1. Introduction
Climate change has pushed the electricity grid in an evolution towards smart grids by including distributed energy resources (DERs) and the Internet of Things (IoT) [
1]. At the same time, the increase in electricity consumption is directly related to a significant contribution of the electricity supply to the carbon footprint, since CO
2 emissions in the power sector increased by 2.5% as a result of a 4% rise in the global energy demand (GED) [
2]. Renewable energy sources (RESs) are helping the energy transition by increasing their share in the energy mix. As stated by Pleßmann et al. in [
3], a transition from a conventional to a renewables-based power supply system is possible for the EU, even considering nuclear power phase-out. Despite this, the variability of these resources requires flexibility in the energy system. The goal is to decarbonize the electricity sector, reducing the power system’s environmental impact by shifting the consumption to those time periods where electricity from renewable sources is produced. This is currently being implemented with the integration of energy storage systems, the activation of demand response (DR) mechanisms, and the development of flexibility markets [
5]. Demand-side management (DSM) activities can be key for energy strategy and policy development. Nilsson et al. [
6] proposed an interdisciplinary framework to evaluate demand response based on price and environmental signals. Gerbaulet et al. [
7] proved that the integration of storage and DSM, as well as other mechanisms, could lead to a decarbonization of the entire energy sector by 2050. This is also supported by Child [
8], considering also the integration of flexibility services and interconnections. All energy agents can benefit from flexibility services, as defined in [
9], where distribution system operators (DSOs), balance responsible parties (BRPs), and prosumers are the main stakeholders of the flexibility platform.
This shift in the energy mix entails an environmental burden, requiring an analysis of the resources used during daily high-demand time periods, as well as their effects on the environment. Traditionally, peak hours (PH) were covered by using conventional sources such as coal or natural gas, since renewable sources had a low capacity factor [
10]. Policies in terms of energy planning and grid expansion attempt to tackle climate change by restricting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the electricity sector, since GHG emissions are closely linked to the production and use of energy [
11]. However, each national electricity mix has unique characteristics based on the resources located inside the borders as well as geo-political conditions, and this must also be considered when defining energy policies [
GHG emissions accounted by the electricity sector are calculated based on techniques that include absolute carbon emissions and average carbon intensity, as stated by Khan in [
18]. This was the case in [
19], which assessed the Belgian low-voltage electricity mix using life cycle assessment (LCA) approaches, resulting in average environmental impacts, to check the quality of the datasets from the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E). Additionally, ecoinvent 3.1. Average CO
2 emissions were also developed in [
21]. However, these studies did not analyze the temporal variability of CO
2 based on the resources used to cover the national demand when the demand reaches maximum values. On the contrary, the absolute emissions approach quantifies the total amount of CO
2; it is usually used in national and international studies for tracking changes in emissions, comparing scenarios and developing GHG regulation [
25]. However, these approaches are not useful for accounting the electricity produced with the temporal variation of resources (and hence, emissions).
Earlier studies considered the time-varying dependence of electricity production to assess the potential environmental impacts. The hourly life cycle footprint of electricity generation in Belgium using LCA was first assessed by Messagie et al. in [
26]. However, they calculated the average carbon emissions for each specific month, and hence peak hours resources could not be evaluated. Nilsson et al. [
27] analyzed the change in residential electricity consumption through the possibility for the final customer to visualize the electricity prices in real-time. A similar path was followed by Cubi et al. [
28] in Canada, assessing the building environmental impacts related to the variability of the resources used during the day-time. Khan et al. [
29] approached the electricity mix environmental impacts with an analysis in which peak hours and off-peak hours were compared, leading to useful results for policy makers regarding Bangladesh’s grid. This method was followed by Khan et al. in [
30] to evaluate GHG emissions in New Zealand. The hourly-defined life cycle assessment (HD-LCA) approach was put forth in [
31], with the enhancement that the hourly electricity supply was environmentally evaluated. As a result, electric vehicle (EV) charging processes could be scheduled according to the time variability of GHG emissions. In [
32], Rangaraju et al. emphasized the importance of considering the temporal resolution of EV charging in LCA, by combining the electricity mix time variability and charging time frames. The geographical and temporal variation of marginal electricity generation can affect the environmental impacts of an energy system, as well as policy decisions, as stated by Olkkonen and Syri in [
33]. In addition, the time-varying nature of marginal electricity generation sources should be taken into account for relevant LCA models.
