The study of the patterns of sustainable energy-saving economic development requires an array of necessary data and the use of appropriate methods. Thus, when considering these patterns for a group of countries, we need, first of all, information about the macroeconomic indicators of these countries and the volume of their consumption of different types of energy resources The list of studied countries should be formed selectively, but in such a way that the contribution of selected countries to the global values of macroeconomic indicators (in particular, gross domestic product) and energy consumption is sufficiently significant. Research methods should include economic-mathematical modeling, time series analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis, and so on. It is necessary to use software, including Excel, STATISTICA, Statgraphics, etc. Most of these methods are well known and do not require a separate description. The economic and mathematical models used in this study are original, i.e., they have been developed by the authors of this article. Therefore,
Section 3 is devoted mainly to the justification and presentation of these models. In particular, this applies to the modeling of criteria for sustainable energy-saving economic development, the indicators for assessing its properties, and the factors shaping this type of economic development.
3.1. The Essence, Criteria and Necessary Conditions for the Sustainable Energy-Saving Economic Development
Sustainable energy-saving economic development should be understood as a process of the long-term economic growth with a simultaneous reduction in the consumption of a certain type of energy resource (or a set of such resources), although this process has the potential to occur in the future. Further, this paper will consider the case of one type of energy resource consumption. However, extrapolation of the received results in case of several types of such resources will not cause significant additional difficulties. Thus, the study of the patterns of the sustainable energy-saving economic development requires, first of all, the selection of an indicator with the help of which the economic growth will be evaluated. In the future, the gross domestic product (GDP) will be this indicator in comparable prices. If we consider the case of the economy branch or that of an individual enterprise, the indicator of their economic growth may be added value, because it directly determines the total GDP of the country.
Taking into account these considerations, we established the criteria and identified the necessary conditions for sustainable energy-saving economic development.
Let us consider firstly the economy level of a country as a whole. Provide that the volumes of certain energy resource consumption and the value of the country’s GDP in the reporting and basic years be known. Then, in order for energy-saving economic development to take place in the reporting year compared to the basic year, it is necessary to first ensure an increase in GDP, which means that the GDP index must exceed one. At the same time, this index should not be too high, because in this case there will be an increase in certain energy resources consumption. It is obvious that for this purpose the GDP index should not exceed the energy efficiency index for the studied type of energy resource (while energy efficiency in this case will mean the volume of GDP per unit of a particular energy resource physical consumption). Taking this into account, the formalized criterion of energy-saving economic development can be represented as the following chain of inequalities:
Ip—GDP index;
Ief—energy efficiency index by the studied type of energy resources.
Therefore, in order for the process of energy-saving economic development to take place, it is necessary to fulfill two main conditions, namely: (1) the energy efficiency index for the studied type of energy resources must exceed one; (2) the GDP index must satisfy Expression (1). As for sustainable energy saving development, these conditions must occur during previous years and be maintained in subsequent periods. This means that the results of the sustainable energy-saving economic development assessment largely depend on what time period is taken as a base. Further, the case of a constant base period will be considered, meaning that all indicators will be compared with their past values for the same year. With regard to the case of the variable base (in which the chain growth rates of indicators are considered), it needs a separate consideration.
Let us now establish the criteria and necessary conditions for the ensuring sustainable economic development at the level of the state economy and that of individual enterprises. With this aim, first of all, we present the values of added value indices and consumption of a particular energy resource as follows:
Iav—added value index of the industry or enterprise;
Iq—index of production physical volumes;
Iavp—specific added value index;
Ie—index of a certain type of energy resource consumption by industry (enterprise);
Ieq—index of a particular energy resource specific costs.
