Hydrogen Micro-Systems: Households’ Preferences and Economic Futility †
:1. Introduction
- Is the German population willing to invest in residential hydrogen systems?
- What are their motives?
- Is there an economic case for residential hydrogen systems?
- And finally: What is the potential market for hydrogen home storage systems?
2. Background
2.1. The Perception of Hydrogen and Decentralized Energy Systems
2.2. Hydrogen Usage in Households
2.2.1. Hydrogen for Heat Production
2.2.2. Hydrogen for Power Production
2.2.3. Hydrogen for Mobility
3. The Survey
3.1. Survey Design
3.2. Survey Results
3.2.1. Full Sample
3.2.2. Homeowners
3.2.3. Innovators
4. Economic Assessment
4.1. Baseline Scenario: PV System without Storage System
4.1.1. Scenario A: PV System with Battery
4.1.2. Scenario B: PV System with Residential Hydrogen System
4.2. Calculation of Total Annual Costs including Investment Costs across All Scenarios
5. Discussion and Conclusions
5.1. Discussion
5.2. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Group | Tenants a | Homeowners b without PV | Homeowners b with PV |
Nb. of participants | 106 | 110 | 134 |
Share in survey | 30% | 31% | 38% |
Share in population c | 58% | 26% | 6.6% |
Will Gain + Likely Gain Importance | Neither | Will Lose + Likely Lose Importance | Do Not Know | |
Sample | 71% | 11% | 1% | 17% |
Weighted sample | 66% | 14% | 1% | 19% |
Pretty Accurate Idea | Rough Idea | No Idea | |
Sample | 6% | 39% | 55% |
Weighted sample | 4% | 38% | 57% |
Yes + More Likely Yes | More Likely No + No | Do Not Know | |
Sample | 54% | 29% | 17% |
Weighted sample | 43% | 38% | 19% |
Yes + More Likely Yes | More Likely No + No | Do Not Know | |
Tenants | 38% | 42% | 21% |
Homeowners | 49% | 36% | 15% |
Homeowner with PV | 70% | 14% | 16% |
Homeowner with PV + Battery | 69% | 17% | 13% |
Mean Values | Unit | Survey | Population | |
Innovators | Home-Owners | Home-Owners | ||
PV owners | 0/1 dummy | 1 | 0.36 | ~0.2 a |
Battery ownership | 0/1 dummy | 0.49 | 0.23 | NA |
Battery ownership or interest | 0/1 dummy | 1 | 0.59 | NA |
HH size | Number | 3.2 | 2.7 | 2.4 b |
Avg. age | Number | 50 | 54 | 58 c |
Children | 0/1 dummy | 0.59 | 0.33 | 0.21 b |
Floor size | m2 | 171 | 186 | 133 b |
Electr. Consumption | kWh/year | 3951 | 4476 | 3774 d |
Baseline Scenario: PV System | |||||||
Month | Standard Load Profile Total Consumption in kWh | Total Production PV System in kWh | Consumption Grid Electricity in kWh | Surplus Electricity in kWh | Monthly Costs Grid Electricity 1 in EUR | Feed-in Compensation 2 in EUR | Total Electricity Costs in EUR |
January | 571.54 | 206.86 | 493.96 | 129.28 | 157.72 | 9.18 | 148.54 |
February | 523.34 | 285.13 | 433.32 | 195.11 | 138.36 | 13.85 | 124.51 |
March | 562.38 | 693.72 | 413.38 | 544.72 | 131.99 | 38.68 | 93.32 |
April | 573.76 | 1312.2 | 367.11 | 1105.54 | 117.22 | 78.49 | 38.72 |
May | 551.01 | 1582.32 | 324.37 | 1355.68 | 103.57 | 96.25 | 7.32 |
June | 527.21 | 1673.92 | 295.06 | 1441.77 | 94.21 | 102.37 | 8.15 |
July | 563.84 | 1501.73 | 315.97 | 1253.86 | 100.89 | 89.02 | 11.87 |
August | 542.99 | 1288.32 | 347.23 | 1092.56 | 110.87 | 77.57 | 33.30 |
September | 557.38 | 883.78 | 396.63 | 723.22 | 126.64 | 51.35 | 75.30 |
October | 559.53 | 552.27 | 431.82 | 424.36 | 137.88 | 30.13 | 107.75 |
November | 555.97 | 213.24 | 471.59 | 128.85 | 150.58 | 9.15 | 141.43 |
December | 595.83 | 121.92 | 536.37 | 62.45 | 171.26 | 4.43 | 166.83 |
∑ | 6684.78 | 10,315.41 | 4826.81 | 8457.4 | 1541.20 | 600.48 | 940.73 |
Scenario A: PV System with Battery | |||||||
