A Review of Building Energy Retrofit Measures, Passive Design Strategies and Building Regulation for the Low Carbon Development of Existing Dwellings in the Hot Summer–Cold Winter Region of China
:1. Introduction
2. Review on Retrofit Approaches
2.1. Retrofit Measures
2.1.1. Energy Conservation-Related Passive Measures
2.1.2. Energy Conservation-Related Active Measures
2.1.3. Energy Generation Related Measures
2.1.4. Energy Management-Related Measures
2.2. Retrofit Outcomes
2.2.1. Shallow Retrofit
2.2.2. Deep Retrofit
3. China’s Hot Summer–Cold Winter Climate and the Housing Situation
3.1. The Hot Summer–Cold Winter Climate
3.2. Housing Situation
3.2.1. Energy Consumption of Existing Housing
3.2.2. Thermal Comfort of Existing Housing
3.3. Passive Measures Suitable for this Climate
- Active heating;
- Active cooling;
- Retain internal heat gains;
- Use fan-forced ventilation cooling;
- Use active dehumidification;
- Natural ventilation cooling;
- Sun shading of windows;
- High thermal mass;
- Thermal window with passive solar control;
- Two-stage evaporative cooling.
3.3.1. Passive Cooling Methods
3.3.2. Passive Heating Methods
4. Building Standard, Retrofit Schemes in HSCW Climate
4.1. The Building Standards in this Climate
4.1.1. Mandatory Building Regulations
4.1.2. Voluntary Building Regulations
4.2. International Low-Energy Building Standards
5. Discussion and Suggestions
6. Conclusions
- Based on the studied climate, the most effective passive cooling methods are the use of shading elements and natural ventilation. In addition, radiative cooling can be particularly effective for buildings with large surface areas that are exposed to solar radiation and have high interior wall temperatures. For passive heating, it is recommended to insulate the building envelope and install high-performance windows;
- There are many building retrofit measures that could allow both energy saving and increased thermal comfort in residential buildings, but shallow retrofits in general have much less effect than deep retrofitting in terms of building performance improvements;
- Deep retrofitting will be needed if the studied residential buildings are to achieve significant energy savings, and making good use of passive measures that suit the hot summer–cold winter climate could reduce the need for active heating and cooling;
- Local renewable energy generation is important to achieving low carbon emissions, especially as the cost of renewable generation systems continues to decrease. Solar photovoltaics and heat pumps are the most applicable renewable energy technologies. However, it is important to note that certain renewable energy systems are more efficient in insulated buildings. Therefore, retrofit projects involving insulation may be made more effective by adopting these technologies;
- The current mandatory building regulations and policies set out in the studied region are still a long way from achieving the country’s target for decarbonization, and so deep retrofit schemes will be necessary to achieve the decarbonization goals on time;