In order for energy-saving economic development to take place at the level of an industry or enterprise, the Index (2) must be greater than one and the Index (3) smaller. The first condition is equivalent because
Iq is greater than the inverse of
Iavp. The second condition is equivalent because
Iq is less than the inverse of
Ieq. Accordingly, the index
Iq must satisfy the following expression:
Taking into account Expression (4), the conditions for ensuring energy-saving economic development of the industry (enterprise) are as follows: (1) the index of specific added value must exceed the index of specific costs of a certain type of energy resource; (2) the index of production physical volumes must exceed the inverse meaning of the specific added value index; (3) the index of physical volumes of products manufacture should be less than the inverse meaning of the specific cost index of a particular type of energy resource. As for sustainable energy saving development, these conditions must occur over a number of years and be maintained in subsequent periods.
3.2. Indicators for the Assessment of Sustainable Energy-Saving Economic Development
Sustainable energy-saving economic development both at the macro level and at the level of industries and enterprises is characterized by a variety of properties. In turn, the quantification of these properties requires the development and application of the appropriate indicators. In this study, we developed mathematical expressions of such indicators. These expressions are presented below.
In particular, one of the most important characteristics of sustainable energy-saving economic development is its level. This level characterizes the degree of simultaneous increase in the resulting indicator of economic growth (GDP, added value, etc.) and a decrease in the physical consumption of a particular energy resource. In this case, considering the diversity of the desired trends in these two parameters, when assessing their dynamics, it is advisable to compare: for the resulting indicator, its reported value with the basic; for the energy consumption indicator, its basic value with the reported one. Then, the level of the sustainable energy-saving economic development for a certain period of time (for a certain number of years) will be determined using the following expression:
l—level (pace) of sustainable energy-saving economic development;
αr—the average growth rate of the resulting indicator of economic growth during the study period, the share of the one;
αe—average rate of a certain energy resource consumption reduction during the studied period of time, the share of the one;
n—number of years in the study period;
R1—the value of the resulting indicator, respectively, in the last and first years of the study period, monetary units;
En—physical volumes of a certain energy resource consumption in the first and last years of the studied period, respectively.
It should be noted that the indicators
αr and
αe from Expression (5) must satisfy this equality:
e1—efficiency of a certain energy resource use in the last and first years of the studied period, respectively.
Note that Equation (6) is obtained by substituting the formulas for αr and αe from Expression (5) to the left of this equation. Thus, Equation (6) is an algebraic identity that describes the relationships between individual characteristics of energy-saving economic development.
The characteristics of sustainable energy-saving economic development include the degree of its uniformity. In this case, sustainable energy-saving economic development will be considered completely uniform if the average growth rate of the resulting indicator of economic growth over the studied period is equal to the average rate of reduction in consumption of a particular energy resource during this period. From Equation (6), there is the following condition of uniform energy-saving economic development:
Accordingly, it is possible to assess the degree of uniformity of sustainable energy-saving economic development by comparing the minimum and maximum values of growth rates in Expression (5), it means the following:
l1—the degree of uniformity of sustainable energy-saving economic development, the share of one.
In this case, energy-saving economic development will be completely uniform if the Indicator (8) is equal to one. It should also be noted that taking into account the Expressions (5) and (7), Formula (8) can be presented in the equivalent form:
Thus, the degree of uniformity of sustainable energy-saving economic development depends on the level of this development and the growth rate of the energy efficiency indicator.
The indicators that characterize sustainable energy-saving economic development should also include the magnitude of the available potential for economic growth and the available potential for energy consumption reduction. At the same time, the potential for economic growth will be understood as the maximum possible increase in the value of the resulting indicator at the current rate of energy efficiency growth, provided that the consumption of a certain type of energy resource does not increase compared to its value in the basic period. With regard to the potential for the energy consumption reduction, it will mean the maximum possible reduction in consumption of a particular type of energy resources, provided that the value of the economic growth resulting indicator does not decrease compared to its value in the basic period. If we determine the value of these two types of potential in relative expression, then, for this purpose we should solve the following two equations, respectively:
l3—relative levels concerning the potential for economic growth and the reduction potential of a certain type of energy resource consumption, the share of one.
