/observing GHI.
Each input or “example” is a three-channel
image from the Pi camera. In the current configuration, three images taken 5 s apart at low, medium, and high exposure times are fused using the Mertens algorithm into one raw image. As mentioned, this approach reduces over-exposure and washout in the circumsolar region. The
pixel JPEG image forms the basic input measurement for both the optical flow and machine learning algorithms. Low level cumulus clouds between the sun and the PV arrays have the greatest effect on the DNI, hence on GHI. For that reason and to satisfy the need for dimensionality reduction [
28], the first preprocessing step is to locate the area in the image that surrounds the sun and extract a
pixel subimage. Several approaches to locating the sun in the image are possible. Calculating the zenith angle from the SOLPOS program, finding true North, and then mapping physical to pixel coordinates would require extensive calibration. It was decided to use a simple robust image processing approach that finds the maximum intensity in the image. On a clear day, this always locates the sun, but occasionally, when the sun is totally obscured by broken clouds, the brightest point in the picture is actually sunlight reflected off of a nearby cloud. This can be observed in a time lapse video clip in which for a few frames the sun is not at the center of the subimage. While the cause of some transient errors, it never lasts long and does not happen when the sun is totally obscured by a uniform cloud deck without breaks.
Figure 7a shows the low exposure image used to locate and center the sun and
Figure 7b the resulting raw fused image that will ultimately become the input to the neural networks. Lastly, the subimage is resized to a point (
) where the neural networks can be trained in a reasonable amount of time. In supervised learning, the neural networks require labeled training examples: ordered pairs
x is the input vector, in this case the extracted subimage
, and
y is the measured irradiance in units of Watts/m
at the time the picture was taken. Since new images are fused every 15 s, GHI values were treated as constant on a 60 s interval for the purposes of assigning labels for the neural network images.
Forecasting GHI on a clear day,
, is effectively solved by several available models [
29], e.g., the Haurwitz model:
, where
is the solar zenith angle. The presence of clouds alone will cause measured GHI to depart from the clear sky
, so that the latter could be used as an additional input feature for machine learning if desired. The networks would not have to “learn” the functional dependence on
. Many other statistics derived from the basic image data could also be used for training. In addition, a better target than GHI might be the value
, the deviation from the clear sky value.
The above details are critical to precisely define the inputs to the neural networks and to ensure reproducibility of our results. Equally important is a detailed understanding of the metrics that appear in
Table 3. These are used to evaluate models and ultimately provide the utility with error bounds for making economic decisions.
MAPE is a standard metric for evaluating the performance of irradiance forecasting algorithms. Problems in its use can occur when
is zero or very small. As an alternative, the mean
of the actual values is often used in the denominator, as is common practice when forecasting spot electricity prices. Note that
MAPE is the relative error in the
metric, normalized for the number of observations, and converted to a percentage. In the field of machine learning, there are standard ways of visualizing both the input dataset consisting of vectors in a high dimensional space, as well as targets and predicted outputs.
All images were collected by the UTSA SkyImager (UT Board of Regents, Austin, TX, USA) deployed on the rooftop of the ESIF building at the NREL in Golden, Colorado. This was part of the Department of Energy INTEGRATE project. Observations began in October 2015 and continued until May 2016. During this period of 147 days, there were 14 days of no data collected for technical reasons and 27 days of only partial data collection (omitted in our analysis), leaving 106 days of no missing data. These formed the inputs for training and testing the neural networks. The dataset containing 106 days yield observations (examples or rows) for input to the networks. With the standard 70%:30% split into training and testing subsets, examples were used for training and used for testing.
Each example represents an image taken at a particular time of a day, and includes the RGB normalized pixel values of a resized subimage centered about the sun. The resizing was necessary for dimensionality reduction and runtimes, but work is underway to rerun the software in a distributed environment with the subimages themselves. In addition, the average values of each of the three channels are included as additional features, giving a total of features. Finally, column-0 in the input data matrix is the measured GHI value at that time in .
A standard way of showing how well random variables
X and
Y are correlated is with a scatter diagram. Scatterplot matrices display pair-wise correlations between different features in the dataset, but, in the case of images with RGB pixel values, the number of features renders this approach less valuable than it is with the Boston housing dataset, for instance.
Figure 8 shows scatter diagrams of measured GHI versus predicted GHI for several different machine learning models: Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Random Forest (RF), Deep Learning (DL), and Gradient Boosted Trees (GBT). A quick inspection shows that, while all four models perform well with tight clustering around the line
(perfect correlation), there are differences. The DL and GBT models have fewer outliers and visually outperform the other two models, but a more quantitative assessment is needed.
