Valuing Expansions of the Electricity Transmission Network under Uncertainty: The Binodal Case
:1. Introduction
2. Some Background
2.1. The Physical Environment
2.2. The Economic Environment
3. The Basic Setup
3.1. Some Features of the Model to Be Developed
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- We assume a stochastic behavior for the price of coal, natural gas, and carbon emission allowances. They evolve according to some parameters whose values are estimated from observed market prices.
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- Each component of the network (generation unit, transmission line) has a certain probability of being out of service at any time (e.g., plants can be unavailable because of adverse weather conditions like high winds and low temperatures). So outages occur stochastically according to some rate.
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- Given commodity prices and components availability, at any time the supply curve of generators is determined (the merit order), which is ordered from lower to higher bid price of electricity. The model must allow for the possibility that, on some occasions, the cheapest-to-run units be coal-fired plants while at some other times that role fall on natural gas combined cycles [25]. It depends on the stochastic evolution of prices along each path generated by Monte Carlo simulation(this numerical method will be adopted for solving this type of problem).
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- At any time there is a stochastic demand at each node. This load is going to be correlated with the loads at adjacent nodes (e.g., because both are more or less affected by common factors such as outdoor temperature or sun light).
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- From the intersection of supply and demand curves the (marginal) price of electricity results. In the case of a network under uniform pricing, this would be the price charged by all generators.
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- At every time demand and supply must be balanced, and the Laws of Physics must apply in the network.
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- We adopt the DC load flow model, so we do not model the impact of reactive power on the system. It provides an approximate solution for a network carrying AC power [15, Appendix D].
3.2. A Simple Transmission Model
Node #1 | Node #2 | Line L1 | |
Effective Generation | - | ||
Maximum Generation | - | ||
Availability {0,1} | |||
Load Served | - | ||
Load Demanded | - | ||
Line capacity | - | - | |
Trans. Losses | - | - |
4. The Stochastic Model
4.1. Future Loads
4.2. Commodity Prices
- (a)
- Natural gas price:
- (b)
- Coal price:
- (c)
- As for the emission allowance price, we adopt a non-stationary process:
5. Estimation of the Underlying Parameters
5.1. Drift and Volatility of the Demand
Coefficient | Estimate | Std. Dev. | t-statistic | p-value |
0.0176115 | 0.00365603 | 4.817 | 0.0002 |
5.2. Estimation of the Price Processes
Parameter | Value | Parameter | Value | Parameter | Value | Parameter | Value |
105.27 | 25.04 | −21.7 3.29 | 74.7898 | ||||
0.69 | 0.85 | 0.054 | 7.2419 | ||||
0.4144 | 0.6356 | 0.20 | 13.18 |
6. Monte Carlo Simulation
7. Certainty and Uncertainty with a Single Transmission Line (L1)
7.1. The Base Case: No Growth in Loads and Only L1 under Certainty
No Volatility | Base Case | |
Coal generation (GWh) | 493.63 | 493.27 |
Gas generation (GWh) | 1201.64 | 1199.63 |
Load (GWh) | 1785.44 | 1786.04 |
Unserved load (GWh) | 118.83 | 121.69 |
Transmission (GWh) | 466.60 | 464.59 |
Emissions (KtCO2) | 1000.61 | 1000.46 |
Allowance costs (M€) | 15.88 | 15.84 |
Present cost (M€) | 115.14 | 116.06 |
7.2. Impact of Higher Demand Volatitlity
Base Case (σ = 1.55%) | σ = 3.1% | |
Coal generation (GWh) | 493.27 | 491.63 |
Gas generation (GWh) | 1199.63 | 1193.46 |
Load (GWh) | 1786.04 | 1786.49 |
Unserved load (GWh) | 121.69 | 129.57 |
Transmission (GWh) | 464.59 | 458.56 |
Emissions (KtCO2) | 1000.46 | 996.34 |
Allowance costs (M€) | 15.84 | 15.74 |
Present cost (M€) | 116.06 | 118.45 |
7.3. Impact of Higher Demand Growth Rate
Base Case (α = 1.74%) | α = 3.49% | |
Coal generation (GWh) | 493.27 | 494.91 |
Gas generation (GWh) | 1199.63 | 1341.73 |