From Equations (10) and (11), we obtain:
With information on the potential levels for economic growth and the potential for the consumption reduction of certain types of energy resources, as well as the actual volume of increase in the resulting indicators and decrease in energy consumption, it is possible to assess the degree of the actual use of the potential types. For this purpose, the following mathematical expressions should be used:
l5—the actual level of use concerning the potential for economic growth and the potential for the consumption reduction of a certain type of energy resource, the share of one.
After conducting the appropriate mathematical transformations, we can define that the sum of Indicators (14) and (15) is always equal to one. This circumstance makes it possible to assess the level of balance of the sustainable energy-saving economic development. In this case, this development will be considered completely balanced if the value of each of the Indicators (14) and (15) is 0.5. Then, the indicator of the balance of the sustainable energy-saving economic development can be presented in the form:
l6—an indicator of the balance of sustainable energy-saving economic development, the share of one.
As follows from Expressions (14)–(16), the maximum value of Expression (16) is one. At the same time, the closer the value of this indicator approaches one, the more balanced is the energy-saving economic development. Based on the formulas for the evaluation of various properties of sustainable energy-saving economic development, it is possible to establish the relationships between these properties, which are shown in
Figure 1. In particular, it can be seen that such a property as sustainability is a derivative of two other properties. They are the frequency and expected duration of the sustainable energy-saving economic development in the future. Regarding the level of sustainable energy-saving economic development, it depends on two characteristics of such development—the average growth rate of the resulting indicator of economic growth and the average rate of decline in consumption of a particular energy resource. These two characteristics determine the minimum possible duration of sustainable energy-saving economic development in the future. In turn, the level of sustainable energy-saving economic development, along with the rate of growth of energy efficiency by the studied type of energy resource, determines the degree of uniformity of sustainable energy-saving economic development. The balance of this property of sustainable energy-saving economic development should be noted. At the same time, its value is determined by the actual level of use of the potential to reduce the consumption of a certain type of energy resource and the actual level of use of the potential for economic growth.
The frequency of the sustainable energy-saving economic development reflects the prevalence of this type of economic development during the reporting period. To estimate the frequency, it is necessary, for all n–1 years of the reporting period, starting from the second year, to identify the type of economic development in comparison with the first year of the period under study. Then, the frequency of the sustainable energy-saving economic development will be determined by the ratio of the actual number of years of the reporting period in which this type of development is registered, to the maximum possible number of such years (namely, to n–1).
With regard to the expected duration of the sustainable energy-saving economic development in the future, it is obvious that this duration can only be estimated approximately. In particular, if we assume that the level of energy efficiency for the studied type of energy will grow annually with a constant growth rate, then the desired duration of the sustainable energy-saving economic development in the future will be determined from the following equation:
αf—expected annual growth rate of the resulting indicator of economic growth, share of one;
T—the required duration of the sustainable energy saving development in the future, years;
β—expected annual growth rate of energy efficiency by the studied type of energy resources, share of one.
From Equation (17) we obtain:
It is obvious that Formula (18) has economic meaning only if αf > β.
Taking into account the complexity of the forecast estimates of
αf and
β, it is also advisable to consider the partial case in which
αf is equal to
αr from the Expression (5), and
β is equal to zero. This case does not require forecast estimates and is based on the assumption that the average growth rate of the resulting indicator in the future will not be less than in the past, and the level of energy efficiency according to the studied resource will not decrease. Obtained under such assumptions, the numerical value of the expected duration of the sustainable energy-saving economic development will be called the minimum. The formula for its calculation is as follows:
Tmin—the minimum possible duration of the sustainable energy-saving economic development in the future, years.
Regarding the sustainability of energy-saving economic development, it is advisable to assess it based on the above interpretation of the essence of this development type. Then, the result of such an assessment will be the ratio of the sum of number of years in the reporting period in which this type of development is recorded, and the estimated number of years of its preservation in the future, to the number of years of the reporting period, reduced by one:
l7—the level of energy-saving economic development sustainability, the share of one;
m—the number of years during which this type of development is expected to continue in the future, years.
