Optimized Dimensioning and Operation Automation for a Solar-Combi System for Indoor Space Heating. A Case Study for a School Building in Crete
:1. Introduction
1.1. Solar Radiation for Thermal Energy Production
1.2. Solar-Combi Systems
- solar collectors, as base units
- water thermal tanks, as storage units
- a central heating burner, as the back-up unit for guaranteed thermal power production
- an electronic central control unit, for the supervision and the management of the system’s operation
- the hydraulic network, consisting of pipelines, devices and equipment aiming to ensure the secure and effective circulation of the working fluid.
1.3. Content, Scope and Novelties of the Present Article
- calculation of the building’s heating loads
- dimensioning of the solar-combi system, consisting of flat plate solar collectors with selective coating, water thermal energy storage tanks and a biomass heater, aiming at 100% coverage of the building’s heating loads
- annual calculation of the thermal energy production and storage from the involved components of the solar-combi system
- optimization of the system’s dimensioning, using as criterion the minimisation of the average annual thermal energy production levelized cost (in €/kWhth). This cost is calculated as the ratio of the total average annual production cost (including regular annual operation & maintenance cost and the set-up cost annual amortization) versus the final thermal energy production by the solar-combi system. A detailed definition is provided in relationship (1), Section 3.1.
- (a)
- ensure that there will always be hot water available at the appropriate temperature inside a specific thermal tank, to undertake the current thermal power demand.
- (b)
- maximize the thermal energy storage from the solar collectors, even in cases it is provided in relatively low temperatures (e.g., during the very first hours, right after the dawn).
2. Heating Loads Calculation
2.1. Location, Background
- electricity: 23,351 kWh for indoor and outdoor spaces lighting and for offices and laboratories devices
- diesel oil: 4500 lt, exclusively for the indoor space heating.
- the replacement of the old, energy consuming bulbs with new ones with LED technology
- the introduction of roof fans for physical cooling at the end and the beginning of the academic season
- the replacement of the existing diesel oil heater with a new solar-combi system.
2.2. Climate Conditions—R.E.S. Potential
- the thermal losses rate from the solar collectors
- the heating and cooling loads of the indoor space.
- the thermal power production from the introduced solar collectors
- the heating and cooling loads of the indoor space.
2.3. Heating and Cooling Loads Calculation
- the thermal transition coefficients hi and ho for the indoor or the ambient space respectively to the envelope were set:
- -
- hi = 10 W/m2Κ and ho = 25 W/m2Κ for air flow over horizontal surfaces and for an average wind speed of 5 m/s
- -
- hi = 7.7 W/m2Κ and ho = 25 W/m2Κ for air flow next to vertical surfaces and for an average wind speed of 5 m/s
- the natural ventilation coefficient from the openings’ frames is set equal to 1
- thermal comfort conditions: temperature 22 °C in winter and 26 °C in summer, relative humidity 50%
- ventilation requirements: 26 m3/h & user [42]
- internal heat gains from humans, devices etc., as defined in the relevant Hellenic Directive on Buildings’ Energy Performance [42]
- the daily operation schedule and the average users number were provided by the building’s Management: Monday–Friday: 8:00–17:00, from the 10th of September to the 15th of June; from the 16th of June to the 10th of September school remains closed (only the offices operate for the remaining days of September and June).
- The annual final thermal energy consumed for heating and cooling is calculated at 32.4 MWh and 6.3 MWh, respectively.
- The total final specific thermal energy consumption per unit of conditioned space covered area (1046 m2) is calculated equal to 30.93 kWh/m2 for heating and 6.04 kWh/m2 for cooling.
- The total final thermal energy specific consumption for the conditioning of the indoor space is calculated at 36.97 kWh/m2.
- diesel oil heater: 0.80
- heating distribution hydraulic network: 0.88
- heating radiators: 0.92
- the above calculated diesel oil procurement cost
- an annual maintenance cost of 200 €
- the annual amortization of the invested capital assumed at 5000 € over a period of 20 years
3. The Introduced Solar-Combi System
3.1. Scope
- The high available solar radiation in the under consideration area and the availability of potentially abundant biomass fuel, mainly coming from the olive trees pruning.
- Greece holds the third place in Europe regarding the installation of solar collectors per capita, so far mainly for hot water production. This achievement has already enabled the development of a considerable domestic industry on the manufacturing of solar collectors. Additionally, the exploitation of the annually available huge amounts of pruning coming from the olive trees for the production of local biomass pellets can trigger the development of another significant local industry sector, contributing to the enforcement of the local economy.
- The installation of a solar-combi system in a school building can act as a pilot project, fostering the transition from the oil-based heating systems to the solar heating systems.
- This system can guarantee 100% coverage of the building’s heating needs with locally available Renewable Energy Sources (solar radiation and biomass), substituting the currently imported oil and contributing, thus, further to the support of the local economy.
