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Novel Single-Stage Electrolytic Capacitor-Less Buck-Boost Inverter

Department of Electrical Engineering, Chosun University, Gwangju 61452, Republic of Korea
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Energies 2024, 17(23), 6191;
Submission received: 24 October 2024 / Revised: 30 November 2024 / Accepted: 4 December 2024 / Published: 8 December 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Power Electronics and Power Quality 2024)


Nowadays, single-phase, single-stage, buck-boost power inverters are mostly considered to be used for renewable energy source applications due to their wide range of capabilities. This article introduces a novel, single-phase, single-stage, buck-boost inverter with a wide range of input DC voltage. In addition, the introduced inverter does not use the electrolytic capacitor, which enhances the lifetime and volume reduction in the inverter, avoids the high equivalent series resistance, and reduces the inrush current of electrolytic capacitors in the introduced inverter. Moreover, the introduced inverter exhibits a reduced switch voltage rating, and the novel PWM control strategy with the half-cycle of the sinusoidal is derived to reduce the switching loss of power switches, thus improving the inverter’s efficiency. The operation states, theoretical analysis, and design of components are fully discussed. A comparative study of the introduced inverter with other buck-boost inverter topologies is also reported. Finally, the 500 W laboratory prototype is set up for simulation and experimental verification. The experimental results verify the correctness of operating analysis and simulation.

1. Introduction

Recently, renewable energy sources have emerged as a promising option for adopting clean and pollution-free energy solutions. Compared with other renewable sources, solar energy technology has become a good solution due to its numerous advantages of sufficient reserves, friendly environment, and easy improvement [1,2,3]. As the core component of distributed generation, the grid-connected inverter has become the research hotspot of many researchers. In addition, renewable energy sources are connected to the grid system by adding power electronics inverters. In general, a series connection of solar photovoltaic panels is used to deliver a high direct current (DC) bus feed to an inverter. Based on the galvanic isolated characteristics of the transformer, the common-mode leakage current is successfully eliminated in the isolated inverter. Although the transformer-based inverter can offer isolation and protection, it has the disadvantages of the transformer, such as its heavy weight, high cost, difficult installation, and decreased efficiency of the overall system [4,5]. Alternatively, the transformer-less inverter can reduce the inverter’s price and mass and improve efficiency. The voltage-source inverter is considered for use between solar photovoltaic panels and the grid. Various structures, including an H-bridge with five switches (H5) [6], a modified H5 [7], a family of H6 [8], and a HERIC inverter structure [9], can be considered to replace the conventional full-bridge topology.
In addition, the conventional voltage source inverter only performs the buck function in the DC–AC inverter, where the output voltage amplitude should be lower than the DC bus voltage [10,11,12,13]. In some partial operation conditions, the DC bus voltage is significantly degraded and there is not enough voltage to maintain grid-connected operation. This leads to a wider range of output of solar photovoltaic systems. Then, the boost function of the power inverters is required to solve this problem, and an additional boost converter is connected before the voltage-source inverter to handle the boost function [14,15,16]. This means the system has two-stage power conversion for controlling the step-up or step-down of the input DC bus voltage. However, the disadvantages of the two-stage structure topologies include low efficiency, high price, and difficulty with control in each stage. On the other hand, the single-stage structures with both boosting and bucking abilities are flexible enough to be controlled with a wide range of input voltage. The single-stage configuration has some advantages such as small volume, a lower number of components, low cost, and efficiency improvement [17,18], helping it to overcome a two-stage structure. From this perspective, single-stage buck-boost structures are present in the literature [19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29].
In [22], an active buck-boost inverter was introduced by using the full-bridge inverter unit. Nevertheless, this topology is not effective because many power switches are used, and high conduction loss occurs. The single-stage boost inverter including two boost modules [23] is proposed to provide a buck-boost function. However, it uses many passive components. The Z-source inverter was developed with an X-shape of inductors and capacitors in the first stage. For the second stage of the Z-source inverter, the full H-bridge circuit provides a shoot-through state for buck-boost operation with a single stage [24]. The dual-boost DC–AC inverter is proposed in [25], which uses a half-cycle modulation scheme to address the high loss of inductors because of the high circulating current in the boost inductors. This topology can provide high efficiency because the dual switch is switched at a high frequency. Despite these improvements, this structure has the disadvantage of using many inductors. To reduce the size of magnetic devices, a Manitoba buck-boost inverter [26] was recently introduced. In this structure, two inductors are operated for the buck-boost function and reduce the high-frequency switching device of the grid side. However, the drawback of the Manitoba buck-boost inverter is that it requires eight semiconductor switches, and all inductors require a high current rating. In addition, differential boost converters with split inductors were proposed in [27]. However, this structure gives higher switching and conduction losses. The virtual-ground buck-boost inverter [28] was proposed with low common-mode voltage. However, this inverter requires seven power switches and two output filter capacitors. The novel dual buck and boost inverter is also proposed in [29] by adding two more switches to the two buck-boost modules. Different from the conventional buck-boost inverter, this inverter can work in the pure full-bridge mode and reduce the current flow through two capacitors. Nevertheless, many power switches are used to utilize dual-mode time sharing, which increases the loss of switching devices.
This article introduces the new single-stage, single-phase, buck-boost inverter (S2B2I) to offer the buck-boost ability in single-stage power conversion. The half-cycle modulation strategy is derived to decrease the losses of power switches and generate the half-sinusoidal waveform on the capacitors. Then, the small-film capacitors can be employed in the proposed S2B2I to enhance the lifetime of the inverter without the inrush current using electrolytic capacitors in traditional inverters. The remainder of this article is structured as follows: Section 2 outlines the new structure and the derived PWM control scheme of the proposed S2B2I, along with detailed descriptions of its operating modes. Section 3 discusses component selection. Section 4 provides a comparative analysis. Section 5 presents extensive simulations. Section 6 details the experiments that validate the operating principles of the introduced S2B2I. Finally, Section 7 concludes the article.