If we consider the aforementioned indicator of the minimum possible expected duration of the sustainable energy-saving economic development, Expression (20) will take the following form:
l8—the minimum possible level of energy-saving economic development sustainability, the share of one.
Thus, there are a number of different characteristics of sustainable energy-saving economic development that can be quantified and between which complex links exist.
3.3. Determination of the Main Factors of the Sustainable Energy-Saving Economic Development Formation
As follows from the above mentioned material, certain relationships must be maintained between the change in the economic growth resulting indicator and the growth rate of energy efficiency to ensure sustainable energy-saving economic development for a long time. In turn, these two parameters are influenced by a large number of factors that simultaneously have an indirect impact on the ability to ensure sustainable energy-saving economic development and the level of this type of economic development. In this regard, we identified the main groups of such factors and investigated the mechanisms of influence of these factors on the level of sustainable energy-saving economic development.
Further, this section considers the case of sustainable energy-saving economic development at the enterprise level. However, these results can be extrapolated to the level of industries and state economies. If we choose the added value of enterprises’ economic growth as a resulting indicator, it can be stated that this indicator is influenced by most factors of the enterprises’ internal and external environments. Accordingly, an even greater number of factors determines the formation of the sustainable energy-saving economic development of enterprises, as it should not only ensure long-term growth of the added value, but also reduce the consumption of certain energy resources. However, despite the significant number of factors of the enterprise sustainable energy-saving economic development formation, it seems appropriate to divide them into four main groups, namely:
(1) Factors that ensure the growth of energy efficiency for a particular type of energy resources that the enterprise uses in its economic activities. As follows from
Figure 2, there are three main means of the energy efficiency growth ensuring: added value increase per unit of different types of products manufactured by the enterprise; changes in the composition and structure of its products, when the output of products with higher energy consumption decreases; reduction of energy costs of different types of products manufactured by the enterprise. In turn, the scale of application of each of these three means of energy efficiency growth is determined by the level of certain factors. These factors, by place of origin, can be divided into internal (occurring within the enterprise) and external (occurring in the external environment). In addition, the factors that determine the extent of the use of energy efficiency tools can be divided into positive and negative for the enterprise. For example, a positive factor of external origin may be the reduction of credit rates (which makes the introduction of energy saving equipment more attractive). At the same time, a negative factor for the company of the external environment, which can stimulate the implementation of energy saving measures, is the rise in prices for certain types of energy resources. Finally, we should note the existence of a group of factors that determine the level of susceptibility of the enterprise to the factors that determine the scale of increased energy efficiency application. Thus, an increase in the price of an energy resource may not necessitate the implementation of energy saving measures by an enterprise at which the consumption of this energy resource per unit of production is low. At the same time, even a slight increase in the price of energy resource can lead to significant changes in the structure of enterprise energy consumption in which this type of energy resources occupies a predominant share.
(2) Factors that ensure the growth of the enterprise added value for the whole set of products that the enterprise produces. As in the previous case, it is possible to identify three main means of ensuring such growth, namely: increase in added value per one of different types of products manufactured by the enterprise; changes in the structure of output, when the output with lower added value decreases and the production of output with higher value increases; growth of physical volumes of production and sales. As in the case of energy efficiency increase, the factors that determine the scale of means application of the enterprise added value increase can be divided into internal and external, as well as positive and negative. Finally, it is possible to identify a group of factors that specify the level of the enterprise’s susceptibility to the factors that determine the scale of means application for the added value growth.