- L.C.: the annually average, thermal energy production levelized cost (in €/kWhth)
- I.C.: the initial cost (set-up cost) of the solar-combi system (in €)
- A.O.C.: the total annual operation and maintenance cost (in €/year)
- i: the discount rate, assumed equal to 3%
- N: the total life period of the solar-combi system, assumed equal to 20 years
- n: the number of the current year of the system’s operation
- Eth: the annual thermal energy production of the solar-combi system (kWhth).
3.2. Operation Algorithm—Realization
- The biomass fuel will be automatically fed from the indoor fuel tank into the burner through a duct, operated by a conveyor, run by an electric motor.
- The burner will be equipped with an automatic ignition system with a blower, managed directly by the central control unit of the solar-combi system.
- The removal of the combustion residue should be facilitated with a specially designed system. Specifically, the residue will be collected to a removable bottom drawer. By removing this drawer, all the collected residue will be removed.
- To minimize any potential environmental impacts, the burner’s chimney will be equipped with a cyclonic filter.
- receives signals from the thermometers TR, T0, T1low, T1up, T2low, T2up, T3low, T3up, from the lower and the upper layers of the thermal storage tanks, where TR the temperature signal of the indoor space thermostat (or thermostats, in case more than one thermal zones of conditioned space with different required thermal comfort conditions are introduced)
- sends orders to the motor-vanes V1, V2 and V3 and to the circulators C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5.
- the maintenance of the temperature inside the thermal tank 1 as high as possible, in order to minimize the biomass heater operation
- the maximization of the thermal energy storage from the solar collectors, even in cases this is available in relatively low temperatures.
- if TR < TTC then C5 = ON
- if T0 > T1low then: C1 = OΝ, V1 = open, V2 = close, V3 = close
- if T0 < T1low and T0 > T2low then: C1 = OΝ, V1 = close, V2 = open, V3 = close
- if T0 < T1low and T0 < T2low and T0 > T3low then: C1 = OFF, V1 = close, V2 = close, V3 = open
- if T2up > T1low then: C2 = OΝ
- if T3up > T2low then: C3 = OΝ
- if T1up < 70 °C then: C4 = OΝ.
3.3. Simulation Methodology
- The simulation is executed on hourly, average calculation time steps.
- For every hourly calculation step, the thermal power production Psc from the solar collectors’ field is provided from the corresponding time series developed with TRNSYS.
- If Ptd is the thermal power demand, then the direct thermal power production penetration Psp from the solar collectors’ field to the thermal power demand coverage is simply calculated as:
- if Ptd ≥ Psc then Psp = Psc;
- if Ptd < Psc then Psp = Ptd.
- The thermal power storage Psta from the solar collectors will in any case be:
- Psta = Psc − Psp.
- The remaining thermal power demand Ptdr, after the direst penetration from the solar collectors will be:
- Ptdr = Ptd − Psp.
- The remaining thermal energy demand and the total thermal energy storage from the solar collectors are calculated for every 24-h period, by integrating the corresponding 24-h thermal power time series.
- For the current 24-h period, the thermal power demand coverage from the stored thermal energy from the previous 24-h period is calculated. Any possible remaining stored power will be utilized for the next 24-h period (this mainly happens during the late autumn or the early spring period).
- Finally, any remaining thermal power demand, after the exploitation of the stored thermal power will be covered by the biomass heater. This thermal energy is also calculated on a 24-h basis.
- Given the above approach, the dimensioning of the required thermal storage tank is imposed by the maximum required thermal energy storage from the solar collectors for a 24-h period during the year.
- For each different dimensioning scenario, regarding the required thermal storage capacity and the solar collectors total number, the annual time series of mean hourly or daily values are calculated for the:
- -
- initial thermal power production from the total solar collectors’ field
- -
- the solar collectors’ direct thermal power penetration for the indoor space heating loads coverage
- -
- the thermal power storage from the solar collectors
- -
- the thermal power production from the biomass heater.
- Annual statistics for the thermal energy produced and stored from the solar collectors and the biomass heater are eventually calculated by integrating the above mentioned developed corresponding annual time series.
3.4. Results
- The annual contribution of the solar collectors to the thermal energy demand coverage ranges from 38% to 50%, for the different investigating scenarios, versus the total installed solar collectors’ surface. The remaining thermal energy demand is covered with the biomass heater.
- Percentage 27–28% of the total thermal energy contribution from the solar collectors comes from direct penetration and the rest percentage comes from the utilization of the stored thermal energy.
