Time Series Optimization-Based Characteristic Curve Calculation for Local Reactive Power Control Using Pandapower-PowerModels Interface
:1. Introduction
1.1. Motivation
1.2. Literature Review
- Evolutionary algorithms and iterative simulations were often used to obtain the suitable parameters. A generalized approach using classical optimal power flow (deterministic optimization), which is more familiar to power system engineers, is lacking.
- In these studies, the control parameters were not discussed systemically. Only one or a limited number of parameters were considered. The others used standard settings.
- The design of the Q(P)-characteristic curve was mentioned relatively rarely. With suitable configuration, it may make a significant contribution to objectives.
- As mentioned in Section 1.1, in addition to supporting vs. and PLM, reactive power provision from DER in distribution grids can be also used to support the reactive power balancing (provide reactive power flexibilities) at the distribution-to-transmission interface and to enable the desired ancillary services at the up-streamed transmission level. Hence, the corresponding characteristic curves are worth studying. However, this has not been considered.
1.3. Contribution and Organization
- The ANN-based time series optimization (or estimation) needs low computational resources. Its drawbacks are obvious, i.e., it is highly subjective-dependent, and much time is required for pre-training and parametrization. It is inefficient for short-term time series optimization.
- Using polynomial regression to determine the characteristic curve (a continuous piecewise line: multiple segments connected by breakpoints) is not an efficient method. Firstly, we need to carefully select the polynomial degree based on the data. Secondly, the result is typically a single curve. This can make it challenging to identify the breakpoints necessary for the characteristic curve.
- Only the Q(P)-characteristic curve for voltage stability was considered.
- Lack of automatization and generalization.
- An implemented open-source tool (interface between pandapower [28] and PowerModels [29]) is applied and further developed, enabling the users to create custom mathematical optimization models for solving optimal power flow problems in an analytical and deterministic way. For this paper, additional models for reactive power optimization are implemented, applied, and released in github.
- The previous method is extended to Q(V)-characteristic curve calculations, considering dead band settings.
- The decision tree method is used for linear regression, with which a continuous piecewise line can be efficiently calculated as a characteristic curve.
- Q(P)- and Q(V)-characteristic curves for the observed grids can be individually calculated, supporting the maintenance of voltage stability, reactive power flexibility provision, loss minimization, and loading reduction.
2. Characteristic Curve Calculation for Local Reactive Power Control
2.1. Method Overview
2.2. Continuous Piecewise Linear Fitting
2.3. Objective Functions
sets: | |||
buses generators (or DER) loads branches | |||
variables: | |||
voltage magnitude voltage angle reactive power of DER | |||
(4) | |||
subject to: | |||
ac power flow | (5) | ||
branch current | | (6) | |
voltage magnitude | (7) | ||
voltage angle | (8) | ||
gen. reactive power | (9) | ||
gen. active power | (10) | ||
load apparent power | (11) |
2.4. Update Frequency
3. Optimization Tool: Interface between Pandapower and PowerModels
3.1. Pandapower and PowerModels
3.2. PandaModels
4. Case Studies
4.1. Characteristic Curve Calculations for Voltage Stability
4.1.1. Characteristic Curve Calculation and Simulations
4.1.2. Calculation Considering Dead Band Setting
4.2. Characteristic Curve Calculations for Q-Flexibility Provision
4.2.1. Central Optimization
4.2.2. Characteristic Curves Calculation and Simulations
5. Conclusions
- The application of the proposed method for different power system devices and types of control curves, e.g., the I(V)-characteristic curve calculation for static var compensators and the P(V)-characteristic curve calculation for electric vehicle charging control. Correspondingly, more optimization models in PandaModels are expected to be further implemented, providing more different ancillary services.
- In this paper, Q(P)- and Q(V)-characteristic curves are observed separately. It may be worthwhile to investigate calculating different curve types based on their location in the grid.
- After the linear decision tree regression, any segment with an excessive slope is corrected to meet the grid code requirements. This corrected segment can be further optimized or appropriately shifted to better represent the distribution of optimized operating points. Additionally, considering Q(V)-characteristic curves with a dead band, the dead band width and position can also be optimized and integrated with the proposed method.