2. Proposed S2B2I

2.1. Topology

The proposed S2B2I is shown in Figure 1. It is composed of eight switches (S1S8), two inductors (L1, L2), two leg capacitors (C1, C2), and one output capacitor (Co). Capacitors C1 and C2 are used for filtering and snubbing. The introduced S2B2I features a symmetrical design that incorporates two buck-boost modules. Module A on the right side seen from the input voltage Vi, is built by switches S1S4, inductor L1, and capacitor C1. Similarly, module B on the left side, seen from the input voltage Vi, is formed by switches S5S8, inductor L2, and capacitor C2. The proposed S2B2I also uses a dual-mode control method. More specifically, the switches of module A operate at a high frequency during the positive half of the output cycle, while the switches of module B operate at a high frequency during the negative half of the output cycle.

2.2. Derived PWM Strategy

The PWM switching strategy of the proposed S2B2I is shown in Figure 2. The main purpose of this control strategy is to generate a positive voltage with a half-sinusoidal waveform on capacitors C1 and C2 for modules A and B, respectively. The peak of the output voltage of the modules is the same in amplitude, but the phase angle of module B is shifted 180° compared to module A, which means that the four switches of module B are controlled by the phase shift of 180° from the four switches of module A.
In the interval of (0 < ωt ≤ π), switches S1S4 work at a high frequency and do not change the switching state in (π < ωt ≤ 2π), while switches S5S8 operate at a high frequency in the negative half of the output cycle (π < ωt ≤ 2π). Thus, the four switches of modules A and B just operate at high switching in half of the output sinusoidal waveform. The output voltage of module A and module B can be expressed as follows:
v A ( t ) = V o sin ω t , 0 < ω t π 0 , π < ω t 2 π
v B ( t ) = 0 , 0 < ω t π V o sin ω t π , π < ω t 2 π
where Vo = 2Vm and ω are the peak inverter output voltage and the output voltage line frequency, respectively.
The output voltage can be achieved by finding the difference between vA and vB:
v o t = v A t v B t = V o sin ω t
The proposed S2B2I operates in boost mode when the output voltage amplitude is greater than the input DC voltage Vi. In contrast, the inverter operates in step-down mode when the output voltage amplitude is below Vi. It can be seen that the two modules are similar, so the following analysis will focus on module A. In addition, when the output voltage of module A is higher than Vi, module A operates in boost mode from t1 to t2, as shown in Figure 2. In this case, switches S3 and S4 work at a high frequency, while S1 is ON and S2 is OFF. When the output voltage of module A is less than Vi, the operation of module A is in buck mode from 0 to t1 and t2 to 2π, as shown in Figure 2. Switches S1 and S2 work at a high frequency, while S3 is OFF and S4 is ON.
