Automated Detection of Electric Energy Consumption Load Profile Patterns
:1. Introduction
- Initially, the expert or data analyst studies the dataset and makes an assumption or states a hypothesis regarding the objective of the knowledge discovery process, or the model or relationship that may be found among the different variables or features of the data objects. The subsequent analysis of the data will be based on these initial hypotheses, which would at the end be validated upon the results obtained, or not. If the results are not satisfactory, the expert will perform new assumptions or hypotheses, therefore starting the KDD process again.
- Then, the data warehousing process [5] is performed. This step of the analysis comprises all the techniques and procedures to process erroneous or missing values in the data, filter noise, produce specific queries to access the data, and rearrange the information in the desired format to be analysed.
- Then, the selected data mining technique or techniques are applied, with the objective of extracting valuable relations or information from the data, in the form of patterns, models, association rules or other things.
- The next step is the visualisation of results, along with numerical and/or categorical indicators and information to help the expert to identify and evaluate the results.
- Finally, the expert has to perform an interpretation of the results. In this step, the expert will validate the initial hypothesis made concerning the underneath models or patterns able to summarize the data, obtain conclusions and extract knowledge from the results. In the case these results are not satisfactory, new hypotheses can be formulated, which will imply the need for further data mining analyses, therefore starting the KDD process again.
2. Clustering Techniques
2.1. Taxonomy of Clustering Techniques
- The dynamic nature of data and classes. This criterion classifies algorithms based on whether they are designed for dynamic or static data, and for a fixed or time-varying number of classes.
- The way the data are analysed. This criterion classifies the algorithms according to the strategy or technique they use to analyse the data, and specifically if they carry out an initial transformation of the same into another set of data on which they perform the analysis.
- The number of dimensions or characteristics of the data. This criterion classifies algorithms according to the number of dimensions of the data they analyse.
- The data, although they can be time series, are treated as static. The segmentation algorithms are therefore focused on static analysis. This is the case of the example shown in Figure 1.
- While they can be time series, the data are treated as static. The number of classes, however, is variable. This is the case when the database is partitioned and batch processed sequentially, as the example in Figure 2 indicates. With each batch the number of classes may vary, showing a variation in the trend of the data and its composition. Therefore, it is necessary to implement techniques that make a correspondence between the classes of one batch and the next [9], taking into account the possibility of the formation of new classes, the disappearance of classes that had been formed previously, the merge of two or more classes, and the separation of a class into smaller classes.
- The data is treated as dynamic, varying with time; therefore the objects become trajectories of each characteristic of the object or data. The number of classes is fixed. The resulting centroids are defined by the trajectories of their dimensions, which represent the evolution in time of the objects belonging to each class. An example of this segmentation analysis is shown in Figure 3.
- The data is treated as dynamic, varying over time, as in Type 3. The number of classes is not fixed, and can vary with each batch or cycle. Therefore, the same techniques for Type 2 must be taken into account. Figure 4 shows an example of this type of analysis.
2.2. Similarity for Static Data
- If the objects include qualitative features or values selected from a list of categories, then previously described quantitative distances are not suitable to evaluate the similarity among the objects. In this case, a specific distance for qualitative data similarity must be used. For example, a measure can be used from the matching or coincident coefficient family of distances, which can only take two possible values (0 or 1) if the characteristics of both objects are coincident or not. Two of these distance measures are the simple matching coefficient [10], and the Jaccard distance [11].
- If all the characteristics or dimensions of the objects are quantitative or numerical, then quantitative similarity measures can be used, and the two more used are described next.
2.2.1. The Minkowski Metric
2.2.2. The Mahalanobis Distance
2.2.3. Selection of a Suitable Distance Measure
2.3. Similarity for Dynamic Data: Time Series Clustering
2.3.1. Correlation
2.3.2. Dynamic Time Warping
- Delimitation: This condition establishes the principle and the end of the alignment in the vertices of the matrix , i.e., and .
- Continuity: Given and , then 1 and 1. This condition ensures that the elements of the alignment are adjacent.
- Monotonicity: Given and , then and , having to fulfil at least a strict inequality. This condition forces the alignment to advance towards the vertex of the matrix of distances.
2.3.3. Kullback–Leibler Distance
2.3.4. Other Similarity Measures for Dynamic Data
3. Clustering Algorithms for Static Analysis
3.1. K-Means
- Select c objects of the dataset, which will be the initial centroids. This selection influences the final result. Therefore, a suitable representation of the existing patterns must be done for the algorithm convergence to a global optimum [6]. In order to do so, a heuristic selection or based on previous knowledge of the patterns must be done, or algorithms adapted for the initial selection of prototypes can be used, such as the algorithm K-means ++ [24].
- Compute all the Euclidean distances of the remaining objects to the centroids, and assign each object to the cluster with a lower distance.
- Recompute centroids as the mean value of all the objects belonging to each class.
- Go back to step 2, until some ending condition is fulfilled, like achieving a maximum number of iterations, or that the value of the cost function does not vary above some predefined threshold between two consecutive iterations.
3.2. Fuzzy C-Means (FCM)
- Initialise fuzzy membership matrix U with random values.
- Calculate the centroids as described in (16).
- Calculate the distances of objects to the centroids of each class, according to the measure of similarity described in (14).
- Recompute fuzzy membership matrix U, according to (15).
- Go back to step 2, until some ending condition is fulfilled, like achieving a maximum number of iterations, or that the value of the fuzzy memberships do not vary above some predefined threshold between two consecutive iterations.