It is important to note that the first two models, MLP and RF, were run on the Scikit-Learn platform while the results of the second two models, DL and GBT, are from Rapidminer. This was done intentionally for several reasons. First, to validate our results on different machine learning platforms, model results should depend on the algorithm used not the platform on which they are implemented. Scikit-Learn does not currently implement a deep learning model in their standard suite of ML models. While Rapidminer is very convenient to use on a PC, ultimately, our goal is to take the weights determined by the training process and use them in real time on a Raspberry Pi 3 computer (Raspberry Pi Foundation, Cambridge, UK) where the Scikit-Learn platform with its open source python interface should prove easy to use.
Table 4 gives detailed error metics, i.e. MAE, MAPE, nRMSE, and
R values, as well as the run times. Perhaps most significant is the explained variance—the
R value in the last column. It shows that both DL and GBT models achieve a value in the range of
, while MLP and RF have values which are
less. (A perfect correlation would have
R equal 1). The other error metrics track the
R values. The extra accuracy is bought at the expense of significantly longer run times in the case of deep learning, but the hybrid GBT model actually achieves the highest accuracy with a very fast runtime, 10 min faster than generic random forests.
In this case, a second approach to displaying and understanding our results is a time series, in which predicted or measured GHI values are plotted on the
y-axis as a function of time, plotted on the
x-axis. Zooming in on one day of data,
Figure 9 compares measured and predicted GHI for 3 October 2015. At this scale, there are differences mainly because this is an overcast day that makes prediction more difficult, but in overall trend the two curves track each other well.
More illuminating is a time series graph of measured versus predicted GHI for the entire testing dataset, as shown in
Figure 10. Once again, actual GHI is in blue and the forecast values are in red. Because the two curves track each other so closely, it is difficult at times to tell them apart. Both figures used the DL model to predict the target GHI values. In the middle of the graph, one can see a string of five consecutive clear sky days which are relatively easy to predict. In other places, overcast days are evident, and on moderately cloudy days the two curves differ most.
It is instructive to examine a detailed Rapidminer plot of the output for the GBT model.
Figure 11 displays the predicted GHI in W/m
as a function of time on the
x-axis for those days in the testing data. It is straightforward to determine clear sky days (see the six days in the middle of the plot), as well as moderately cloudy days with numerous ramp events. Decision trees were introduced earlier. They predict an outcome by “splitting” the input examples using multiple conditional statements, yielding a tree-like structure that allows for easy identification of the most important features. Ensembles of decision trees can suffer from high variance, however. The gradient boosting improves overall accuracy by building a network of trees using a feature importance statistic which indicates the most influential features—those which decrease MSE values most during splitting. There is no final decision tree and interpreting the results is not as straightforward as in the case of RF. As our results show, GBTs are competitive with deep learning accuracies on the GHI forecasting problem, with significantly smaller run times.
As mentioned, there are many parameters for each of the models that can be tuned to optimize accuracies and run times.
Table 5 shows for the DL model how changing the number of hidden layers and nodes in those layers, and varying the number of epochs (one complete pass through the entire training dataset) affects the results. Model 1 has two hidden layers with 50 nodes in each and uses only ten epochs to achieve
R = 0.815 with a run time of just under 2 min. Model 2 with two hidden layers (195, 195) and the same 10 epochs takes over three times as long and only improves the value of
R to 0.824. To get a value of 0.871, Model 3 (195, 195, 195) requires 500 epochs and almost 45 min to run, while Model 4 (195, 195, 97, 195, 195) takes over an hour to run on a desktop PC. A point of diminishing returns has been reached—probably with Model 2—and further improvements in accuracy would be achieved by using larger images or tuning other deep learning parameters.
4. Conclusions and Ongoing Research
The problem of predicting GHI 15 min ahead can be separated into several distinct sub-problems. (1) Acquiring a time-sequence all-sky images includes taking multiple images at different exposure times and fusing them to produce one raw image every 15 s. (2) This time sequence and an optical flow algorithm are used to move clouds 15 min ahead in time. For this step, full pixel images are necessary for accurately forecasting cloud locations. A future paper will address optical flow in detail, but several comments are in order. Clouds occur at multiple levels in the atmosphere with the standard METAR classification being low, middle, and high clouds. Our methodology, which focuses on cumulus clouds, is a first-order approximation. Refinements are possible, but must do not interfere with the system’s ability to produce predictions in real time. (3) Finally, using the predicted image, a forecast of GHI is produced. Ray-tracing was used in the original implementation to predict the presence of cloud shadows over the PV arrays. This problem is ill-posed, so small errors in shadow locations can potentially lead to large errors in GHI. Our current work demonstrates that, by extracting a pixel subimage from the circumsolar region of the 15 min ahead predicted image and applying machine learning, it is possible to accurately forecast GHI values. Training the networks offline can be expensive and we are looking at Tensorflow. However, once the optimal weights have been found, the calculation of one predicted GHI value is very fast—it just amounts to taking an inner product. The possible bottleneck is the optical flow calculation, which may necessitate incorporating a second single board computer such as an Odroid C2.