Based on the difference between the output voltage of module A and Vi, the operation partition of the boost and buck modes is determined as follows:
Boost mode:
m A ( t ) > 1 ,   t 1 < t t 2
Buck mode:
m A ( t ) 1 ,   t 0 < t t 1 t 2 < t t 3
where mA is the modulation factor, which is well-defined as the ratio between the output voltage of module A and the input voltage and given by
m A ( t ) = v A ( t ) V i
PWM signals in boost mode and buck mode are controlled with the duty cycle of dB1 and dB2, respectively, and can be derived from
d B 1 ( t ) = 1 G sin ( ω t ) ,   t 1 < t t 2 1 ,   t 0 < t t 1   a n d   t 2 < t t 6
d B 2 ( t ) = G sin ( ω t ) ,   t 0 < t t 1   a n d   t 2 < t t 3 1 ,   t 1 < t t 2
t 1 = 1 ω sin 1 1 G
t 2 = 1 ω π sin 1 1 G
Similar to module A, the operating modes of module B are controlled with the duty cycle of dB3 and dB4 and are given by
d B 3 ( t ) = 1 G sin ( ω t π ) ,   t 4 < t t 5 1 ,   t 0 < t t 4   a n d   t 5 < t t 6  
d B 4 ( t ) = G sin ( ω t π ) ,   t 3 < t t 4   a n d   t 5 < t t 6 1 ,   t 4 < t t 5
where G is the voltage gain, which is defined as the output voltage amplitude Vo to the input voltage Vi:
G = V o V i

2.3. Operating Mode

As shown in Figure 2, once the input voltage is higher than the output voltage, more specifically the input voltage is higher than the voltage on capacitor C1 and capacitor C2, the buck mode of the proposed S2B2I starts. The proposed inverter has four operating modes in this mode, as shown in Figure 3a,b,d,e. Modes 1 and 2, as shown in Figure 3a,b, are the operating modes in buck mode when vo > 0. Modes 4 and 5, as shown in Figure 3d,e, are the operating modes in buck mode when vo < 0.
When the input voltage is lower than the output voltage, the boost mode of the proposed S2B2I starts. Modes 2 and 3, as shown in Figure 3b,c, are the operating modes in boost mode when vo > 0. Modes 5 and 6, as shown in Figure 3e,f, are the operating modes in boost mode when vo < 0.
Mode 1 (Figure 3a): switches S2, S4, S6, and S8 are ON and S1, S3, S5, and S7 are OFF; L1 and C1 discharge to load through S6, S8, and L2. The inductor current L1 decreases as
d i L 1 ( t ) d t = v A L
where L is the inductance of L1 and L2.
Mode 2 (Figure 3b): switches S1, S4, S6, and S8 are ON and S2, S3, S5, and S7 are OFF. Vi and L1 charge C1 and supply power to the load through S6, S8, and L2. The slope of the inductor current L1 in terms of Vi and VA can be expressed as
d i L 1 ( t ) d t = V i v A L
Mode 3 (Figure 3c): switches S1, S3, S6, and S8 are ON and S2, S4, S5, and S7 are OFF. L1 stores energy from Vi and C1 discharges to load through S6, S8, and L2. The inductor current L1 increases as
d i L 1 ( t ) d t = V i L
Modes 4–6: These modes are technically identical to Modes 1, 2, and 3. Switches S5S8 in module B operate at a high frequency, while switches S1, S3, and S2, S4 in module A are OFF and ON, respectively.

