For our case study, we use the presented methodology in a greenfield approach to determine the optimum design of a municipal energy system. A greenfield approach means to model the energy system from the scratch. No existing infrastructure is considered. Energy loads, RES characteristics, exergetic indices and an available set of energy conversion technologies and storages are given. To account for the different shares of RES in the electricity from the grid, four different scenarios with different CExC-indices are evaluated. For any scenario a model is created in oemof and the results are discussed.
4.1. System Description
The medium-sized model city is located in a region attractive for wind power and PV installations, but has no potentials for run of the river hydro power or pumped hydro. Our case study focuses on municipal energy systems, therefore it considers electricity, process heat and domestic heat demand from the residential, commerce and public services sector. Industrial demand is not encompassed in our case study, because such consumers are mostly supplied by transmission grids and not by municipal distribution grids.
The energy system is connected to the electrical and natural gas transmission grids. RES potentials, biomass potentials and waste heat from an industrial process are available. For the sake of simplicity, we use an aggregated representation of the municipal energy system. All the individual conversion units, energy storages, RES, energy sources and energy loads of one kind are lumped together to a single one. This aggregation process is carried out according to the “cellular approach” [
40]. To account for distribution grid losses, energy production and domestic consumption are modelled in two different regions or so called cells (
Figure 4). Both are connected by electrical power lines and district heat networks.
The values to be determined are the nominal capacities from conversion units, storages, RES as well as the imported energy and the excess electricity produced. Input parameters for the model are the loads, the available technologies, the maximum RES potentials and the possible conversion routes. In addition, CExC-factors and exergy factors must be provided for all specified technologies and energy carriers.
The electricity grid connection is bidirectional, that means that energy can be imported and exported. Even though in reality this is a single unit, in
oemof, it is modelled using a source for imports and a sink for the excess electricity with a maximum connection power (
Table 1 and
Table 2). Natural gas, waste heat and biomass are unidirectional, and therefore modelled using a source (
Table 1). Natural gas and waste heat also do have a maximum capacity. The local biomass potential equals 22.5
and must be fully exploited. Because biomass has no energy transport restriction like grid based energy carriers and can be easily stored, no maximum capacity is prescribed. CExC-factors for electricity, natural gas and biomass are taken from literature
Table 1. Because there was no value available for waste heat, we estimated the CExC-factor based on its physical exergy using Equation (
2) (assumptions: feed temperature 70 °C and reference temperature 0 °C).
In our case study, we look at the domestic sector as well as at the businesses and commercial services sector. The annual demands specified in
Table 3 include electricity, process heat, as well as domestic heating and hot water. Domestic heat has a temperature of 70 °C. Process heat is consumed by businesses and commercial services for the production of goods. The mean application temperature is assumed with 273 °C. Using Equation (
2), this leads to the exergy factors specified in
Table 3.
oemof, all loads are modelled as sinks with fixed time series. We used the load profile generator
oemof demandlib [
43] to create load profiles with a resolution of 15 min from annual demand values. The required temperature data was retrieved from [
45] which uses the MERRA-2 data set. Exemplary for our model data of the year 2014 and the location of Eisenstadt (city in the eastern part of Austria; latitude: 47.87°, longitude: 16.54°) will be used.
oemof demandlib uses standardised BDEW load profiles for modelling domestic and process heat time series [
47] and electricity time series [
48]. We assume that 30% of the heat is used in single family houses, 40% in multi family houses and the remaining 30% in small businesses, commerce and services. The domestic heat demand is calculated for windy conditions and includes the hot water consumption. 20% of the electricity is consumed by households, the remaining 80% by small businesses, commerce and services. The electric load profiles do not include any demand for hot water production, as this is already considered in the domestic heat load profiles.