The results achieved above, R values of for the entire training dataset, are extremely good considering that resized subimages were used. Work is currently underway to train the networks with subimages, roughly the resolution of the MNIST (Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology database) pixel images of handwritten digits. Accuracies should improve significantly, at the cost of higher run times. Preliminary results are described in the following paragraphs. For image data, convolutional neural networks (CNN) offer significant advantages over the ones discussed here. CNN encode spatial information present in any image very effectively in much the same way that occurs in the mammalian visual cortex.
Recall that a pixel subimage with the sun centered in the middle was extracted from the original fused raw image captured by the Pi-camera. This subimage was then resized to pixel resolution using the transform.resize function from the Skimage Python module. This achieves the dimensionality reduction so important in machine learning with datasets that have a large number of samples each of which is a feature vector in a high-dimensional space. Several other techniques are possible including Principal Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis, but this has the advantage of simplicity. What happens if pixel resized images are used instead? With the increase in input file size and runtimes, there should be an increase in accuracies. In the following paragraphs, two case studies are presented that provide answers to these questions. In both studies, four machine learning models from the Scikit-Learn implementation were compared: Generalized Linear Regression Model (GLM), Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Random Forest Regressor (RFR), and Gradient Boosted Trees (GBT). Note that each study was run on a different laptop computer so the runtimes given below are for comparison purposes within a study.
In Case Study 1, two datasets were synthesized using ten days of NREL SkyImager data. The first dataset consisted of five “Moderately Cloudy” days, specifically 16–20 October 2015. The second dataset contained five “Clear Sky” days of data acquired on 10–14 November 2015. In all cases,
pixel resized images were used to train the neural networks.
Table 6 and
Figure 12 show the results of this case study. For both datasets, GLM and GBT have significantly shorter runtimes while MLP and RFR achieve better
values and accuracies, the latter being evident from the scatterplots as well. The best accuracies are achieved with the multi-layer perceptron model at the expense of much longer runtimes. Note the
values of all four models on the clear sky data: 0.97, 1.0, 1.0, and 0.99, respectively. This extreme accuracy in the explained variance indicates that the neural networks are “learning” the analytic form of the functional dependence of GHI on solar zenith angle in the Haurwitz model very well indeed.
An interesting question arises: How much additional accuracy is obtained by using the finer sampled resized images at the expense of larger data file sizes and longer runtimes? Statistical sampling and information theory would suggest that, at some point, a law of diminishing returns will occur. To answer this question, Case Study 2 involves only one day of moderately cloudy observations taken on 17 October 2015, and running the four machine learning models with resized images of
, and
pixel resolutions.
Table 7 and
Figure 13 show the results. First note that the size of the CSV data file used as input increases dramatically: 3, 111, and 442 MB, respectively. This strongly suggests a need for other input formats for the training and test data such as ubyte encoding or raw JPEGs, and ultimately the use of CNN. Runtimes also increase for all the models with MLP the most egregious: 139, 444, and 1309 s, respectively. Accuracies do improve, but only to a certain point. In passing from
, the
values go from 0.90, 0.95, 0.93, and 0.95, respectively, to 0.94, 0.99, 0.95, 0.97, respectively, but, in going to the
images, they level off and, in the case of RFR, they actually get slightly worse, going from
. This is confirmed by the scatterplots of Actual GHI versus Predicted GHI displayed in
Figure 13: while there is improvement in going from
(not displayed) to
, the graphs for the two finer resolutions are practically indistinguishable visually for all four of the machine learning models.
The most important outcome of this study is the critical fact that the Pi camera on the Sky-Imager can be used as a GHI measurement instrument as well as for recording all-sky images. While it lacks the accuracy of a pyrheliometer that may cost 100 times as much as the $30 Pi Noir camera, the image sequence is already there for forecasting ramps. Why not use it to estimate GHI in real time? This information could be combined with readings from a Hardkernel Weatherboard sensor to provide a wealth of information to a micro-grid management system via MQTT or DDS protocols.
Directions for longer range research are varied. All inputs and outputs that are treated as deterministic in this study should actually be considered as stochastic: all quantities are random variables. Distinct from stochastic gradient descent used in machine learning to avoid entrapment at a local minimum, this approach recognizes that, when noise is taken into account, one is solving an evolution problem in a space of probability measures [
30]. The use of various preconditioning strategies such as Sobolev inner products to smooth gradients could substantially enhance convergence. Finally, while the offline training is currently considered a one time proposition (that does depend heavily upon location and season), one can envision “continual learning” in which the networks use days and weeks of newly acquired data to “learn” how to refine the weights to achieve still better accuracies.