3. Components Design Guideline

3.1. Inductance Selection

Assuming Io is the peak value of the load current of the proposed S2B2I, the equation for the output current is
i o ( t ) = I o sin ( ω t + θ )
where θ is the phase angle of the output voltage and load current.
The current inductor waveform is a non-sinusoidal waveform during step-up operation (G > 1). The maximum current inductor is obtained as
i L ( t ) = I o G
The current ripple of the inductor is defined by
Δ i L max = ( 1 d B o _ max ) V i L f s w = 1 1 G V i L f s w
In step-down operation (G < 1), the inductor current waveform is sinusoidal and the same as the output current. However, there is a high-frequency component when the current through the inductors is positive; this ripple value is given by
Δ i L max = V i 4 L f s w = V i 4 L f s w
Rearranging (14) and (15), inductors L1 and L2 can be calculated by
L = 1 1 G V i Δ i L max f s w ,   G > 1 V i 4 Δ i L max f s w ,   G 1
In the abovementioned equation, ΔiLmax = x% × IL. Based on this value, inductor L can be determined as
L = G 1 G 2 V i x % · I o · f s w ( G > 1 ) V i 4 x % · I o · f s w ( G 1 )

3.2. Capacitance Selection

The capacitor voltage ripple is different in the boost and buck modes. The voltage ripple of the capacitor is defined by
Δ V C max = ( 1 d B o _ max ) I o C · f s w = 1 1 G I o C · f s w   ( G > 1 ) Δ i L max 8 . C . f s w = V i 32 L · C · f s w 2   ( G < 1 )
We choose the limit of the maximum voltage ripple ΔVCmax = y% × Vo. The minimum value of C1 and C2 is needed to achieve ΔVCmax
C = 1 1 G I o y % · V o · f s w   ( G > 1 ) V i 32 y % . V o · L · f s w 2   ( G < 1 )

3.3. Switching Devices

The voltage stresses of the switches are
V S 1 = V S 2 = V S 5 = V S 6 = V i V S 3 = V S 4 = V S 7 = V S 8 = V o ,
The current stresses of the switches are
I S 1 = I S 3 = I S 4 = I S 5 = I S 7 = I S 8 = I o G I S 2 = I S 6 = I o ,
The switching device selection is based on the expected relevant peaks of its voltage and current and the availability of the switching devices. With 400 V maximum DC input voltage and 220 Vrms output voltage, a switching voltage rating of 600 V is recommended.

3.4. Power Loss Analysis

The power loss of the proposed S2B2I is analyzed in detail in the following sub-sections. The total power loss of the inverter consists of the switch loss, inductor loss, and capacitor loss.

3.4.1. Power Loss of Power Switches

The total power loss of the switches is equal to the sum of the conduction losses and switching losses, given by:
P S _ t o t = P S _ c o n + P S _ s w
P S _ c o n = 2 i = 1 4 R d s i I S i . r m s 2
P S _ s w = 2 i = 1 4 V S i I S i . a v g t r i + t f i f s  
where Rdsi, tri, and tfi are the on-state drain-source resistance and the turn-on and turn-off delay times of each MOSFET, respectively.
The average and R.M.S. current values through the switches are calculated as
I S 1 . a v g = 1 2 π 2 0 t 1 i L 1 ( t ) d B 2 t d ω t + t 1 t 2 i L 1 ( t ) d ω t I S 1 . r m s = 1 2 π 2 0 t 1 i L 1 2 ( t ) d B 2 t d ω t + t 1 t 2 i L 1 2 ( t ) d ω t
I S 2 . a v g = 1 2 π 2 0 t 1 i L 1 ( t ) d B 2 t d ω t + 0 π i L 1 ( t ) d ω t I S 2 . r m s = 1 2 π 2 0 t 1 i L 1 2 ( t ) d B 2 t d ω t + 0 π i L 1 2 ( t ) d ω t
I S 3 . a v g = 1 2 π t 1 t 2 i L 1 t d B 1 t d ω t I S 3 . r m s = 1 2 π t 1 t 2 i L 1 2 t d B 1 t d ω t
I S 4 . a v g = 1 2 π t 1 t 2 i L 1 ( t ) d B 1 t d ω t + t 2 2 π i L 1 ( t ) d ω t I S 4 . r m s = 1 2 π 2 0 t 1 i L 1 2 ( t ) d B 1 t d ω t + t 2 2 π i L 1 2 ( t ) d ω t