All conversion units, storages, RES and the process heat load are located in the production cell. Energy conversion is modelled using Equation (
11), energy storage using Equation (
12). All the available energy conversion, energy storage and RES technologies in the model are listed in
Table 4,
Table 5 and
Table 6. Note that the biomass boiler, gas boiler and resistance heater are made available for both the production of domestic heat and process heat. In addition, we assume that 20% of the high temperature process heat are waste heat, and can be further used for domestic heating. The specification parameters are conversion efficiencies, charge and discharge efficiencies, standby losses, maximum RES capacities, and equivalent periodic CExC per unit installed capacity. A detailed derivation (including all the references) of the equivalent periodic CExC for the individual units can be found in
Appendix A. Normalised time series for PV and wind yields are retrieved from using the same location and year as for the demand. Grid losses are modelled using transmission efficiencies and the networks do not have a restricting capacity (
Table 7).
Using all the specified data, the objective function is composed according to Equation (
Sensitivity Analysis with Respect to the Electricity Source CExC
Electricity from RES has a lower CExC-factor compared to today’s prevalent thermal generation. This is because RES do not include the exergy destruction expensive conversion from chemical to thermal energy. Also the assessment guidelines (see
Section 3.2.2, guideline three) support this, as the the produced electricity are the exergy expenditures and not the raw energy form like wind or solar irradiation. Therefore, the proceeding integration of RES into the future electric energy system will lead to decreasing CExC-factors for electricity from the grid. As these are relevant design parameters for the model, the different scenarios will lead to different optimum system designs.
An accurate value for future CExC-values cannot be determined at the present. Therefore, we will carry out calculations for four different scenarios, starting with the reference case SR. It describes the current state for the CExC-factor for electricity in Austria [
41]. The following scenarios S1, S2 and S3 represent future electricity systems with higher shares of RES (
Table 8). The other parameters stay the same in all four scenarios.
4.2. Results
The high exergy expenditures for imported electricity in the reference case SR lead to the highest total exergy expenditures (
Figure 5). They also make investments into conversion units, storages and RES worthwhile. This leads to the higher expenditures for investment and RES as well as fewer energy imports. The large installed capacities of variable, non-dispatchable RES also generate more excess electricity.
At times when the grid connection is not a limiting factor, the CExC-factor for electricity from the grid determines the maximum unit expenditures for local electricity generation. The unit expenditures are influenced by the CExC-factor of the used energy carrier, the investment expenditures, the efficiency and the capacity factor (compare to
Figure 2). Only technologies which comply with this limit will be selected, otherwise the energy will be drawn from the grid. Therefore, the lower CExC-factors in S3, S2 and S1 will not allow for an infrastructure investment as extensive as in SR. This leads to reduced total exergy expenditures and a shift from infrastructure investment to energy imports. Due to the lower installed RES capacities, excess electricity also decreases in those scenarios.
The following sections provide further details on installed capacities and operation of conversion units, RES and storages for all four scenarios. Afterwards the operational exergy expenditures and exergy yields are presented, followed by a discussion of the results.
4.2.1. Infrastructure Capacities and Expenditures
The capacities and the corresponding CExC from installed conversion units and RES are shown in
Figure 6. Available technologies described in
Section 4.1 that have not been selected for deployment, are not shown in the results. All the displayed capacities relate to the power produced (e.g., heat for the heat pump and boilers, electricity for RES). In the case of the CHP, which produces heat and electricity, the nominal electrical output is displayed.
Compared to the other conversion units, the high installed capacities of heat pumps and wind are apparent. PV and CHP capacities rise with an increase in the CExC-factors in the scenarios. While wind power is expanded to its maximum potential in all scenarios, PV never uses its maximum potential. A PEM electrolyser and fuel cell are installed only in SR. Biomass boilers and gas boilers are only used to supply the process heat load, but not for domestic heat. Even though RES do not have the highest installed capacities, their CExC exceeds the expenditures for conversion units by several orders of magnitude in all scenarios.