Load (GWh) | 1786.04 | 2163.30 |
Unserved load (GWh) | 121.69 | 354.47 |
Transmission (GWh) | 464.59 | 452.68 |
Emissions (KtCO2) | 1000.46 | 1054.50 |
Allowance costs (M€) | 15.84 | 16.75 |
Present cost (M€) | 116.06 | 193.30 |
7.4. Effect of a Higher Initial Allowance Price
Base Case A0 = 13.18 | A0 = 26.36 | |
Coal generation (GWh) | 493.27 | 485.70 |
Gas generation (GWh) | 1199.63 | 1206.98 |
Load (GWh) | 1786.04 | 1786.04 |
Unserved load (GWh) | 121.69 | 122.36 |
Transmission (GWh) | 464.59 | 471.94 |
Emissions (KtCO2) | 1000.46 | 994.57 |
Allowance costs (M€) | 15.84 | 31.32 |
Present cost (M€) | 116.06 | 131.81 |
8. Expansion of the Transmission Network
8.1. The Case with Full Certainty
Coal generation (GWh) | 493.63 | 473.57 |
Gas generation (GWh) | 1201.64 | 1301.98 |
Load (GWh) | 1785.44 | 1785.44 |
Unserved load (GWh) | 118.83 | 44.73 |
Transmission (GWh) | 466.60 | 566.95 |
Emissions (KtCO2) | 1000.61 | 1015.68 |
Allowance costs (M€) | 15.88 | 16.05 |
Present cost (M€) | 115.14 | 95.23 |
8.2. Expansion in the Base Case
Coal generation (GWh) | 493.27 | 471.69 |
Gas generation (GWh) | 1199.63 | 1299.32 |
Load (GWh) | 1786.04 | 1786.04 |
Unserved load (GWh) | 121.69 | 49.71 |
Transmission (GWh) | 464.59 | 564.28 |
Emissions (KtCO2) | 1000.46 | 1012.57 |
Allowance costs (M€) | 15.84 | 15.95 |
Present cost (M€) | 116.06 | 96.51 |
8.3. Expansion under Higher Demand Volatility
Coal generation (GWh) | 491.63 | 467.31 |
Gas generation (GWh) | 1193.46 | 1291.60 |
Load (GWh) | 1786.49 | 1786.49 |
Unserved load (GWh) | 129.57 | 61.78 |
Transmission (GWh) | 458.56 | 556.70 |
Emissions (KtCO2) | 996.34 | 1004.77 |
Allowance costs (M€) | 15.74 | 15.75 |
Present cost (M€) | 118.45 | 99.61 |
8.4. Expansion under Higher Demand Growth
Coal generation (GWh) | 494.91 | 483.27 |
Gas generation (GWh) | 1341.73 | 1452.84 |
Load (GWh) | 2163.30 | 2163.30 |
Unserved load (GWh) | 354.47 | 261.82 |
Transmission (GWh) | 452.68 | 563.79 |
Emissions (KtCO2) | 1054.50 | 1082.09 |
Allowance costs (M€) | 16.75 | 17.19 |
Present cost (M€) | 193.30 | 166.25 |
8.5. Expansion under Higher Allowance Price
Coal generation (GWh) | 485.70 | 429.76 |
Gas generation (GWh) | 1206.98 | 1343.30 |
Load (GWh) | 1786.04 | 1786.04 |
Unserved load (GWh) | 122.36 | 50.36 |
Transmission (GWh) | 471.94 | 608.26 |
Emissions (KtCO2) | 994.57 | 981.12 |
Allowance costs (M€) | 31.32 | 30.82 |
Present cost (M€) | 131.81 | 112.16 |
L1 | L1 + L2 | |||
Average | 90% Percentile | Average | 90% Percentile | |
No load volatility | 2,376,500 | 2,441,589 | 894,570 | 958,389 |
Base case | 2,433,759 | 3,561,563 | 994,179 | 1,747,684 |
Double load volat. | 2,591,459 | 4,854,215 | 1,235,570 | 2,793,873 |
Double load growth | 7,089,456 | 8,678,301 | 5,236,445 | 6,943,400 |
Double CO2 price | 2,447,227 | 3,588,797 | 1,007,142 | 1,765,800 |
9. Concluding Remarks
Appendix A. Estimation of the Long-Term Fixed Margin
Appendix B. Load and Risk of Unserved Load
50 | 0.03 | 0.20 | 67.49 | 91.11 | 156.38 | 2.53 |
50 | 0.02 | 0.20 | 61.07 | 74.59 | 141.50 | 2.78 |
50 | 0.01 | 0.20 | 55.26 | 61.07 | 128.04 | 3.10 |
50 | 0.03 | 0.10 | 67.49 | 91.11 | 108.00 | 5.92 |
50 | 0.02 | 0.10 | 61.07 | 74.59 | 97.73 | 7.17 |
50 | 0.01 | 0.10 | 55.26 | 61.07 | 88.43 | 9.30 |
30 | 0.03 | 0.20 | 40.50 | 54.66 | 93.83 | 8.72 |
30 | 0.02 | 0.20 | 36.64 | 44.75 | 84.90 | 10.36 |
30 | 0.01 | 0.20 | 33.16 | 36.64 | 76.82 | 13.08 |
30 | 0.03 | 0.10 | 40.50 | 54.66 | 64.80 | 16.02 |
30 | 0.02 | 0.10 | 36.64 | 44.75 | 58.64 | 20.70 |
30 | 0.01 | 0.10 | 33.16 | 36.64 | 53.06 | 30.40 |
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Share and Cite
Abadie, L.M.; Chamorro, J.M. Valuing Expansions of the Electricity Transmission Network under Uncertainty: The Binodal Case. Energies 2011, 4, 1696-1727.
Abadie LM, Chamorro JM. Valuing Expansions of the Electricity Transmission Network under Uncertainty: The Binodal Case. Energies. 2011; 4(10):1696-1727.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAbadie, Luis M., and José M. Chamorro. 2011. "Valuing Expansions of the Electricity Transmission Network under Uncertainty: The Binodal Case" Energies 4, no. 10: 1696-1727.
APA StyleAbadie, L. M., & Chamorro, J. M. (2011). Valuing Expansions of the Electricity Transmission Network under Uncertainty: The Binodal Case. Energies, 4(10), 1696-1727.