4.1. District Energy Demand
A full analysis of the effects of occupants and microclimate on the area’s demands is out of the scope of this paper and can be found in previous publications [
28]. In this section, these effects are briefly summarized in order to help interpret the results obtained in the supply system sizing and simulation sections.
Figure 4 shows the variation in the demands for heating, cooling, and electricity for lighting and appliances due to the different occupancy models and climate assumptions. The variation due to stochastic and PopAp occupancy modeling was calculated with respect to the standard deterministic schedules and TMY weather data. The deviation due to local climate is calculated by using local weather data from the ML building compared to the SMA weather station for the years 2015 and 2016.
The PopAp results consistently showed a lower overall occupancy than the two standard-based approaches, as seen in
Figure 1. Since the electricity demand for appliances was correlated to the number of occupants in each building, the PopAp case also has the lowest demand for electricity. The lower number of occupants and decreased electricity demand also lead to a lower cooling and a higher heating demand compared to the deterministic baseline. The stochastic method, on the other hand, led to higher electricity demands and hence had an inverse effect on the heating and cooling demands. Due to the higher variability in occupancy from one building to another, the PopAp case also leads to a larger spread in the distribution of the results, especially for electricity. Since the peak number of occupants in the stochastic case tends to approach that of the deterministic schedules, the deviation in the peak results is smaller than the yearly demands. For the PopAp case, on the other hand, the base number of occupants is very close to the other two approaches, but the peak is considerably lower. Thus, the effects on the peak demands for cooling and electricity are even greater.
The difference in the measured temperatures at the SMA weather station and at the ML building observed in
Figure 2 also correspondingly leads to a change in the district’s energy demands. The yearly heating demand is barely affected by the difference in temperature between the district and the SMA weather station, whereas the peak heating demand variation is lower than 5% for all buildings. Due to the slightly higher outdoor temperature in the district, the heating demands are marginally lower for all buildings in the case study. For the cooling case, on the other hand, the difference is much more pronounced, with a variation in yearly demand of
for the year 2015 and
for 2016. This difference is even more evident for the peak cooling power, which shows an average increase of 5–6% for each year with differences of more than 30% for individual buildings in both years. The electricity demand for lighting and appliances was naturally unchanged by the change in outdoor temperature.
Overall, both occupancy and outdoor temperature appear to have a more significant effect on the peak cooling than peak heating demand. Since the peak demand for heating is driven by the difference between outdoor and indoor temperature, the effects of the number of occupants or a small change in outdoor temperature have a much smaller effect. For cooling, on the other hand, a change in outdoor temperature of 1 °C and changes in internal gains due to occupant presence contribute much more to the temperature difference that needs to be compensated by cooling systems, and hence the peaks are more strongly affected than the base loads.
4.2. PV Potential and Electricity Costs
Given that CEA neglects roof shapes, most roof surfaces were found to be suitable for PV installation, and hence 97% of all roof areas were selected, as seen in
Figure 5. Since panels are assumed to be placed at their optimal tilt angle and spaced accordingly, the area of PV installed per square meter of roof is much lower, with 49% coverage of all roof surfaces. This approach was found to give comparable results to a more detailed calculation accounting for roof tilt angles with a 100% roof coverage [
The performance of solar technologies in the area was assessed by looking at the self-consumption and self-sufficiency for each building.
Figure 6 shows the distribution of these metrics for each occupancy model analyzed for all buildings in the area. The self-consumption for all occupancy models is relatively high, with an average rate of 74 to 77%. This is due on one hand to the high overall electricity demand in the area, which is much larger than the electricity obtained from PV both in summer and winter, as shown in
Figure 7. On the other hand, the buildings in the area, which are largely dominated by educational, research, and office functions, have a predominantly daytime occupancy, with only hospital rooms having nighttime occupancy. Therefore, most of the electricity demand occurs during times when PV production is at its peak.
The distribution is rather similar for all models, with self-consumptions ranging from 20 to 100%. This is due to the electricity demands for the individual buildings in the area being strongly dominated by process base loads and lighting, which were assumed to be independent of occupancy. The distribution for the stochastic case is shifted up due to the higher electricity demands for lighting and appliances predicted by this model. The opposite trend can be observed regarding the self-sufficiency, which is inversely proportional to the demand. The PopAp case, having the lowest electricity demand, also leads to the highest self-sufficiency.
Education and office buildings were selected for further analysis as they provide a more generalizable case for the analysis of occupant modeling compared to the very specific needs of hospital functions. Indeed, in the absence of the very large base loads in the hospital buildings, the self-consumption decreases and the self-sufficiency increases on average. The general trends observed in the distributions and relative values for different occupant models, however, remain the same, with the stochastic case having the highest self-consumption and the PopAp case the highest self-sufficiency.