Month | Standard Load Profile Total Consumption in kWh | Total Production PV System in kWh | Consumption Grid Electricity in kWh | Surplus Electricity in kWh | Monthly Costs Grid Electricity 1 in EUR | Feed-in Compensation 2 in EUR | Monthly Costs Grid Electricity in EUR |
January | 571.54 | 206.86 | 377.36 | - | 120.49 EUR | - | 120.49 |
February | 523.34 | 285.13 | 283.66 | 19.84 | 90.57 EUR | 1.41 | 89.16 |
March | 562.38 | 693.72 | 154.53 | 253.85 | 49.34 EUR | 18.02 | 31.32 |
April | 573.76 | 1312.2 | 60.52 | 775.71 | 19.32 EUR | 55.08 | −35.75 |
May | 551.01 | 1582.32 | 44.02 | 1057.8 | 14.06 EUR | 75.10 | −61.05 |
June | 527.21 | 1673.92 | 43.9 | 1156.68 | 14.02 EUR | 82.12 | −68.11 |
July | 563.84 | 1501.73 | 42.37 | 958.07 | 13.53 EUR | 68.02 | −54.49 |
August | 542.99 | 1288.32 | 57.26 | 784.16 | 18.28 EUR | 55.68 | −37.39 |
September | 557.38 | 883.78 | 75.26 | 365.27 | 24.03 EUR | 25.93 | −1.90 |
October | 559.53 | 552.27 | 121.86 | 96.84 | 38.91 EUR | 6.88 | 32.03 |
November | 555.97 | 213.24 | 352.93 | - | 112.69 EUR | - | 112.69 |
December | 595.83 | 121.92 | 480.16 | - | 153.32 EUR | - | 153.32 |
∑ | 6684.78 | 103,15.41 | 2093.83 | 5468.22 | 668.56 | 388.24 | 280.32 EUR |
Scenario B: PV System + Residential Hydrogen System | ||||||||
Month | Surplus Electricity in kWh | Electricity Demand before 1 in kWh | SOCH2 in kWh | Electricity Demand after 2 in kWh | Electricity for Feed-in 3 in kWh | Monthly Costs Grid Electricity 4 in EUR | Feed-in Compensation 5 in EUR | Monthly Costs Grid Electricity in EUR |
January | - | 377.36 | - | 377.36 | - | 120.49 | - | 120.49 |
February | 19.84 | 283.66 | 12.15 | 276.98 | - | 88.44 | - | 88.44 |
March | 253.85 | 154.53 | 155.48 | 69.01 | - | 22.04 | - | 22.04 |
April | 775.71 | 60.52 | 475.12 | - | - | - | - | - |
May | 1057.8 | 44.02 | 545.45 | - | 763.33 | - | 54.20 | −54.20 |
June | 1156.68 | 43.9 | 545.45 | - | 1026.01 | - | 72.85 | −72.85 |
July | 958.07 | 42.37 | 545.45 | - | 827.75 | - | 58.77 | −58.77 |
August | 784.16 | 57.26 | 545.45 | - | 658.39 | - | 46.75 | −46.75 |
September | 365.27 | 75.26 | 545.45 | - | 195.30 | - | 13.87 | −13.87 |
October | 96.84 | 121.86 | 467.93 | - | - | - | - | - |
November | - | 352.93 | 246.36 | 217.43 | - | 67.43 | - | 69.43 |
December | - | 480.16 | - | 480.16 | - | 153.32 | - | 153.32 |
∑ | 5468.22 | 2093.83 | 1403.11 | 3674.13 | 448.01 | 260.86 | 207.28 |
CapEx in EUR | Calculated Service Life in Years | Annualised CapEx in EUR | OpEx in EUR | Annual Costs in EUR | ||
Annual Electricity Costs | Maintenance | |||||
Baseline Scenario: PV System | -- 1 | -- 1 | -- 1 | 940 | -- 1 | 940 |
Scenario A: PV System + Battery | 18,000 2 | 20 4 | 900 | 280 | 0 6 | 1180 |
Scenario B: PV System + Hydrogen Storage System | 87,125 3 | 18 5 | 4840 | 207 | 499 7 | 5546 |
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Klingler, A.-L.; Dörr, J. Hydrogen Micro-Systems: Households’ Preferences and Economic Futility. Energies 2024, 17, 1524. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17071524
Klingler A-L, Dörr J. Hydrogen Micro-Systems: Households’ Preferences and Economic Futility. Energies. 2024; 17(7):1524. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17071524
Chicago/Turabian StyleKlingler, Anna-Lena, and Julian Dörr. 2024. "Hydrogen Micro-Systems: Households’ Preferences and Economic Futility" Energies 17, no. 7: 1524. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17071524
APA StyleKlingler, A.-L., & Dörr, J. (2024). Hydrogen Micro-Systems: Households’ Preferences and Economic Futility. Energies, 17(7), 1524. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17071524