(3) Factors that ensure a simultaneous increase in the level of the enterprise energy efficiency and its added value. Obviously, such simultaneous growth can be either accidental or natural. Accordingly, it is possible to distinguish two main factors of simultaneous growth of energy efficiency and added value of the enterprise: the simultaneous dominance of both factors that cause the growth of energy efficiency and factors that cause an increase in added value, and the presence of a positive correlation between energy efficiency and added value. In general, there are three options for the correlation between energy efficiency growth and change in added value: no dependence (in particular, this occurs if energy efficiency does not cause a significant reduction in unit cost), the presence of a positive correlation (in particular, within the rebound effect), and the presence of a negative correlation. The last case, which can be called a conditionally negative rebound effect, occurs if the enterprise reduces production of that part of its products that is characterized by the highest level of energy consumption. Suppose that an enterprise produces two groups of goods: goods with a high level of consumption of a certain energy resource for their production and goods with low consumption. This level will be assessed by the ratio of value added to natural energy consumption. Accordingly, the product of this level on the consumption of a certain energy resource will be equal to the value added. Let the production of energy-intensive goods decrease in
r times, and the production of other goods will remain unchanged. Then, the total value added for all goods will decrease, but the overall level of energy efficiency will increase. Under such conditions, the impact of the enterprise added value reduction on the growth of its energy efficiency for a particular type of energy resources can be assessed by the following formula:
e(r)—the general level of the enterprise energy efficiency for a certain type of energy resource as a function of
r—the rate of production reduction of that part of the product, which is characterized by a lower level of energy efficiency;
ec2—the level of consumption of a certain energy resource for production, respectively, with less and more energy;
Ec2—basic values of natural volumes of a certain energy resource consumption for the output by the enterprise of production according to smaller and bigger energy consumption;
βc2—shares of basic natural volumes of energy consumption for the output of products in accordance with lower and higher energy intensity in the total basic volume of consumption of this energy resource by the enterprise, unit fraction.
(4) Factors that determine the outstripping growth of energy efficiency compared to the enterprise added value. In turn, it is possible to distinguish two main factors: relatively high growth rates of energy efficiency and relatively moderate growth rates of the enterprise added value. It is also possible to introduce the concept of the potential of the enterprise sustainable energy saving development, which characterizes the limits within which the natural volumes of the enterprise production can change to ensure this type of economic development. Based on Expression (4), the volume of this potential can be represented as follows:
Ip—indicator of the potential of enterprises sustainable energy-saving economic development, the share of one.
Expression 1
Iavp in the Formula (23) can be represented as follows:
Vn—the enterprise added value, in the first and last years of the reporting period, monetary units;
Ioen—operating income of the enterprise (excluding indirect taxes), respectively, in the first and last years of the reporting period, monetary units;
Con—material costs of the enterprise (excluding the cost of energy resources purchasing), respectively, in the first and last years of the reporting period, monetary units;
Cen—the enterprise costs for the purchase of energy resources, respectively, in the first and last years of the reporting period, monetary units.
After performing a series of mathematical transformations, Expression (24) can be represented in the following equivalent form:
γ1—the share of the enterprise added value in its operating income in the last year of the reporting period, the share of one;
Ipr—price index for products produced by the enterprise (
Ipr =
γ2—the share of material costs incurred by the enterprise (excluding costs incurred for the purchase of energy resources) in its operating income in the last year of the reporting period, the share of one;
Ico—index of specific material costs (excluding costs incurred for the purchase of energy resources) (
Ico =
Co1 Iq));
γ3—the share of the enterprise costs for the purchase of energy resources in its operating income in the last year of the reporting period, the share of one;
Ipre—price index for energy resources purchased by the enterprise (
Ipre =
Ce1 Ieq Iq)).
Taking into account Expression (25), Formula (23) can be presented as follows:
Thus, Indicator (23) is influenced by the four indices that appear in the right part of Expression (26). Accordingly, each of these indices can be matched with a certain factor that affects the potential for the sustainable energy-saving economic development of enterprises.
Summarizing the above information, we can state the presence of a significant number of factors that directly or indirectly affect the formation of the sustainable energy saving development of the enterprise, as well as indicate the complexity of such influence mechanisms.