- Compared to retrofitting existing building several times to meet the updating Chinese regulations, a one-step deep retrofit approach is recommended, which can achieve the decarbonization goal in a shorter time;
- The Passivhaus standard is a method with good potential and that policy-makers should consider, given its ultra-low-energy criteria, as yielded by comprehensive evaluations of its performance and demonstration projects in China.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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JGJ 134-2010 (National) | DBJ43/001-2017 (Hunan) | DBJ/T36-024-2014 (Jiangxi) | DB34/1466-2019 (Anhui) | DB33/1015-2015 (Zhejiang) | New National (Review Stage) | |
Building shape factor | ||||||
≤3 floors | 0.55 | 0.55 | 0.55 | 0.55 | 0.55 | 0.57 |
4–11 floors | 0.40 | 0.4 | 0.40 | 0.40 | 0.40 | 0.4 |
≥12 floors | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.4 |
Window-to-wall ratio (WWR) | ||||||
North | 0.4 | - | 0.40 | 0.30 | 0.40 | 0.4 |
East and West | 0.35 | - | 0.35 | 0.2/0.3 | 0.20 | 0.35 |
South | 0.45 | - | 0.45 | 0.45 | 0.45 | 0.45 |
Heat transfer coefficient (shaper factor ≤ 0.4); Anhui: ≤6 floors/>6 floors | ||||||
Roof (D ≤ 2.5) | U ≤ 0.8 | U ≤ 0.6 | U ≤ 0.8 | U ≤ 0.6/0.6 | U ≤ 0.6 | U ≤ 0.4 |
Roof (D > 2.5) | U ≤ 1.0 | U ≤ 0.8 | U ≤ 1.0 | U ≤ 0.6/0.6 | U ≤ 0.7 | U ≤ 0.4 |
Wall (D ≤ 2.5) | U ≤ 1.0 | U ≤ 0.8 | U ≤ 1.0 | U ≤ 0.8/0.9 | U ≤ 1.0 | U ≤ 0.6 |
Wall (D > 2.5) | U ≤ 1.5 | U ≤ 1.1 | U ≤ 1.5 | U ≤ 1.0/1.1 | U ≤ 1.2 | U ≤ 1.0 |
Window (conditioned by different WWR range, noted in brackets) | U ≤ 4.7 (≤0.2) | U ≤ 3.6 (≤0.2) | U ≤ 4.7 (≤0.2) | U ≤ 2.6 (≤0.2) | U ≤ 2.8 (≤0.2) | U ≤ 2.8 (≤0.25) |
U ≤ 4.0 (0.2–0.3) | U ≤ 3.2 (0.2–0.35) | U ≤ 4.0 (0.2–0.3) | U ≤ 2.6 (0.2–0.3) | U ≤ 2.8 (0.2–0.3) | U ≤ 2.5 (0.25–0.4) | |
U ≤ 3.2 (0.3–0.4) | U ≤ 2.8 (0.35–0.45) | U ≤ 3.2 (0.3–0.4) | U ≤ 2.6 (0.3–0.4) | U ≤ 2.6 (0.3–0.4) | U ≤ 2.2 (0.4–0.6) | |
U ≤ 2.8 (0.4–0.45) | U ≤ 2.5 (≥0.45) | U ≤ 2.8 (0.4–0.45) | U ≤ 2.4 (0.4–0.45) | U ≤ 2.4 (0.4–0.45) | - | |
Envelope heat transfer coefficient (shaper factor > 0.4); Anhui: ≤6 floors/>6 floors | ||||||
Roof (D ≤ 2.5) | U ≤ 0.5 | U ≤ 0.5 | U ≤ 0.5 | U ≤ 0.5/0.5 | U ≤ 0.5 | U ≤ 0.4 |
Roof (D > 2.5) | U ≤ 0.6 | U ≤ 0.6 | U ≤ 0.6 | U ≤ 0.5/0.5 | U ≤ 0.6 | U ≤ 0.4 |
Wall (D ≤ 2.5) | U ≤ 0.8 | U ≤ 0.9 | U ≤ 0.8–0.95 | U ≤ 0.6/0.8 | U ≤ 0.8 | U ≤ 0.6 |
Wall (D > 2.5) | U ≤ 1.0 | U ≤ 1.0 | U ≤ 1.0–1.2 | U ≤ 0.8/1.0 | U ≤ 1.0 | U ≤ 1.0 |
Window (conditioned by different WWR range, noted in brackets) | U ≤ 4.0 (≤0.2) | U ≤ 3.2 (≤0.2) | U ≤ 4.0 (≤0.2) | U ≤ 2.6 (≤0.2) | U ≤ 2.8 (≤0.2) | U ≤ 2.8 (≤0.25) |
U ≤ 3.2 (0.2–0.3) | U ≤ 2.8 (0.2–0.35) | U ≤ 3.2 (0.2–0.3) | U ≤ 2.6 (0.2–0.3) | U ≤ 2.6 (0.2–0.3) | U ≤ 2.5 (0.25–0.4) | |
U ≤ 2.8 (0.3–0.4) | U ≤ 2.5 (0.35–0.45) | U ≤ 2.8 (0.3–0.4) | U ≤ 2.6 (0.3–0.4) | U ≤ 2.4 (0.3–0.4) | U ≤ 2.2 (0.4–0.6) | |
U ≤ 2.5 (0.4–0.45) | U ≤ 2.3 (≥0.45) | U ≤ 2.5 (0.4–0.45) | U ≤ 2.4 (0.4–0.45) | U ≤ 2.2 (0.4–0.45) | - | |
Airtightness level | ||||||
1–6 floors | ≤class 4 | - | ≤class 4 | ≤class 6 | ≤class 4 | ≤class 6 |
≥7 floors | ≤class 6 | - | ≤class 6 | ≤class 6 | ≤class 6 | ≤class 6 |