3.3. Selection of the Static Clustering Algorithm According to the Application
4. Clustering Algorithms for Dynamic Analysis
4.1. Raw Time Series Data Clustering
- Define the fuzzy membership function “almost zero” . This membership function is symmetric, and achieves the maximum value of 1 when x equals zero. The form of the function can vary, although Weber defines a Gaussian function whose value rapidly decreases as the value of x increases.
- Compute the similarity function between two trajectories f and g, as the fuzzification of the difference between them, i.e., .
- Compute the distance between the two trajectories f and g as the inverse of the similarity, i.e., 1.
4.2. Feature-Based Time Series Data Clustering
4.3. Model-Based Time Series Data Clustering
- The number of clusters in a partition.
- The structure for a given partition size.
- The HMM structure for each cluster.
- The parameters for each HMM structure.
4.4. Selection of the Dynamic Clustering Algorithm According to the Application
5. Comparative Analysis of Clustering Algorithms for Load Profile Pattern Analysis
5.1. Framework for Similarity Measures Comparison
5.2. Data and Analysis Description
5.3. Results
- The first type of client (see classes 1, 5, 6 and 8 in the Figure) represents the majority of energy consumption residential users in Spain. It is characterised by a daily profile of energy consumption with three ascending peaks of energy consumption: One in the morning (about 8:00), another one at lunchtime (about 15 h), and the highest one at night, at approximately 22:00. The clustering technique groups these clients according to the shape of these peaks and the energy consumption level. Therefore this type of clients can be represented by two or more clusters that group clients of low and medium energy consumption (500–1500 Wh maximum).
- The second type of client (see classes 4, 7, and 9) represents a minority of users with a high level of energy consumption through the day. There are two different patterns in this type of client: One with the typical shape of energy consumption, described above, but with higher energy levels (from 2500 to 7000 Wh), and another group of users that present (more or less) an elevated energy consumption through the day, or other non-typical patterns of energy use.
- The third type comprehends a small group of clients with a higher consumption of energy at night, due to thermal energy accumulators used mainly at night, or in valley hours where the price of the energy is cheaper.
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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characteristic j of object i | |
characteristic j of centroid k | |
N | number of objects |
c | numer of centroids |
function distance among two objects, i and k | |
d | number of characteristics (dimension) of the objects |
fuzzy membership of the object i to the cluster k | |
U | fuzzy membership matrix, with c rows and N columns |
m | fuzziness index, higher than 1 (usually 2) |
J | cost index to minimize |
p | total number of samples or time instants |
mean value (or vector of mean values per dimension) of a series x of objects or data |
Type | Data | Classes | Segmentation Type |
1 | Static | Static | Static (classic) |
2 | Static | Dynamic | Dynamic. Centroids and classes are updated with each new cycle |
3 | Dynamic | Static | Dynamic. The centroids are represented by trajectories of their dimensions. Fixed number of classes |
4 | Dynamic | Dynamic | Dynamic. The centroids are represented by trajectories of their dimensions. The number of classes is updated with each new cycle |
No. | Base Clustering Technique | Dynamic Similarity Measure | Clustering Algorithm |
1 | K-means | Euclidean distance | END-KME |
2 | K-means | Correlation | END-KMC |
3 | K-means | Distance Hausdorff | END-KMH |
4 | K-means | Euclidean distance | K-means (modified) |
5 | FCM | Euclidean distance | END-FCME |
6 | FCM | Correlation | END-FCMC |
7 | FCM | Hausdorff Distance | END-FCMH |
8 | FCM | Fuzzy membership functions | FFCM |
1 | 2.348 | 5.918 | 3.204 | NaN | 4.131 | NaN | 6.181 | 8.114 |
2 | 3.151 | 5.650 | 2.680 | 2.285 | 3.848 | NaN | 7.449 | 7.050 |
3 | 2.314 | 5.836 | 3.039 | 1.594 | 2.792 | NaN | 5.201 | NaN |
4 | 1.894 | 5.674 | 3.759 | NaN | 5.801 | NaN | 5.103 | NaN |
5 | 2.967 | 5.674 | 3.136 | 2.421 | 3.699 | NaN | 4.184 | NaN |
6 | 2.589 | 5.267 | 3.049 | NaN | 3.175 | NaN | 6.444 | 6.527 |
7 | 2.336 | 5.951 | 3.497 | 2.183 | 8.750 | NaN | 6.552 | NaN |
8 | 2.501 | 5.854 | 3.202 | NaN | 4.143 | NaN | 5.881 | NaN |
9 | 2.483 | 5.758 | 3.204 | 1.390 | 4.866 | NaN | 16.863 | 9.270 |
10 | 2.689 | 5.878 | 2.995 | NaN | 2.909 | NaN | 4.738 | NaN |
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Benítez, I.; Díez, J.-L. Automated Detection of Electric Energy Consumption Load Profile Patterns. Energies 2022, 15, 2176.
Benítez I, Díez J-L. Automated Detection of Electric Energy Consumption Load Profile Patterns. Energies. 2022; 15(6):2176.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBenítez, Ignacio, and José-Luis Díez. 2022. "Automated Detection of Electric Energy Consumption Load Profile Patterns" Energies 15, no. 6: 2176.
APA StyleBenítez, I., & Díez, J.-L. (2022). Automated Detection of Electric Energy Consumption Load Profile Patterns. Energies, 15(6), 2176.