- In this paper, we utilized deterministic optimization to complement the proposed method. Theoretically, any optimization algorithm can be combined with the proposed method. Depending on the specific scenario and grid characteristics, the integration of meta-heuristic optimization algorithms, such as differential evolutionary optimization, holds the potential for achieving superior results. This avenue of investigation merits further exploration.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Determination/Limitation |
Limits of reactive power provision: | Determined by grid code: [, ] |
Limits of active power: | Determined by grid code: |
Number of breakpoints: |
Parameter | Determination/Limitation |
Limits of reactive power provision: | Determined by grid code: [, ] |
Reference voltage value: | Determined by grid operators: e.g., 1.01 p.u. |
Dead band: | within bounds [] |
Slope: | |
Number of breakpoints: |
Article | Type | Objective | Dead Band | Slope | Breakpoint | Power Factor | Description/Comments | |
[14] | Q(P) Q(V) | VS PLM | --- | --- | --- | This method is used to optimize the control parameters for different grid areas separately with heuristic approaches (Genetic algorithm (GA), Downhill-Simplex/Nelder mead, Golden Section Search). | ||
[15] | VS PLM | --- | --- | --- | --- | An analysis method is proposed to improve the PV hosting capacity by the modification of the power factor (𝑄min, 𝑄max). | ||
[16] | PLM | --- | --- | --- | --- | To reduce the power loss, the reference setpoint location is analyzed considering the PV penetration rate and the weather conditions. | ||
[17] | VS | --- | --- | --- | --- | The P(V)-control and the Q(V)-control are combined considering active power curtailment. | ||
[18] | Q(V) | VS PLM | --- | --- | --- | According to the daily clearness index and the daily variability index, the grid condition (with high PV penetration) is classified into five types. For each grid condition type, the best dead band and slope in terms of power loss are determined by varying over ranges. | ||
[19] | VS PLM | --- | --- | Particle Swarm Optimization is used to optimize the control parameter. The grid states, e.g., power loss, are represented by revenues and measurements from DSO and customers. | ||||
[20] | VS | --- | --- | --- | Using a three-phase optimal power flow, the voltage reference point of the Q(V)-curve is optimized. | |||
[21] | VS | --- | --- | --- | --- | The use of GA is proposed to optimize the slope of the Q(V)-curve for grids with high penetration of PV. | ||
[22] | VS | --- | --- | --- | --- | The presented methodology aims to achieve the necessary tuning of the reference voltage with explicit consideration of the steady state error inherent in the Q(V)-control. | ||
[23] | VS | --- | --- | --- | --- | Using sensitivity analysis, the setting of the dead band that satisfies the voltage maintenance standard for two special disturbances in transmission systems is addressed. | ||
[24] | VS | --- | --- | --- | The paper proposes a two-stage method based on GA and an artificial neural network (ANN) to adapt the control parameters of Q(V)-curve. The ANN aims to develop a fitting function correlating the Thevenin impedance at the PCC and optimal control parameters obtained from the GA optimization. | |||
[25] | VS PLM | --- | --- | --- | The conventional Q(V)-curve is divided into multi-sections to compensate for reactive power, minimizing the power loss actively. The sections are determined by GA. |
DER Type | Normal Distribution Parameters: Mean; Standard Deviation |
PV | |
Wind | |
Load |
Simulation ID | Applied Characteristic Curves |
Q0 (reference) | No controller |
QPf (reference) | Fixed Q(P) (cf. Figure 10) |
QP (reference) | Q(P) (cf. Figure 10) |
QV (reference) | Q(V) (cf. Figure 10) |
QPopt | Individually calculated Q(P) |
QVopt | Individually calculated Q(V) |
OPT | Results directly from time series optimization |
QVdbd (reference) | Q(V) with the dead band (cf. Figure 10) |
OVdbdopt | Individually calculated Q(V) considering the dead band |
Interface | Q Flexibility at the Interface |
Güstrow | 0 MVAr |
Schwerin | 8 MVAr |
Perleberg | 36 MVAr |
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Share and Cite
Liu, Z.; Majidi, M.; Wang, H.; Mende, D.; Braun, M. Time Series Optimization-Based Characteristic Curve Calculation for Local Reactive Power Control Using Pandapower-PowerModels Interface. Energies 2023, 16, 4385. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16114385
Liu Z, Majidi M, Wang H, Mende D, Braun M. Time Series Optimization-Based Characteristic Curve Calculation for Local Reactive Power Control Using Pandapower-PowerModels Interface. Energies. 2023; 16(11):4385. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16114385
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Zheng, Maryam Majidi, Haonan Wang, Denis Mende, and Martin Braun. 2023. "Time Series Optimization-Based Characteristic Curve Calculation for Local Reactive Power Control Using Pandapower-PowerModels Interface" Energies 16, no. 11: 4385. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16114385
APA StyleLiu, Z., Majidi, M., Wang, H., Mende, D., & Braun, M. (2023). Time Series Optimization-Based Characteristic Curve Calculation for Local Reactive Power Control Using Pandapower-PowerModels Interface. Energies, 16(11), 4385. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16114385