All the previously mentioned works studied how to assess the environmental impacts of electricity systems, but none assessed peak hours for flexibility objectives, considering peak hours as the most expensive and resource-intensive time periods. Furthermore, none of them used hourly attributional LCA in which the time variability is considered, nor did they compare this methodology to traditional LCA and yearly average values. There is a knowledge gap in the environmental assessment of peak hours’ electricity generation, and more specifically in using LCA approaches for analyzing the flexibility potential of electricity production. The contribution of this paper is the definition of a general methodology for the environmental impact assessment of peak-hourly electricity generation by means of attributional LCA, using statistical data of electricity generation. Additionally, this methodology was implemented in an evaluation of five different countries through the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform and GaBi® Software database, leading to peak-hourly national carbon intensity curves and share of resources. The results and discussion of this analysis can provide some guidance to energy policy makers as well as energy services companies (ESCOs) and aggregators in taking decisions on how flexibility and DR strategies should be designed, quantified, and rewarded, considering not only economic savings but also CO2 cuts.
The paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 defines the peak-hourly LCA methodology developed in this work, and justifies why LCA can be a good approach for the environmental assessment of electricity production including time variability.
Section 3 describes each pilot site under the H2020 INVADE Project and develops the environmental impact assessment for each of them, which are later discussed in
Section 4. Finally, from the results obtained, conclusions are drawn in
Section 5.
2. LCA Applied on Electricity Production
There are different approaches to assessing the environmental impact of electricity production. As stated by Khan in [
34], six different methodologies have been used in the literature for electricity generation systems. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is one of the most established methods, and is widely used for comparing different generation technologies. The aim of LCA is to assess the potential environmental impacts of a product or system throughout its entire life cycle, by providing both absolute and average values of the environmental impact. That means that LCA can also be used to assess the time-variability of resources in electricity mixes, and is suitable for evaluating the environmental impact of peak hours electricity production. García et al. studied the possible changes in the Spanish electricity production mix to assess and guarantee the European Commission Directives accomplishments and CO
2 cuts [
35]. Consequential LCA was used by Lund et al. [
36] to set a business as usual (BAU) projection of the Danish energy system, focusing on the marginal production unit with particular attention to day–night and summer–winter variations. Jones et al. used the same approach combined with a net energy analysis to describe the future environmental outcomes of distributed electricity production in the United Kingdom [
20]. Thomson et al. analyzed [
37] the GHG emissions displacement provided by wind power in the marginal generation of Great Britain, considering the uncertainty of the production. Howard et al. [
38] developed an LCA model to calculate the GHG emissions considering a timeline from 2011 projected until 2025, considering the grid operation, the integration of wind turbines, and power plants’ addition and dismantling. Garcia et al. [
39] described the average electricity grid mix in Portugal looking at seven different impact indicators. The same authors improved their study by looking at GHG emissions implications for EVs, including time constraints regarding electricity peaks of production [
The common point of the previously cited papers is that the LCAs of electricity grid mixes account for the yearly average electricity production of a certain country. To understand the environmental impacts related to the resources used during peak hours, a time-varying approach should be implemented, as highlighted by Curran et al. in [
41]. According to methodological reviews of LCA electricity mixes [
43], the difference between average yearly and shorter time periods could be significant, especially when there is a consistent difference in the strategy used to cover peak hours in comparison with the base load. At the same time, the electricity demand changes depending on seasons, weather, and resources availability, and consequently the mixes used during base load and peak hours can differ significantly.
Consideration of the time dependency of GHG emissions due to electricity production is the novelty proposed by this paper in comparison to previous literature [
44]. To the best of our knowledge, there is no such analysis regarding the electricity production in Bulgaria, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, or Spain. In this study, the most complete data were analyzed, including the entire year 2018. Because demand response and flexibility are two main important topics regarding electricity production, this study aimed to improve upon the knowledge about the resources used during peak time periods, and to investigate possible alternatives.
2.1. Peak-Hourly Life Cycle Assessment (PH-LCA) Methodology
There are four different stages in an LCA model, according to [
46]: (i) goal and scope definition; (ii) life cycle inventory (LCI); (iii) life cycle impact assessment (LCIA); and (iv) interpretation. LCA is an iterative process, being all the steps interconnected, as shown in
Figure 1.