- The annual thermal energy surplus from the solar collectors is relatively lowly restricted, namely from 27% to 30%. This verifies the appropriate dimensioning of the required thermal storage tanks. On the other hand, this low annual thermal energy surplus is sensible and should be expected, given the fact that:
- -
- the simulation refers to the winter period, during which the available solar radiation is relatively low
- -
- at the same period, there is a considerable heating load of a school building with covered area of indoor conditioned spaces higher than 1000 m2, supposed to be covered by this particular solar collectors’ field.
- biomass heater and accessories procurement—installation cost: 30,150 €
- solar collector with selective coating procurement cost: 220 €
- water thermal storage tank of 5000 lt capacity procurement cost: 10,000 €
- remaining hydraulic and electronic equipment procurement and installation cost: 8000 €
- biomass pellets procurement price (in Crete): 350 €/tn
- the annual average maintenance and operation cost is configured by the consumed biomass pellets procurement cost and the biomass heater annual maintenance cost, set, on average, equal to 200 €.
- After the weekends, the stored thermal energy in the thermal storage tanks undertakes most of the thermal power demand for the first days of the new week.
- While approaching the last days of March or during the last days of October, the thermal power direct penetration of the solar collectors and the contribution of the thermal storage tanks undertakes all the heating loads. The biomass heater contribution during these periods is negligible.
- The specific school building has a limited operation period for roughly 8–10 h per day and for five days per week. Additionally, the existing thermal energy needs in the building refer only to the indoor space heating loads, appeared only for six months per year.
- No other thermal energy needs, apart from the indoor space heating, are present due to the lack of additional facilities, e.g., gyms accompanied with changing rooms and showers, swimming pools, dormitories etc.
- The economic feasibility of the same system in another type of building at the same geographical location (e.g., a residence or a sports hall with extensive hot water needs) is expected much higher. In this case, the annual average thermal energy production cost should be also expected much lower than the calculated figures in this article.
- However, the specific project has a strong demonstrative aspect, given the daily use of the school building from students, namely from people with their educational background still under cultivation. The proposed system, along with the rest energy saving measures proposed in the frame of the building’s energy performance upgrade, aim to contribute, apart from the obvious energy saving target, to the cultivation of the rational energy use culture for the building’s users and visitors.
- Finally, since the project was 100% funded by a national—E.U. co-funding call, the economic feasibility of the proposed system was not the crucial decision and design parameter.
3.5. Practical Issues—Drawbacks
- For six months per year, namely from mid-April to mid-October, the system will remain inoperative, due to the lack of any heating loads in the building, or any other thermal energy needs, as mentioned in the previous section. Due to this fact, in order to avoid over heating of the water in the thermal storage tanks, the solar collectors’ transparent glazing should be covered with opaque textiles.
- A regular cleaning process for the solar collectors’ glazing should be regularly applied, indicatively once a year, most probably at the beginning of the heating season.
- A regular cleaning of the biomass heater (removal of the combustion residue) should be also regularly performed, indicatively once a week. This is, objectively, the most demanding required task.
4. Conclusions
- Firstly, there is considerable solar radiation available in the particular geographical location even during winter, a crucial issue for the maximisation of the building’s heating loads coverage from solar collectors.
- Secondly, another important parameter, perhaps not so obvious, is the intermittent operation of the school building. This operational feature has a considerable contribution to the achievement of high coverage percentages of the building’s heating loads from the solar collectors. Specifically, the lack of heating loads after the end of the school’s daily operation schedule, on the one hand contributes to the reduction of the building’s heating loads (no heating loads are considered during non-operational time periods), while, on the other hand, given the appropriate sizing of the thermal storage tanks, the thermal energy stored during non-operational periods, especially during the weekends, is utilized for the coverage of the forthcoming heating loads. In this way, the potential for high solar collectors’ penetration to the annual thermal energy demand coverage is remarkably increased.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Floor | Thermal Zone 1 (Conditioned Spaces) | Thermal Zone 2 (Non-Conditioned Spaces) | ||
