The Development of Citizen-Installed Renewable Energy Capacities in Former Eastern Bloc Countries—The Case of Poland
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Discussion of Results
3.1. Techno-Economic Systems Analysis
3.2. Socio-Technical Systems Analysis
3.3. Analysis of Systems of Political Actions
3.4. Empirical Data on Individual and Collective Prosumers in Poland
4. Conclusions
5. Policy Impact
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix A.1. Abbreviations of Data Sources
EUROSTAT | Various data, see: (accessed on 28 March 2020) |
IEA Sankey | (accessed on 28 March 2020) |
OECD | (accessed on 28 March 2020) |
PORTULANS | World Economic Forum, Network Readiness Index, see Dutta et al. 2021 |
GEDI | Global Entrepreneurship Research Data 2015–2019, see (accessed on 28 March 2020) |
WVS | World Value Survey, see Haerpfer 2020; Ingelhardt 2014 |
VDEM | Varieties of Democracies (V-DEM), see Coppedge et al. 2021; Pemstein et al. 2021 |
Appendix A.2. List of 19 Polish Energy Strategies That Were Used for the Analysis
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Topics | Category I Variables | Data Source |
Techno-economic systems—change in energy flows and market regulation | ||
Supply-side of the energy system |
Demand-side of the energy system |
| all EUROSTAT |
Socio-technical systems—technological change and society | ||
Knowledge (education, skills) |
Values, Practices |
Networks |
Systems of political action—change in policies impacting the energy system | ||
State goals, political interests, institutions and capacities |
Countries | ||||
Question of WVS | Visegrad | The Netherlands | Poland | Sweden |
Priority to ‘environmental protection’? (Answers: very confident and confident) | ||||
Wave 3 (1995–1998) | 42.1% | n/a | 40.8% | 59.05 |
Wave 5 (2005–2009) | no data | 54.8% | 37.2% | 63.3% |
Wave 6 (2010–2014) | no data | 40.9% | 37.6% | 62.9% |
Wave 7 (2017–2020) | 53.4% | 50% | 39.2% | 85.4% |
Confidence in the environmental protection movement? (Answers: Great deal and quite a lot) | ||||
Wave 5 (2005–2009) | no data | 53% | 51.6% | 73% |
Wave 6 (2010–2014) | no data | 44.7% | 51.3% | 69.2% |
Wave 7 (2017–2020) | 45.9% | 49% | 44.5% | 69.5% |
Do you feel as part of my local community? (Answers: strongly agree and agree) | ||||
Wave 5 (2005–2009) | 79.3% (Hungary) | no data | 90.9% | 94.3% |
Wave 6 (2010–2014) | 74.8% (Estonia) | 78.4% | 92.3% | 90.5% |
Governmental Support Schemes (as of July 2021) |
My Current 2019 [60] About 230 million EUR to support electricity production for self-consumption, i.e., micro-scale PV installations (<50 kW). 50% non-returnable subsidy for installation costs (max. PLN 5000 per project). Two calls by 12/2020. The new calls started in July 2021. |
Agroenergia 2019–2025 [61] Targets for RE from agricultural sources. About 50 million EUR. Provides low-interest loans and subsidies to farmers owning 1–300 ha for planning and establishing RE capacities: 50 kW–1 MW: up to 13%, 30 kW–50 kW up to 20%. |
Renewable Energy Act 2020 [62]
Act amending the Income Tax Act in 2018 (Art. 1) [63] and VAT Act 2004 (Art. 41) [64]:
Clean AIR programme 2018 [65]
Legal frameworks to support citizen initiatives:
Requirement for min. 10 members (if natural persons) or 3 (if legal persons). Entrance and member fees. One-member-one-vote principle. Executive board and general meetings to organize decisions.
Legal form. Members pay an entrance fee. Minimum 10 members (if natural persons) or 3 (if legal persons). Voting rights equal shares.
Individual prosumers (defined in Renewable Energy Resources Act 2020, Art. 27a) [62] |
Estimates: |
Housing cooperatives and associations (defined in Cooperative Act, 1982) [65] |
Energy clusters (Renewables Energy Act, Article 2, 15a) 1 [62] |
Energy cooperatives (Renewables Energy Act, Article 2, 33a) [62] |
Name of the Factor | Disabling | Mixed | Enabling | Trend |
Techno-economic system (multi-actor perspective) | ||||
High concentration of market power, High centralization of energy system | xxx xx-xxx | # of actors increasing, but structures continue to be rigid | ||
High dependency on single primary energy resources | x-xx | Very slow transition to oil, gas, nuclear, and RE | ||
High dependency on fossil fuels/ High exposure to price volatility | x | No trend break, only shifts within the fossil fuel mix | ||
High energy intensity of economy | x | Slowly improving. Important topic on the political agenda | ||
Restrained household economy * Low saving rates | x | x | Trend perpetuates, Trend perpetuates | |
Socio-technical system (multi-actor perspective) | ||||
Employment in mining and energy sector | xx | Decreasing | ||
Low market share of RE-technologies suitable for citizens to install | xx | Increasing: PV as a ‘booming niche’, vigorous advertisement | ||
Low level of social trust | x-xx | Decreasing, strongly tied to political cycle | ||
Employment in new economy/service sector | x | Trend perpetuates | ||
Solid educational background of citizens | x | Trend perpetuates | ||
Overall diffusion of ICT practices and technologies | x | Trend perpetuates | ||
Prevalence of entrepreneurial culture | x | Trend perpetuates | ||
Post-materialistic values (incl. environmental) do not dominate | x | Trend towards post-materialistic values | ||
Low level of civic participation | x | Trend break since 2014: strongly decreasing | ||
Systems of political action (with focus on governmental perspective) | ||||
Restrictive and uncertain governmental regulations, missing regulations | xx-xxx | Revision of regulations, improving trends | ||
Energy security paradigm in general and coal as ‘black gold’ | xx x | No trend break yet, but new energy strategy to be implemented | ||
Importance of the EU | xx | Trend perpetuates | ||
Limited governmental support for citizen-led investment | x | Improving trend | ||
Drop in liberal democracy and rule of law indexes | x | Negative | ||
Confidence in institutions | x | Negative |
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Schwanitz, V.J.; Rudek, T.J.; Hubert, W.; Wierling, A.H. The Development of Citizen-Installed Renewable Energy Capacities in Former Eastern Bloc Countries—The Case of Poland. Energies 2022, 15, 2597.
Schwanitz VJ, Rudek TJ, Hubert W, Wierling AH. The Development of Citizen-Installed Renewable Energy Capacities in Former Eastern Bloc Countries—The Case of Poland. Energies. 2022; 15(7):2597.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSchwanitz, Valeria Jana, Tadeusz Józef Rudek, Wit Hubert, and August Hubert Wierling. 2022. "The Development of Citizen-Installed Renewable Energy Capacities in Former Eastern Bloc Countries—The Case of Poland" Energies 15, no. 7: 2597.
APA StyleSchwanitz, V. J., Rudek, T. J., Hubert, W., & Wierling, A. H. (2022). The Development of Citizen-Installed Renewable Energy Capacities in Former Eastern Bloc Countries—The Case of Poland. Energies, 15(7), 2597.