Section 2.2 defines the goal and scope for this study. The life cycle inventory and life cycle impact assessment are developed in
Section 2.3 and
Section 3.3, respectively. Finally, the interpretation is developed in
Section 4.
2.2. Goal and Scope
The goal and scope definition of an LCA provides the intended application of the analysis, describes the product system boundaries, and defines the functional unit [
47], determining and guiding the choices to be made in other stages of the analysis.
Table 1 defines the goal and scope for this study. In this article, the attributional LCA approach was applied for peak hours, developing a new LCA methodology named peak-hourly life cycle assessment (PH-LCA). As a result of this study, comparison between the environmental impacts of average and peak-hours electricity produced in an entire year can be analyzed.
The functional unit for the environmental impact assessment is defined as one kWh of electricity produced and delivered to the grid, which is in line with previous studies of the environmental impacts of electricity generation [
30]. The impact category chosen for the assessment was global warming potential (GWP), using the CML 2015 life cycle impact assessment method [
2.2.1. System Boundaries
The system boundaries limit the LCA framework by defining the resource inputs and the emissions outputs of the system, excluding those that are out of the LCA’s scope. The included limitations should derive from the available hourly data from the statistical source used for the analysis (in this research, the ENTSO-E TP). Soimakallio et al. [
42] describe the challenges of performing an LCA about electricity mixes, suggesting the main factors and variables to consider as system boundaries. Elements such as grid losses, electricity import/export, power plant consumption, and environmental impact allocation procedures are described in the following subsections.
Grid Losses
Specifically in this LCA, the background system includes all the previous steps of the final electricity production process, like the extraction of the fuel, its refinement, and its transportation to the power plant. The foreground system is related to the effective production of 1 kWh inside the power plant. For the background system, the software tool dataset used for this research includes imported electricity from neighboring countries and transmission/distribution losses (e.g., the electricity mix of the country which exports the fuel, the losses in transportation, etc.). However, the foreground system does not include the same values, meaning that it does not contain the exports of the produced electricity in other countries, the imports of electricity from bordering nations, or the grid losses to distribute the produced electricity [
49]. According to [
42], the difficulties in how grid losses should be allocated between high-, medium-, and low-voltage consumers make the process excessively complicated for the losses contribution in the final results, especially in terms of GHG emissions. This is why grid losses (distribution, transmission) of the targeted countries are not considered in this model. Contrariwise, transformation losses are part of the model because these values can estimated through the efficiency of the power plants.
Another subject of discussion is the amounts of imported and exported electricity from neighboring countries, as mentioned in the previous subsection. In ENTSO-E TP, the classification named
Actual Generation per Production Type includes the natural resources used for the electricity production, and refers to the amount of fuels utilized including the import of these substances from other countries. However, it does not include the already-produced electricity imports between bordering countries. These data are integrated in a different class in the ENTSO-E TP platform, as
cross-border physical flows, which is not taken into account in this study. In fact, incorporating electricity imports and exports in a national grid mix could lead to inaccuracy and imprecision when dealing with GWP calculations, because it is not possible to know from which power plants the electricity comes from. As a result, the analysis of Nillson et al. in [
27], which contains Swedish electricity imports, could include minor defects compared to a baseline where exchanges are not considered. Considering only the geographical borders avoids any possible misconception, as was also done by Khan [
29]. Cubi et al. [
28] do not specify if imports and exports were counted, and Khan et al. [
30] did not include them. Furthermore, in a recent paper by Moro et al. [
44], four out of five targeted countries of this study (Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands) had a very low carbon intensity variation of the electricity production after trading with other countries (−2%, +2%, −6%, and −1% respectively).
Power Plants’ Consumption
Regarding the electricity consumption of power plants themselves, these values were taken from the official statistics of the IEA (International Energy Agency) through the LCA software tool, and so they were included in the model [
49]. Specifically, the power consumed in pumping the water in hydro pumped storage (PHS) power plants was considered when data from TP were available. The sources of electricity for the pumps were assessed according to the average national electricity mix presented in this study.