3.4.2. Power Loss of Inductors

The power loss in the inductors includes the core loss and the copper loss. The inductor loss is defined as
P D _ s w = 2 · k · B β · f s α · A e · l e + 2 r L I L 1 . r m s 2
where B is the AC magnetic flux; fs is the frequency; Ae is the core cross-sectional area; le is the core mean magnetic path length; IL1.rms and IL2.rms are RMS currents of the inductors; and rL is wire resistance. k, α, and β can be found from the manufacturer’s datasheet.
RMS values IL1.rms and IL2.rms can be calculated as
I L 1 . r m s = I L 2 . r m s = 1 2 π 2 0 t 1 i o 2 t d ω t + t 1 t 2 i o ( t ) 1 d B 1 ( t ) 2 d ω t

3.4.3. Power Loss of Capacitors

The power loss of capacitors is calculated as
P C = r C 1 I C 1 . r m s 2 + r C 2 I C 2 . r m s 2
where rC1 and rC2 are the equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the C1 and C2 capacitors, respectively; IC1.rms and IC2.rms are the RMS capacitor currents and are calculated as
I C 1 . r m s = 1 2 π t 1 t 2 i o 2 t d B 1 t d ω t + π 2 π I i n i L 2 t i o ( t ) 2 d ω t I C 2 . r m s = 1 2 π π 2 π I i n i L 2 t 2 d B 1 t d ω t + π 2 π I i n 2 [ 1 d 4 t ] d ω t
The parameters for the power loss calculation are presented in Table 1. Figure 4 depicts the power loss distribution of the proposed CGBBI when Vin = 50 V and 200 V, vo = 110 Vrms, and Po = 500 W.

4. Comparative Study

Amplification Ratio and Component Count

Table 2 provides a comparison between other buck-boost inverters and the proposed S2B2I, encompassing the power switch count, diodes, inductors, capacitors, high switching frequency switches in the positive and negative periods, switching frequency, number of DC sources, single-stage characteristics, power rating, boosting voltage, and reported efficiency. Compared with other buck-boost inverters in [23,25,26], the inverters in [12,13,24,27] and the proposed S2B2I use more power switches. However, the inverters in [13,24] and the proposed S2B2I did not use any power diodes in the inverter system. In terms of passive component comparison, the proposed S2B2I uses fewer inductors and capacitors. Note that the proposed S2B2I only uses film capacitors. This can improve the reliability and lifetime of the inverter. According to the input voltage reference, the switching time of each power switch of the proposed S2B2I can be changed, the total switching time of switches in the half cycle is not changed, and the high switching frequency switches of the proposed S2B2I can estimate two in the half cycle. For the operating input voltage range, the proposed S2B2I is the widest among the inverters in Table 2. In terms of the measured efficiency comparison, the proposed S2B2I has high efficiency in lower input voltage operation when compared with other inverters. Hence, the proposed S2B2I is a good solution compared with other inverters.