All the different conversion units and storages are operated exergy efficiently and depending on the overall composition of the system. Even though we used 15-minute mean values in our model, we use daily mean values to present the results for unit operation in
Figure 7. This provides a better visualisation of the long-term results. In this case, for the period of a whole year.
The heat pump provides domestic heat all year long except for the summer month. The biomass CHP operates mainly during times with a high heat demand and a low PV yield. At the same time, process heat in S3 is produced by a biomass boiler, and in SR, it is produced by a biomass and gas boiler. In the complementary times, the process heat is provided by a biomass or gas boiler and a resistance heater, which is operated with excess electricity from PV or wind (
Figure 7). In S1 and S2, high temperature heat is provided by biomass boilers and resistance heaters. The electrolyser is predominately operated in the second half of summer and in autumn. The conversion back to electricity takes place at the beginning of the year and in the second half of the year.
The more different conversion units available, the lower the capacity factors (
Table 9), which are calculated according to Equation (
19). Exceptions are small scale units with dedicated base-load operation, for example, the process heat biomass boiler in SR. Because of the major seasonal component of domestic heat and hot water demand, the capacity factors for the production units are restricted by the shape of the load profile. The same applies for the electrolyser and the fuel cell. They are part of the long term H
2 storage and only one can operate at a time.
The installed storage capacities are shown in
Figure 8. The thermal storage capacity is several orders of magnitude larger than the battery and the hydrogen storage. Even though, the CExC for batteries and thermal energy storages are of a comparable magnitude. Hydrogen storage only makes exergetically sense in scenario SR. Remarkable is the vast increase of battery and thermal energy storage increase between the scenarios S2 and S3.
The storage facilities are operated exergy-efficiently to bridge the gap between variable RES production and demand.
Figure 9 shows the daily mean state of energy. With the help of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), the state of energies time series can be decomposed into their individual periodical components. The results in
Figure 10 show the amplitude and the numbers of cycles per year. Components which are smaller than 15% of the maximum amplitude are removed from the plots.
In all four scenarios, the battery shows the highest states of energy during spring and autumn. During summer, the storage cycles are shorter, but the mean states of energy are also lower (
Figure 9). The DFT analysis shows clearly defined annual (one cycle per year) and daily cycles (365 cycles per year) in all three scenarios in which a battery is installed. The thermal energy storage is mainly used during the heating season with similar peak states of energy in the beginning and the end of the year. Exceptions are S3 and SR, where the peaks in autumn are more than twice as high compared to the spring. In all four scenarios, the amplitude of annual cycle is clearly dominant. The amplitude of this annual cycle is all the more significant with larger installed storage capacities. The hydrogen storage starts to get charged in July to shift electricity from the sunny periods to autumn and winter. Its state of energy has significant annual and biannual cycles.
The full cycles that a storage can achieve depends on load and production time series, as well as the size and purpose of a storage (
Table 10). The battery in S2 has more than twice as many full cycles compared to the ones in S3 and SR. The thermal storage has the most utilisation during the heating season and is barely utilised in summer. Although the thermal storage peak states of energies are in the same order of magnitude for spring and autumn in S1 and S2, they are more than twice as high in autumn for scenarios S3 and SR. Excess electricity is used by heat pumps to shift the excess energy from PV over longer periods to times with higher demand and less supply. This requires higher storage capacities where large shares of the total capacity are not very often used. This and the great demand difference between summer and winter leads to significantly less storage cycles compared to the battery. Even though the hydrogen storage is a seasonal storage technology, it has 8.4 full storage cycles per year.
4.2.2. Energy Imports, Excess Energy and Loads
Figure 11 shows annual energy and exergy loads, excesses, imports and the RES production. Loads, waste heat imports, biomass imports and electricity production from wind stay constant in all four scenarios. Imported electricity and natural gas, PV production and excess energy vary across scenarios with the CExC-factor for imported electricity. The higher the CExC-factor, the higher are PV-production and excess electricity, and the lower are the electricity imports. In scenario SR where the CExC-factor is the highest, no electricity is imported, but natural gas. Also, it is clearly visible that the exergy content of domestic heat is low when comparing annual energy and exergy loads of the domestic heat.