Area (m2) | Volume (m3) | Area (m2) | Volume (m3) | |
Basement | 31 | 108 | 368 | 1282 |
Ground floor | 633 | 2216 | 347 | 1215 |
First floor | 382 | 1337 | 133 | 471 |
Total | 1046 | 3661 | 848 | 2968 |
Constructive Element | Description | U-Factor (W/m2K) |
Basement ground | marble-lime plaster-insulation layer-water sealing sheet-reinforced concrete plate | 0.985 |
Floors’ ground | marble-lime plaster-reinforced concrete plate-plaster-paint coating | 2.985 |
Roof | concrete plates-lime plaster-elastic asphalted cardboard-insulation layer-reinforced concrete plate-plaster-paint coating | 1.050 |
Vertical external walls | paint coating-plaster-bricks-expanded polystyrene-bricks-plaster-paint coating | 1.055 |
Internal vertical walls | paint coating-plaster-bricks-plaster-paint coating | 2.125 |
Windows—Doors | aluminum frame, with no thermal brake, double 4 mm glazing with 6 mm gap, no reflective coating | 2.70 |
Months | Monthly Total Thermal Loads (kWh) | Monthly Peak Loads (kW) | ||
Heating | Cooling | Heating | Cooling | |
January | 8243 | 23 | 240.94 | 1.66 |
February | 7026 | 60 | 219.70 | 2.65 |
March | 5946 | 160 | 198.86 | 3.40 |
April | 841 | 409 | 128.36 | 60.14 |
May | 0 | 1546 | 80.08 | 80.98 |
June | 0 | 1820 | 5.93 | 76.64 |
July | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
August | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
September | 0 | 1656 | 3.51 | 80.48 |
October | 422 | 622 | 81.06 | 61.71 |
November | 3316 | 6 | 158.11 | 0.95 |
December | 6561 | 11 | 214.88 | 1.29 |
Totals/max | 32,356 | 6314 | 240.94 | 80.98 |
Total heating and cooling | 35,670 | - | - | |
Totals specific | 30.93 | 6.04 | - | - |
Number of Solar Collectors | 36 | 40 | 44 | 48 | 52 |
Solar collectors total surface (m2) | 82.8 | 92 | 101.2 | 110.4 | 119.6 |
Solar collectors production from 15/10—15/4 | 17,072 | 18,774 | 20,480 | 22,097 | 23,801 |
Solar collectors direct thermal energy penetration | 4711 | 5093 | 5448 | 5803 | 6157 |
Solar collectors thermal energy available for storage | 12,361 | 13,680 | 15,031 | 16,294 | 17,644 |
Solar collectors thermal energy eventually stored | 7677 | 8354 | 9068 | 9721 | 10,292 |
Biomass heat thermal energy production | 19,968 | 18,909 | 17,840 | 16,833 | 15,907 |
Total thermal energy production | 32,356 | 32,356 | 32,356 | 32,356 | 32,356 |
Required thermal storage capacity (kWhth) | 198.98 | 220.25 | 241.81 | 262.76 | 283.82 |
Required water tanks capacity (kg) | 11,370 | 12,586 | 13,818 | 15,015 | 16,219 |
Solar collectors’ annual percentage coverage (%) | 38.29 | 41.56 | 44.86 | 47.98 | 50.84 |
Solar collectors’ thermal energy annual percentage surplus (%) | 27.43 | 28.37 | 29.12 | 29.75 | 30.89 |
Cost Component | Investigating Scenario (Number of Solar Collectors/Thermal Tanks) | |||||
36/3 | 40/3 | 44/3 | 48/3 | 52/4 | 52/3 | |
Biomass heater cost (€) | 30,150 | 30,150 | 30,150 | 30,150 | 30,150 | 30,150 |
Solar collectors cost (€) | 7920 | 8800 | 9680 | 10,560 | 11,440 | 11,440 |
Thermal storage tanks cost (€) | 30,000 | 30,000 | 30,000 | 30,000 | 40,000 | 30,000 |
Rest equipment cost (€) | 8000 | 8000 | 8000 | 8000 | 8000 | 8000 |
Total set-up cost (€) | 76,070 | 76,950 | 77,830 | 78,710 | 89,590 | 79,590 |
Biomass pellets annual consumption (tn) | 3.840 | 3.636 | 3.431 | 3.237 | 3.059 | 3.096 |
Average annual maintenance and operation cost (€) | 1200 | 1147 | 1093 | 1043 | 996 | 1006 |
Thermal energy production levelized cost (€/kWhth) | 0.1546 | 0.1544 | 0.1541 | 0.1539 | 0.1692 | 0.1541 |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Katsaprakakis, D.A.; Zidianakis, G. Optimized Dimensioning and Operation Automation for a Solar-Combi System for Indoor Space Heating. A Case Study for a School Building in Crete. Energies 2019, 12, 177. https://doi.org/10.3390/en12010177
Katsaprakakis DA, Zidianakis G. Optimized Dimensioning and Operation Automation for a Solar-Combi System for Indoor Space Heating. A Case Study for a School Building in Crete. Energies. 2019; 12(1):177. https://doi.org/10.3390/en12010177
Chicago/Turabian StyleKatsaprakakis, Dimitris Al., and Georgios Zidianakis. 2019. "Optimized Dimensioning and Operation Automation for a Solar-Combi System for Indoor Space Heating. A Case Study for a School Building in Crete" Energies 12, no. 1: 177. https://doi.org/10.3390/en12010177
APA StyleKatsaprakakis, D. A., & Zidianakis, G. (2019). Optimized Dimensioning and Operation Automation for a Solar-Combi System for Indoor Space Heating. A Case Study for a School Building in Crete. Energies, 12(1), 177. https://doi.org/10.3390/en12010177