5. Simulation Results

For the theoretical verification, the proposed S2B2I is examined through PSIM 9.1 simulation software analysis, as shown in Figure 5. A 500 W inverter with the following specifications was used: vo = 110 Vrms, L1 = L2 = 0.25 mH, C1 = C2 = 4 μF, C0 = 2 μF, fo = 50 Hz, and fsw = 50 kHz.
Figure 6 and Figure 7 show the simulation results of the proposed inverter. Figure 6a shows the simulation results for the worst case when the input voltage is stepped up instantly from 50 V to 155 V with the G = 3.1. The peak voltage across the capacitors is equal to the output peak voltage of 155 V. The peak current of the inductor is about 20 A, which is equal to the theoretical values calculated from (13). The inductors and capacitors are designed according to the case G > 1 and satisfied in (17) and (19), where a 15% maximum peak-to-peak current ripple and a 10% peak-to-peak maximum voltage ripple are considered. Figure 6b shows the voltage stress on switches S1, S2, S3, and S4 for module A. It can be seen that the voltage stress of the two S1 and S2 switches is equal to the input voltage of 50 V, while the voltage stress of the two S3 and S4 switches is equal to the peak output voltage of 155 V. This is also the same in module B.
Similarly, the simulated results for buck mode are shown in Figure 7 when the input voltage is 200 V. The input, output, capacitors C1 and C2, voltages, and inductor L1 and L2 currents are presented in Figure 7a. The voltage stress on switches S1S4 is described in Figure 7b. As shown in Figure 7, the output voltage amplitude is lower than the DC input voltage. The capacitor voltage is the same as that in boost mode because the output voltage has not changed. The simulated waveforms are corrected to the theory in Section 2.

6. Experimental Results

To validate the achievability of the proposed S2B2I, a hardware prototype of the proposed S2B2I is set up to prove the effectiveness of the derived strategy. The testing parameters and selection of experimental devices are included in Table 3. It is noted that the 600 V devices we used are based on the availability of the device in the laboratory. With the specs in Table 3, the 300 V or 400 V switching devices can be used. Because the prototype is not well-designed, a small voltage spike will appear when the switch is turned off. A photo of the inverter prototype is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 9 shows the testing waveforms of the introduced S2B2I in step-up operation (Vi = 50V, vo = 110 Vrms). In Figure 9a, the output voltage amplitude is 156 V and the peak current of inductor L1 is around 20 A, which is consistent with the calculated and simulated values at G = 3.1. The measured peak value of the output current is 6.5 A. Capacitor voltages VC1 and VC2 are half sinusoidal and have the same peak voltage in each half-cycle, respectively. The voltage ripples on capacitors C1 and C2 are low. Figure 9b presents the PWM signals of switches S1, S3, and S4, which are corrected to the derived PWM method in Section 2. Figure 9c shows the voltage stress on switches S1, S3, and S4. It can be seen that switch S1 is operated in line frequency and the voltage stress is equal to the input voltage. In addition, the two S3 and S4 switches are switched at high frequency in a half-cycle, and those voltage stresses are equal to the peak output voltage.
Figure 10 presents the experimental waveforms of the proposed S2B2I in step-down operation (Vi = 200 V, vo = 110 Vrms). From Figure 10a, the output voltage has a peak value of 156 V and the inductor current is similar to the output current. The difference is that the inductor current in the positive half-wave has a high-frequency ripple, which is caused by the high-frequency operation of switches S1 and S2. Capacitor voltages VC1 and VC2 are the same. Figure 10b shows the PWM signals of switches S1, S3, and S4, which are similar to the simulation results. The PWM control signal for switch S1 is indicated in Figure 10b. Figure 10c shows the voltage stress on switches S1, S3, and S4.
From the experimental validation, the total harmonics distortion (THD) of the output current is measured at different power ratings and shown in Figure 11a when the output voltage is kept at 110 Vrms. The THD of output current io of the proposed S2B2I is lower than 3% when the G = 3.1 and also lower than 2.5% when the G = 0.78. The efficiency of the proposed S2B2I is also computed at different power ratings and compared with the different gains, as shown in Figure 11b. The efficiency in Figure 11 is measured by using the power meters at the both input and output sides of the inverter. It can be clearly seen from Figure 11b that the proposed S2B2I has higher efficiency in G = 0.78 compared to G = 3.1. The highest efficiency of the proposed S2B2I achieved 97% at G = 0.78. When G = 3.1, the maximum efficiency achieved by the inverter was 94.5%. This is because voltage gain increased and switches S3 and S4 in module A and S7 and S8 in module B operated with a higher switching frequency. In addition, the conduction loss of inductors also increased due to the increase in the inductor current in boost mode.