Combined Heat and Power Plant Emission Allocation Procedures
Finding the suitable allocation factor can sometimes be problematic, and can have a significant impact on the LCA results. According to [
45], allocation should be avoided whenever possible. Combined heat and power plants (CHP) produce two outputs, and so it is necessary to allocate the environmental impacts of just the electricity production. LCA software tools present a database for every resource used in CHP power plants, such as natural gas, biogas, heavy fuel oil, hard coal, lignite, and biomass. In the used database, there are data regarding the share of electricity, the overall efficiency, and the share of electricity to thermal energy within a CHP plant. According to the description of the dataset, for the CHP production, allocation by exergetic content is considered. Whenever there seemed to be a lack of data regarding the amount of produced heat or the efficiency of CHP plants in a country’s database, the research found that this was due to the low percentage of produced heat relative to the total energy originated, which was rounded down to 0.0 since it is usually only about 0.01 [
49]. Therefore, the allocation of CHP plants was considered as a part of the analysis only when data were available (Bulgaria, Germany, and The Netherlands).
2.3. Life Cycle Inventory (LCI)
LCI can be understood as a model of the product system which fulfills a function that is quantified in the functional unit. It requires hypothesis definition, data collection, and data modeling, resulting in an inventory table with all the environmental interventions. The objective of the LCI is to quantify the resources used and the emissions and waste per functional unit [
47]. Traditional LCA approaches quantify the resources, emissions, and wastes on average per functional unit. However, when the aim is to quantify the environmental impacts on peak hours to develop flexibility services, this approach is not enough. The time variability of the electricity production is a fundamental issue to consider in order to correctly assess the GWP during different time slots. To achieve that objective, a new methodology named peak-hourly LCA is defined in
Figure 2, and it is compared to the traditional approach of LCA for electricity production.
The methodology followed for this study is based on the identification of electricity production peak hours for every day of the year, compared to the base load. Every single peak hour, extracted from a statistical source, was analyzed to define the resources used to meet the greatest electricity demand of the day. The electricity mix was normalized into the functional unit of 1 kWh. Then, the resultant GHG emissions, and therefore the GWP impact indicator values, were calculated. To compare the obtained results for peak-hours to average values, the traditional LCA approach was also implemented. In this case, all the hours of the year 2018 were considered. Accordingly, peak hours GWP values were compared with the average, resulting in monthly results to highlight the seasonal variations.
The scope of this comparison is based on individuating the differences in the use of various resources to meet the electricity demand in different time frames. A similar approach is followed in [
30], but the results are presented in order to show the link between electricity demand and carbon intensity and not to compare peak hour values with a fixed average. In [
27], the aim is to determine the hourly time slot where the highest CO
2 intensity takes place throughout the year. This approach may hide the seasonality between summer and winter, since the peak hour time slot differs from season to season. In this paper, the hourly analysis enhances the differentiation of GHG emissions from peak hours and off-peak hours.
This paper bases its results on the data extracted from the Transparency Platform (TP) of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), as well as the GaBi® Software database. The software allows the carbon intensity of every source to be assessed, considering the electricity produced as input. The related database is essential to differentiate the impact of each technology in different nations, having variable country-based data in which the same power plant can have different emission factors according to the country in which it is based.
The ENTSO-E TP database is based on hourly time periods. Hence, it is possible to determine the time slots where peak consumption takes place. A critical review of the ENTSO-E TP from 2018 in [
50] points out a number of simplifications, but at the same time the review highlights that it is the single most important data source for European researchers. For this study the consistency of the data is guaranteed, supported by the fact they were compared, when possible, with the statistics from each national Transmission System Operator (TSO). As a result, the most complete and available data were used for the analysis, referring to the entire year 2018.
The databases available for the development of electricity grid mixes analysis have limitations that hinder the accurate development of the model. For this reason, certain assumptions and hypotheses were considered. Even if from the ENTSO-E TP, the data for hydro production are divided into categories such as hydro pumped storage, hydro run-of-river and poundage, and hydro water reservoir; these were all merged together in this work. The reference value for hydro power plants is the carbon intensity provided by the database, which makes a mean between the different types of hydro technologies. The same procedure was used to calculate the environmental impacts of wind power production, grouping onshore and offshore wind only for Germany and the Netherlands (the two countries which have both technologies). ENTSO-E shows data including solar thermal and solar photovoltaic electricity in the same box (i.e., Solar), without any distinction. Thus, the model was developed incorporating the data in the Electricity from photovoltaics GaBi® Software model.
