Endogenous Approach of a Frequency-Constrained Unit Commitment in Islanded Microgrid Systems
:1. Introduction
2. UC and Dynamic Models
2.1. UC with Exogenous Frequency Constraints, bUC Formulation
- i is the index for the number of units (i = 1, ..., I);
- t is the index for time or nb of hours (t = 0, ..., T);
- is a binary variable defining if the unit i is committed or not at time t;
- is the power generated by unit i at time t;
- is the fuel cost of unit i at power i at time t;
- is the start-up cost;
- is the state variable denoting the time lenth a unit has been up or down.
2.2. Frequency Response of Power Sources
Dynamic Models
2.3. UC with Endogenous Frequency Constraints
2.3.1. Dynamic Reserve Allocation
2.3.2. Rate of Change of Frequency
2.3.3. Nadir Frequency
3. Electrical Generation System of Island of Gran Canaria
4. Results
4.1. Basic Unit Commitment
4.2. Frequency-Constrained Unit Commitment
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Adding Indirect Constraints | Post-Contingency Frequency Behavior Model | Directly Accounting for Frequency-Related Constraints in UC Models | |||
Authors | Disadvantage | Authors | Disadvantage | Authors | Disadvantage |
Restrepo (2005) [8] | More demanding computionally scheduling | Aik (2006) [24] | No guarantee of the dynamic stability of low-inertia systems | Teng (2016) [13] | Dynamics of the system are oversimplified |
Ela (2012) [25] | Dynamics of the system are oversimplified and linearized | Ahmadi (2013) [26] | No guarantee of the dynamic stability of low-inertia systems | Cardozo (2018) [16] | Assumptions theoretically hard to verify |
Ahmadi (2014) [27] | Cannot ensure satisfaction of the original constraint | Kerci (2019) [10] | No guarantee of the dynamic stability of low-inertia ystems | Rabbanifar (2020) [17] | Theoretically hard to verify |
Riaz (2019) [28] | Dynamics of the system are oversimplified and linearized | - | - | - | - |
Register Number | Power Plant Name | Max Power MW | Min Power MW | Discharge Date |
RO2-0089 | BARRANCO DE TIRAJANA 1. GAS 1 | 32.34 | 6.79 | 01/07/1992 |
RO2-0090 | BARRANCO DE TIRAJANA 2, GAS 2 | 32.34 | 6.79 | 11/05/1995 |
RO1-1049 | BARRANCO DE TIRAJANA 3, VAPOR 1 | 74.24 | 27.84 | 01/01/1996 |
RO1-1050 | BARRANCO DE TIRAJANA 4, VAPOR 2 | 74.24 | 27.84 | 05/06/1996 |
RO1-1051 | 68.7 | 9.70 | 19/07/2003 | |
RO1-1052 | BARRANCO DE TIRAJANA, CC1 | 103.05 | 37.80 | 21/08/2003 |
RO1-2000 | 206,1 | 75.50 | 22/11/2004 | |
RO2-0188 | 75.0 | 9.70 | 01/08/2006 | |
RO2-0189 | BARRANCO DE TIRAJANA. CC2 | 113.5 | 37.80 | 27/11/2006 |
RO2-0190 | 227.0 | 75.50 | 18/06/2008 | |
RO2-0087 | JINAMAR 10. GAS 2 | 32.34 | 6.79 | 26/01/1989 |
RO2-0088 | JINAMAR 11, GAS 3 | 32.34 | 6.79 | 01/05/1989 |
RO2-0084 | JINAMAR 12, DIESEL 4 | 20.51 | 14.09 | 07/06/1990 |
RO2-0085 | JINAMAR 13, DIESEL 5 | 20.51 | 14.09 | 08/08/1990 |