7. Conclusions

A new S2B2I with a non-electrolyte capacitor is described in this article, which provides a buck-boost function in single-stage power conversion. One of the characteristics of the proposed S2B2I structure is a wide range of input voltage. As a result, the voltage rating of switching devices can be significantly reduced. In addition, half of the power switch in each module is operated in line frequency by using the derived PWM control method, and then the efficiency of the proposed S2B2I is improved. The proposed S2B2I structure does not use an electrolytic capacitor, so the proposed S2B2I can improve the life of the inverter and has certain significance for the solar photovoltaic distributed generation system.

Author Contributions

Y.-O.C. determined topology, data analysis, and original draft preparation. K.M.N. contributed to propose configuration, analysis, review, and editing. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This study was supported by research funds from Chosun University (2021).

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Proposed S2B2I.
Figure 1. Proposed S2B2I.
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Figure 2. Derived PWM switching scheme of the proposed S2B2I.
Figure 2. Derived PWM switching scheme of the proposed S2B2I.
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Figure 3. Operational modes of the proposed S2B2I. (a) Mode 1. (b) Mode 2. (c) Mode 3. (d) Mode 4. (e) Mode 5. (f) Mode 6.
Figure 3. Operational modes of the proposed S2B2I. (a) Mode 1. (b) Mode 2. (c) Mode 3. (d) Mode 4. (e) Mode 5. (f) Mode 6.
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Figure 4. Power loss distribution of the proposed the proposed S2B2I.
Figure 4. Power loss distribution of the proposed the proposed S2B2I.
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Figure 5. Simulation circuit of the proposed S2B2I.
Figure 5. Simulation circuit of the proposed S2B2I.
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Figure 6. The waveforms of simulation results in boost operation when G = 3.1. (a) Input and output voltages, capacitor C1 and C2 voltage, and currents of inductors L1 and L2. (b) Voltage stress on switches S1S4.
Figure 6. The waveforms of simulation results in boost operation when G = 3.1. (a) Input and output voltages, capacitor C1 and C2 voltage, and currents of inductors L1 and L2. (b) Voltage stress on switches S1S4.
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Figure 7. The waveforms of simulation results in buck operation when G = 0.78. (a) Input and output voltages, capacitor C1 and C2 voltage, and currents of inductors L1 and L2. (b) Voltage stress on switches S1S4.
Figure 7. The waveforms of simulation results in buck operation when G = 0.78. (a) Input and output voltages, capacitor C1 and C2 voltage, and currents of inductors L1 and L2. (b) Voltage stress on switches S1S4.
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Figure 8. A photo of the S2B2I prototype.
Figure 8. A photo of the S2B2I prototype.
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Figure 9. The waveforms of experimental results in boost operation when G = 3.1. (a) Output voltage, current of inductor L1, and voltages of capacitors C1 and C2. (b) PWM signals of switches S1, S3, and S4. (c) Voltage stress on switches S1, S3, and S4.
Figure 9. The waveforms of experimental results in boost operation when G = 3.1. (a) Output voltage, current of inductor L1, and voltages of capacitors C1 and C2. (b) PWM signals of switches S1, S3, and S4. (c) Voltage stress on switches S1, S3, and S4.