Figure 12 shows the daily mean power for loads, electricity excess, and energy imports. Electricity and process heat loads mainly fluctuate over days and weeks, the annual variations are secondary. For the domestic heat load it is different. Its major annual fluctuation is caused by its strong temperature dependency. Biomass and gas imports are the highest when the heat load is highest as well. The waste heat is consumed to its maximum extent, except for short periods in summer.
Daily average values for electricity imported from the grid show a high variability. Although there are days with very little to no consumption, those days can be followed by peaks up to an average of 12
. The highest daily average values for electricity drawn from the grid occur during the winter months. In the summer months, those peaks drop to half of those values for S1 (
Figure 12). This spread increases with increasing electricity CExC-factor until no electricity is consumed in SR. Excess electricity is produced between March and November, and in winter in case of high wind production. For SR
Figure 12 shows that the exported electricity decreases from its peak in spring until autumn.
4.2.3. Result Discussion
Compared to imported energy, RES can provide energy for lower expenditures, but their fluctuating production does not necessarily meet the current demand. This gap must be compensated by energy drawn from the grid, or additional local power plants and storage facilities. Between the two options, the choice depends on unit expenditures for energy imports, and the investment as well as operational expenditures for conversion units and storage facilities. The unit expenditures of the imported energy carriers limit the maximum unit expenditures of local energy production, as long as there is no import capacity restriction. The local unit expenditures for an energy carrier include expenditures for conversion units and storages, and for exergy destruction and losses. The results reflect this context in higher total expenditures and a shift from operating to infrastructure expenditures in scenarios with higher CExC factors for imported electricity. Therefore, of all the scenarios, SR has the highest installed capacities of RES and conversion units (
Figure 6), and is the only one where a long-term hydrogen storage makes sense (
Figure 8).
In our model, electricity imports can be seen as unrestricted, because the maximum load is well below the maximum grid capacity (
Table 1 and
Table 3) This means that local production is only preferred if it has lower expenditures than the energy imports. In the case of excess electricity from RES, it can be stored locally for later use or it can be returned to the grid. For a useful storage investment, unit expenditures for electricity from RES and the battery must be lower than for imported electricity. The yield for electricity export must be also considered. This is the context that leads to the installed capacities of RES and storages. In all four scenarios, the wind power potential is used to its maximum. No PV is used in S1, but it rises up to 24.8
in SR, which is equal to 99.1% of the available potential. The higher CExC-factors for imported electricity make PV installations and battery storage practical in S2, S3 and SR. Long term storage using power to gas is exergetically only reasonable in SR.
For domestic heat, the situation is different. The maximum waste heat import power of 3 covers only 8% of the maximum domestic heat load. The remaining heat will be provided by the plants with the lowest total unit expenditures, under the consideration that the local biomass has to be used. The biomass is used in a biomass CHP which is mainly operated in times where the heat demand is high and PV yields are low. Heat pumps together with thermal energy storage cover the rest.
From S2 to S3 the CExC-factor and therefore the unit expenditures for electricity imports rises from 1.5
to 2
. This results in an increase of the battery storage capacity from 2 MW h to 39.5 MW h and of the thermal energy storage from 895MW h to 2193 MW h. Apart from the two scenarios, there are no others where the increase in storage capacity is so large. As already discussed above, raising the limiting unit expenditures for electricity imports allows for higher total unit expenditures. The increase can be totally attributed to the infrastructure expenditures, because the operational unit expenditures stay constant. This tolerates lower capacity factors or annual storage cycles. Due to the fact that the investment unit expenditures follow a reciprocal function (see
Figure 2), such a vast increase of the storage capacities between these two scenarios is possible.