RO2-0081 | JINAMAR 2, DIESEL 1 | 8.51 | 4.58 | 01/02/1973 |
RO2-0082 | JINAMAR 3, DIESEL 2 | 8.51 | 4.58 | 27/08/1973 |
RO2-0083 | JINAMAR 4, DIESEL 3 | 8.51 | 4.58 | 01/02/1974 |
RO2-0086 | JINAMAR 7, GAS 1 | 17.64 | 6.79 | 21/04/1981 |
RO1-1047 | JINAMAR 8, VAPOR 4 | 55.56 | 17.7 | 01/08/1982 |
RO1-1048 | JINAMAR 9, VAPOR 5 | 55.56 | 17.7 | 05/12/1984 |
Case | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Hour | |||||
1 | 325.80 | 329.33 | 335.27 | 334.13 | 312.05 |
2 | 293.33 | 302.50 | 311.37 | 312.03 | 290.53 |
3 | 274.63 | 283.83 | 237.63 | 300.83 | 275.50 |
4 | 267.90 | 271.83 | 277.53 | 292.08 | 265.72 |
5 | 267.33 | 267.33 | 275.70 | 290.30 | 262.18 |
6 | 276.87 | 270.00 | 278.67 | 289.65 | 263.52 |
7 | 321.23 | 275.17 | 287.05 | 302.08 | 273.47 |
8 | 385.32 | 268.83 | 291.33 | 304.95 | 271.42 |
9 | 417.63 | 295.22 | 328.70 | 342.82 | 298.85 |
10 | 285.50 | 329.40 | 366.63 | 380.70 | 337.18 |
11 | 378.08 | 361.37 | 392.20 | 402.72 | 361.50 |
12 | 432.93 | 376.40 | 402.40 | 407.45 | 376.23 |
13 | 446.63 | 378.08 | 414.23 | 412.28 | 385.38 |
14 | 464.97 | 389.30 | 426.08 | 421.27 | 399.55 |
15 | 463.43 | 384.53 | 412.50 | 415.00 | 392.05 |
16 | 448.93 | 358.97 | 378.92 | 387.93 | 362.58 |
17 | 435.83 | 337.63 | 360.55 | 367.62 | 348.45 |
18 | 436.47 | 339.93 | 367.82 | 374.73 | 352.70 |
19 | 481.13 | 351.68 | 397.67 | 406.20 | 386.88 |
20 | 508.68 | 366.65 | 439.53 | 438.83 | 416.37 |
21 | 509.23 | 393.70 | 445.08 | 440.67 | 421.43 |
22 | 492.87 | 431.00 | 420.38 | 421.67 | 398.58 |
23 | 435.08 | 402.50 | 372.43 | 379.83 | 360.23 |
24 | 382.90 | 352.50 | 332.50 | 339.88 | 322.47 |
Renewable Penetration (%) | 1.5% | 29.3% | 10.2% | 10.7% | 6.5% |
Case Number | Constraints Used | |||
Case 1 | bUC | dynamic reserve | RoCoF | dynamic reserve + RoCoF |
Mín RoCoF (Hz/s) | −1.34 | −0.78 | −0.52 | −0.52 |
Mín Nadir (Hz) | 48.61 | 49.21 | 49.51 | 49.51 |
Case 2 | bUC | dynamic reserve | RoCoF | dynamic reserve + RoCoF |
Mín RoCoF (Hz/s) | −1.43 | −1.08 | −0.61 | −0.61 |
Mín Nadir (Hz) | 48.47 | 49.09 | 49.49 | 49.49 |
Case 3 | bUC | dynamic reserve | RoCoF | dynamic reserve + RoCoF |
Mín RoCoF (Hz/s) | −1.36 | −0.82 | −0.58 | −0.58 |
Mín Nadir (Hz) | 48.60 | 49.25 | 49.51 | 49.51 |
Case 4 | bUC | dynamic reserve | RoCoF | dynamic reserve + RoCoF |
Mín RoCoF (Hz/s) | −1.38 | −0.82 | −0.62 | −0.62 |
Mín Nadir (Hz) | 48.60 | 49.25 | 49.48 | 49.48 |
Case 5 | bUC | dynamic reserve | RoCoF | dynamic reserve + RoCoF |
Mín RoCoF (Hz/s) | −1.35 | −0.83 | −0.52 | −0.52 |
Mín Nadir (Hz) | 48.60 | 49.25 | 49.55 | 49.55 |
Case Number and Cost Breakdown | Constraints Used | |||
Case 1 | bUC | dynamic reserve | RoCoF | dynamic reserve + RoCoF |
Start-Up Cost (EUR) | 82,739 | 91,506 | 91,506 | 91,506 |
Regulation Cost (EUR) | 7926 | 8078 | 8322 | 8322 |
Operational Cost (EUR) | 792,625 | 807,780 | 832,158 | 832,158 |
O&M Cost (EUR) | 212 | 212 | 207 | 207 |
