Learning-Aided Optimal Power Flow Based Fast Total Transfer Capability Calculation
:1. Introduction
- DBN backwards process is conducted to derive sensitivity of transient stability margin. This sensitivity supports fast and accurate decision for the most extreme growth path of generation and load. The TTC solved under such path is conservative and robust to account for a reliable security indicator.
- Thanks to the above merits, interior point method (IPM) is then introduced to fast calculate TTC. Specifically, DBN forwards and backwards processes respectively provide fast and accurate transient stability inference and gradient information for IPM. This scheme is firstly used in OPF-based TTC calculation, and numerical studies justified its merits of compromising calculation efficiency and accuracy.
2. TTC Calculation with TSCOPF
s.t. g(y,u) = 0
h(y,u) ≤ 0
- (1)
- Objective function: It aims to maximize the sum of the active power output of all generators in the source area, i.e.,Max f(y,u) = ∑k∈Ssou PGk,
- (2)
- Static equality constraints: Power flow equations are formed under polar coordinates, shown below:PGi − PDi − Vi∑nj = 1 Vj(Gijcosθij + Bijsinθij) = 0,
QGi − QDi − Vi∑nj = 1 Vj(Gijsinθij − Bijcosθij) = 0 - (3)
- Static inequality constraints:PGimin ≤ PGi ≤ PGimax, Gi∈SG∪SW
QGimin ≤ QGi ≤ QGimax, Gi∈SG∪SW
Vimin ≤ Vi ≤ Vimax, i∈Sn
Pij ≤ Pijmax, ij∈Sl - (4)
- Transient stability constraints: This paper adopts the classical generator model to analyze transient stability. During the dynamic process, loads are modeled as constant impedance. Hence, generic TS models can be simplified as follows:x’(t) = ρc(x(t), y(t), u),
ψc(x(t), y(t), u) ≥ 0, c∈Sc, t∈(t0, tend]|δi(t) − δCOI(t)| ≤ δthr, t∈(t0, tend]
δCOI(t) = (∑i Mi ∙ δi(t)) / (∑i Mi), i∈{1, … ,nG}
3. Proposed Surrogate Model
3.1. Data Sample Generation
Y = {Γc}, c∈Sc
δmax = max(|δGi − δGj|), Gi,Gj∈SG
Xload= {X1load; …; Xnload} = {P1D, Q1D; …; PnD, QnD}
3.2. Deep Belief Network Based TSA Learning-Aided Model
P(vi = 1|h) = M(aj + ∑j wij ∙ hi), aj∈a∈Rnv, bi∈b∈Rnh
bi = [bi1, …,bini]
3.3. Learning-Aided OPF for TTC Calculation
s.t. (3)~(4)
Γc ≥ 0, c∈Sc
4. Proposed Solution Method
4.1. Interior Point Method
s.t. G(x) = 0,
[H(x) ≤ 0] = [Hc(x) ≤ 0, HS(x) ≤ 0]
- Add slack variables l = [l1, …, lr]T (l > 0) and u = [u1, …, ur]T (u > 0) to transform H(x) into equality constraints;
- Introduce the disturbance factor μ (μ > 0) to transfer F(x) into the barrier function, which makes it impossible for the barrier objective function to find an extremal solution on the boundary, and the optimal solution can only be obtained when the constraints are satisfied;
- Apply Lagrangian multiplier method to solve the transformed model, and the Lagrangian function is formulated as:L = F(x) − ζTG(x) − zT[H(x) − l − Hmin] − ωT[H(x) + u − Hmax]
− μ∑ri = 1 log(li) − μ∑ri = 1 log(li), - Calculate μ via Equation (26):μ = σ(lTz − uTω)/2r,
- Consider the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions and adopt the Newton method, the matrix form of the modified equations can be deduced as:Λ ∙ ∆x + (∂G(x)/∂x) ∙ ∆x = Φ,
(∂G(x)T/∂x) ∙ ∆x = G,
Λ = (∂2G(x)/∂x2)ζ + (∂2H(x)/∂x2)(z + ω) − (∂2F(x)/∂x2)
+ (∂H(x)/∂x)(u−1ω − l−1z)(∂H(x)/∂x)T,
Φ = −Lx − (∂H(x)/∂x)[L−1(Llμ + ZLz) + U−1(Luμ + WLω)]
∆l = (∂H(x)/∂x)T∆x − Lz,
∆ω = U−1Luμ − U−1W∆u,
∆u = −(∂H(x)/∂x)T∆x + Lω
- 6.