Elements | Basics Requirements | Safety and Durability | Health and Comfort | Convenience |
Points | 400 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Elements | Energy conservation | Environment | Innovation | |
Points | 200 | 100 | 100 |
Technical Guidelines for Passive Ultra-Low-Energy Green Building | Technical Standard for Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings | |
Roof | U: 0.20~0.35 | U: 0.15~0.35 |
Exterior wall | U: 0.20~0.35 | U: 0.15~0.40 |
Ground floor | - | - |
Exterior window | U: 1.0~2.0 | U: ≤2.0 |
MVHR system | Sensible heat recovery 75% Enthalpy heat recovery 70% | Sensible heat recovery 75% Enthalpy heat recovery 70% |
Airtightness | 0.6 ach | 1.0 ach |
Technical Guidelines for Passive Ultra-Low-Energy Green Building | Technical Standard for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings | ||
NZE Building | ULE Building | ||
Heating energy | 5 kWh/m2a | 8 kWh/m2a | 10 kWh/m2a |
Cooling energy * | 3.5 + 2.0 × WDH20 + 2.2 × DDH28 (34.1 kWh/m2a) | 3 + 1.5 × WDH20 + 2.0 × DDH28 (27 kWh/m2a) | 3.5 + 2.0 × WDH20 + 2.2 × DDH28 (34.1 kWh/m2a) |
Sum of heating, cooling and lighting | 60 kWh/m2a | - | - |
Sum of heating, cooling, hot water and lighting | - | 55 kWh/m2a | 65 kWh/m2a |
Climate, and Representative Cities | Primary Energy (kWh/m2a) | On-Site Renewable Energy (kWh/m2a) | Net Primary Energy * (kWh/m2a) |
Mediterranean (Catania, Athens, etc.) | 50–65 | 50 | 0–15 |
Oceanic (Paris, London, etc.) | 50–60 | 35 | 15–30 |
Continental (Budapest, Milan, etc.) | 50–70 | 30 | 20–40 |
Nordic (Stockholm, Helsinki, etc.) | 65–90 | 25 | 40–65 |
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© 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Liu, C.; Sharples, S.; Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. A Review of Building Energy Retrofit Measures, Passive Design Strategies and Building Regulation for the Low Carbon Development of Existing Dwellings in the Hot Summer–Cold Winter Region of China. Energies 2023, 16, 4115. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16104115
Liu C, Sharples S, Mohammadpourkarbasi H. A Review of Building Energy Retrofit Measures, Passive Design Strategies and Building Regulation for the Low Carbon Development of Existing Dwellings in the Hot Summer–Cold Winter Region of China. Energies. 2023; 16(10):4115. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16104115
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Chenfei, Stephen Sharples, and Haniyeh Mohammadpourkarbasi. 2023. "A Review of Building Energy Retrofit Measures, Passive Design Strategies and Building Regulation for the Low Carbon Development of Existing Dwellings in the Hot Summer–Cold Winter Region of China" Energies 16, no. 10: 4115. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16104115
APA StyleLiu, C., Sharples, S., & Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. (2023). A Review of Building Energy Retrofit Measures, Passive Design Strategies and Building Regulation for the Low Carbon Development of Existing Dwellings in the Hot Summer–Cold Winter Region of China. Energies, 16(10), 4115. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16104115