2.4. Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA)
Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) yields indicators that evaluate the product life cycle on a functional unit basis, considering one or several impact categories. For the purpose of this study, the impact category used to assess the potential environmental impact of the electricity production was the global warming potential, measured in kg CO
Section 3 provides the results of the LCIA stage.
4. Discussion
The effects of temporal variability on GWP values confirmed their importance in this study. Impact indicators can differ substantially depending on the amount of power produced, the season, and the resources used throughout the year. The expectation to obtain higher GWP values during peak hours in comparison with the annual average value was not completely confirmed here. In fact, many factors can cause variations in the GWP during different periods, such as the marginal technology used in peak hours and the baseline technology, which can make a difference in the overall GWP value. For this reason, it is important to consider not only economic savings but also environmental aspects when defining DR and flexibility strategies.
During low-demand times (e.g., night hours), the power requested is lower than during peak hours, and consequently it is logical that the GWP value should be lower than the average, because less resources are used to produce the electricity. In contrast, it should be noted that the comparison was always made taking into account the functional unit equal to 1 kWh. Hence, the time slots were not compared with their absolute production values but with relative ones, normalized to 1 kWh. For example, an hour with a power generation of 2000 MW can have a higher GWP value than a 5000 MW one, since it depends on the resources used to meet the demand. In summary, GWP is usually higher not because more electricity is produced, but because more fossil fuels are used to reach the maximum production.
Table 9 summarizes the results obtained with the traditional LCA and PH-LCA approaches in each specific country. Countries with a consistent share of flexible hydropower in their capacity portfolio such as Bulgaria, Norway and Spain mainly used this resource to meet the peak hours demand because of its rapidity in producing electricity and its low marginal cost. As a result, lower GWP figures were obtained compared to the yearly average. During the months in which the GWP was higher than the comparable value, it was demonstrated that the more conventional power plants were powered to reach the demand during the spikes of production, because of nationwide lacks in rainfall and water shortages.
Germany and the Netherlands mainly had their peak hours production during times in which wind and/or solar power were efficiently running, also leading to lower GWP values. Particularly in Germany, the good alternation of sunny and windy days, the first ones during the summer months and the second ones during winter, were advantageous for the national electricity grid. Regarding the Netherlands, the almost constant usage of natural gas to match the national electricity request throughout the year did not lead to substantial changes in the monthly GWP values. In addition, countries which do not have the geographical morphology to host PHS plants could investigate the potential of centralized and distributed energy storage to shave the generation electricity curve and provide flexibility to the electricity grid.
The results of this study show that by considering the environmental impact of electricity generation, flexible resources such as EVs, water boilers, or batteries can be scheduled according to carbon intensity, reducing their environmental impacts, which is in line with the findings of Baumann et al. [
31]. At present, DR strategies and flexibility services are implemented following price signals, for the purpose of achieving economic savings for the end-user. However, if decarbonization is the main objective of these initiatives, flexibility potential should be environmentally assessed. By implementing peak-shaving or load-shifting strategies from peak hours to off-peak hours, the flexibility potential can be quantified in CO
2 savings, using the maximum peak-hourly GWP value and the average GWP for the same functional unit. According to
Table 9, the flexibility potential was around 16% in Bulgaria and Norway, greater than 5% in Germany and The Netherlands, and 21.3% in Spain, being the country with the maximum flexibility potential.
The stability of the EU energy sector can be confirmed by looking at the general degrowth in the electricity prices according to the latest report of the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) [
54]. This trend has caused a reduction in electricity generation peaks and valleys. Nevertheless, the authors do not think that this would be an obstacle for the exploitation of large-scale batteries and other storage systems (e.g., PHS). On the other hand, the current EU Emissions Trading System does not lead to higher prices for fossil power plant owners [
55], which is why gas turbines are still a competitive and trusted choice to cover the peak demand in some countries.
The presented study is replicable in other countries, following the same methodology and using statistical data sources from electricity generation. The only obstacle may be the lack of hourly data regarding the national electricity generation and missing data about the different power plants, especially their carbon intensity per kWh produced. Life cycle inventory data sourcing has been complex since ENTSO-E is the only platform available for collecting data from national grid mixes on an hourly basis. Besides, the aggregation between data coming from ENTSO-E and data from the GaBi® Software professional database could add uncertainty to these results, adding limitations to the study. Furthermore, the traditional LCA approach was implemented in order to compare the environmental impact of peak hours’ electricity production with the general trend, obtaining a yearly average GHG value. Other methodologies using monthly, daily, or off-peak comparisons could be further developed in the next steps of this analysis in order to maximize the flexibility potential accuracy in optimization models.