Total Operation Cost (EUR) | 883,502 | 907,576 | 932,192 | 932,192 |
Case 2 | bUC | dynamic reserve | RoCoF | dynamic reserve + RoCoF |
Start-Up Cost (EUR) | 0 | 33,397 | 24,629 | 29,013 |
Regulation Cost (EUR) | 4461 | 4539 | 4744 | 4747 |
Operational Cost (EUR) | 446,056 | 453,857 | 474,372 | 474,627 |
O&M Cost (EUR) | 136 | 134 | 133 | 134 |
Total Operation Cost (EUR) | 450,652 | 491,926 | 503,879 | 508,519 |
Case 3 | bUC | dynamic reserve | RoCoF | dynamic reserve + RoCoF |
Start-Up Cost (EUR) | 24,629 | 42,164 | 78,355 | 78,355 |
Regulation Cost (EUR) | 6372 | 6594 | 6410 | 6410 |
Operational Cost (EUR) | 637,162 | 659,372 | 641,047 | 641,047 |
O&M Cost (EUR) | 173 | 172 | 177 | 177 |
Total Operation Cost (EUR) | 668,336 | 708,302 | 725,990 | 725,990 |
Case 4 | bUC | dynamic reserve | RoCoF | dynamic reserve + RoCoF |
Start-Up Cost (EUR) | 24,629 | 42,164 | 73,972 | 73,972 |
Regulation Cost (EUR) | 6432 | 6682 | 6519 | 6519 |
Operational Cost (EUR) | 643,193 | 668,192 | 651,928 | 651,928 |
O&M Cost (EUR) | 178 | 176 | 180 | 180 |
Total Operation Cost (EUR) | 674,432 | 717,214 | 732,599 | 732,599 |
Case 5 | bUC | dynamic reserve | RoCoF | dynamic reserve + RoCoF |
Start-Up Cost (EUR) | 24,629 | 37,780 | 78,355 | 29,013 |
Regulation Cost (EUR) | 6209 | 6476 | 6340 | 4746 |
Operational Cost (EUR) | 620,934 | 647,570 | 634,025 | 474,627 |
O&M Cost (EUR) | 174 | 171 | 176 | 134 |
Total Operation Cost (EUR) | 651,946 | 691,997 | 718,897 | 718,897 |
Operational Cost Increase in Percentage | |||||
Constraint | Case 1 | Case 2 | Case 3 | Case 4 | Case 5 |
Dynamic reserve | 2.72% | 9.16% | 5.98% | 6.34% | 6.14% |
RoCoF | 5.51% | 11.81% | 8.63% | 8.62% | 10.27% |
Dynamic reserve + RoCoF | 5.51% | 12.84% | 8.63% | 8.62% | 10.27% |
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Share and Cite
Rebollal, D.; Chinchilla, M.; Santos-Martín, D.; Guerrero, J.M. Endogenous Approach of a Frequency-Constrained Unit Commitment in Islanded Microgrid Systems. Energies 2021, 14, 6290. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14196290
Rebollal D, Chinchilla M, Santos-Martín D, Guerrero JM. Endogenous Approach of a Frequency-Constrained Unit Commitment in Islanded Microgrid Systems. Energies. 2021; 14(19):6290. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14196290
Chicago/Turabian StyleRebollal, David, Mónica Chinchilla, David Santos-Martín, and Josep M. Guerrero. 2021. "Endogenous Approach of a Frequency-Constrained Unit Commitment in Islanded Microgrid Systems" Energies 14, no. 19: 6290. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14196290
APA StyleRebollal, D., Chinchilla, M., Santos-Martín, D., & Guerrero, J. M. (2021). Endogenous Approach of a Frequency-Constrained Unit Commitment in Islanded Microgrid Systems. Energies, 14(19), 6290. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14196290