At the individual building scale (
Figure 8), an average variation in the self-sufficiencies due to the occupancy model of
can be observed. A maximum deviation of −10–18% is observed for one outlier, corresponding to a very small building. Similar variations can be observed in the self-consumption (
) with a maximum deviation of −10–5% for the same small building.
The effects of the occupancy models on the electricity costs in the area are analyzed for the case with photovoltaic panels as well as for the case where electricity is taken directly from the grid. The peak and off-peak costs of electricity for large-scale, medium-voltage consumers and feed-in tariffs from the local utility were assumed. The cost of photovoltaic systems was obtained by fitting an exponential curve to a dataset of sample costs for the Swiss context [
47], as shown in
Table 2. The investment costs for the PV systems are compared by their total annualized costs (
), comprising the operational expenditures (
) and annualized capital expenditures (
are the investment costs,
r is the interest rate of the technology, and
is the lifespan of the technology.
For all scenarios, the implementation of PV in the area at the scale considered leads to a 10% decrease in the total annualized costs of electricity. Due to the different yearly demands produced by each model (
Figure 7), there is a change in the electricity costs of
for the stochastic and PopAp models with respect to the deterministic baseline, whereas for the case of PV the difference is
Since the costs of electricity change between peak and off-peak times, the costs per unit of electricity consumed by each building in the area (
Figure 9) give insight into the effect of occupancy on the dynamics of electricity consumption. The costs for the case where no PV was installed proved to be nearly the same for all buildings due to the predominantly daytime occupancy of all buildings in the area. Since most electricity consumption for all occupancy models occurs during peak times (6:00 to 22:00 Monday through Saturday), there is no significant load shift towards off-peak hours, and hence the costs are relatively constant.
The difference in costs is somewhat more pronounced for the case with PV, where the PopAp case has the lowest electricity costs on average. This is due to the fact that this model predicted the lowest electricity demand, and hence less electricity needs to be purchased from the electricity grid. A number of outliers in the plot correspond to buildings with oversized roof installations and relatively low electricity demands. These buildings would be good candidates to connect with surrounding buildings with large demands in order to further increase the self-consumption of photovoltaic systems in the area, and thus reduce the operational costs.
4.3. Heating and Cooling System Sizing and Costs
The district heating and cooling networks obtained by connecting all buildings in the case study through the minimum Steiner tree through the existing street network are shown in
Figure 10. The area has a large base load in a building that houses a large server room, where the cooling plant is also assumed to be located. In the heating case, the plant is located in a hospital building with a high process heating base load.
The thermal networks are assessed by comparison to a decentralized option. For the decentralized cooling case, individual chillers installed in every building with a cooling demand were considered. For the heating case, heat pumps were assumed to be used for both the centralized and decentralized cases, based on the expectation that supply systems will be increasingly electrified in the future. For simplicity, air-source heat pumps were assumed for both cases since access to geothermal in the area is limited, and the COP for these systems was calculated based on the required supply temperature and outdoor air temperature for all cases. While the temperature levels required by the building stock in the area are relatively high (assumed at around 70 °C), a large number of buildings in the area was indeed served by a district heating network fed by a water-source heat pump until 2017. Thus, while the system used for this comparison has a low COP, and indeed is in the process of being replaced by a higher efficiency energy concept [
50], it has been demonstrated to be technically feasible. While thermal networks were modeled in detail, chillers and heat pumps were not explicitly modeled. Instead, only their demand for electricity was considered by calculating a dynamic COP for each system.
The costs of each heating and cooling system alternative were calculated according to the CEA database, as summarized in
Table 3. For the decentralized case, only heat pump and chiller costs were considered. The centralized option comprises centralized heat pumps or chillers, a thermal network, and a heat exchanger at each substation. Pump costs were negligible and were thus not considered. The piping costs of the thermal network depend on the nominal diameter of each pipe, which for the thermal networks in this case study ranged between DN20 and DN600.
4.3.1. Effects of Occupancy
Given the lower electricity demands observed for the PopAp case (
Figure 7), the internal gains in this scenario are also lower, and hence the overall cooling demand is also the lowest for this case. As a result, this method has an overall smaller pipe size distribution than the other two methods (
Figure 11). The backbone of the network is also noticeably smaller for this occupancy model than for the others, with fewer pipes of diameter 450 mm for the PopAp case compared to the other two models. Contrary to the results for space cooling, the stochastic model leads to the lowest predicted heating demand. Correspondingly, the pipe size distribution shows the stochastic model also required smaller pipe sizes. However, given that the relative change in yearly demand between models is not as large as for the cooling case (71–76 GWh/yr, as seen in
Figure 12), the larger pipes that serve as the backbone to the district heating network have the same size for all occupancy models.