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Figure 10. The waveforms of experimental results in buck operation when G = 0.78. (a) Output voltage, current of inductor L1, and voltages of capacitors C1 and C2. (b) PWM signals of switches S1, S3, and S4. (c) Voltage stress on switches S1, S3, and S4.
Figure 10. The waveforms of experimental results in buck operation when G = 0.78. (a) Output voltage, current of inductor L1, and voltages of capacitors C1 and C2. (b) PWM signals of switches S1, S3, and S4. (c) Voltage stress on switches S1, S3, and S4.
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Figure 11. Measurements of the proposed S2B2I. (a) THD of output current; (b) efficiency.
Figure 11. Measurements of the proposed S2B2I. (a) THD of output current; (b) efficiency.
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Table 1. Parameters for power loss analysis.
Table 1. Parameters for power loss analysis.
Inductors L1, L2CoreCM777125 (142 nH/N2)
Parasitic Resistor40 mΩ
CapacitorsESR of C1 and C249 mΩ
MOSFETsIPW60R045CPA (600 V, 60 A, Rdson = 45 mΩ)
Table 2. Comparison between the proposed S2B2I and other buck-boost inverters.
Table 2. Comparison between the proposed S2B2I and other buck-boost inverters.
No. of switches & Voltage stress4 × [Vi]
4 × [Vo]
4 × [Vi]
4 × [Vi + Vo]
4 × [Vi + Vo]
2 × [Vo]
4 × [Vi + Vo]
4 × [Vo]
2 × [Vi + Vo]
2 × [Vi + Vo]
3 × [Vi + Vo]
2 × [Vo]
4 × [Vi]
4 × [Vo]
4 × [Vi]
4 × [Vo]
No. of diodes & Voltage stress2 × [Vi]
2 × [Vo]
0002 × [Vi + Vo]
2 × [Vi + Vo]
2 × [Vo]2 × [Vi]
2 × [Vo]
No. of inductors & reported inductance2 × [0.6 mH]
1 × [0.4 mH]
1 × [0.3 mH]2 × [0.5 mH]2 × [0.78 mH]2 × [50 µH]
2 × [0.3 mH]
1 × [0.7mH]2 × [1.2 mH]2 × [0.25 mH]
No. of capacitors &
reported capacitance
2 × [5 µF]1 × [6.8 µF]2 × [20 µF]1 × [6.8 µF]2 × [3 µF]
1 × [6.8 µF]
2 × [6µF]1 × [2µF]2 × [4 µF]
1 × [2 µF]
High freq. switches at +,− half cycles4, 42, 22, 21, 12, 21, 12, 22, 2
Switching freq.50 kHz30 kHz20 kHz20 kHz50 kHz50 kHz40 kHz50 kHz
No. of DC source21111111
Single-stage systemNoNoYesYesYesYesYesYes
Power rating1500 W500 W500 W400 W500 W500 W550 W500 W
Vi * → Vo(rms)116 → 21085 → 11080 → 11060 → 11077 → 11084 → 110100 → 11050 → 110
Reported efficiency at Po with Vi * (%)96.4%94.7%91.1%91.1%95.6%95.6%96.4%94.3%
Range of Vi (V)-85–200-60–20077–20084–200100–20050–200
Peak measured efficiency97.6%96.8%92.6%95.7%96.5%97%96.6%97%
* DC input voltage.
Table 3. Simulation and experiment specifications.
Table 3. Simulation and experiment specifications.
Input voltage50~200 V
Output phase voltage110 Vrms
Output frequency50 Hz
Power rating500 W
Inductors L1 = L20.25 mH
CapacitorsC1 = C24 µF
C02 µF
SwitchesIPW60R045CPA (600 V, 60 A, 45 mΩ)
Switching frequency50 kHz
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MDPI and ACS Style

Choi, Y.-O.; Nguyen, K.M. Novel Single-Stage Electrolytic Capacitor-Less Buck-Boost Inverter. Energies 2024, 17, 6191.

AMA Style

Choi Y-O, Nguyen KM. Novel Single-Stage Electrolytic Capacitor-Less Buck-Boost Inverter. Energies. 2024; 17(23):6191.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Choi, Youn-Ok, and Khai M. Nguyen. 2024. "Novel Single-Stage Electrolytic Capacitor-Less Buck-Boost Inverter" Energies 17, no. 23: 6191.

APA Style

Choi, Y.-O., & Nguyen, K. M. (2024). Novel Single-Stage Electrolytic Capacitor-Less Buck-Boost Inverter. Energies, 17(23), 6191.

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