Regarding the methodology, prior literature review states that time-varying environmental assessment and LCA approaches are the methods that should be considered when assessing the GHG emissions from the electricity sector [
34], aligned with the methodology presented in this publication. However, uncertainties in LCA initiatives may affect strategic plans and government policies, as stated by [
56]. LCA models should resemble emissions in the real world. In this paper, data were gathered from the statistical database of the ENTSO-E, which collects data directly from the different TSOs, and ensures the quality and validation of data coming from real sources, according to [
50]. Additionally, databases used under the LCI for electricity modeling in this research paper (i.e., GaBi
® Software Professional Database and ecoinvent 3.1) are validated by external entities and publications [
5. Conclusions
This study proposed a general peak-hourly LCA methodology to environmentally assess electricity production by calculating the carbon footprint based on GWP values throughout one year of study. This methodology can be implemented using statistical sources of hourly electricity production and energy sources databases. To develop the case study, the ENTSO-E TP was considered, which is currently the database with most reliable data in electricity generation. Then, the proposed methodology was applied to all the pilot sites of the INVADE H2020 project that are integrating DERs and flexible loads to provide flexible services. The study is based on an hourly analysis to ensure that peak hours can be assessed in terms of GWP. This paper presented the results of the GWP impact category of five different pilot-site countries belonging to the project. Bulgaria was the studied country with the highest yearly average GWP (0.617 kg CO2-eq/kWh), led by lignite-based power plants but with a hydro power potential widely used to meet the peak demand. Germany showed a high potential in renewable use during peak hours, but the base load was still covered by fossil fuels like lignite and hard coal, leading to a yearly average GWP of 0.476 kg CO2-eq/kWh. The Netherlands had the lowest fluctuations in terms of monthly GWP during peak hours, being in the range between 0.256 and 0.303 kg CO2-eq/kWh (respectively -10.9% and +5.6% in comparison with the yearly average value of 0.287 kg CO2-eq/kWh), displaying the use of the same strategy in the electricity generation mix for both peak and base loads. Norway had high relative but limited variations, considering the changes in the monthly GWP affected the yearly average value (0.0278 kg CO2-eq/kWh) in a scale of 10-3 kg CO2-eq/kWh and so the peak hours had a limited influence on the environmental impacts of electricity production in the country. In Spain, the monthly GWP changed substantially throughout the year, especially in September when the value increased by +21.3% compared to the yearly average (0.281 kg CO2-eq/kWh) and in March when the carbon intensity during peak hours had a difference in percentage of −44.2% compared to yearly average. The differentiation between resources used in peak hours and off-peak hours was highlighted and discussed, helping to understand the overall GWP value. We determined that seasonality is an important factor in terms of resources utilization and thus in GWP. The comparison between peak-hourly LCA and traditional LCA results proved that the average approaches fell short in quantifying the environmental impacts of time-varying systems, as is the case of electricity production.
Using time-varying carbon prices based on temporal carbon intensity variations could be a good approach for designing carbon pricing strategies, enhancing the transition towards a low-carbon energy system. When defining and implementing DSM strategies, not only economic benefits should be considered, but also the environmental impacts or savings thanks to load shifting and peak-shaving. Flexibility should be quantified in terms of carbon intensity, since not all countries use the most polluting resources as natural gas or coal for covering peak-hours demand.
Other aspects could be investigated further, such as analyzing the potential environmental impacts of electricity grid mixes, but by adding other indicators apart from GWP, like human health impact, resource depletion, and ecotoxicity. Additionally, the integration of centralized energy storage (CES) in the grid could be environmentally assessed by means of a consequential LCA, analyzing the shift in the generation profile, conceivably shifting the peak hours in the curve, developing a new scenario where electricity production and consumption do not have the same profile, but also considering the environmental impact of the CES life cycle. The same approach could be applied to assess the possible variations of renewable sources power output, considering uncertainty. Furthermore, the optimization in the use of flexible hydropower to reduce the environmental impacts of the electricity generation is a topic of wide interest that could be further studied.