- Use the corrections calculated via Equations (27) and (28) to update the variables as follows:x(k + 1) = x(k) + αp∆x, ζ(k + 1) = ζ(k) + αd∆ζ,
l(k + 1) = l(k) + αp∆l, z(k + 1) = z(k) + αd∆z,
u(k + 1) = u(k) + αp∆u, ω(k + 1) = ω(k) + αd∆ω,αp = 0.9995min[min(−li/∆li, li < 0; −li/∆ui, ui < 0), 1],
αd = 0.9995min[min(−zi/∆zi, zi < 0; −ωi/∆ωi, ωi > 0), 1], i = 1, …, r - 7.
- Termination condition: if (lTz − uTω) < ε, the current x is output; else re-execute (4) to (6). Here ε represents the specified threshold.
4.2. Deducing Analytical Surrogate Model for IPM
▽2Hs = ▽2Γc = ▽2Ψc(X)
5. Numerical Case Study
5.1. Test System
5.2. Learning-Aided Model Construction
5.3. The Results of TTC Fast Calculation
5.4. Efficiency Comparison
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
= wl [dxM(Dl − 1(…(M(D1(X)))…)) × (wl − 1ei)],
= Al2 × … × Al1, if l1 < l2 < l,
= 1, if l2 < l ≤ l1,
= Al1, if l1 = l2
[0, dDl_2(…(X)…)M(Dl2(…(X)…)), …, 0];
[0, 0, …, dDl_nl(…(X)…)M(Dlnl(…(X)…))]},
Dlk(…(X)…) = wlkM(Dl-1(…(X)…)) + blk
= { [d2x,xjM(Dl1(…(X)…)), 0, …, 0];
[0, d2x,xjM(Dl2(…(X)…)), …, 0];
[0, 0, …, d2x,xjM(Dlnl(…(X)…))] }
∏2i = l − 1Ai(X) × [dxM(D1(X)) × w1j],
= [∏l−1i = k + 1Ai(X)] × dxjAk(X), if k = 1,
= dxjAk(X) × [∏1i = k − 1Ai(X)], if k = l − 1
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References | Type | Advantages | Disadvantages |
[2,3,4] | Physical-driven model | Focus on steady-state; easy to solve | Transient stability is out of consideration |
[6,7,8,9,10] | Physical-driven model with transient stability constraints | Involved transient stability constraints | Computationally expensive |
[11,12,13] | Data-driven model | Faster calculation speed | Hard to capture nonlinear patterns; or sustainable energy is out of consideration |
Indicator | 2-Layer DBN | 3-Layer DBN | BPNN | SVR | RT |
MSE/p.u. | 0.0054 | 0.0019 | 0.0023 | 0.0346 | 0.0927 |
SCC | 0.9480 | 0.9712 | 0.9627 | 0.9171 | 0.8814 |
Methods | TSCOPF | The Sensitivity-Based Method | The Repeated Power Flow Method | TSCOPF with DBN-Assisted |
Symbol | M1 | M2 | M3 | M4 |
single contingency | multi contingency | |||
Line | 1–39 | 1–39, 2–3, 3–18, 16–17 |
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Liu, J.; Liu, Y.; Qiu, G.; Shao, X. Learning-Aided Optimal Power Flow Based Fast Total Transfer Capability Calculation. Energies 2022, 15, 1320. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15041320
Liu J, Liu Y, Qiu G, Shao X. Learning-Aided Optimal Power Flow Based Fast Total Transfer Capability Calculation. Energies. 2022; 15(4):1320. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15041320
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Ji’ang, Youbo Liu, Gao Qiu, and Xiao Shao. 2022. "Learning-Aided Optimal Power Flow Based Fast Total Transfer Capability Calculation" Energies 15, no. 4: 1320. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15041320
APA StyleLiu, J., Liu, Y., Qiu, G., & Shao, X. (2022). Learning-Aided Optimal Power Flow Based Fast Total Transfer Capability Calculation. Energies, 15(4), 1320. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15041320