The energy demand required to operate the district heating network is also very similar for all cases, though it is 1–2% smaller for the PopAp case than the others. For both the heating and cooling cases (seen in
Figure 12 and
Figure 13), the yearly pumping electricity and thermal losses are marginal compared to the heating and cooling demands in the buildings for all cases. The district cooling network operation energy roughly follows the cooling demand, being highest for the stochastic occupancy model, which has a demand 3.5 to 7.5% higher than the other two models. The same pattern can be observed regarding the peak cooling and network operation demands, although in this case the peak pumping energy demand is higher than the peak thermal losses. The same general trends can be observed for the peak heating demand and peak thermal losses in the district heating network.
By connecting the buildings to a thermal network, the peak demand of the entire district is lower than the decentralized case. However, compared to the findings from a previous analysis of a lake water district cooling network in the area [
38], the electricity demand for operating the pumps in the network is particularly low. This is due in part to the fact that in this case the network is assumed to be supplied by local chillers, and hence there is no need to transport large volumes of water from the lake in order to provide free cooling. Furthermore, given that only research and hospital buildings are considered in this paper, there are much fewer buildings with low demands, which were found to lead to considerable pressure losses. Finally, the server room in the area had not been considered in the previous study, and hence the base load of the district cooling system was much lower.
The resulting TAC for each heating alternative, shown in
Figure 14, show that the choice of occupant model can have a noticeable impact on the systems selected in each case. The centralized solution was found to be preferable when the deterministic and stochastic occupancy models were used, whereas the decentralized alternative was more cost-effective for the PopAp case. Overall, the choice of occupant model was found to cause the total annualized costs of the centralized system to vary by
as opposed to
for the decentralized case.
Regarding the cooling system alternatives, the PopAp case leads to 4% lower investment costs for the thermal network than for the other two models due to its comparatively smaller pipe sizes. The lower peak cooling power also leads to 10–13% lower chiller costs for this case, both for the centralized and decentralized alternatives. The stochastic model, on the other hand, leads to the biggest investment costs for both alternatives, but only about 1% higher than the deterministic model. Regardless of system alternative, the PopAp case leads to the lowest operational costs and the stochastic model the highest, with an overall range of −6–4% of the costs according to the deterministic method. Overall, the decentralized systems always had lower annualized costs (1.89 million CHF/year on average) compared to the district cooling network (2.16 million CHF/year). For both systems, the choice of occupancy model was found to lead to a variation in TAC.
4.3.2. Effects of Outdoor Temperature
The effects of the use of local weather data on supply system sizing was again tested by comparing centralized and decentralized heating and cooling systems for each of the weather scenarios observed. There is a noticeably smaller backbone in the district cooling network for the cases using 2016 weather data due to the overall lower cooling demands in that year. This can be seen in the pipe size distribution (
Figure 15), which shows that for the district cooling network sized according to 2016 weather data the maximum pipe size is DN400 as opposed to DN450 for all other cases. The difference in sizing due to different outdoor temperature assumptions is rather minimal by comparison, however, with minimal differences in pipe sizes for the SMA and ML cases for each year. In the heating case, where the differences in yearly and peak demands were found to be smaller, there is a much smaller variation in pipe sizes, especially for the backbone of each thermal network. For smaller pipe diameters, which are sized to supply end consumers, there is somewhat more of a difference, with the network sized according to 2016 weather data again having a larger number of smaller pipes compared to all other cases.
Due to the differences in demand created by the weather data for the years 2015 and 2016, the total annualized costs of the cooling system alternatives vary widely when sizing according to different weather cases (
Figure 16). For both cooling systems, the costs are highest when using 2015 weather data due to a heat wave that took place that summer, whereas the lowest costs are obtained when using 2016 weather data. This point illustrates why systems are typically sized using TMY weather data rather than individual years’ measurements. In this case, however, the comparison of sizing results for individual years provides an estimate for the uncertainty introduced by the use of weather station data on system sizing.
Since a linear relationship between chiller costs and design capacity was assumed (as shown in
Table 3), the deviation in the peak cooling power by year observed in
Figure 4 correspondingly leads to a deviation in chiller costs for individual buildings between −7.5 and 43.5%. This points to a considerable uncertainty in system sizing due to the effects of local climate. The capital expenditures for the entire district increase by between 5 and 7% for the decentralized alternative when sizing according to the local measurements from the ML building, whereas this increase is somewhat smaller for the centralized system (3–4% higher costs). The operating expenses, on the other hand, vary by −0.6–2.1% due to the use of local temperature data.
The TAC for both heating alternatives for each weather scenario are shown in
Figure 16. The variation in costs for the different weather cases is relatively minor compared to the cooling case. The system costs when sizing according to TMY data are again presented for reference, as these are sized to meet the demands of a “typical” year. Regarding the deviation in costs caused by the local climate, the use of temperature data from the ML building leads to a 3–4% increase in the investment costs and an increase in the operation costs of less than 1% for the centralized case. For the decentralized alternative, a similar trend can be observed in the operation costs, but the investment costs are about 1% lower.