Sustainability of the Biorefinery Industry for Fuel Production
:1. Introduction
2. Bio-oils
2.1. Soybean
2.2. Palm Oil
2.2.1. Palm Oil Life-Cycle Inventory
Inputs | Outputs | ||||
Material | Unit | Quantity | Material | Unit | Quantity |
Seeds | Unit | 160.00 | Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) | ton | 500 |
CO2 | ton | 129.30 | Emissions | kg CO2 eq. | 22,380.27 |
LDPE | kg | 2.75 | Solid Waste | kg (Plastic bags) | 2.75 |
Water | L | 1791 | |||
Urea | kg | 1,637.61 | |||
TSP | kg | 4,282.86 | |||
KCl | kg | 2,240.15 | |||
MgSO4 | kg | 137.04 | |||
Diesel | kg | 3,609.60 | |||
Pesticide | kg | 82.5 |
2.2.2. Characterization of the Environmental Impacts of Oil Palm
2.3. The Biodiesel Plant
2.3.1. Oil Pre-Treatment Unit
2.3.2. Transesterification Unit
2.4.Environmental Impact Assessment of Biodiesel Production
- (i)
- Global Warming—3 gases (kg CO2-eq);
- (ii)
- GHG-IPCC (kg CO2-eq); and
- (iii)
- CML2001:
- a.
- CML2001, Acidification Potential (AP) (kg SO2-eq);
- b.
- CML2001, Eutrophication Potential (EP) (kg phosphate-eq);
- c.
- CML2001, Aquatic Ecotoxicity Potential (FAETP) (kg DCB-eq);
- d.
- CML2001, Global Warming Potential (GWP 100 years) (kg CO2-eq); and
- e.
- CML2001, Terrestrial Ecotoxicity Potential (TETP) (kg DCB-eq).
3. Bioethanols
3.1. First-Generation Ethanol
3.1.1. Goal Setting
3.1.2. Scope Definition
3.1.3. Characterization of the Sugarcane Cultivation Phase
3.1.4. Characterization of the Industrial Phase of Ethanol Production
3.1.5. Assessment of Cost and Environmental Impacts
3.2. Second-Generation Ethanol
4. Economic Impacts of Ethanol Production Examined via the Structural Path Analysis Method
SPA Results
Rank | Input Paths | Values | Units | Order | Total impact % |
1 | Fge←Sc | 951.3 | 10 ×106 kg CO2 | 1 | 39.2 |
2 | Fge | 873.4 | 10 ×106 kg CO2 | 0 | 36.0 |
3 | Fge←Tra | 80.4 | 10 ×106 kg CO2 | 1 | 3.3 |
1 | Fge←Sc | 10,000.1 | TJ | 1 | 64.4 |
2 | Fge←Tra | 1,415.0 | TJ | 1 | 9.1 |
3 | Fge | 909.8 | TJ | 0 | 5.9 |
1 | Fge←Sc | 89.8 | 10 ×103 jobs | 1 | 38.7 |
2 | Fge←Alf | 50.0 | 10 ×103 jobs | 1 | 21.5 |
3 | Fge | 30.8 | 10 ×103 jobs | 0 | 13.2 |
1 | Fge | 2,293.9 | 10 ×106 R$ | 0 | 47.6 |
2 | Fge←Sc | 1,019.1 | 10 ×106 R$ | 1 | 21.1 |
3 | Fge←Alf | 264.6 | 10 ×106 R$ | 1 | 5.5 |
5. Conclusions
References and Notes
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Caldeira-Pires, A.; Da Luz, S.M.; Palma-Rojas, S.; Rodrigues, T.O.; Silverio, V.C.; Vilela, F.; Barbosa, P.C.; Alves, A.M. Sustainability of the Biorefinery Industry for Fuel Production. Energies 2013, 6, 329-350.
Caldeira-Pires A, Da Luz SM, Palma-Rojas S, Rodrigues TO, Silverio VC, Vilela F, Barbosa PC, Alves AM. Sustainability of the Biorefinery Industry for Fuel Production. Energies. 2013; 6(1):329-350.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCaldeira-Pires, Armando, Sandra Maria Da Luz, Silvia Palma-Rojas, Thiago Oliveira Rodrigues, Vanessa Chaves Silverio, Frederico Vilela, Paulo Cesar Barbosa, and Ana Maria Alves. 2013. "Sustainability of the Biorefinery Industry for Fuel Production" Energies 6, no. 1: 329-350.
APA StyleCaldeira-Pires, A., Da Luz, S. M., Palma-Rojas, S., Rodrigues, T. O., Silverio, V. C., Vilela, F., Barbosa, P. C., & Alves, A. M. (2013). Sustainability of the Biorefinery Industry for Fuel Production. Energies, 6(1), 329-350.